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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. IMO Glorantha is now much bigger than HW or RQ, so I would prefer the setting itself to be system free for discussion purposes. There is no reason why 'Rokari Sect Structure' could not turn up under the RQ subforum, or 'How To Seduce A Vingan When She's Mad' turns up under the HQ subforum; just as long as the discussions are primarily game-mechanic focused. They would probably act as advice for those wanting to achieve the same thing in a non-Gloranthan setting anyway. However with The Guide To Glorantha and the various other publications of Gloranthan lore, it is clear to see that the setting outlives any game mechanics these days. I have a friend who has been wanting to run Glorantha with HARP Fantasy for the past few years, and others may be interested in doing it with D&D 5E ( although they should probably wait for the 13th Age version). I'm sure someone is out there running a FATE Glorantha game right now. So the richness of the setting may attract new devotees, even if they don't prefer to run the game in HQ or RQ mechanics. Then there are those who no longer have any opportunities or any interest in actual roleplaying, yet love reading setting lore, such as Tolkien buffs or Hyborian fans for instance. People who just love the setting due to the richness of it and the detail contained. I think there may be a growing number of people in this category, and long threads involving game mechanics would be of little interest to them at all, and just distract from the immersiveness of the setting. So just putting my two cents in to say I would prefer the Glorantha sub forum to be primarily setting focused and exclusive to game mechanic discussions. Even if the discussion is about Trollkin Urine
  2. I am really liking most of these rules, and it'll be easy to add various mechanics to my current games. Revolution D100 is sounding like a collection of tool kit rules to add to our current BRP games, or can be played together for a very smooth version of the BRP system. Alot of thought has gone into these rules, and it is starting to look like a major innovation. I'm pretty happy I'm backing this!
  3. Yeah I would totally dig a reworking of Astounding Adventures mixed in with Hard Boiled Noir. One thing that is essiential for the pulp genre would be to have an optional 'Knacks/Feats' system that is appropriate for the setting. Perhaps a reworking of the 'Stunts' from BRP Blood Tide could be looked at for this. Oh, and while they are at it, rejig Blood Tide and publish that as well. Having these fully realised will show that the system can be easily used for cinematic settings as well as gritty ancient settings.
  4. I think having setting books with no stats could be a good thing, and then have pdf releases of both HQ or RQ stats to go with the setting. Or at least if the setting books are produced for HQ, then have pdfs of RQ stats available and vice versa, considering the same company now has both systems for Glorantha. I can't wait for the Holy Country and Notchet books to be produced, its gonna be exciting to see these regions detailed as much as Dragon Pass! Also if the Gods of Glorantha is anything like the quality of the Guide To Glorantha, then it'll be another milestone in the rpg industry. Good times ahead !!!
  5. Yes, as a GM I would tend to present Special Effects just like Baragei suggests, it takes the guess work away from players new to RQ6 and don't slow the pace down.
  6. I think it's a good move consolidating the forums to this site. You tend to see the same member icons strewn around all three sites, so it might as well all be in one place to save time. Great idea!
  7. That is such a crime that there is no english version of these titles!
  8. The Good: Hi guys, thanks for the heads up on the Delta Green Kickstarter. Cool, I thought I had let that one slip - I just jumped in for an Agents Handbook! The Bad: More kickstarter projects to get updates from. My inbox is so full of these, its easy to overlook important ones, its becoming a job keeping up with all these projects! The Very Bad: My kids don't eat this week, and the Lady of the House will berate me to no end - just the usual situation of a roleplaying family guy!.Time to put in for work overtime again!
  9. Yes I like the way professional packages are organised, it quickly gives you the bonuses for the skills associated with that profession. Yes in many ways this system looks a more fitting successor to the BGB than the new flagship setting will be, and will possibly ensure that the core BRP BGB build lives on quite well - its a shame that the two systems will diverge, given they are covering the same content from a different perspective. Darn, I knew I should of jumped on that Kickstarter - well I'm definitely buying the new edition of Delta Green when it is released! For BRP I think starting values for skills is a nice touch for the char gen process, and I think it should be default for the BRP Essentials book.. There could always be an optional system for those you want to tinker with bulk points like the current system, but the majority of players I know just want to get the mechanic stuff out of the way quick and prefer to focus on the character background if possible. Given that Chaosium looks like bringing out a slim edition of the BRP rules, it also makes sense to streamline things just a little, as long as it is compatible with RQ6, so I think starting skill values could be a useful.
