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Everything posted by galafrone

  1. Is this the right place where post the pic of our group honoring Greg ?
  2. i asked a friend to bring me back both volumes of the new preview and the red book of spells, but... as it happens it seems he has cut the comunications with me. I am totally disappointed and willing to do ANYTHING to put my hands on both publications (3 books in total). So if there are people in chaosium that are willing to help, i can send even a picture the "friend" took with jeff having the books in his hands.. i am basically MAD at the moment. Feeling swindled. friends... lol
  3. at the moment i think the training and ecomic parts of the game arent working i am going with house rules for both
  4. thanks Rick any idea of how much they will cost ? for the same reason i have to give my friend the money for this great treasures thanks again
  5. Sorry Rick i am confused now. The 2 books gods and goddesses of glorantha isnt so sold at gencon as preview, or i am missing something ? actually what is the preview-for-superfans that will be sold there ? 1) a 2xbw printed books with the gods/goddesses of glorantha and 2) the book of magic or just one of the 2 (the second at this point ) ? thanks for a clarification, because i am in contact with a friend that is going to gen con to get a copy of those books for me, so i have to be precise thanks and sorry again tommy
  6. at least i hope isnt gonna cost a kidney, since probably will be a lot different from the real book
  7. well, that example helps. For first the 2nd edition didnt provided the runic affiliation to the rune/divine spell (the rqg format needs it to cast the spell) also the range/duration etc.etc of many spells changed from 2nd to rqg (and some effects are changed too) so if the spells are in the NEW RQG format, i take it's a must
  8. are these spells in the new RQG format or is this a collection of previous (2nd or 3rd edition) sets ?
  9. one of my players love "her".. i am using the old rq3 script..
  10. Also a question, Heart Mother and Balazar, how can we treat them ? they are local (balazar) gods. Heart Mother is the more interesting.. she seems a little bit of many earth goddesses (Ernalda in primis) Balazar ? i don't think there is a write up anywhere of him
  11. No Mee Vorala too. Or i have missed her ?
  12. RuneQuest Companion i presume
  13. Basically yes, they can. If that skill they checked with the regular experience rules ends or not in an skill up doesnt matter. If an adventurer stays 1 season, 56 days (during dark season for example) outdoor looking to reach the safety of dikene after a long trek into the nothingness i rule they can use one of they 4 "freebies rolls" on survival, or any other skill appropriate to this situation (stealth, listen, scan, first aid, climb etc)
  14. i have completely changed the rules about skill increase and training. I hate the idea of "seasonal adventure" and have a totally fluid campaign, played day by day. I have the skill checks tested once a season (at the end, if there is a reasonable time to spend in this) and have framed others advances so they know that there are some skill in use that will grow anyway even if they dont mark the box. The campaign is in balazar, the party is mixed (balazarings and dragon pass refugees) so they have an automatic skill check for both the balazar tongue and trade talk, since they are speaking both of these and the language grows on top of the eventual checked box for use of it in stressful situations. Once reaching the highest value between the character this feature will not be available anymore, they have to find someone to study it properly or just use the skill in a critical situation. also, since the season is a long period, i have them "re-check" 4 skills of their choice even if they have already an experience check there. So they first check the exp mark (if there is any) then they can test it again that skill increase as they have another exp mark (from this are exempt all combat and magic skills and the players need to come up with some convincing story about that supplemental skill checks: since they are always travelling in dangerous grounds, for example survival is a skill they can "re-check", as all the perception skills and some comunication and agility skills if they have some good story for those)
  15. they are house rules Appareance is a "frill-useless" stats that we love to have in any RP we play. The affinities came out from the idea that there are runes that we can't really use as pairs, but we want to keep in play anyway. There are plenty of examples in the Monster book (many chaotic creatures have the CHAOS rune for example, the Aldryami the PLANT rune etc.) so is useful if you play non human characters or for very important NPCs. Also i have players that love to experiment (one of them has become an initiate of mee vorala, long story.. and is trying to distantiate from the human/beast rune pair)
  16. It's perfectly ok to divulge it. We got it from another character sheet we found. I will give the credit to the original inventor as soon as i find out who he was. I didnt mentioned in the sheet because... i simply forgot. Our sheet is a mash up of many other contributions we collected around, mainly based on the original CHAOSIUM sheet. thanks for the mention ! tommaso (aka galafrone, the concept designer) and silvia (the graphic designer behind the sheet)
  17. I have that "first draft" of Gods of Glorantha that you sold at gencon last year and YES i am really interested in the new draft !! gievh news for an eventualy chance to buy it thanks
  18. that's interesting. but this way the siz will become drastically punitive for the smaller races in this way ducks will basically be unplayable (as trollkins, etc) while the "giant races" will be almost impossible to kill
  19. what actually gives me some trouble accepting the RQG system are the hp in the locations. A duck can really have a location with more HP than a troll. I think it's fairly silly.
  20. Hi there i just wanted to know how the community feels about the HP being basically just a measure of CON with some little adjustments and not more the average of CON and SIZ Actually with this system ducks have an average hp total of 12 and the dark trolls 13.. and if the latters are unlucky the can easily being worse than ducks. So, fellow gamers, you are playing with the HP total as it is or ... not ?
  21. Version 1.0.1


    This is our first take (mine "concept" and my wife silvia design and art direction") at our group RQG character sheet. It's in 4 A4 sheet, to be printed in 1 A3, on both faces of the sheet and folded in middle to create a 4 pages sheet. I have added some "fun spaces" (like squares for unconventional runes, a box for the Appareance and Artistic expression secondary characteristic) drop comments if you want ! thanks. Tommaso
  22. in my cult compendium there isnt vomit acid toh.. at least under cacodemon
  23. Hi there, beside the cult write up in griffin mountain and the one in different worlds issue 2, there are other write ups (maybe more recent than those 2) around ? even if not official ? thanks
  24. yeah but i can understand the infection (even if there arent viruses and bacteria per the rules) but.. how can a troll or an elf spread a plague ?
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