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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Just thought I should check, you said befuddled, can I be of assistance to clarify anything. Cheers
  2. Than answer me this burning question as to the format if you might. Does it resemble CoP of Cults/Lords of Terror or horrors, is it more like GoG of RQ 3 vintage?
  3. My habit is to read the op and try to answer in my best possible way by how I infer the question. Mostly in this case though, I am aware I do not know enough about wyters, so I approach these questions with a greater desire to learn than teach. Though I will agree I do tend to the simple. Alas.
  4. Considering the joy these are bringing, I truly wish I could see what all see but me. Oh well, so as not to be a buzzkill I shall let all enjoy and shut the hell up with anymore negativity! :) Considering how much I have loved most of Chaosium’s artwork I have nothing to complain about. Cheers
  5. Now didn’t the both of you just say the same thing I did. Perhaps more prosaically in your case. Seriously though the main difference entire nous seems to be myth/story and focus added onto symbiosis . Did I read this right? cheers
  6. Oh well, of course chacun à son gôut. I can not say the fantasy presented here does a thing for me, loved Louise’s original work. Though it was very simple, it always satisfied, That anyone would do a homage is fine by me, she deserves much more, but an homage is always sweet so my critique is meant to be gentle. While I do like the art of 'Le chat du Rabbin’ did not recognize it by name, but have read it at some point, the work presented here does nothing for me. There is a trope that assholes and opinions are equally common so there is always that, but we still have ‘em anyway (rascals that we are). Hell, the girlfriend and I took in Chagall a few years ago when his work was on tour and while I was happy to see it, there are many non-literal artists I prefer... Chacun à son gôut, all over again. Cheers
  7. Obviously (to me, anyway) the relationship is symbiotic twixt a community and its wyter so perhaps while the community has power before the symbiosis, should the symbiosis be lost or broken the loss of the wyter seems to be even greater on the community than it should in an easy profit loss equation. If this is so, would that indicate that the bond must strengthen over time and possible proximity? I am not sure the Colymar tribe could be considered to be under a guardian angel under Blackmor the Rabid’s (as King Kangharl of the Colymar was commonly known) reign. They did not collapse but they did not prosper which is what made me think of time and proximity mentioned above. and cheers for the tolerance on humour!
  8. ...and all the other questions asked! I wish I had answers but like you I await the wise to put in their 2 bolgs worth. Fantastic questions nevertheless, so while I anxiously wait answers I am afraid that my humour might get the better of all of us. Sorry.
  9. See, see, that’s what I have to deal with around here! Zounds and gadzooks! Which a quick perusal on the 'net will reveal this tidbit... Dictionary references date gadzooks as far back as the late 1600s as a shortening of "by God's hooks," a reference to the nails on Christ's cross. Zounds appears to date back to the late 1500s as a euphemism for "by God's wounds."
  10. You rang? Bill the barbarian: Now in his 6th decade of debunking stereotypes! Cheers
  11. Oh yeah, and welcome to the BRP community. Cheers
  12. Nice recovery, and now a word of warning. A question like yours could conceivably garner a 3,000 word essay on the water buffalo and how it related to other non-praxain animals and their caregivers. How can this occur? I am not to sure whether to blame a fumbled Lhankor Mhy skill or spell, a Eurmali skulking in the shadows or L-space. In any case, forewarned is forearmed. You have come to the unknown and feared place on maps where one only finds the words, “Grognards Be Here”.
  13. Well in this picture anyway, I do note he has a helmet as well as his grieves so he is not totally nude*, what lies between helmet and greaves is protected by the weapons he wields in his left hands: a shield and a dragon's head (the shield protecting his body as well as left arms, would be my guess and the dragon's head protecting his spirit perhaps..?). That leaves his right arms bearing sword and lighting bolts protected visibly only by the woad (?) he is wearing. The Helmet and greaves protect what the shield does not. Mostly covered by weapons and armour if not clothes from head to shin. Do not know if this explains the fashion entirely as it definitely does not apply to Vasana on page 373. I would think that storm gods, unless the myth says otherwise, would go into battle as skyclad as possible. * We can not see whether like the red hot chilli peppers, he is wearing a sock to go with those well positioned ribbons of clouds.
  14. I must say, I suspect that most native English speakers (I can only speak for Canadian english speakers) hold warm feelings for the word "hearth". Perhaps it''s english speakers of all stripes who live in the north... I will have to keep that word in my warm and fuzzy Glorantha. Otherwise, I think I prefer Jarl and Rig Jarl (I know, too nordic) to king, myself. Though, chief; I like no particular reason and the same for clan. Cheers
  15. I foresee a module called The Trouble With Tribble.
  16. Well the stage looked pretty when I left my shift (we had just set the cathedral set (which song?) and got the spitfire platform ready for Aces High just barely after noon. More work followed... I am sure the crowd will love it. Off for a nap before the strike. Alas, Ochoa, not a githyanki in sight... Eddy was rumoured, however.
  17. Yes indeed, @M Helsdon! I would have to agree! Great stuff and thank you for sharing it with us.
  18. ...and sell your 1st edition for millions!
  19. Okay, well then seems I don;'t need the spoiler container then, how in the name of "for unlawful carnal knowledge" (look it up, should one be curious) did you end in a fight with allosaurs... Did you not see Jurassic Park, did you not listen to Jeff Goldblum when he said.... Or were you trying out for Great Hunter for that year. That would have done it.
  20. Love the comment from Tormageddon: Thank you, that was great!
  21. lucky you Well if it wasn't the allosaurs
  22. Very impressive, I am glad they decided to use Agincourt for a base. Anyway half way through so... Cheers
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