  10. Looks great. I have only managed to skim it, but will take a closer look when time permits. You have put alot of effort into this, its a very well produced fan document. Thanks for posting it
  11. This is a really well produced fan resource. Thanks for posting!
  12. This setting concept sounds awesome. If I have the cash available I will update my pledge to try and get this happening. If it doesn't get produced with the Revolution D100 kickstarter, then I hope we may see it at a later date perhaps? It's too cool for vapourware
  13. Whoa - the italian version sounded more cool than the english ones!
  14. Delta Green is one of the very few BRP family products that I missed out on, but I have heard that the char gen is pretty good, like you say. I think with RQ6 you have to change very little, it is already reasonably quick. I would suggest that player choice is kept for which skills are chosen from the Cultural and Professional Backgrounds, although perhaps stipulate the bonus received to save time (ie: add 15% to two common skills, 10% to two common skills, and 5% to two common skills. Then choose three professional skills, the first at 15%, the second at 10% and the third at 5% - that sorta thing. Disregard my actual bonuses, I'm just portraying the concept rather than working out the package mix). Then still allow players to tinker with a small pool of personal skill points at the end to customise their character. It would work pretty much the same, but just slightly quicker for newbies. Because the Characteristics have a big impact on starting skill values then the characters will be very different even if from the same cultural and professional background, especially if they choose a different skill mix. I would like to see a little bit more work developed around Passions, as currently it is very good for ideals, motivations, and relationships, but perhaps more general personality traits could also be encompassed within that system. This could be something developed in a BRP Companion if it takes too much space in the BRP Essentials rules, along with more Special Effects, sample Combat Styles, and other plug-in rules. See, I am getting ahead of myself. I like the idea of a slim BRP Essentials core rulebook, but already want its Companion Volume in production; You just can't please some people
  15. Yeah, I am supporting Revolution D100 because if I do, then at least another BRP licencee keeps thriving, and having a wider range of options to play with is always good. However the rules plug-ins discussed so far have really been quite interesting, and I am really hoping this product gets funded as it looks like a great toolkit to add to the BRP family - it will well worth backing the product for that alone. Given that BRP GMs do tend to be tinkeres, then this will be invaluable. Fingers crossed it reaches publication, bigtime But, back on topic, it is good to see that After The Vampire Wars was not briefly released only to become vapourware again. It will be interesting to see how it is with the BRP Essiential rules, and I suspect the earlier books with the BGB version may become sought after. I should of grabbed it when I had the chance.
  16. Direct communication with authors and publishers is a great thing, it creates a sense of community and I think it also works two-fold in that fans feel much more invested in products that are produced. In an indie hobby industry like this, it is the edge needed to stand out from the crowd. Look at the concern raised when Ben Monroe was announced to be no longer working at Chaosium. Ben's enthusiasm for MW and all BRP was almost palatable within this forum and elsewhere. I bought MW simply because he was author and would express himself directly to us fans. RQ6's popularity is also in no small part due to the authors communication on sites like this as well as their own forum. Likewise with Newt showing up here with OQ, DoomedPC with Renaissance, and yourself Paolo with your products, now including Revolution D100 The Moon Design team have been very communicative on their own forum and the G+ posts, so I expect a bit of input on sites like BRP Central will also happen, considering they are now the current publishers of the BRP system. Good to see Rick's comments here. I agree that from a PR point of view, communication is invaluable
  17. Wow, you did well Smiorgan; however I would have liked to see the 2nd and 3rd editions of Call of Cthulhu in there, and the GW editions of RQ3, just for completeness (although I see you are trying to go with core mechanic alterations rather than editions) This needs a permanent link - the fanboy in me totally digs this!
