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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. There's that culture-bleed influence again, I think it's one of the things that makes Glorantha feel so authentic at times
  2. Well whether you are using the BGB or RQ6 it's all BRP and thus broadly compatible. The BGB is really the 'classic BRP' build, which means it covers games like Call of Cthulhu, Elric/Stormbringer, Magic World, and the earlier Chaosium RuneQuest 3rd edition (out of print since the 80s). The more recent verion of BRP is the 'MRQ D100 SRD' build which covers RuneQuest 6th edition, Legend, OpenQuest, Renaissance, and so forth. The games are a little different to each other, although highly compatible. Compatibility between the two BRP builds is reasonably simple for experienced GMs. However, for GMs new to the BRP system, I would choose to go with one build or the other, as there are subtle differences. Lots of stuff can be ported across both systems, although you have to be wary that sometimes if can affect the systems in unforseen ways. So if you are using the BGB then you are using 'classic BRP'. Call of Cthulhu and Magic World could be useful for critters. The Investigator Weapons books are made for that system, and if you want a more cinematic talents system then Blood Tide has Stunts for that. Super Powers can be used as well, but require a bit more tweaking to keep them at Talent level. I would also recommend using the Hit Locations option from the BGB, just because it makes it combat more visceral, which is in keeping with a post-apocalyptic dog-eat-dog setting like Fallout.
  3. I see this edition of RQ2 more of a collectible piece for long term Chaosium supporters rather than an option to play instead of RQ6, but I guess many of us may still prefer these rules. Despite me probably not going to use it at a gaming table, there is something quite exciting about this iconic release, it's almost a symbolic way of showing support to a much loved system. In some ways I would like to see the same thing done wth the Call of Cthulhu 3rd edition. That edition still holds the original sense of wonder that I have found hard capturing with more recent editions.
  4. Well that's a start. There is possibly some Meso-American influence there in the attire, although its mixed in some type of Arabian or Egyptian perhaps
  5. An interesting mythology to say the least. I love the primal aspects here, you really can't get much more 'primal' when you are dealing with Fire and Earth. So what real-world references can we start to mix up as an analogue of the Caldralanders? My earliest perceptions of them were influenced from meso-american cultures like aztecs, mayans,incans, and olmecs. However looking at the picture of the Caldralander guard in the Esrolian plate from the G2G doesn't particularly evoke this flavour. So what influences should we use when depicting the Caldralanders to our players?
  6. Which version of BRP are you using to build this? The BGB, RQ6, or something else? For RQ6 you'll need the Firearms pdf that's free on The Design Mechanism website, and you can also get that information in the Luther Arkwright book. RQ6 has a loose 'Gifts' system which are optional rules that can be used as a Talent system if you want. The Luther Arkwright book also has some Psychic Talents and also Tenacity rules which would suit the setting. BRP does have a Talent system however. Renassiance uses a Talent system in Pirates & Dragons, and because its based from MRQ D100 SRD then it can also easily port almost directly into RQ6. The BGB has no Talent system per see, unless you want to have low-powered SuperPowers as Talents. However the supplement Blood Tide does have a Stunts system which is quite cinematic and can be plugged easily into the BGB or even RQ6 for that matter. Also there are the Heroic Abilities in Legend which can also be easily added to RQ6 as well. The pdf of Legend should still be pretty cheap I think. If using the BGB then there are two excellent products you should get, called the Investigator Weapons books, they cover firearms in great depth and would be ideal for a setting like Fallout. Reskinning the critters hasn't typically been a big issue for me regardless of which edition of BRP I am playing, as it all seems pretty intuitive. Just go with what you think at the time, you can easily handwave it if you think things need to be tweaked more. It's pretty easy to just make opponents and critters up on the fly I reckon.
  7. Love that cover art for Beyond The Wall. That's exactly the kind of thing I would like to see for BRP Essentials or Magic World. In many ways it would be a perfect fit if Magic World lives on in a fashion akin to the D&D OSR resources with indie products turning up here and there, and lots of little sandbox adventure scenarios.
  8. Dinosaurs still draw crowds at the museums and the cinemas, they are like an eternal favourite; so it's actually not a bad analogy for Magic World and Stormbringer!
  9. Works fine on my iPad Mini tablet. Due to the size I have to zoom up the paragraphs, but its pretty clear when I do so. But I digress, getting back to the topic at hand, I would probably not have much practical use for RQ2, but the prospect of having a nice reprinted volume of it still seems somehow appealing to me, even if it's just for my own guilty pleasure. Nostalgia is a strange phenomena at times
  10. I personally feel that RQ6 eclipses RQ2 in most aspects of game mechanics, as it should do, considering the time between the publications. However there is something to be said seeing the old RQ2 cover again that my limbic system will somehow drive me to consider purchasing this reprint. Nostalgia is a great thing
  11. I never liked APP replacing CHA, but your suggestion suddenly makes it work
  12. Yes, my thoughts are with the French people during this dark time. I hope the bastards who did this are brought to justice
  13. I had similar fears initially and I'm not denying that the potential for that is there, although I have not noticed much evidence to support these concerns at this stage. Taking a look at the forum sections, there are six titles listed under 'The Chaosium Family' Magic World is one of those headings, which is a product line which is going to be a low priority for Chaosium compared to RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, and HeroQuest. Another heading in this section is called 'More From Chaosium', which has a sub-heading called 'Stormbringer', which is a product line that has not been published by Chaosium for many moons. So its nice to see that both Magic World and Stormbringer can be represented here, as they certainly still have an active fanbase on these forums. There are two other major sections, 'The Extended Family' and 'Other Stuff', which have five non-Chaosium headings between them. There certainly appears enough space for discussions concerning the non-Chaosium product lines here. So the forum structure certainly looks attractive from a fan point-of-view, rather than a purely commercial point-of-view, which would have ignored the previous product lines and the rival product lines from the licencees. Looks more or less reasonable I think. Only time will tell I guess, but it doesn't feel like lack of system neutrality is a big issue. I guess its up to forum members to keep posting stuff if they want to keep 'The Extended Family' and 'Other Stuff' sections alive.
