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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. The Borderlands (available from Chaosium) touches on these fan faves, swamps and broos... but only the edges of what you are talking about. Around the areas of the Western Grantlands. To say more would be a spoiler and this about covers it anyway. I think otherwise that’s it for chaosium published material ...
  2. and an even worse form of torture, the the comfy chair!
  3. I have been saying this to you for over a year... <sigh> Next you are going to say it’s your original idea! Mind you I carry the idea on a bit further to show that some would innovate others would stagnate and as long as each could justify their existence and not gain to strong an advantage they could sit sit by side for millennia. I love when this allows multiple epochs, all at the same time. These folk are neolithic, these are late bronze... I like the idea of farmer republics. The US used to aspire to be one. Oh, and thanks Nick. Just bought a bunch of Mythras stuff, and doing some editing this week so this will have to sit in queue. I am looking forward to reading it. Yes, I do recall setting phasers on ignore on this topic. And a few others, as well. Good call!
  4. Throw in a buck or two extra and grab Luther Arkwright as well!
  5. The two works do not seem to be the same Ali... Still the movie is pretty cool. You mileage as regards accuracy “may" vary! Those with an allergy to cheese are advised to set phasers on avoid! Here is the project Gutenberg site for the book http://www.self.gutenberg.org/eBooks/WPLBN0002827909-Journey-to-the-West-by-Cheng-en-Wu.aspx?
  6. Yes this is my first rule This was my main problem. Still, do I cancel a game with the others (I do not wish to increase my screen time, I have enough thankyouverymuch!) but I do want to have a way to bring everyone in. David Scott says, go for it!” I assume if the non-competing participants buy local, join the parties and be good guests... well all is good! Well, thank you very kindly for giving this little topic your consideration. You’ve been great!
  7. Well, this is a twist I was not expecting. So, bring friends, check. Not a master hunter, check. Just file it under “Not a normal day." I have to assume that a non-master hunter returning with a beast and his or her tale and all their friends could cause controversy, if you should happen to fall into one or both of the above situations. Have a look at the controversy of the past couple of pages, for proof of this. More so if you should happen to bring in the winning beast. But it can be done. Again, interesting. I will have to parse this.
  8. That would defeat the purpose of this thread, how would one get to do a great hunt and bring friends, too (it’s all in the tags). If there was no way to participate with friends it is as a said to skulldixon... it would be a valid option. Alright, this is a new take and might well work. I can not see any reason not... Do you think bringing bearers and chefs and healers and leaving them at a base camp would place our hunter into just a "participant role” as you are postulating?
  9. Unless you worship Cult Kardashian!
  10. Alas, I will have to disagree with you and Svensson on this issue, but as you have seen I will happily defend your right to play this way Hmm, that is interesting, but if they are on the outlook for prey... is this breaking the rules or just the letter of the rules? Again, this will be your game so while I might not adopt this, it does not matter. ETA Trying to avoid that, but it is a valid option.
  11. All I can say sir, is none of what I am defending is my own opinion. I truly must state that strongly! In my opinion the Hunter must do the hunt alone, period! What I seek is ways (and if they bend the rules—and this does occur in canon—this is not a deal breaker for me). If there is gold that allows allies to be in on the game in any way, sign me up. That is, can allies of the hunter cause grief for the rival hunters? That was interesting, but this is just a question. I have no opinion, but am seeking to learn others. I was just letting someone have a way out of a rule they disagree with (canon and others opinions or rules be damned). So, that said let me finish with, I wish to strongly differentiate myself from the thought that I might be disagreement with any thing you are saying. !00% agreement and I wish you will continue contributing here, we canals learn some cool Glorantha Fu! I might defend someone with differing views from myself but remember I am not adopting those views. We are going to need more up-to-date material (GaGoG will do) for anything to be canon other than the few paragraphs that make it to RQ RiG book, but I like your last point, and cleave very closely to it in philosophy. Where does the play of the individual lie in what is a multiplayer game? Kind of a I Fought, We Won scenarios, eh? Yes, the hunter and I did a handwaving/role-play through this event and lacking rules to bring in others we made it quick. Thankfully he decided his hunter fell in “interest” with another hunter and married her for a year. Something to remember the hunt (the important event in his like) by, as it were. Bingo! Sigh, bingo! Oh, do tell, please! This is something on my mind. Can we not say more of this without spoilers. The reason my players got together, was to play this wonderful game! We are not here yet! My players, please do leave all spoilers alone! Cheers! In fact, could you put 5 in a spoiler cache? Thanks in advance. This is (due to the Gloranthaness) becoming my favourite! Thanks again Jajagappa, as always an excellent take!
  12. I am a with you Jajagappa, but this was not my table. As this seemed to be causing Svenson a great deal of grief I relented. Me, I will never demand that a player or GM not at my table follow canon. If they wish to change such despite my desires; who am I to say? But thank you for the excellent detailed explanation of why the majority were having problems with Svenson averring he could do the Great Hunt with assistance greater than the rules allow. Cheers!
