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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. The former... which means you can't get three shots off in the first round in RQG, whereas you could in RQ3. Interesting, I hadn't realized that. Unless you can have a DEX SR of 0 (DEX 19+), so you could potentially go on 1, 6, 11 depending on how you interpret DEX SR 0. This question and which solution is correct especially as regards SR 0 has bothered my since pre-internet BBS only days and that was not quite as useful. I hope no one objects but I will quote these in rune questions for an official ruling, that I have be waiting on for just 30 years!
  2. Dustin has been great with my questions and concerns cheers
  3. Might have much to do with my love of bombastic over the top prog rock such as ELP or Yes but have to say I disagree. Not over the top at all. That was frigging awesome. Don't know if the obvious arabic take is canon—how ancient is that style—but it sure sounds ancient and even if not,,, WOW! I like!
  4. ,,,and to this day north going zax are still having conflicts with south going zax, in this strange prairie land that we all know as Prax! 1000% agreed!😀
  5. Many apologies to another great of a different ilk in my last misquote Douglas Adams. Cheers
  6. I have mentioned this before but damn, feel I must say it again. There are folk who kept "my game" alive while I was busy elsewhere living life and having tinges of regret for a lost time. Melodramatic p'raps but... Listen, RQ had all but disappeared with the exception of the Digests (RQ and Glorantha) and those newfangled games HW, HQ and MQ that none of my friends were thinking about. So, here is a shout out to those who have toiled to keep the incredible work of my heroes of yore alive. The Churchs, Days, Tadashis, Gigis, Olivers Perrins and Perines, Turneys, Gregs, and so many, many more; WOW... I get excited just thinking about then—that created this world we love. A new generation came along that I missed or saw on the digests (while rpgs came and went in the hegemony of TSRWotCHasbroo) from afar through screens of ever increasing pixels and colours (in my real life exile), But everything after RQ 4 I just glimpsed, Hmmm this than is getting way too long and has not said what I want to say, so moving ahead A gift of the Hardcover RQ 6 woke me up to the new emerging realities (dare I use that word in this context?) and introduced me to Nash, Whitaker and friends as well as folk here with the opening of these BRP realms as the new home to all things Glorantha. Lots of great people doing lots of great work most unfunded and acting as fans (fanatics)... Again I am missing many points people and other things but I should wrap by saying: Thanx hkokko, for all the fish (oops wrong thanx...) for all the great stuff you have been doing for five years (plus). Wow greatness then, and greatness now! So what do ya want for nothing, a rubber biscuit? —Jake Blues Cheers!
  7. Pshaw, I'm awaiting for the great aerial migration of the gargoyles! :)
  8. I said this ought to major... no?
  9. Nice turn to Glorantha, and thank you for broaching the topic RHW. John Hughs has a nice take on this which propels you idea forward in his amazing Questlines, Martin. “Animals have their own tribes, and approximately 1 percent of each species have a high degree of consciousness, free will and volition. They have their own immortal leaders, heroes and shamans, who may dwell both on the Other Side and on the Lozenge" He goes on the describe them having gods holy places hero quests and longterm goals. My small addition to this conversation is a question, alas rather than an answer. What of Praxian migrations, this ought to be major, no? Cheers
  10. I believe it is called "to infinity... and beyond!".
  11. Which one, just the Core or the Bestiary and the screen?
  12. Easier on my back , not so good for killing zombies with a head hit in the real world.
  13. Good question I was just thinking about this as related to another matter when I saw your question. That is, The rules as written or what makes for a good fun story (the closer these are the better the rules imo). But there is another set of factors: The players and the referee (I will use this name for the example). Though the rules do not state it, what if the tax overseer was crooked (as if) just a little and decided to include that silver and pile of baubles in the taxable income. "Your lordship, how could such as these, have such riches. They say they killed a giant but... I say they sold some cattle and forgot to pay the just taxes." The rules say he can not but, the story would benefit from a plot twist thrown in by an enterprising referee, and the players have an excuse to have an conflict with an evil bureaucrat (and maybe win). Now that's high adventure <gr>! Nothing is perfect but a good referee with a set of patient (as if<gr>) players and a well written set of rules should help create a fun evening.
  14. I would argue better, much, much better. The economics of an average (let's pick our fave whipping boy) D&D game boggle my mind and I am not an economist.Wasn't there a crusade IRW that cost a purse of silver to mount?
