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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Keets anyone? Don’t even get me started on Maidstone Archers!
  2. Aight all ya buncha duck haters.... My intellectual 2 bolgs worth... PHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! Nah, seriously I get it. Weird 1970’s stoner California-isms are not everyone's cups o' teas. There are a lot of things that drive me <red> batty about Glorantha! I believe I have already mentioned my queasiness with Morokanth (it took a parody about Planet of the Morokanthi to change my view on the issue). As mentioned upthread... jack ‘o bears are a bit off-putting (but after being introduced to Hungry Jack, my opinion again changed). Mostali, well Greg himself caused my disconnect with his “Why I hate Mostali" article from DW (I believe). Easily solved, just imagine these little assembly-line robots in a steam punk way... QED! So, the problems seemed to just need minor adjustments and Bob was once again yer aunt! Huzzah!
  3. Good call, Squaredeal! Quite combative and not a weapon in sight! Interesting! Will have to do a bit of research here. I will add the idea of handwaveum but with a very story telling bent. Whatever makes the story advance is the correct choice here. Quite so! But it is an outlier worthy of aspiring to!
  4. Having the players buy in to this is also essential! Cheers! This sounds about correct, the mechanism here is demonstrated in listening vs sneaking and scanning vs hiding. Correct, I had noticed that, and if you had not mentioned it...
  5. The Huzzah was for integration into a VTT... I know Foundry so that had advantages for me, I have put a lot of work into roll20 which I have problems with but I do not know FG, ergo I can not comment on it well... Thus, I will still give my same comment but simply for integration into something 21st century. Huzzah!
  6. Here is a an opportunity for new players to get a feel for RQ in a quick and exciting romp! The theme is for Orlanthi to give the retreating Lunar Empire a bloody nose. PAX Aus online is hosting a ton of games that no one is signing up for... truly a pity! https://warhorn.net/events/pax-aus-online-2021-tabletop/schedule/agenda Not sure of a price, is it free @Andrew Bean?
  7. As I said, racism Interestingly, as you say the flu did not affect the English overlords as badly as their loyal servants. I have heard a program on CBC radio called Ideas (well respected for almost as many decades as I have been around) that mention the resources and wherewithal was available to help the occupied population but was not made available to them. This next thought is partially conjecture on my part as I do not remember how the program put it, I think it was not considered a good idea or a good use of resources to assist the rabble. Side note Ghandi got so sick during this period he almost died and when he came back from the brink, he forsook his previous racist beliefs and adopted ones we know him for today. Addendum to the note: It is not believed he had the flu. Alas, your penultimate paragraph is not a rabbit hole I wish to visit. Not because I can not or do not have adequate material at my disposal, but I will simply note I strongly disagree with much here but, will leave it for a good place elsewhere (sites that I must admit, I do not frequent). Not saying I am a supporter of a New Liberal agenda... but I do avow beliefs I have seen you disparage. We will have to glower at each other from across the aisles on these points.
  8. Have never seen this evidence, overwhelming or not... here are a few figures from Wikipedia that sound more like what I have seen since I first read (and since) of the spanish flu in the 60s... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu A 2009 study in Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses based on data from fourteen European countries estimated a total of 2.64 million excess deaths in Europe attributable to the Spanish flu during the major 1918–1919 phase of the pandemic, in line with the three prior studies from 1991, 2002, and 2006 that calculated a European death toll of between 2 million and 2.3 million. This represents a mortality rate of about 1.1% of the European population (c. 250 million in 1918), considerably higher than the mortality rate in the US, which the authors hypothesize is likely due to the severe effects of the war in Europe.[132] The excess mortality rate in the UK has been estimated at 0.28%–0.4%, far below this European average.[4] Some 12–17 million people died in India, about 5% of the population.[191] The death toll in India's British-ruled districts was 13.88 million.[192] Another estimate gives at least 12 million dead.[193] The decade between 1911 and 1921 was the only census period in which India's population fell, mostly due to devastation of the Spanish flu pandemic.[194][195] While India is generally described as the country most severely affected by the Spanish flu, at least one study argues that other factors may partially account for the very high excess mortality rates observed in 1918, citing unusually high 1917 mortality and wide regional variation (ranging from 0.47% to 6.66%).[4] A 2006 study in The Lancet also noted that Indian provinces had excess mortality rates ranging from 2.1% to 7.8%, stating: "Commentators at the time attributed this huge variation to differences in nutritional status and diurnal fluctuations in temperature."[196]
  9. Agreed, if the story needs him back, the DI succeeds and the GM can decide how much weaker he is when he comes back.
  10. Of course, this could be a free or charityware JC product.
  11. I think we have to be nice but I am okay with that
  12. Same way they did in the mid to late 1800s... Steamboat! Look it up and for bonus points see if you can find references to the paddlewheels of the Canadian prairies! <no joke>
  13. I might mention, The Red Goddess would hit some of those notes... Lune Rune replacing Fire.
  14. I would suggest that if one was saving RPs and MPs, heals and heal wounds would be your friends here. Escape spells (and this can be spells you would never consider escape spells) are great reasons to save RPs and MPs.
  15. Each to their own, I see opportunity, other's see...
  16. I must be the only one to love ambiguity in canon? I feel that when sources disagree, therein be the realms of imagination! A tabula rasa, it’s your game, baby! Huzzah!
  17. The gent with the very difficult welsh name... @Paid a bod yn dwp, there we go... made one a couple of years ago for a bunch of us trying to figure them out as well. I wonder if he still knows where it is.
  18. Sorry to hear, this is terrible. Gads For those of you who are not christians, no worries, most faiths realize the danger and advise their followers to vaccinate. And please write your local politician and get him or her on board with shipping as much vaccine as can be spared to the poor countries that can not afford the vaccine! An injury to one is an injury to all! I am sure hoping criminal charges against those who disseminated bad advice are forthcoming. And ya know Qizilbashwoman, this is not the worst of it. How many have died as a result of not being able to access doctors, wards, ICU beds, and O2 because they were occupied by anti-vaccers and anti maskers (I call them pro virus) occupying those doctors, wards, ICU beds... etc. I lost a friend and I am not sure it was not because of this. Maybe he would have died anyway but, maybe not. This is all so sad, and a lot of it is unnecessary!
  19. No worries, I figured I owed you one after all the thrills you have given me in Apple Lane!
  20. Wowsie, wowsie, woo, woo Pebbles! Friggin’ great, and a must watch for Gloranthaphiles! Well, done good Sir_Godspeed, well done! ETA Check this out @D
  21. But Jeff, this is an excellent topic! Which should make it prime for necromancy, no? Or a bump to keep it alive at least.
  22. I would love to see your work @Gryphaea, I thought to start creating character sheets, and maps very soon but if you have this already done and do not mind passing on the work I would be happy for the help. Running Stealing the Eye in about 2 weeks at PaxAus Online and just found out so time is precious! Thanks in Advance
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