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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I believe the effects of the moon (including its visibility) has much to do with the Temples of the Reaching Moon, which are used to extend the glowline. Dragonrise occurred as the Lunars were about to open their new Temple of the Reaching Moon after ;20 odd years of spell castings and prayers and meditations, no?
  2. In the RQ3 days one braced against or dodged a knock back
  3. Right, it does cover it quite well. A whole page vs those few sentences in the GtG. And of course the funeral pyre of Kallyr above says much too.
  4. It sure is not the guide to Glorantha, Th only mention I find is on page 735 an follows. Taint much... Listen find the wayback machine, can’t recall the URL, but I usually access it at glorantha.com. Find Jane William’s wonderful Kallyr and Kheldon (I believe) Page.
  5. Possibly Dragon Pass; the board game might give some cool insight. I believe I saw someone, very recently, mentioning it and that it was a magic poor (or magic free, can’t recall) scenario in the game,
  6. Thank you of the correction, cheers. Oh hell, the work you’ve done I feel like a laggard. If I was being exhaustive, I would hope to not be exhausting. So as long as you do not mind my putting in more work than you are willing to address, simply set phasers on ignore anytime I start to sound like Joerg. (sorry, low hanging fruit) I do want to put in at least an exhaustive effort and I know I probably won’t be able to but... and I believe that was my first long post to this great effort (I feel like I’m at that famous synod where the number of angels that could dance upon the head of a pin was being debated), thanks! Ergo, I think I really owe more. Thanks all for those who noted my silly mistakes. Thanks to all the others who are trying to sort this out. Cheers
  7. Right my bad Thanks for catching that. spell foci and non attack spells
  8. Sorry for sounding like a nay sayer...believe me I am happy ypu are doing this., Parries, I believe can only happen on SRs that a parrying weapon in ready, dodge may be limited to SRs one is on one’s feet (The jury was out to this interpretation last time this issue came up) I think one can dudgeon the ground myself Except rune spells wish I believe at their fastest take place on SR 1 Correct and that there are sufficient SRs to fulfill the two strikes without exceeding 12 SRs. For missile add the SRs and 5 for an unready arrow at the beginning of the MR (prepared arrow costs nothing) and 5 for preparing the second. Use the SR of one of the melee weapons snd then dd the two melee SRs together to the SR of the 2nd weapon. All weapons both one handed and two handed can be used to attack and parry (parry possible multiple times) in a single MR. I know, this takes a bit of thinking, so why a shield. More APs to a shield. when the shield breaks you still have your attack weapon to parry and you can use a shield passively to block missiles... Should be easy... if you trust the players, they can keep track of this (if you can not trust the players, bummer), and can often reasonably be done in conjunction with another task without additional penalty .Sorry to find these to call out but sounds like your getting close.
  9. As per multiple activities in a melee round on page 196 of RQ RiG Odd how the purpled text contradicts the blacked text. Frustrating... Let’s make it even worse... This just confirms that there are exceptions. I believe the exceptions are non-attack spells (if their is no opposing roll on the resistance table) can be combined with attacks if SRs allow.
  10. Both fantasy supplements were included. Now does that mean you encourage me to get these supplements cause the modules are worthless without or you encourage me to get them cause the whole schlimazel is incredible?
  11. Thanks, that is what I assumed, Off for a bit and I will continue my perusal later. Worth noting, I agree that spells should be charged MPs (or not depending on rolls) on casting by RAW but I like your explanation as a HR. As lordabdull says so well, you start a new MR with an unloaded sling (I am unsure what an automatic sling might look like but my duck will trade a cross bow for one.) Cheers and thanks for your great patience...
  12. Hey Sumath, finally had a moment to look so I downloaded 3.0 and started to skim, to get familiar with the idea and formatting and it dawned on me... not seeing SIZ... that’s okay, spells slings and spells (oh my) no need for SIZ here... by the time i get melee, there it will be... but, skimmed to melee without seeing it... so I search for SIZ to be told no... Again, just skimmed so I might have missed a note explain your rational (for instance did you just add it in and not show the stat in the posted examples?) so must ask how are you calculating SR sans SIZ? Will check back later. Cheers
  13. Speaking of great tools, multiple truths are a great and powerful hammer for a liar storyteller*... Myself, in my rogues galley and gazetteer I try to keep multiple, divers and even disparate takes and tales about peoples, places and things. Then you have canon, it’s written down, just, you get to choose which canon you use to blow away the players. Cheers * Just ask the Donald...
  14. It would have to wouldn’t it. His work is that of a great writer... Now do keep in mind my good lordabdul that should one know the rules... GS or Ian come to mind, then breaking them are just tools of the trade, ask Shakespeare. Familiar is good, but without a jolt or surprise the tension suffers. These tools are not for the weak because as you say they should be handled with care or break what is existing. But if there is enough ambiguity in canon there lies the tale. I think OP Christophe has a good and just opinion that story is more important than rules, but your plea for boundaries also makes perfect sense as well. Everything required for that well crafted pop song (not the shit one tunes out.. think the best, Bing, Lennon/McCartney, Ellie and Louis or what floats your boat). Enough familiarity combined with the right surprises (and threats of surprise) to create dynamic tension. BOOM!
  15. The moment you said that, I pictured Jar Jar Binks bounding up saying, "Meesa thinks theesa belongs to yousah"... with the Black Spear laying across his outstretched arms... long ears flapping everywhere until...
  16. Were I playing a Dr. Who RPG or Dream Lands (CoC) or an RPG based on Jerry Cornelius or the Lord of Light by Zelazny or The Road Runner ™ for instance, I might play a bit fast and furious with reality. Possibly even HeroQuest, but RQ no. Not without reason to do so. But just my humble opinion, doncha know.
