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Everything posted by jps

  1. Ok folks, So a former co-worker of mine asked me about this "role-playing thing a mine", he's been asking for quite a while and I told him (and his brother), let's do it, and I'll show you what it's all about. Okay, so far it's a classic. The thing is: I'm a grognard (I've been into the roleplaying games from Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Requiem, the World of Darkness and God only knows into what many others) since I was 18 and now I'm 53. I've been running for my regular group (crew, homeboys ... see I'm not that old) for decades (or maybe I am). So, the pitch is: my "new" players are around 70-year-old (yes they could be my fathers ... but they ain't ^^) and it's a one-shot scenario, plus I really want to show them RPGs are cool. I have one session to do it. I'm thinking about running the games I love the most (RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire Masquerade/Requiem). I think I'll create characters upfront since it takes one session to create those. Well, that's it, I'm asking for advice. Glorantha is a very complicated world but I think I can pull it off. They don't know anything about RPGs or gaming in general.
  2. Leafing through my GoG third edition supplement, I would say including a cursory treatment of other races' pantheons would be nice but an in-depth cover would be better left for dedicated supplements about Uz, Mostali, Aldryami, Kralori etc. For this GoG a full treatment about Orlanthi gods, Praxian gods, Hsunchen gods, Lunar gods, Solar gods, and malkionism (which would be a huge work already) would be great. Concerning obscure sub-cults (since gods in Glorantha are so many), having them covered in regional supplements is probably more reasonable.
  3. Looking thru the original Apple Lane I found out that Piku Gastapakis used to be a Third Blue Eye member and knew how to enchant iron. Now (reading the Gamemaster screen pack) he is not around any longer. Where is he? I'm considering that Fazzur's men took his family hostage to recruit him as an asset for Fazzur to take the power back in Tarsh. If my PCs go to Tarsh to free Piku and his family he would be most likely to enchant the sword for free.
  4. Thanks a lot, the PC is a Humakti so, this is a better avenue for him
  5. Thanks, David it's just that I wasn't sure if this runic spell was easily available. Who is this guy? ^^
  6. Thanks a lot. Yes, when I GMed RuneQuest (way back) I considered only the Mostali knew the secret of enchanted iron (I wasn't sure it was canon). In this case, the big quest should have something to do with helping the Mostali and getting a reward ... or finding this rare someone able to enchant iron.
  7. One of my players has an ingot of iron (from character's creation) and would like to have it enchanted. I know that raw iron cost 700L per ENC but what about enchanting iron? Is it costly? Is it common enough that you merely have to go to Boldhome and you'll find someone with the ability to do it? What do you think?
  8. I am on Mac too and Preview is working just fine.
  9. I really like the system as it's working now: I'm allowing my players to take all of the optional rules (reroll 1s, reroll when the stat is lower than 9 or 6). It's working for us. One more thing I almost forgot since I've been house ruling that since I got RQ in the mid-80s: roll 3D6 five times and dispatch amongst STR, CON, DEX, POW and CHA, then roll 2D6+6 twice to distribute between SIZ and INT. When I was GMing RQ3 my players would roll the dice then allocate the results between their various stats, we would then calculate the total and if it was lower than 91 they could distribute the difference between their stats (not exceeding the max range at character creation). So that an 84 total would give you 7 points to allocate in the stats you chose.
  10. Yes, we had a great time. We played the quickstart adventure but there was no combat with many opponents, so it was an opportunity to test combat versus lots of combatants. I must say, next time I'll have to be better organized: every single Tusk Rider had a different set of scores and skills (same thing for their mounts) and I struggled a couple of time on SR order. Next week I'll present them with different choices: does anyone want to claim the title of Thane? Do they want to run after the Tusk Riders? Do they want to protect Apple Lane and develop the hamlet (a redsmith would be needed, a merchant too etc.)? A lot of opportunities
  11. I had the same problem last evening and I deemed 1.5 cm=24 meters (so one round at full speed by foot). Reading your post I realize that it made distances shorter than they should be according to the original map (by my guestimation the two buildings would be 50m apart instead of 70). My group and yours ended up at the same point: they made the tusk riders fleeing away after they killed three of them including their leader (who fumbled an attack roll, leaving him with no parry, no dodge, and no attack !)
  12. About the pdf, in the Homeland chapter: the link to the Grazelands leads to Esrolia and there is no link labeled "Esrolia".
  13. So sad and he was only 70. Good thing he saw RuneQuest rise again before passing away.
  14. jps

    Metal shields

    Same thing for roman bulwarks: they were consolidated with metal but basically made of wood. I believe it's the norm: the West would be the regional thing. A large bronze shield would be too heavy to be used effectively.
  15. jps

    Metal shields

    The setting has an ancient world flavor (bronze age) I'm sure metal shields will surface when supplements for the West are released.
  16. Well, it's no big deal anyway but nothing struck me in the new healing spell rules as "beware, this has changed" so I didn't change mine. It is true that under very close inspection there is room for interpretation (and there always will be) but Heal wound heals one wound, so does Heal and Heal body cures it all.
  17. The "s" for locations instead of saying "location" is a good point. Frankly I think it's a typo (or just an unclear way to say it). Heal 3 can heal up to 3 HP in one location (but, of course, nothing prevents you from using only Heal 2 for a location and heal again another location - although you'll have to spend an extra round). For the Heal wound rune spell it's the same thing: only one location is affected. The wording can be confusing indeed.
  18. Yes it's easy to use: just divide by ten and divide by two again for critical or multiply by two for a special success. Piece of cake ^^
  19. You can by visiting this website: https://www.cartographersguild.com/showthread.php?t=42478
  20. jps

    Maximum POW

    I see, in case of a bonus. Funny I’ve always considered (wrongly I admit) the minimum rollable being about the dice. I think the number of dice is intentional (I didn’t check but considering every +6 as an extra die is logical too).
  21. jps

    Maximum POW

    I don’t see any difference between both: Max rollable + number of dice or Max + Min, sound the same to me given that the minimum a die can show is 1 I can see no difference between number of dice and minimum.
  22. In RQ3 I didn’t add the modifiers to skills so that when a modifier would change we wouldn’t have to change all the skills. Obviously we added them to the skill when we rolled. Thinking of it, my players added their modifiers to the skills when they created their characters in the new edition. The way we play: we roll for experience under the full skill (skill+modifier). As PhilHibs said the big benefit of a positive modifier is when you want a skill to be over 100.
  23. Gosh indeed, I feel silly. So no fortification whatsoever: the adventurers' job just got harder ^^
  24. I think that for simplicity sake, assuming that peaceful cut and butchery are the same is probably the good way to go. Now if we want to be nitpicking it is logical that peaceful cut would imply (aside from basic butchery) extra moves and know-how concerning rituals, good ways to cut the meat to honor the game you are about to eat and that a butcher won't be bothered with that.True butchery should be about more about manipulation and less about knowledge but, for gaming purpose, assuming that peaceful cut covers butchery is an acceptable approximation IMO.
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