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Everything posted by AlHazred

  1. I was thinking about this, and the problem with several of the Religious Virtues sets is that some "Virtues" oppose Chivalric Traits. Chivalry requires Energetic, Generous, Forgiving, Just, Modest, Temperate, and Valorous. Paganism values Lustful, Energetic, Generous, Honest, and Proud. Proud and Modest oppose each other, and Energetic and Generous both Religious and Chivalric Traits. If we replace Lustful with Vengeful, then Forgiving and Vengeful oppose each other, giving Pagan knights two reasons not to be Chivalrous. And saying, "Well, my vision of a Pagan knight isn't very Chivalrous," misses the point -- there should be multiple ways a knight can be a Religious Pagan, it's not a single archetype for a single character type, in the same way you can have multiple kinds of Christian knights without all of them being Galahad. EDIT: Corrected below by @Morien -- I'd misremembered the Chivalric Traits.
  2. Excellent! I understand it will be different, but I loved the flavor of the interrelated spirit societies in the HQ1 book. Very weird, excellent NPC color!
  3. Frankly, while I liked a lot of stuff about Jakaleel in HQ1/2 (it made her weird, like she's supposed to be!), the sorcery school felt off.
  4. Are Jakaleel's variations (sorcery school, etc.) from HeroQuest still canonical, or have they been eliminated?
  5. My plan is to include lots of gossip and local color that gets distributed during the Winter Phase when everybody is at home, listening to the troubadours and traveling tinkers. It'll include things like: "Aye, sir, I saw a Black Dog when I was passing the ruins of Elbreth Manor! Sure as the sun is in the sky! Now, how about I sell you a pot?" Or: "I heard Sir Goofus was going to a tryst in the Sagramore Wood and a Giant snatched him up and ate him!" "Serves him right, the lout! He never spoke to me after our wonderful night together!" In this way, I plan to distribute information the player knights can use the following session to direct me where they want to go. Maybe they feel they can get more glory fighting Giants than jousting at a crossroads.
  6. Which one of the current incarnation are The Cliff Toad and Do-Not-Ask-Who? Those are the only 2 I used back when I ran the AH Haunted Ruins when it first came out.
  7. Do I stat every NPC? No, that way lies madness. However... I will totally use bits from other scenarios in weird places. If I need a rival knight or a noble, I might steal one from a scenario in a fanzine, or some homebrew website, or a module I've already run. Never discard anything as far as game worlds! If the PKs don't follow a plot thread in a scenario, don't be afraid to reuse situations, locations, NPCs, whatever, somewhere else. Running Pendragon resembles scrapbooking -- when I run, I'll have knight images clipped from magazines, a photocopy of a scenario from an older edition book, various player knight sheets from previous editions to use as NPCs, whatever. It all goes in the pot.
  8. In older Glorantha supplements, they usually name things "The Knowledge Temple" or "The Market" and those are the holy places. In places where Orlanthi gods dominate, the Knowledge Temple will be used by Issaries worshippers, and other Knowledge deities may or may not be permitted to use it depending on their cult relationships -- Yelmalio Truthers, for instance, would probably be permitted to do some ceremonies there if they relate to knowledge, divination, or similar. When another cult takes over, like the Market in Pavis being taken over by Etyries merchants after the Lunar Empire came to town, then things shift. There might be some changes in policy, and new ceremonies replacing old ones. But Issaries merchants would still probably be allowed in (I seem to remember Biturian doing something like this). Esrolia is the Land of 10,000 Goddesses, and if a foreign merchant who followed Etyries came to town, they'd probably be allowed to use the Trade Temple for their private ceremonies. If they started proselytizing, converting Issaries worshippers to the new goddess, there would be friction and the proselytizer might find they have lost privileges. On the other hand, if they lost privileges, that could lead to friction between the Trade Temple and the Red Earth faction, which could lead to a rise in civil disobedience, and so on, and so on. I'm saying, this is all excellent fodder for roleplaying games. Great opportunities!
  9. Just wanted to clarify, "The Haunted House" scenario in Trail of Tsathogghua is not the same as "The Haunting"/"The Haunted House" that's been in every edition of the core rulebook. Keith Herber wanted to call back to it, but it's a different scenario. I was confused when I read the HPLHS announcement and wanted to make sure nobody else was.
  10. So, last weekend one of my accounts was hacked (my Wikipedia account, crazily enough) and after I got it back I've been going through and changing passwords on accounts and setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) where available. I can't find an option for it in my account settings. Is it there and I'm just missing it? If it's not available, is it something that may be considered for future rollout? I would love to ease my paranoia.
  11. I thought I remembered an official HW writeup of Ingolf Dragonfriend in Thunder Rebels, but I can only find it in King of Sartar. Hmmm... Weird! EDIT: I may have misremembered his writeup in Heortling Mythology, which says "Dragon Powers were Ingolf's to have, and he followed the Fantazandar Paths to challenge and develop his draconic self (his Arangorf). He acquired the Seven Powers, and spent most of his time working to perfect them." There's also this part: "'Common Worship' developed from the Complacentine practices. People began to want something in exchange for their attention, as they got from normal worship of Orlanth and Ernalda. The first sacrifices that were made obtained nothing, but then some great leaders heroquested and set up paths for worship. In general, these leaders became the 'pathway to power,' and were in effect theistic dragon heroes who were worshipped and gave magic. Several of these cults became popular. Among those are the Cult of Draconic Love and the Cult of Ingolf. The Golden Dragon Society that eventually took over Dara Happa was another one of these. The Way of the Dragon was one that was Orlanthi-like in social structure and understanding, but different in its source of magic." In HeroQuest 2E terms, I guess this made Ingolf a common religion which provided Talents to its worshippers? Not sure how that translates in RQG.