  17. Thanks Raleel, I knew you had my back. Still, my dive down this rabbit hole will be slow, since I am currently delving in stranger holes on the green lozenge, for the most part these days. Cheers
  18. Thank you. and nicely said. Since I started posting a couple of years back I have argued for story first and foremost (Oddly I came to RPGs from the simulation fold of our hobby; war gaming, and RQ appealed strongly to the simulationist in me when I started playing). Mind you , my other great love was reading and reading Good Story in particular. Include the fact that MGF has always fought at my table with my personal desire for great story telling, whilst those wily murder hobos and munchkins seated in front of me all but ignored my clear desires in their clamour for more fun, cheetos, jolt and skittles (a total exaggeration*, as MGF and story have always co-existed at my tables). So, MOB and Greg as the two guides into the lands beyond the maps. Sounds good to me, I would have no problem, or need for that matter of articulating the MOB angle, he was very vocal back in the day ‘bout MGF. I don’t recall GS being as forthright as MOB on the story angle, but everything he did and said and wrote seemed to push that agenda quietly but ever forward. It always seemed from afar that he was the story telling shaman of the crew of the good ship Chaosium. Listening for the words not the winds that blew the ship to its destinations. Aye lads and ladies, arrgh, now yer done it! Yer sailin’ in uncharted waters, Here be fun and tales, stories just wantin' to be writ!. YGWV! * Fabrication is what my gamers would say, but what would they know?
  19. Double-jointed Eurmali mooners with paintbrushes... and DUCKS! (can I play one, can I, huh?).
  20. Well, Loz and all, I have to say that the Bundle of Holding was way to tempting. Hmm, seeing as it is all the fault the denizens here, that I decided to part with a few shekels I should ask a few questions about what I bought and make a few initial comments in this Topic right here, eh? So starting with the bundle... it came with a heck of a lot of pixel dross. What to winnow down... Any ideas why they would include 4 iterations of the Core book, 5 if you include the imperative (a free quick start. dross?). and 2 iterations of the module, Tomb of the Mad Wizard (one with a few more maps) Is it a sense of completeness and I can safely turf Mythras 1 and 2, and just keep 3 as well as losing the module with fewer maps? Which Mythras 3 should I keep? I have one that claims to be interactive and one that does not. No matter how many times I have talked the interactive PDFs they do not talk back. Any idea about what the difference twixt the versions of the PDFs might be? Any comments on the Classic modules: Terror of Ettinmarsh, These violent Delights, and Tomb of the Mad Wizard.? They look on a quick glance to be an homage to early AD&D. I assume the three other modules; Madness_and_Other_Colours, Xamoxis_Cleansing and A_Gift_from_Shamash are straight ahead Mythras rules With the last one having a bit of a twist mentioned a little later on). Any one else find it to be a real pain to download through DrivethruRPG? I have so little luck I just redirect the files to Dropbox and head over there to to dl them. Anyone else buy the Bundle? I went to check on the original ads to verify what was in the order but could not find it...Those who sprung for the expanded (bonus) bundle does this look correct? Seems like more in the initial ads but, it’s still not bad, I am probably just letting my old habits kick in, telling me to check the receipt vs the inventory.... So my initial take of the bundle beyond the pixel dross; Well at quick glance, the gems seem to be the PDF of the core Mythras 3 rules to expand (and update) my RQ 6 book, The historic modules and companions and maps for Britain and Rome, (alas no Constantinople lest one went beyond the Bundle) look to qualify as gems as well So nice to see real spelling again, Sorry, my American friends, but it is called the queen’s english for a reason. The two fantasy rule expansions to the core rules seem a little too d&d for me but I am hoping there will be some gems that I can mine to use in other BRP systems. The scifi module in BRP tules; A_Gift_from_Shamash, well shades of RingWorld/Gamma World/Traveller ... I just might have to try it one day as a one-off just for a twist. Well, many more questions (who knows maybe a few more observations) for many more days, Thanks in advance to all you grognards just raring to answer said questions Cheers
  21. Beyond any possible doubt my fave oddity is Dorastor. I know it is more than one thing but... in it’s entirety it is truly bizarre, I mean, here is a one of a kind gloranthan oddity. Grey skins farming, Werewolves, chaos elves, giant spiders, Unicorn Broo (this alone is enough to cause my mind to expand!), Gods born in time of time and possibly by time... that are both light personified and sheer chaotic darkness, goddesses of the land hiding in a cave... and this is all without using spoilers! Poor, poor. beautiful and dark Dorastor. Truly gloranthan! The next is again a little macro but when Belintar the Stranger swam from the sea to win the 6 nations of the holy country, and become near immortal by the the using the Tournaments of the Masters of Luck and Death. A truly egregious munchkin, this god king. The bridges to all his capitols; one underwater..., his lands based on the elements, Casino Town... Yes, The Holy Country qualifes as my my 2nd fave oddity. Than again, I think the nations of Glorantha and their tales might (if I was going for archetype here) be the one Big Real Oddity here. The two I have picked are just my personal faves but there are so many more candidates out there. ‘Kay if I pick two oddities of gloranthan scope on a a macro level, the two nations mentioned above will do quite nicely, Should I be forced to accept one oddity I again would have to expand that to include all of the many strange, wonderful gloranthan nations as a weird and whacky whole. Oddly Yours Cheers
  22. I have never sought balance in my games, that to me smacks of an area of unrealism I do not want in my fantasy games.
  23. A tat that grows with the child. There’s some good sense to that. Perhaps at each step of growth the child achieves, the relevant law speaker or god talker adds to the original.
  24. Don’t know why, but it seemed to suit the very few comments of yours I have read.Twixt your great question, wed (do not pardon the pun!) to @SaxBasilisk's comment. Magic!
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