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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. Most of it this supplement is pure content, so I wouldn't think it would be a big issue to rejigger the stat blocks for Revolution D100, although I suspect most of the hassle will be regarding the reprinting process itself rather than game mechanics. I'm glad I grabbed it when it first came out, it has some great information in it.
  2. Yep, my Backerkit arrived and I am one happy chappy. Backerkit itself is very easy to use, it sure takes alot of confusion out of these things. This is probably the clearest way to organise add-ons that I have seen in a crowd-funded project, so choosing Backerkit was a smart move. BTW the RQ Classic Edition looks great in pdf form, it retains all the RQ2 nostalgia although it is much clearer to read. The hardcover books are going to be a real treasure Great stuff!
  3. That's a shame, I have only two titles of Gloranthan Classics in hardcover - Griffin Mountain and Cult Compendium. I planned on eventually getting the Borderlands & Beyond and Pavis & Big Rubble books at some stage to complete the set in big hardcover format. But I can see why they are not priorities at present.
  4. I totally enjoyed this issue with the sandbox of Swenstown, it's perfect for homebrewing. It's also great to see Glorantha done with RQ6 stats. Thank you very much for posting this, really love your work Gianni
  5. I'm unsure if backers are even meant to have it at this stage, I thought the earliest would be at least the end of January. I haven't received it either, so I don't think there's any cause for concern yet. I'll give it a fortnight, and if it doesn't show up then I'll contact Rick directly by Kickstarter to see if it is meant to be in wide distribution or not.
  6. That pretty much describes a good sandbox setting down to the tee. Really makes me want to run a RQ game set there again, as I never had the opportunity to do so. I have had the reprint of Griffin Mountain for a few years, and it's the whole sandbox nature that really grabs me. I like how you don't have to engage in the mega-conflict outside its borders with the Lunar Empire encroaching on the southern cultures. In Balazar the Lunars are only a provincial presence trying to gain a foothold in one citadel, and Balazar is not currently high on the imperial agenda so the other two citadels are pretty much doing their own thing. The place is small enough for the PCs to have an impact, and it has the classic fantasy opportunities for dungeon crawling and wilderness trekking, with some kind of foreboding out-lands nearby (ie: The Elder Wilds). Like Pavis, it's a good spot for a beginning troupe, as the player characters can be locals or from 'elsewhere', and you don't have to provide too much a reason why such a motley crew is together, the focus is mainly on exploring the region and also the local politics. Certainly all makes for great fantasy gaming
  7. I know we are way off-topic is regards to the Balazar site, but I'ld just like to throw my voice in to vouch for a Moon Design RQ/HQ publication of Ralios. Heaps of potential, especially now that the Malkioni are more late antiquity flavoured rather than medieval, so this would be a great opportunity to really present Malkioni how they are currently envisioned. I could certainly see a city-state of Safelster being a great setting to begin a sandbox campaign and work further outwards.
  8. Cross capatibility has been noted many times as being one of the system's strengths, alongside back compatibility. As a GM I can easily run a RQ6 session using Legend, Renaissance, and OQ scenarios with hardly any issues at all. It does require a little more handwaving to play RQ6 with BGB, MW, SB, and CoC scenarios; however it's still easy enough to do this on the fly with little consequences to game flow. The BRP Family certainly holds up well in this respect compared to the 'edition wars' often seen in many other systems, especially with D&D.
  9. Yes, its good to see that this line will continue!
  10. I'm part of the KS - have I missed a beta pdf or do we just have the rules on various topics as they are presented? I probably won't get my head around it until I have the finished pdf and printed product in my hand, but I would say it may be a little unfair to compare these systems. They are both BRP games, but the BGB is a collection of pre-existing BRP rules more or less with a core char gen and spot rules. Revolution D100 is building upon this, but is a very contemporary product that has benefited from MRQ D100 but also games like FATE and such. My gut feeling is that I am going to feel that Revolution D100 wins out in game mechanics, but it is standing on the shoulders of giants. The sentiment that it is just as narrative as it is simulationist rings true. And that is a good thing. I can't wait for it to be released, it seems to have alot of great concepts which can be plugged into pre-existing systems