  15. My troll's shades were a long duration Form/Set Darkness. Shades of a different colour, p'raps.
  16. Valind's Glacier is just north east of that good port, so kindly drop a copy there at the local Issaries market and I will send a dog team to pick it up. Cheers
  17. So how are your martial relations with your better half these days?
  18. That's cool. The gag and a bit of a dig into the thinking behind the gag, thanks jajagappa. I had long ago noticed the shape of a herd animal (?) on the original map (signed by william, would the t be William Church?) but had not looked inside, as it were. Still, aren't the paps in the wrong location? ...and the Biggle Stones (just what are...nevermind? Cheers
  19. Being as I come from that strange land north of Valind's Glacier, I might pronounce it: Ma home, eh?
  20. I have always had the party do what I call a standard Orlanthi contract*.for an Adventuring Company. That is, all treasure goes to the sponsor of the adventure minus wages. (usually, but not this is not ensured). What the sponsor should give the party is the easily divided monetary type Treasure and baubles minus expenses and what moneys (if he actually sought money) the sponsor originally sought as reward for his or her risk in funding the quest. This largesse should is divided into 7 parts* (equal, not being necessary) and the leader usually gets 4/7 of the treasure (or 4 shares) unless there is a compelling reason for him or her to take 3/7 of the treasure (3 shares) or less (a hard split, perhaps because of a pair of Rune Lords). That there are 7 shares does not mean they are parcelled out equally, one share to an individual. For instance, a common contract could be 3 shares for the leader 1 share each for the 2 Rune Types a share for the initiates 4/7 (or a "seventh of a share" to the 4 initiates and 3/7 to the 8 porters (allowing for splits of greater than one in seven ((this can be just as sophisticated and almost as intuitive to a native an our percentile system for contracts)). Again though the leader gets the lions share he would do well to gain the loyalty and avoid enmity by doling out at least one to two shares of the wealth as bonuses. The seventh share for those who have been counting has many names (two of which are Ginna Jar's Share or Grandfather's Share and I have heard it called Heller's Fund or the rainy day fund). This is for parties expenses, repairs, heals, ransoms. payouts to survivors, all of which have been included in contracts This can be as detailed or simple as needed, The party can vote, the leader can dole, hell the leader can keep or skim or.... This usually kept/safeguarded by the most trustworthy of the Company (usually the leader). Now we get controversial. Not to fellow Gloranthaphiles, but to many other RPGers of games of a more Ffarhd and the Grey Mouser type. All the rest of the treasure... all Magic items, all the real baubles, scrolls, major tomes, partridges in pear trees belong to the sponsor. Should this be the Clan chief, that would be the clan (really,, if any member of the clan sponsored the quest everything at one point or another belongs to the clan, but that is getting a little esoteric. Now, anyone who has seen a great Viking movie, read a well put together barbarian heroquest (Robert E. Howard wrote a few) or any of the Carolingian sagas or Grail Legends will know what comes next. Let's use the Clan chief angle as it looks more spectacular. At the feasting of the Heroes, Skalds tell lays of the heroics and at each cheer, belly laugh of gasp of real concern from the audience baubles might be scattered—seemingly carelessly (the wise may see it or play it that way)— to the Company. The Rune lord who sacrificed real POW in a Divine Intervention to bring back a needed member of the part gets the 2nd best (enchanted!) sword. You get the drift. It is possible in this way for a cunning seasoned leader to not only take the sting out of a defeat, but by generosity to the point of loss. hide the defeat and make it appear as a victory. (the converse could come from a less that heroic generosity making a great victory seem smaller )The next raid/quest/what have you .will not have the taint of a failure having over it. Or, The leader was greedy and ll note it, Does business go badly for the next few seasons for a miserly merchant, does the warlords have success recruiting his next raiding party (or worse failure getting enough of a fyrd for his next defence). In conclusion a wise leader will usually walk away better off than before this orgy of gifting whether it appears so or not. Even a loss of great proportion can be a win if dealt with heroically enough here. The Company leader can sit in as proxy or real delegator in lieu of the real sponsor. Now that is the foundation, but behind the scenes will be lobbying, horse trading thieving or simply lusting and, of course, the mandatory whining as players say I should have that and .... It will end up looking something like that above tale when all is said and dome and believe if or not unusual treasure and magic will usually will divide themselves out quite within a fair party Nail down the nitty gritty and then dress it up or down to look something out of a heroic tale and Bob's your uncle. Now note that the terms of the contract usually allow for the party to not be paid (though usually not that they would lose money to the sponsor. Not that they would not lose money!). A sponsor who pulls this too often will find harder to gain new adventurer companies, if not being downright bad for the health if not deadly due to disgruntled adventurer companies. This opens other possibilities. The Sponsor does not get his just reward. He could still pay the Adventuring Company and shoulder the loss and maintain or gain the Companies loyalty. He could state that he is not satisfied and the Company must achieve the results at their own expense (hmm, he had better have leverage, though often your betters do!). Whatever moves the game (story at this point) forward is fair game. Usually this will be approved by the players if done well. All the above applies in a lesser or greater extant to the Company of Adventurers leader as well. Conclusion, open hand or closed fist: your choice but each has ramifications. Taxations follows as normal from here. Cheers *Those with a keen insight to the Orlanthi and their Issaries type folk will realize that standard might require a broader than usual definition ;) * can't recall if this is canonical for the Orlanthi and where I sourced if if so, from some other source or if it just felt right
  21. Ex, one of my personal faves... (is this a spot where the block bounced and does this have influence on the name?)
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