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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Swim, Sea Lore and speak other language might not be bad ideas for sailors, although we all know the trope of sailors not knowing how to swim.
  2. Sea lore True, we went through this at chargen awhile back. Passions are 180% for all cultures shown plus 20 percent bonuses for many. (i.e. Sartar Air Rune) Cultures are from a low of 140 percentage points (old Tarsh) to a high of 180 (Esrolia). Never did do a tally for Family History. Then one gets three elemental runes at 120 percentile points. For the Power and Form Runes one gets to add the same as the get to subtract for a net gain of 0 for two runes and another 50 percentages point to your choice but none may be raised above 100. Characteristics can add another -5 to +20 over 7 categories that I have witnessed, but I have never tallied this either. Greta is correct about the Occupations, (note that the fisher and herder are much higher in the French edition than in English). Cults generically add about 75% and then add another 45 percentage points (many cults) to a high of 60 (Maran Gor) to one’s skill percentages. and for the finale, add a last 150 percentage points in a structured way to another 9 skills.
  3. Interestingly, that still goes nicely with my point. We can call them atheists, they may call themselves atheists but can they be atheists if they believe in a thing? An atheist to me does not deny the divinity of a deity, they deny the existence of deities themselves and the Oxford English Dictionary is in agreement. from the OED Yep.
  4. Or being a flat-earther On the marble that would be akin to Ghengis Khan. He received religious delegations from India, Rome, Mecca and Constantinople as well as shamans from the steppes. In his case I believe it to have been less tolerance and more opportunism on his part. Yep, the atheist would be a lonely individual on the Lozenge.
  5. That is a great idea and well within the realm of Gloranthan possibility!
  6. Canon to right of them, Canon to left of them, Canon in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with truth, ah hell, Boldly they read and well, Into the jaws of Confusion, Into the mouth of hell Read the ol’ Grognards.
  7. Aw, thanks... I’m blushing, and hoping I live up to the great tales you tell me! But, I’ll still take the beers!
  8. Well this is a bit meaner than this ol peacekeeper would like but, the point is there. So long as there is effort is to make our square peg feel at home in your round hole. And I am sure there is.
  9. Always bring X-cards and utilize windows and shades at will. Should anyone at a table feel badly about a play let them have space! A table should be a friendly and welcoming place to share our hobby!! Good call. Seize the middle ground...soon! Ah, padawan, that is a mystery. yep! Tables are like a box of chocola...no wait, that’s not it... Yep, tolerance is the ticket.
  10. There is a great mechanic for this, if you want your family to ransom you, roll Loyalty (Family)... or (Clan) or... You still have to make up for it, but...
  11. Ya know, this is a wee bit of an off-topic diatribe, so don’t reply but, there was a time in the past year where I stopped posting here ‘cause of the pikers crawling up my butt for the slightest of perceived errors. I got sick of having to proof every post to make sure it was airtight from the pissants who insisted on finding fault and ‘splaining why I was wrong....in excruciating detail...you know who you are! Alright, old man now getting off the turf and stopping yelling at the kids to do likewise.
  12. THIS IS WHAT HEROES LOOK LIKE! with smocks on the ground in India! Fighting the unprecedented numbers in an uphill battle! Good luck folk! Medicin Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders https://www.msf.org
  13. Perhaps do what Austin Conrad does with his Monsters of the Months. Reference the Chaosium product briefly and it’s page number and recommend buying it for more info. He even references your books Nick in the recent MotM, as a great source, gives the name of the product and sends folk to drivethru to buy it! From MotM V2 Issue 4, available from Drive thru soon
  14. Can’t agree with that, you should see what overthinking amongst this crowd looks like. (angels, heads, pins and dance comes to mind) 🙂 Seriously, doing Sacred Time right now, so it is incredibly relevant (okay, not every post here) but it will matter to my players and what comes to them this great year... 1611 ST!
  15. Pardon my quest for clarity, my head hurts an awful lot these days. No insult was intended. ...and worse I am in edit mode, so probably more pedantic and thorough than I should be.
  16. Who’s year? I assume you mean the Lozenge not the marble?
  17. I just realized, I have no idea how long human gestation is on the lozenge. Is it ¾ of a year or 40 weeks?
  18. Right on, that is good to hear! Glad to hear you overcame the problems of the first time taking this puppy out for a cruise. Good of MOB and Nick to help yo along!
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