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Everything posted by NickMiddleton

  1. This is, now BRP-UGE is out, the Chaosium announced release I am most excited about: I even picked up a copy of the original game via Noble Knight in anticipation šŸ¤£. The art weā€™ve seen so far has been amazing and I really like what has been revealed so far about the game. Delighted to learn its presentation will draw inspiration from the gorgeous BRP-UGE.
  2. My limited experience having never published anything major / for money but done a few small things via Lulu (mostly for private use) is that Lulu is pretty easy to use and not that fiddly. Quality of product for the very limited / private works has been great, but the were all of minimal challenge (no page backgrounds, all interiors sparse on art and that all b&w greyscale images). Everything Iā€™ve done I managed to prep in Apples Pages with no major issues. I have never attempted to publish anything via DTR: that may change in 2024, and I therefore have a copy of Affinity Publisher in readiness, but the learning curve is a caution (but then I remind myself of my experience with Scribus and Affinity doesnā€™t seem so dauntingā€¦) šŸ˜‰
  3. I can now also reveal that I liked it so much, I revised and expanded it a bit for Magic World, and with Richard and Chaosium's kind permission that version is now available in the files section. Please note that this version has been entirely removed from the Young Kingdoms and makes no use of any of that IP - this version is set entirely in the Southern Reaches setting from Magic World.
  4. After a looooong time being tinkered with in fits and starts, I finally finished, and got permission from Chaosium and the original author to post this in the files.
  5. Ancient Shadows View File "Ancient Shadows" is a long gestating adaptation and revision of Richard Watt's seminal Elric! scenario "Curse of Chardros" to the Magic World rules and the Southern Reaches setting. I've been noodling away at it off and on for nigh on a decade in fits and starts but the announcement of BRP-UGE at the start of the year re-kindled my enthusiasm and after consulting with Chaosium and Richard to confirm it was OK, I am happy to make this available for everyone. Many thanks to MOB and Rick Meints for their time in agreeing to this release, and especially to Richard for his agreement to my revision of his outstanding original work. Submitter NickMiddleton Submitted 11/11/2023 Category Magic World  
  6. Version 1.05.0


    "Ancient Shadows" is a long gestating adaptation and revision of Richard Watt's seminal Elric! scenario "Curse of Chardros" to the Magic World rules and the Southern Reaches setting. I've been noodling away at it off and on for nigh on a decade in fits and starts but the announcement of BRP-UGE at the start of the year re-kindled my enthusiasm and after consulting with Chaosium and Richard to confirm it was OK, I am happy to make this available for everyone. Many thanks to MOB and Rick Meints for their time in agreeing to this release, and especially to Richard for his agreement to my revision of his outstanding original work.
  7. CCP: ā€œCommunity Content Programā€.
  8. I am uploading a new file to the MW Downloads. It is primarily a player resource I created for Southern Reaches games, based on Nick J's sterling work creating the complete spell list for Magic World / Advanced Sorcery (thanks again Nick!). It adds the concepts of Orders of spells, and broad types of spell, for descriptive purposes. It also sketches four Colleges of Sorcery and some details of the administration and structure imposed on Sorcery by the Empire - all such details are of course unofficial material from my campaign. cheers, NDM
  9. Sorcery in the Reaches View File This a player resource I created for Southern Reaches games, based on Nick J's sterling work creating the complete spell list for Magic World / Advanced Sorcery (thanks again Nick!). It adds the concepts of Orders of spells, and broad types of spell, for descriptive purposes. It also sketches four Colleges of Sorcery and some details of the administration and structure imposed on Sorcery by the Empire - all such details are of course unofficial material from my campaign. Submitter NickMiddleton Submitted 10/28/2023 Category Magic World  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This a player resource I created for Southern Reaches games, based on Nick J's sterling work creating the complete spell list for Magic World / Advanced Sorcery (thanks again Nick!). It adds the concepts of Orders of spells, and broad types of spell, for descriptive purposes. It also sketches four Colleges of Sorcery and some details of the administration and structure imposed on Sorcery by the Empire - all such details are of course unofficial material from my campaign.
  11. ā€œBRP-UGE is out in both PDF and Print. What do people want to see published for itā€¦?ā€ What do people want for BRP-UGE? GURPS is perhaps the biggest generic RPG with the least published scenario support from its publisher - the overwhelming majority of GURPS supplements are setting or other support materialā€¦ The ā€œbigā€ RPGs of the 80ā€™s (anecdotally AD&D, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, MERP, FASA Star Trek and WEG Star Wars#) in contrast had/ have pretty substantial libraries of scenarios, alongside other support materialā€¦ ā€¦and that was 40 years ago, pre web and PDFs. Besides, bar AD&D (which had a few settings), most of those were tied to a single, in three cases massively popular and in two cases active in other media to some degree specific / licensed IPsā€¦ So do people want a BRP-UGE powered setting adaptation of Silo or The Rig (picked at random); a BRP-UGE range of scenarios like BECMI D&Dā€™s B series, AD&Dā€™s GDQ series or Call of Cthulhuā€™s ā€œLovecraft Countryā€ series of related scenario anthologies; or BRP-UGE Ultra-Tech, BRP-UGE Empire of Charlemagne and similar sourcebooks? What do people want, what do we think will grow the user base of the game? # seriously, I have no robust stats to back that speculation up, just a vague recollection of some polls in White Dwarfā€¦
  12. ... which is not a euphemism. BRP-UGE is out in both PDF and Print. What do people want to see published for it, whether as fan works or more commercial propositions? Leaving aside for now the question of a BRP CCP, what are people keen to see? Scenarios? Campaigns? Settings? Supplements (e.g. a Fantasy Bestiary; an extended starship construction and combat system; extensions of existing powers systems, entirely new powers systems).
