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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. Definitely go with MRQ Empires, it's excellent for this concept and it must be the title that the OP (skenderax) has heard about. Highly recommended, but may work a tad better with RQ6 BRP than BGB BRP, but cross compatibility is pretty good with a few hand waves.
  2. Happy to say I just jumped on this KS at the last minute. Sounds pretty good to me!
  3. Mankcam

    Big Rubble

    I think most Gloranthan fans have a few good memories of The Rubble from the old RQ2 box (although I played it with RQ3 at the time). However I agree that perhaps going over old ground so to speak, is not the best way to proceed when there is so many other regions to explore as well. If Prax is to be further developed, then beyond Pavis is definitely the way to go. The Sun Domers are a major presence of the region; the Animal Nomads roam the plains like Huns or Bedouin, in conflict with each other and the Poljoni Horse Barbarians; the Lunar Redlanders are trying to etch out their existence; and the Oasis People and the Riverfolk try and avoid the conflicts where they can. We have The Long Dry, The Dead Place, Eirthia Hills, The Block, The Paps, and the various oasis settlements and ancient ruins scattered throughout the region. Then there is the mighty Zola Fel itself, with Corflu and Feroda at the river delta, and the Lunar presence there, claiming it in the name of The Red Emperor. The Rubble is a great concept, but there is plenty of other places as well. The Big Rubble would make an excellent location to set a computer game however, and I'ld really love to see it developed in that medium. One can only dream :-)
  4. Yes, I think you're right. The Esvulari will certainly have some rich Malkioni influences, and God Forgot will no doubt be an odd variant of Malkionism. The Game of Luck and Death will be interesting, the dark secret behind Casino Town ( the Gloranthan Las Vegas!), it sounds like some left-over Zistorite technology that shouldn't be tinkered with. I'm looking forward to this publication. I would really love to see Seshnela further developed. I think the interplay between the Castle Coast, The Kingdom of Seshnela, and the Quinpolic League would be very interesting, with the mysterious presence of the Brithini watching from Arolanit. At this stage I'm using some analogies from the late Roman Empire when the Legates (Generals) were often in conflict with each other during succession wars. This could perhaps be a reasonable reference for some of the internal Seshnelan strife between Guilmarn and various contentious Dukes of the provinces. I also think the idea of the various War Societies of the Horali is a great concept, kinda like independent armies that the Talar Dukes have to keep in their pockets otherwise they might be convinced to shift their loyalties to rival Talari. The concept reminds me a little of Roman Legionaries whose alliegance was to their Legion above all else, and it is not hard to imagine Horali having the same level of loyalty to their War Society. The Quinploic League also holds a lot of promise. I think references to the Hansa trade network, the Aegean maritime traders, and also to the ancient Phoenicians could be useful. Lots of food for thought here. Not to forget Ralios. Safelster looks like a great place to set adventures in, I would love to see it in more detail, it looks like such a rich setting Also it would be good to see a new take on Maniria with the Trader Princes on the New Coast, the trade hub of Handra, and the Orlanthi of the region. I thought Blood Over Gold had a lot of potential, and would love to see it re-imagined in more detail (although I am happy to just tinker with this for my own homebrew, the G2G provides more than enough for this, but having more canon references for Ralios and Seshnela would certainly be helpful) But yeah, I'd love the Malkioni to get some spotlight down the track :-)
  5. Hellenic Judaism, Zurvanism/Zoroastrism, Gnosticism and Greco-Buddhism certainly all come through as influences for Malkioni thought as portrayed in the Guide To Glorantha. It will be good to see some Malkioni settings developed after the Esrolian setting, I think it will really highlight some more uniqueness of Glorantha.
  6. Or one could simply just rule the second attack as Hard Difficulty (-50%) instead iif the Simple Difficulty (-25%) seems too lenient. Keep the Half SR of course. Just my two cents
  7. Maniria is a logical next step, being near The Holy Country. I'ld also like to see Handra done well. I read elsewhere in a Glorantha.com thread that Handra is heavily Erolian influenced, and the pictures of Obrana confirm that. Unsure if they are still Malkioni, or something else now. A scenario set in one of the Trader Prince outposts would be good as well. Safelster really is a great fantasy setting, with its mix of cultures, beliefs, intrigue, and conflicts. I could really see this setting getting the heavy treatment that we hear Notchet is getting. Yes, certainly an awesome place for a sword and sorcery campaign.