  13. Not familiar with soltakss work (but I am sure it is good). Dorastor is a mixed bag. In some ways it is one of the best things to come out of RQ3, but it has a significant portion is that is unplayable for any but the superheroes, and certainly for the beginning characters you are encouraged to roll for a new Heortling clan. But the superhero material is SUPERCOOL as is the beginner stuff! So, mixed bag.
  14. I vaguely remember D&D Tekeumel being a thing and for some reason I seem to recall there was a dalliance twixt the wunderkinds of St. Albert, Alberta... Messrs. Simbalist and Backhaus of C&S fame and M.A.R Barker. Don’t recall if they ever put out a Tekumel project. Never did get to try it though.
  15. Have you had the pleasure of playing it (any version)?
  16. Shit they can have my dogeared copy for a cheap 200 bucks.... nah. I think I will keep it. It’s pretty cool, party killer or not!
  17. Yes, this does differ from RQG which states one must be Master Hunter but it appeals to me, for a few reasons. Most Important, if ya bring in the bacon you deserve to win for one, and the other reason, it seems this is a religious ceremony just as important to hunters as Easter is to catholics. The mysteries of this religion would be the hunt... so, let the believers join in, lay or god talker. Yeah, this is important to me as well! I just wish to have the non-hunters have fun as well. This is cool, and the only problem I can see is the time frame. It could become solo again which I am trying to avoid. But it is better than excluding the others entirely! The hunter still goes on the hunt alone, this might be a ticket. Cheers Ludo and again, thanks all!
  18. I will continue to use CoP and GM as long as my table does not object as well as RQ G core rules until the new cult book comes out. Thanks all, so far. Hope there is more discussion to come.
  19. I wouldn’t object to that. It would be the means mentioned I would object to. Let’s start at the first idea... The idea of competing under the correct circumstances, is quite good. Will not suit every circumstance but under the right conditions, this could be fun for a clan of adventurers. Fun seems to be a win all to itself! Assisting, this is what I am looking for. But, as with many things religious this will have to be done by some sort of rules. To do a great hunt, which is the high holy week or three of the Hunter Cults (all of them? are there exceptions?), those rules need not make sense except mythologically. The Great Hunts I have seen stipulate the hunt's periphery need not be the work of one. Their might be beaters, and bearers as best I can figure. Perhaps a chef or two to prepare the eve’s repast. A healer? But what can be done to make the task adventureous. Bearing, beating,cooking and healing, OH MY! As far as I can see (one problem with not everything being brought up to date and having to use old material) a actual hunt must be done by the hunter, alone. Sans assistance. Alas. But this is the actual hunt. Me, I believe this would include buffs and oh, hold on, here is a note from the core rules about Found Child Cult. I do like the idea of the allies screwing with rivals. It is just nasty, and unfair... but... Emphasis mine from RQG pages 295 and 296. So this is for Found Child, but I assume it is also for Yinkin and Odayla. Now, this does not say they can not go with the want-to-be Master Hunter (as far as his base camp...or?) But it does strongly state they can not go with the hunter on the actual hunt. Does it mean that they can not buff the individual. Well if the hunt goes longer than 15 minutes (or 2 minutes for spirit magic) it will have to be extended or sorcerous and extended. Again, are their other cults that dissent form this stipulations? This can be done, but is it legal? In the final analysis the Hunter goes alone and unarmored. Now, within these limitations, how do we get his or her party involved? We have a few ways now...Hired help to allies screwing with the rivals and a few others! This will work, as will your comment of competing. Thanks. Being the OP, and it being my question I can safely say that is what I am looking for. Great! The fringes cases are of interest. Can one buff with extension or is this going to piss off the God who said “alone!”? Interesting. But controversial it seems to be and I for one have joined that band wagon and will question it at the very least. Good call, this is also is what does interest me and is the purpose of this topic. How to bring the members of the hunter's society (his buds) along for the ride. I mean for the sake of mythological logic and because it is a social game! Alas the Great Hunt is a solo thang by the rules. Which one may break, I am looking for a loophole. And a fun one! Hmm this brings to mind YGMV! And you paid for the game, if your table agrees, go for it!
  20. Or possible, in pandemic times... Hey, listen I live in a northern isolated D&D playing city. What’s your excuse? Five years, gads! 🙂
  21. A player of mine made this suggestion and it works on a couple of levels. Ask the players to look up stuff! Hey got a beer, just about to start and I could use one! What do you mean it is only 8:30ish in the AM. Which time zone? Huh, which?
  22. yes, I went solo as well, not quite as satisfying, I thought. this. this has possibilities. Tag/hide&seek with spells and such... In fact as a child activity a la Valley of Plenty of Six Seasons (still looking to play, hint hint) this could be very cool. Unsharpened weapons, lots of healers... No, not even in real life and on-line I usually cap at half the time, so no. Now, why did I not think of this. I have always advocated turning to my table. Okay folk at my table (you know who you are), have you any thoughts? Yep! Oh my! Agreed, but this does not sound like fun This would be m ideal! Yes, I like that way. you are the second person to mention this in two days. First was one of m original players from the 80s. I will have to parse the rest of your message later, but thanks. Copy that! Doncha just love madrigals. I DO! Yeah, that is what I have had to do...boring!
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