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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Give this a try https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/timeline-dragonpass/
  2. Right, so rock would not work? Okay, I can see that.
  3. Agreed with the gratitude to Scott for the clarification, sorry Kloster! Plus using it for CAs and Ernalda healers as he suggested earlier is great!
  4. Seem correct to me. ETA emphasis added by me.
  5. To paraphrase Gimli, “Never toss a duck!"
  6. Good eye Phil, still I wonder what @Scottymight say to the above posts.
  7. Wave back at yer missus for me! Not having used RQ3 in a generic European sense (I ran Vikings) I had totally forgotten about the archtypical cults. That sounds pretty good. Everything else sounds workable and I look forward to hearing about it as it moves forward.
  8. The Mexican stuff was great. but I have to say thanks for the inclusion of that last one from the NFB! A great use of our tax payers dollar, the NFB has been helping me (hell a great number of Canadians) to see the world just a little differently! Fantastic!
  9. So, the key for this map really was a... legend?
  10. We have been doing that at our RQG table since our game started late last year, and I have been doing this for decades in both RQ 2 and 3. Attacks and parries are only skills after all!
  11. Shit, I was looking to increase it in size, this puppy needs a thorough examination. Vey cool Ali. I am curious 'bout what @Joerg, who is currently upgrading his skills relevant mapping, would think of it. Brilliant topic and maps! ETA, where might I find a unscalable version of the map?
  12. Some of us are waiting to play the first one before buying the second one.
  13. The closest that I know of would be Mythras (RQ 6) and the continent of Meeros or perhaps Mythic Rome...currently. I have heard rumours of a mythic Iceland. Both of the last two choices are solidly in the iron age. Not sure about Meeros. Also, while Mythras/RQ 6 is BRP based it does do passions and runes differently. The Mythras area will have more info I would think and better answers as to whether these might work for you.
  14. I figured you to be a decent chap otherwise I would not have offered to be of assistance. Plus it seems to me that you have been giving to the community for a long time. Well, be careful and mindful in the future so you, your peers and Chaosium (and Trifletraxor for that matter) do not get in trouble. If you need a hand on something that won’t cause waves, give me a PM.
  15. Scotty ignore that last comment. Some of us might be very interested, indeed!
  16. That is an interesting thought and one that has appeal. Sounds like the possibility if a good HR (maybe a research/practice roll rather than an experience check though) and only for really good and important successes. This has precedence, in the old days a fumble (first one only) gave an experience roll. Hmm, no, again, it is a question of good role-playing vs min/max roll playing. I have no idea, how, but all the groups I have ever ran have truly enjoyed the story telling aspects of BRP/RQ and have had some or much experience at GMing. In the past, in RQ there were always chances to practice or train and that remains true to this day. With six seasons RAW (well 5 and sacred time, which although only 2 weeks counts as a full season for these purposes according to the WoD*), and one adventure per the same season, that will give an adventurer about 8 chances to increase skills per season (4 occupation rolls for the minimum 5 weeks of pursuing that trade and the recommended (can not recall where I saw this) 4 or so checks one would gain on an adventure that could last for the 3 weeks that remain for the 8 total exp checks per season. Or a whopping 48 checks per year. Seems that one really does not need to go out of their way to hunt for check marks. The only disadvantage here is one has to give up an adventure to train or research a single wanted skill that one does want to increase one must give up an adventure, but that can be home ruled as well. Just allow the adventurer occupation rolls, adventure rolls and one maybe two training/practice rolls per season. To each there own. * this might only be for POW rolls but that is unclear. I HR that the 4 occupation rolls must be cult skills as by all rights they should be using those.
  17. I usually ask for those who think they have the best chance to make the roll and I point out that some times too many cooks will ruin a soup. The folk I play with have all GMed so, asking them to role-play is not too difficult. Rather than rules we simply use common sense. Using the rues is not all that difficult either. Usually there are only two people with good skills in any given situation and there will be a lady or gent who can assist easily with an augment to the other persons skill. Of course, them succeeding is not a bad thing.
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