  8. Yes you certainly do! It's an heirloom book and is a must for any lover of Glorantha These aspects do remain, but the trapping and presentation of the culture itself is different. Lots of Malkioni content presented in the G2G. More than enough to run campaigns off, although I would prefer to wait until a little more canon comes out, although I might still run it with how I'm interpreting it. I have a Blood Over Gold campaign in hiatus that I am heavily re-trapping to be more consistent with the G2G. I figure that Maniria won't be covered in any more detail, so it's perfect for a GM to home brew, given the information on the region provided in the G2G. I would however like to see some canon settings for the city-states of Safelster; the Kingdom of Seshnela or The Castle Coast, so fingers crossed for some of that to turn up someday. Some cult descriptions for the various sects and Ascended Masters would also be good at some stage. Its just a lot of speculation at present, although its not too hard to design this off the cuff. The Malkioni are much more fascinating now then they were previously, in my opinion.
  9. Do you have The Guide To Glorantha? The Malkioni are portrayed with a much more ancient flavour, although to really fully grasp the culture a few more setting books need to come out. For one thing, the background buildings in the Malkioni plates tend to look much more classical, with pillars, ornate designs and what not. Certainly not Dark Ages or a feudal Fief, much more like Rome or Byzantium / Constantinople. The pictures I have seen of the Hrestoli (warrior caste) have feathered helmets perhaps like ancient Macedonians or Achaemenids. The armour style for the rider and horse barding looks influenced from ancient western Eurasian Cataphracts rather than feudal Knights. The common soldiers in the background look more influenced by Comitatenses (late roman empire infantry) rather than medieval men-at-arms. I'm speculating here, but I get the sense that the early Byzantine Empire could be a reasonable base analogy for Malkioni, but like everything else in Glorantha, there is a lot of intermixing with several earth cultures to really get the flavour. The pictures of Malkoni noble women in the G2G have a few Romano-Arabic touches to their attire, a little like some depictions I have seen of Palmyrene noble women, but certainly no courtly medieval maids. I think of the Zzubari (wizard caste) being a sage caste, and they appear to be more like a mix of Hellenistic philosophers crossed with ancient Assyrian Priests or Yiddish Holymen rather than any references to medieval Catholic clergy. Certainly the Malkion patrons are no longer presented as analogs of medieval Christian Saints, and even the titles of Saints has been dropped. They are now referred to as The Ascended Masters. Major influences are perhaps Coptic, Vedic, Brahmanic, and Buddhist, but there needs to be more detail in future supplements to really grasp the essence of these patrons. I may be a little off with some of these references, although its much more in the ballpark than any previous medieval analogies for the Malkioni. I always felt that the previous presentation of the Malkioni just didn't fit well with Glorantha, so I'm really quite happy with the presentation of the Malkioni in the Guide To Glorantha. I just wish we had a bit more meat on the bone, so I'm eagerly waiting for any new settings to come out for the Malkioni.
  10. Well for a generic system I do like the title Gateway, although Continuum could certainly work well, even if it sounds a little SciFi. Both have their merits. While the name RuneQuest is perfect for Glorantha, it really isn't all that relevant to other settings. However to not mention it for other settings would be a loss of product identity. The name BRP is almost just as tricky. It's not really an evocative title for a system, and although not overly complex, its certainly not a 'basic' game by today's standards; yet the name itself has product identity. Hmmm this is quite a quandary...
  11. Would perhaps just 'Gateway' be a good name then? It implies the system being a 'gateway to other vistas', and could work well as a title for a generic RPG system That way RuneQuest would be the Gloranthan game, and Gateway being the game for the other settngs. Keep the core system more or less intact of course It could work...
  12. Just shows a single screen for me. I check it once a day (occasionally every second day), and that's about right for my usage. It's nice and quick.