  11. Maybe we should even kill this thread, I'ld hate BRP Central or Design Mechanism to be made an example of...
  12. Yeah New Orleans could be perfect at the major metropolitan base, really dressing up the iconic nightime Bourbon St flavour, with jaunts out in the smaller backwaters and swamps. You could definitely add the Enlightened Magic rules as well as some Voodoo stuff from the CoC New Orleans book - lots of possibilities
  13. This is great news Newt! What you have packaged in OQ is brilliant. The system itself is a very simple playable version of the MRQ D100 SRD with a touch of the old school flavour I like; and it's also an ideal system to tinker with as a GM. The settings published for it so far are very good, but the OQ series is also an immense resource in the fact that many of it's facets can be plugged into other D100 games (ie: If we want Cybernetics, look no further than River Of Heaven for instance. We may need a quick way to measure Contacts - there it is in the OQ core rules under Relationships. All very good add-ons to whichever D100 games we are running). The other thing is that it is a source of scenarios, which is a great thing. The sword & sorcery scenarios produced so far are pretty good, regardless of whether played in the setting as written, or re-trapped for a pre-existing setting. The stat block can be easily adapted on-the-fly if we are running one of the other D100 games, which makes it very useful to me as a GM. (Just some shameless requests - I love what you are doing with Crypt & Things, and perhaps some of that flavour can also spill over into OQ with a proliferation of old school fantasy scenarios designed for both systems? Hits two birds with one stone. Just an idea. Also I was wondering if an OQ version of Monkey would take off? The setting is pretty good, but having a D100 rules set would ice the cake for me - okay, shameless requests done ) OQ has established a foothold within the BRP community, and I'm pretty happy you've decided to continue with it mate
  14. That's the stuff, keep the creativity going! Enjoying your output mate, a one-man old school cottage industry, it's good to see
  15. This sounds great, esp if DrivethruRPG can outsource the hardcover version
  16. This is exactly what I was hoping to hear, and my main reason for checking these forums this morning. You have made my day Rick, cheers mate!
  17. Yes, something specific like this for The Southern Reaches would work really well, but as long as it's not intrusive and can be delegated to the background or easily edited out if one wants to use the sandbox setting within another campaign setting. The idea of The Fey returning would work perfectly for this.
  18. As an aside, will the new Petersen Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors be available in hardcover at some stage? I have the gorgeous pdf, but couldn't find the print edition available yet in the current Chaosium catalog. Regarding the new After The Vampire Wars it's great to see that the hold-up is mainly concerning getting production standards up to par. BTW, for game mechanics does it use BRP BGB? Or has it been revised to be consistent with CoC 7E or the upcoming new edition of RQ? Just wanted to know, out of interest.
  19. Mankcam

    RQ genealogy

    Looks great, but WoW was not RQ and neither was BRP. If you're including these, then you'ld have to expand this to include CoC, Ringworld, ElfQuest, Elric/Stormbringer and MW I think. But it's still good for tracking RQ.
  20. Yes, a localised sandbox setting is always a great thing I think. I have fond memories of many old school settings like this; no great over-arching campaign or mega-story, just a place the characters can do stuff and discover as they go. A small town or village would be excellent, something that could be played 'as is', or re-trapped and plugged into other settings with minimal ease.
  21. I am tending to agree with both views here - proliferation is good, and simple product identification is also good. I definitely would have liked to have a core mechanic rule set like GURPS or D20 does and have various licencees work with it regarding genres and occasionally rules variations. I think that this makes it easier for newbies getting into systems and also for game hobby shops to know what to line their shelves with. However it's pretty hard to re-write history, and now we have a proliferation of genres, settings, and actual rule sets all within the 'BRP Family'. It's great for those of us 'in-the-know' and keeps the hobby creative and interesting, but I am a little worried that it's a mess for those on the outside. You only have to peruse posts in open forums like RPGNet to see how confusing it sometimes is for those trying to work out what is BRP. Having said this, I don't think that many players really care all that much about actual rules and game mechanics; just as long as they aren't restricted in their actions. Most players are more into genres and/or their own characters, which is how it should be. It's the new budding GMs out there that have to work out which system is for them, and that's where I think more simple product identification could come into play. Maybe a 'BRP Family' icon/stamp on game books is not such a bad idea; it worked very well for D20 OGL.
  22. Sounds perfect for Cakebread & Walton's 'Renaissance' system I reckon
  23. Don't mess with The Mouse !!!
  24. Yeah, between RM's crit tables and RQ Hit Locations, not many other systems even came close to being plausible to me for a good many years. Actually when I think of 'Old School Grognard RPGs', I know the rest of the world thinks about Basic D&D and AD&D (sometimes also T&T and Traveller), but I tend to think of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, MERP/RM and RQ2; they're my old school games
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