  13. If you donā€™t find them useful, donā€™t use them. My suggestion would be to use Easy / Normal / Hard in relation to the specifics of the challenge, and decide if a roll is needed based on the wider circumstances and context. An elite sniper whilst training will face challenges that are notionally Easy, Normal and / or Hard, but unless itā€™s an evaluation they are really invested in passing, itā€™s unlikely to be stressful circumstances that require rolls, and the GM can assess the overall outcome based simply on the characters skill. Stuck on a high mountain ledge with one chance to take out the tyres on the leading vehicle in an enemy convoy as a snow storm sweeps in on the other hand is stressful AND hardā€¦ the same shot, given two days to prep the snipers position and with perfect weather conditions still requires a roll, but is a normal (or possibly even easy) challenge. Also, think about challenge in relation to skill. No one has to roll to drive to the store. But to get across town by a certain deadline? A character with minimal local knowledge probably needs to roll, and itā€™s probably hard; a native of the city who has worked as a delivery driver should still roll (thereā€™s a deadline, so presumably story consequences for missing itā€¦), but given their expertise and knowledge, itā€™s probably an easy (and certainly not a hard roll)ā€¦ but if the destination is say somewhere the newcomer knows well, that might be enough to mitigate their roll to Normalā€¦
  14. Hume and Charetteā€™s Aftermath divided the human body into 30 locations for the purposes of determining armour values - but I canā€™t recall the details of how damage works exactly. I have hazy recollections that there was a global value called system shock that was affected by where the damage was dealt, but beyond that Iā€™d have to dig out and re-read my copy. Will take a look later if I have time. EDIT: speed reading my PDF, hit locations in Aftermath! Doesnā€™t have location hit points - but ā€œspecial effects ā€œ / critical damage associated with a specific location renders it in unusable ( so head / neck character is unconscious / comatose etc)ā€¦ Thereā€™s also a global hit point total (damage resistance total?)ā€¦ ā€¦more and closer reading required. I remain fond of Hume & Charetteā€™s BCS system, but man this has reminded me how awfully fiddly it got in Aftermath!
  15. They are the text of the four non-Gloranthan booklets that made up the original Avalon Hill Deluxe RuneQuest boxed set with all references to Glorantha removed. They were issued under those covers in the original ā€œtape boundā€ monograph era, and then again under different gold covers to match the BGB as perfect bound monographs. Since they are literally a prior edition of RQ, under a different name minus Glorantha, I canā€™t see any reason Chaosium would reissue them directly. An RQ3 reprint edition possibly, but not this monograph form. Iā€™d also note that ā€œBasic Magicā€ / ā€œMagic Bookā€ got overhauled (in a rush alas) and re-issued as The Magic Book for the BGB and remains available in PDF: https://www.chaosium.com/the-magic-book-pdf/ the BRP quick-start (bottom right, gold cover / perfect bound version) is different to the tape bound version. Whilst the latter is indeed just the old 16 page booklet, the former was a re-write as a subset of the BGB with and additional set short, single page scenarios / encounter sketches. cheers, Nick
  16. Blood and Badges authors were: Jon Hook, Kevin Ross, Kevin Scrivner, R.J. Christensen, Tom Lynch, Rich LeDuc , Marko Ercegovi Ģc ā€˜Streeborā€™ and Simon Yee. The River Terror authors were: Oscar Rios, William Nobel, R.J. Christensen, Jon Hook, Kenneth Spencer, Michael Silverling, Kevin Scrivner, Bruce Thompson, Patrice Crespy, Tom Lynch and Greg White Mission to Epsilon was also an anthology of adventures: Authors were Oscar Rios, Jeromy M Schulz-Arnold, Richard LeDuc, Kevin Scrivner and R.J. Christensen. BRP Adventures Authors were: Andrei Baltakmans, Chad Bowser, Jean-Philipe Chapleau, Sverre Larne, Guy dondlinger, R.J. Christensen, Stuart Godbolt, Rich Leduc, Sarah Newton, Matt Steele, Jason Williams, Simon Yee, and Bruce Thomson NOTE: I believe (correct me if I'm wrong Andre) that Andre's table is solely the square bound "BRP" monographs from the BGB era - the Basic Players / Gamemaster / magic / Creatures books were ALSO released way back in the "tape bound" monograph era. (2006 - P, 2006- G, 2006 - M and 2006 - C). Richard Le Ducā€™s Rubble & Ruin has been ported to Mythras, Christian Conkleā€™s Swords of Cydoria has been released for another non D100 system iirc. IIRC Oscar Rios and at least some others are mostly writing at Golden Goblin Press and othe CoC small presses these days? But I largely lost track of where many of the monograph peeps who crossed freely between CoC and BRP went about a decade back when I drifted away from CoC. Some of the individual adventures in various of the BRP monographs were adapted with the original authors permissions (and by them in some cases) for a never released Magic World work, Richard LeDuc's Shillingshead.