  13. Yes, sorry to derail this thread, I forgot the topic - my bad
  14. Sounds good to me. The medieval influenced Malkioni of earlier editions just seemed out of sync with the rest of Glorantha. For the past year or so I have used other points of reference for Malkioni, all from Late Antiquity Mediterranean rather than Dark Ages Europe. My main influence is the early Byzantine Empire, with liberal dashes of Macedonians, Iberians, and such. No Saints anymore, I tend to view The Ascended Masters more like Vedic Acharyas these days. To shake things up, I have given them swords and weapons based on ancient Chinese from The Warring States period, because I think I read this somewhere in the Glorantha.com forum and it seemed to fit well. So definitely not medieval influenced. Just my own pastiche at this stage, however I'm eagerly waiting for some canon resources to show up before I begin another campaign, just so I get the flavour right. Someone out there please get writing
  15. I keep wishing for some Malkioni content to be released - Seshnela and Ralios tomes would be great. (Oh wait, I thought this was the Thread Of Dreams again, but its a reality-based 'Upcoming Publications' thread...)
  16. While it'ld be good on the PC, my tablet is a iPad Mini so I also want it in iOS so I can have it with me at the gaming table...what a great idea
  17. I agree with this; I pretty much just use the 'New Content' link as soon as I log onto this site, and rarely trawl thru any of the other posts now. It's a great feature, and saves a fair bit of time as well
  18. Nice idea for a core mechanic. and the production value looks excellent
  19. Yeah I'm interested in this...but it may be a bit too dark for my tastes...still, it does beckon me
  20. I love these mythic-historical settings, although in practice I have mainly run games set in fantasy worlds as I feel its more of an open book for me as a GM. To this extent I'm mainly looking forward to Glorantha, especially the current interpretations of Glorantha as portrayed in the G2G, very much an ancient world setting. The other titles still excite me however. Mythic Greece would be cool. I remember back in the 1980s I ran a Mythic Greece game using RQ3 and Rolemaster's Mythic Greece sourcebook. It was alot of fun, it was a psuedo mix of Mycenaean and Hellenic Greece, very much influenced by the old Clash Of The Titans movie, it was very cheesy and nothing that I'm proud of now, but it was alot of fun at the time. I'll be happy if the Mythic RQ series is published consistently alongside RQ Glorantha. Thennla and Scourged Earth will be nice additions however, and you can never have too many products I reckon
  21. Yeah, that idea has merit Trippy - although the time period would be different though, as Vikings is set a bit later. But I'm liking the idea of a 'Mythic' series, this could be a lot of fun. Various independent settings could be done along that theme. I could see Mythic Norse Lands and Mythic Roma (re- skinning MRQ2 Vikings and BRP ROME, respectively) being added to the canon, although I am interested in some of these upcoming titles Mythic Mesopotamia is gonna be very unique I am also interested in seeing if The Scourged Earth setting is developed further. The scenario in the GM Pack has a lot of flavour. Two many games, too little time!
  22. Thanks for clarifying that Loz. In that case we could be in for the best of both worlds as far as setting content goes. So if DM are still producing non-Gloranthan RQ products, will the title of the system still be called RQ, or it is required to have a separate name?
  23. I'm very excited in the Mythic titles indicated, and the Sword & Sorcery titles. I'm surprised no Gloranthan stuff however, considering the upcoming RQ Glorantha book. I have liked previous stuff for Thennla, so at least that will be expanded upon. I can understand the Moon Design crew handling the Glorantha content, but I wondering how that ports to RQ? I think it's easy enough to port HQ on the fly for experienced GMs, but all the same, I would have thought Glorantha would also be supported with RQ - or are Moon Design doing both Glorantha RQ and HQ supplements? Failing that, maybe PDFs could be published with the official RQ conversions of the HQ Glorantha products. Although I love RQ, I also really like Glorantha and still want to play RQ in the Gloranthan setting. Having said that, I'm pretty happy with the titles that Design Mechanism are planning, they all sound great, and this is pretty good news
  24. Yes the setting is very interesting, but the book itself is invaluable as a RQ6 game mechanics expansion. A very worthwhile investment, even if not intending to run a game using the Arkwright setting.
  25. I would love to see an update of MRQ2's Elric using the current RQ6 mechanics, but yes I think production needs to be better for a setting like this. The new Elric graphic novel series is simply gorgeous, and is both familiar yet fresh at the same time. After the success of Game of Thrones in recent years, dark fantasy has made a resurgence. It is only a matter of time before we see the doomed albino prince wandering the screens of a HBO series (much better than a Hollywood blockbuster trilogy). So the IP will be hot property at some stage within the coming decade, and it would be great to see it done again with Chaosium.
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