  12. Sure, the written sources we have from that period are overwhelmingly from the human camp (either Lhankor Mhy or Irripi Ontor, for the most part) so I wouldn't expect them to record the Storm Tribe's occasional utter failure! 🙂 I just feel like, if the Sea Tribe did have a victory, the victor is likely to have held onto whatever they plundered from Storm, and whatever it is will transform while in possession of the Sea. It's inevitable, like the tide! And if it was tied to lore that was key to defeating a Storm God one time, then it would likely be useful for anybody else looking to defeat a Storm God in the future, like Harmast.
  13. Did any of them defeat storm gods other than (IIRC) Lorion?
  14. Hmmm... Manthi Flints used to defeat the Bad Rain, which is a Storm Tribe entity, the shadow of Orlanth. We know Manthi is King of the Water Tribe, but not the ruler of the Oceans. We don't know much about the Water Tribe creatures that defeated Storm Gods, whose children are Gnydrons. Manthi could have been one of them. Maybe they're the weapon Manthi used to defeat a Storm god. If a lot of Water creatures were being defeated, Manthi may have taken something from the enemies and changed it; water is all about transformation and cycles of change.
  15. Rockheart was never "king" of the Greatway Dwarves, just the leader of the dwarf party the players meet. They are in the region to trade with humans, maintaining the Greatway Openhandist doctrines. They use humans from the Balazaring tribes to hunt game and provide other resources that are out of their skill set; in return they provide them a small amount of manufactured goods, spearheads and arrowheads, that kind of thing. Just using humans to continue repair of the World Machine. The Decamony might not even really be aware of the implications in that there are three tribes of humans, but the dwarves who travel to Dykene certainly know the differences -- they remain wary of all humans until they can be certain of a human's tribal affiliations. The only real modification to the dwarves is a little bit of clarification with Harc Skybraver, the dwarf who might possibly join a party of human adventurers. He's absolutely curious about the outside world, but that is by design -- the Greatway Decamony intends to use him as an agent, and his personality has been manufactured to make that more feasible. The elves need little work. They have strong ties with Balazar because of the ancient connection with Yelmalio/Halamalao. However, the citadel with the Sun Dome has been conquered by Lunars, and the elves aren't too keen on them, what with the Moonburn still fresh in their memory. They're investigating possible alliance with Trilus as a result.
  16. Name: Roland Country: USA City: New Jersey Email: dndalnj@gmail.com I ran weekly games of several varieties at Maplewood Hobby in Maplewood, NJ, but that has stopped due to a combination of Quarantine/Lockdown and a new work schedule that has me working until 8PM weekdays. I do plan to start up a weekend game, maybe on a monthly or bimonthly basis. I've GMed and played Call of Cthulhu, Pendragon, HeroQuest, and Stormbringer.
  17. "Yes, step right up ladies and gentlemen! Only I, initiated into the mysteries of the Blue Moon and a devotee of Annilla, Lady of Secrets, can see the Blue Streak! Only I can interpret the subtle sways and warps of her flight from the top of the Sky Dome down Magasta's Pool! But, for a fee, I will share this wisdom with you! For twenty lunars I phrase the answer in clear and actionable language; for ten I use the language of cant, which occasionally admits of ambiguity; for five, I speak a parable which you must interpret as you will; and for one lunar, I babble in an unknown tongue."
  18. You know what? I would have been happier with that. I didn't like that the examples in the book were all over the place -- a "traditional" Praxian character, some paper-folding woman, a guy worshipping marijuana. I would have liked them better if they included a little more information about the made-up colleges/cults/societies/whatever, instead of just teasing in the examples. What was I supposed to do when somebody wanted to play somebody who uses that spirit society? Meanwhile, they had a Bison Rider among the example characters but they don't use him? I guess what I'm saying is, I needed more lore about the stuff made up exclusively for that book. It would have been a good example for GMs on how to translate stuff that is developed during chargen or play into meatier plot elements.
  19. I've actually gotten a lot of use out of Indlas Somar, and use him as a replacement for Orlanth in my very-strictly-orthodox Glorantha game. I believe Cult of the Tiger was Gateway material?
  20. I argee with the others, I love my collection of Different Worlds but as far as I can recall all of the Gloranthan material has been reprinted elsewhere. If you're collecting the back issues, I recommend you avoid the "Cult of Gestetner" one unless you want to be grumpy like @soltakss!
  21. Looking at the adventure, it looks like the Red City is meant to be a small kingdom, with 5 fiefdoms. That might not even be as profitable as a regular baronetcy.
  22. There was another adventure, "The Adventure of the Circle of Gold," where a character could become a king of a kingdom. Once the character swears fealty to Arthur (as High King), he can continue adventuring if he desires. The scenario appears in Tournament of Dreams and Tales of Mystic Tournaments. It includes a bit of discussion on how being a king interacts with errantry. EDIT: As I remember it, there was a land record sheet for the Kingdom of the Circle of Gold in that adventure. Is there one in The Dragons of Britain magazine for the Red City?
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