  17. The last I heard is that yes, entirely author owned monograph IP is back with the authors and that there were plans to do some sort of community content program for BRP once the new book was released. I am currently (in amongst day job and couple of bouts of illness etc etc) working on revising both Outpost 19 and preparing a long-gestating Magic World project for possible release if this route becomes viable. This issue with ā€œMiskatonic Repositoryā€ is that itā€™s remit is Call of Cthulhu, in the same way that ā€œJonstown Compendiumā€ is RQ / Gloranthan: like all CCPs, they have well defined boundaries of what can be referenced etc. BRP UGE material would need similar robust definitions: which have yet to be released. As for Basic Magic, it was of course kinda supplanted by the Basic Magic Book. Cheers, NDM
  18. I wrote the BRP.net article rsanford links to years (err, decadesā€¦) ago, for the pre-release version of the BRP ā€œBig Gold Bookā€. I have a revised version, specifically aimed at 2012 Magic World, but not sure when that will make it in to the wild - itā€™s currently part of something I am hoping to publish if a BRP CCP gets going. Cheers, NDM
  19. I revised the version from step 5 of Elric! CG for 6 Outlooks in Magic World (see here: ) My first instinct re personality traits etc would be to use Passions: all PCs start with three, one each linked to Culture, Profession and Personality type. And Iā€™d let the player decide (I always prefer the system telling the player to link mechanical things to the PCs history & personality but letting them define the detailsā€¦). If I were to use them with the Personality Traits, Iā€™d say pick a trait and apply a +10/+15/+20/+25 (depending on Campaign level).
  20. As regards Feats and the Arete system from Advanced Sorcery - this might ALSO be of interest:
  21. Also, the 5.1 SRD has been released under Creative Commons (CC-BY-4.0), in addition to WotC walking back the proposed changes / revisions to the OGL.
  22. Elric! / Stormbringer 5th Edition. They also appear in Magic World (2012) - which was Elric! / SB 5e with the Moorcock IP removed and a few refinements and adjustments. In the 1982 Boxed Set ā€œWorlds of Wonderā€ there were three genre booklets that built on the core BRP pamphlet to create a Super hero, Science Fiction and Fantasy RPG. The fantasy game was called Magic World - and thatā€™s where the magic rules in the BGB came from. The Psychic powers are originally from the ElfQuest RPG; the mutations are originally from the Hawkmoon RPG and the Super Powers are from the Super Workd game that was part of Worlds of Wonder.
  23. My golden rule: never have Stats or stat roles for things that are skills. Specific types of communication in BRP are covered by skills - APP / CHA rolls would only be for very generalised ā€œwhat sort of impression has the character made?ā€ questions. I favour Charisma as a stat, but one could equally replace it with SOCiability or COSmopolitan or whatever. But always bear in mind that statistics are innate, slow changing (as g33k says) and broad qualities. Skills are learned applications of techniques and bodies of knowledge and whilst innate broad qualities contribute, they are a small part of a skill: which is the strength of BRPā€™s skill categoriesā€¦ ā€¦I am reminded of early days of Magic World when several people in line were (weirdly IMO) concerned that Dodge as a skill was in the Physical group and thus had a bonus of half the adventurerā€™s Strength, despite the fact that the base score was 2 x DEX, and it was a skill, so fairly rapidly itā€™s value was going to be dominated by experience.
  24. Dragon breath in UGE differs from the BGB and is Iā€™d suggest an error in transcription. The BGB version is quite explicit: ā€œIf the optional hit location system is being used, this damage affects each of the targetā€™s hit locations: 4D6 is rolled once; and the damage is applied to all hit locations equally.ā€ I.E. one 4D6 roll, average 14, so 14 points to each locationā€¦ UGE and BGB seem aligned here; from UGE: ā€œ If the poison overcomes your characterā€™s CON, then its full POT is done as damage to hit points. If the poison does not overcome the characterā€™s CON, it has a lessened effectā€”usually only doing half the poisonā€™s POT in damage (round up). See page 186 for sample poisons. Poison damage is always damage to total hit points or to a characteristic.ā€
  25. Was more thinking of the approach and nature of Spirits in RQG, as thatā€™s the RQ version Iā€™ve read most recently and which is easily available. The RQ3 take was more generic iirc, but is out of print. My vague recollection is that the MW rules are based on the RQ3 rules, but Id have to double check to be sure.
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