  18. I do think that Magic World is very good with the character generation process, and in this respect it is perhaps the quickest of the BRP games (excluding the old BRP booklet from the early '80s). In Magic World I like how you pick an occupation then choose a primary skill, three secondary, and four tertiary skills from that occupation list; it is smooth and much less fiddly. Players tend to grasp the concept very quickly. Chaosium/Moon Design should consider if this concept could be salvaged for use with BRP Essentials, and it could still be overall consistent with the RQ6 build for Cultural Skills and Career Skills. I really hope the charm of BRP Essentials will be in its simplicity
  19. I'll keep an eye of for this. The reference sheet especially may come in quite handy
  20. 'Worlds of Wonder' was a good titlle, and I am surprised that after that release in the 1980s that Chaosium stuck with the BRP tag for their generic line. Perhaps a good title for a generic RQ could simply be 'Quest' perhaps?
  21. Life Points sounds good. I actually ran a game in the late 1990s using RQ3 with Magic taxing both MP and FP. It was good for simulating the toll magic can take in some settings, although it was very clumsy due to the two points tallies to mark off. I think your concept will work much more smoothly Might = Damage Modifier works well. Much better name in any case. I think if you want to play a less complex game, then Major Wound system similar to Renaissance works well as an optional rule. Perhaps for more pulp orientated games possibly, where you don't want to slow things down by recording every reduction in limb hit points. It can sometimes be a bit fiddlly for certain genres I think, and from my perspective hit locations work best for a gritty game rather than a cinematic one. However its certainly not a deal breaker if its not there however. In any case having Hit Locations as the default option is always my preference. In regards to generalist sites like RPGNet and TheRPGSite, I tend to peruse those sites less often than this one, and mainly for other systems rather than BRP related (although BRP often turns up on those forums). Some of the flame wars that occasionally happen on the larger sites tend to be too hostile for me, and are simply a waste of mental energy when that starts occurring. However for exposure I guess any game should be discussed there. Personally I will probably keep using this site for discussion regarding Revolution D100, considering we were kindly included for input in the actual naming of the system right from the start. I think we all enjoyed that thread
  22. It seems the SIZE characteristic is replaced by a Size category instead, which is not a bad idea, as that is a clumsy characteristic to get your head around I think. I take it that WIL stands for Willpower, and simply replaces POW as a characteristic. I think Life Points ports to Hit Points. I would have preferred the title 'Health Points', so the shorthand remains HP, but no biggie. I'm glad there are Hit Locations, although I'm pretty happy with the current d20 roll from RQ6 and BRP BGB (or Renaissance's Major Wound/Hit Location chart). Not sure if I think altering this achieves alot, but I will have to wait until I read the rules a bit more. I guess the stat block has to be a bit different, otherwise it is no different from the current BRP games already on the market. Having said this, the stats are so similar that it almost directly converts to any MRQ D100 SRD BRP game, and you could just as easily wing it if using BRP BGB build as well. This means any future setting supplements will pretty much retain compatibility, which is a good move. I must say I'm liking many of the rules I am seeing; and even if a troupe doesn't use this system in its entirety, there is a toolbox for optional rules to add into any BRP game here. I'm happy I am supporting this project, but it's starting to look like an almost essential purchase for BRP GMs due to the amount of plug-in optional rules
  23. Every community is made up of a small number of jarls and a large number of carls, neither exist without the other Amongst the carls there are also thanes And occasional even carls rise to equal the jarls Just sayin' PS: perhaps I'm watching too much of Vikings recently :-)
  24. I just received the email update regarding Skills and Traits, which no doubt you will may also post here. I must say I'm very impressed Paolo, these ideas are pure gold.
  25. Wow, that is excellent Aelwyn! We have a female character who is an Archaelogist, who happens to be aligned very much with the Suffragettes. The player portrays her as a colourful mix of Katherine Hepburn, Miss Marple, and Laura Croft. I think she'll really dig this Suffrajitsu idea Thanks for posting!
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