  14. Between Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront, I think there will be many folk missing in action for some time...
  15. I guess its safe to say that for many modern readers, the terms 'knight', does tend to reflect medieval knights. Other Malkioni titles also reflect medieval period, perhaps more so, such as 'Dukes' and 'Counts' and so forth. Regardless of their historic origins, these titles certainly do conjure up medieval analogies for many of us. I guess this is partly why the artistic portrayal of Malkioni in the RQ3 Glorantha box does have medieval influences, as the artists themselves would of thought likewise. Given the scant attention shown to Malkioni in subsequent official publications, the fan base itself filled in the gaps, and various fanzines supported this medieval portrayal. By the time Hero Wars was released, the Malkioni were very much perceived as a medieval culture, and other sources did little to alter this. However it did seem to me to be very different from the other more ancient flavoured cultures of Glorantha, so I think its much better now that the portrayal of Malkioni from the G2G onwards reflects a culture more in keeping with the setting. In regards to the Horali, I can keep the title of 'knight' as an interchangeable term, as its easy to use Eurasian Cataphracts as analogical references here without too much difficulty. It is also widely known that some non-medieval cultures also had a 'knight social class', such as Japanese Samurai, for instance. The various titles of the Talori hold more baggage I think. Titles such as 'Count' and 'Duke' do bring to mind a medieval feel, and I wish that other titles would have been used in the G2G to further distance the Malkioni away from their preexisting medieval influences. I think the best analogy to provide to players is to use the late Roman Empire / early Byzantium Empire as a base reference for the civilisation level. Mix it up a bit with influences from the Macedonian Empire, ancient middle-eastern influences like the Achemenid Empire, and some romano-arabic influences like the Palmyrene. For coastal areas such as members of The Quinploic League perhaps throw in some concepts from the Phoencians as well. To understand the Malkioni mindset use references such as Vedic, Hellenistic-Judaism, Gnostic, Brahmic, Buddhist, Zorastrianism, etc. It's more in the ballpark of portraying the Malkioni, and will do the trick unless further resources are published. I do think it is great that the Malkioni are a much more ancient flavoured culture now, it just works so much better for Glorantha as a setting.
  16. You've done it again tooley1chris, once again one of the best produced fan references anyone is likely to see Greatly appreciated!
  17. I like the title BRP Central, but it just doesn't make sense anymore now that we have Gloranthan setting discussions (no game mechanics), and also HeroQuest discussions. So I'd greatly prefer Worlds Of Wonder or Chaos Central. I actually prefer Chaos Central slightly over Worlds Of Wonder, just because it sounds similar to BRP Central. Yet I mistakenly voted Worlds of Wonder instead. Not that it makes too much difference, as it appears I'm very much in the minority at present in any case.
  18. Wow, holy crapola, this is one of the most unusual things I have seen posted in a Gloranthan thread, and certainly presents itself as one of the most bitter flavoured Using historic influences from the ancient world portrays the setting of Glorantha much better than using later references from the medieval period. I always felt that the previous depiction of the Malkioni was out of synch with the rest of Glorantha, so I welcome the return to a more ancient flavoured portrayal of Malkioni culture. I think perhaps it is wise to keep contemporary sensitivities out of these discussions as much as possible
  19. As far as Sanity goes, I find the Call of Cthulhu rules a little cumbersome now, its such a larger number of points and no other trait is measured that way. Personally I like the rules from Renaissance for Sanity Points and the rules from RQ6 for Tenacity Points (see Luther Arkwright) which brings the scale of the points down to a more workable level of points, and includes concepts like resilience or mental protection. This rules consistency just seems to work better for me.
  20. I'm all for the gratuitous sword and sorcery covers of my youth heh heh, but I don't find this image on the Revolution D100 woman particularly sexualised so I'm really unclear what all the concern is about
  21. Personally I'm all for ridiculously exaggerated breasts :-)
  22. Yeah, 'Chaos Central' could work equally as well - perhaps more so in the fact that its also a nod to the title 'BRP Central' I would be happy with that. Good call
  23. I think its logical all these games are in one place, due to their shared heritage or setting. However the title 'BRP Central' no longer fits this concept. So re-branding the site's name is probably the best way to go, so what about calling it 'Worlds Of Wonder' perhaps? The old crew will get the Chaosium reference, and as the title suggests, it can cover a wide range of concepts, genres, settings, as well as systems and mechanics. Just an idea to float
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