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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. commensalism | kəˈmɛns(ə)lɪz(ə)m | noun [mass noun] Biology an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm. Not sure about that Qizilbashwoman, but I shall not quibble.
  2. Of course they herd dinos, they are very loud! But seriously, not a clue, I will answer what I know and let others make guesses on that one.
  3. Can’t find anything to corroborate that, wolf at 12,000 is the earliest I can find.
  4. Damn, I need new glasses! I saw "power wash the duck"...
  5. I am really unsure that they take any kind of hints, shy of a sledgehammer, at all!
  6. This is the fulcrum, dare I say the spearpoint our differences balance on. I do ask my players to be on the cusp of believably, but sometimes I wonder if I am missing the point. Why should my poor victims learn to act like real soldiers (as postulated in another thread, surely we can spare them that horror) If they wish to do the stupid and inexplicable and then pull it off with impossible die rolls are they not the beneficiaries of an experience worthy of Chuck Jones! Is this not closer to a game then how did you put it, “a Donner Party Death March every freaking week.” Yep, that says a lot. On this point I find the “spearpoint” tipping me into your court. I said that earlier, explore away, and have a ball doing so. I do! Should you learn something as well, fantastic. I just figure it should not be a chore, so it should not be a task one should undertake.. a rule or axiom or that one should even aspire to it. But, if that rabbit hole should yield treasures, bonus! There we go, total agreement! I have always said that analogies always break, the good ones break later!
  7. Yep, more votes for lo-fi, as per my post, ya know I love it!
  8. Hm, realism on a cube that has a Sun rotating around it. In a land where people ride most any kind (ostriches and bola lizards?) of mount by divine fiat except horses (of course, the horse riders don’t agree). I don’t buy it. I am happy to use a mythic realism... Atoms as building blocks, pish posh, that would be runes, my good man. I am happy to use simulation. I mean realism makes the game easier to parse, but I don’t let reality ruin my Glorantha experience. The logic here is not earth’s and where they do align it is the result of the sense of humour of a bunch of hippies from the seventies more than an indication that this is as it should be. Those are the negatives I find in the idea of hoisting realism above fantasy thus far. The good things that I find? Well, loving me some research about the world around us, I find myself enjoying romps down rabbit holes as I look up items that I have questions about. That they improve my game is great, that they improve my understanding of our world... priceless. Of course, each to their own must be our guiding principal, but you are posting on public fora and I thought someone should be the voice of unreason.
  9. Sorry Darius, have to agree with Ali and the others who are saying that myth trumps reality. In my game in any case. Of course, if the myth disturbs by all means, change it to suit. Don’t let canon ruin a perfectly good game! Cheers
  10. Wasn’t me man, you can’t prove a thing and anyway, I was on the other side of town at the time!
  11. As long as it isn't the musicians union’s scale, that's always a little flat. I am just surprised it is not with the map.
  12. As per the title of this topic, what is the scale for this lovely map located full page on 105 of RQG’s core book. Now, I know somewhere on this cornucopia of all Gloranthan Goodness there exists a solution to this puzzle. Hell, it my be under my aged nose and sitting on the very next page in a legend... nope....and my search fu has failed me. How does that spell go, ah, got it. "Help me Obi Wan"... what wrong spell, ah hell! So, is there an easy answer and what might it be?
  13. I am glad I said an atheist in Glorantha would be a lonely individual. This has turned out quite interesting! Cheers!
  14. I am using a simple and free method of combining google Docs and Skype that while not perfect seems to work. The Docs are for maps, battle mats and notes for the players and the GMs... I use two maps and two battle mats (one of each for the GMs and the players). Again, I have to agree with all who say that prep (and unfortunately there is a frig of a lot of it in online gaming) is the key and I will add that I do not recommend more than half the game time online as you used to do in person. It is much harder to concentrate and to deliver/receive info online and a four hour session will leave you thinking a full 8 hour table top game has gone by. Skype has one advantage I like a lot and that is the ability of a few channels of out of character (OOC) chats. So we have a serious game oriented chat area and a more facetious one as well.
  15. As Joerg says, Picts, or it did not happen*. Why he picks on ancient denizens of scotland... * Feel free to post a few so we know what you think heroes look like. And remember kids, there are no right answers in this crazy world of ours.
  16. Most of mine do not, alas and I am not sure about the shaman... @Nozbat, I’m looking at you! Seeing as one should never cross streams, I won’t. Have not heard similar axioms of crossing threads so... is that kinka like, there are no atheists in foxholes?
  17. Well, if you are going to insist on bringing in the next generation of gamers, what else can we do.
  18. Way to go, man! I deliberating left that blank! 😡
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