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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I don't know if you're referring directly to me with this (it feels like it is!), but I'm not "asking for permission". I have ZERO problems with "derailing" the supposed future history of Glorantha. I, for one, want Glorantha to remain a magic rich world - and so I'm completely against the view that Chaosium has taken with the results of Argraths actions in the future. My post is asking others' opinions, and to see how they would justify it. (as well as asking how much of Chaosium's canon they stick to... especially since this is a significant point in time).
  2. So, how about... if your PCs were to accompany Kallyr on her short LBQ, would allow for the possibility of her completing it successfully? Or, at the very least, not get mortally wounded? Yeah, this is really important - what does "mastery" of a Rune mean, in RQG terms. And will it be covered in the HQ rules? @Jeff
  3. In looking at the trailers on the YT links, I remembered a movie I saw years ago - The Dead Lands.
  4. I've got this thing in my imagination (fantasy) of rescuing Elasa (LM's other half), and while on the escape, encountering JE. Then, using her (Elasa's) Inspiration (Truth Rune - crit??) find the perfect placement for a debilitating/killing blow... or some other way to defeat her. Merci beaucoup, mon ami. (I know I'm missing some punctuation mark in there somewhere...) 🤪
  5. I'm not agreeing with the necessity of your 1-4, is my point. 1 is fairly obvious. 2 is maybe (or 1 good hit in the right hit location??). The other two...??? Not so convinced (but, certainly something). Something - yes. But what?? What did happen with Harrek and his god? We don't know. And I think Chaosium wants to keep that mystery, and let GMs decide for themselves. Regardless of how the PCs are able to defeat Jar Eel, I presume it wouldn't stick anyway 😜
  6. One word... Harrek. How did Harrek defeat his god? I don't think he was a full-on hero who had all those HQ powers before he killed his god... Would you suggest that Jar Eel would walk all over the White Bear god as easily as any human? I'm not suggesting that these things are easy, or likely. I'm just thinking that according to the rules (the fact that Harrek is what he is), it's possible. One of the things I like about RQ over games with levelling like D&D - even apparently insignificant enemies can still take down the hero. Actually, yes.
  7. I was more interested/focussed on how it was divided, rather than the actual numbers - some clans having lots, some clans having none. And, I notice Greg is using older terms for ranks within the cult. So, how many of the number you have arrived at (4% of adults) going to be full initiates? Versus merely Lay Members??
  8. I've always thought that if an adventurer is "donating" large enough loot or cash, then the temple isn't going to go all tax-lawyery on them, calculating that exact % they're supposedly owed. When you're dropping of hundreds of lunars each season, not too many will mind if the percentages don't quite work out - especially for unique items (eg, crystals). Similarly, if you hand over an important relic you've recovered, you should be good for a year or 2, regardless of what other stuff you've managed to loot.
  9. I just came across this.. .sure, it's a bit old, and Greg has probably Gregged himself, but still..... https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/how-many-humakti/ His final breakdown - 2 dominant clans with 250 Humakti each, for a total of 500. 22 clans with 25 Humakti specialists each, for a total of 550. 188 clans with 4 Humakti each, for a total of 750. 28 clans with no Humakti at all, since they have other deities as dominant (Chalana Arroy, Kolat, etc.), for a total of 0. Total: 1800 worshippers (initiate, devotee, and the very rare disciple).
  10. Well, Glorantha mythologically speaking, most Orlanthi should have a high Air/Storm Rune, and that should make them a bit rowdy, and inclined to fight individually - thus lacking the discipline to act in cohort within a phalanx. I suppose the traits of the Sky/Fire Rune, and even the Truth Rune, could be seen as complimentary to good discipline.
  11. Oh, I'd never suggest that! After all, you might want a group of Humakti to head into the Marsh, or just be doing some other thing as a group.... eg, mercenaries. But, just as I'd expect some reasonable backstory for why an Uz and an Aldryami are in the same party, I think it's also reasonable to ask why the BG joined that cult, especially if they're from an area that doesn't normally have those cultists around... and expect her to play that way. (FTR, I get annoyed when the Paladin is more than willing to stay in the party with the Assassin... or in general, the LGs hang with the CEs - without something to really make that connection).
  12. Firstly, I can't access FB, so I can't read any further than what you wrote. Are those numbers for full initiates status and above? Or includes laity? However, a quick thought says that said average might be across Sartar, not in each tribe or clan. The Greydogs, being next to the Upland Marsh, are going to skew that average upwards for Humakt, just as we'd expect to see more BG axes guarding Ernalda temples. I can definitely see clans that wouldn't have either of those Cult members. This doesn't change the numbers, but I still think that there needs to be something in the background to motivate the choice , and have an important part of the character. I don't see the need for nerfing or balance. Just validity.
  13. Except... p222-223 states that while fighting in formation, you have 2 options - a) parry (which breaks the formation), or b) don't parry, and let your shield, and your right-arm shield bearer's shield takes the hit (or, not, as the hit location may be rolled - right leg, abdomen and chest are covered, as is your left arm by your own shield). Besides, once your enemy is within striking distance, your personal pike isn't going to be doing much. I certainly think there needs to be something, but that doesn't seem to make sense to me.
  14. I think you're thinking of someone else.....
  15. Agreed! In Glorantha, Humakti and Babeester Gor Initiates are actually quite rare. In Sartar, you'd really have to be a Greydog to justify being in that cult. As for Babs, there's some serious work that would need to be done to again, justify the selection as the primary warrior cult to be in. It's far more likely that any Sartarite would be in Orlanth Adventurous/Vinga than either of those two cults. And even then, that's a pretty low percentage of the population, as Thunderous will probably have more members (Most Orlanthi will be in Barntar anyway). Sure, the Thanes will choose that option... But, if you're not around the Upland Marsh, Humakti should be very rare... which, of course, you can choose for your character. But don't pretend there's not some min/maxing going on. BG is a scary cult.. full of scary women. It's not something anyone should be entering into lightly, and realistically, there should be a very good background moment that makes it happen - and "I want to be the best warrior woman I can be" doesn't really cut it! If you join Babs (or Humakt), the character's personality should reflect this (ie, Death). If the GM isn't having the NPCs be extremely wary around them, then they're not really doing a good job of representing the world. OTOH, the other discussions would suggest that if you play a troll, and you want to be a warrior - you'd be an idiot to want to be a Kaarg's Son, rather than ZZ. And if you're not in Sartar or a troll? What do you do then??? Create an intricate backstory just to justify the oddity? Rather than go with what would be more realistic in-world? If "yes", then it's that m/m again. And for what? 1 spell? Perhaps you should read the "how do I defeat Swordtrance?" thread...
  16. I can guess.... A character that's been around for a few years, and collected a few trinkets - nothing too excessive. 5 or 6 pt POW Enhancing crystal doubles your variable spells - so, Bladesharp 6 goes to 12 (so, + damage, +60% sword), and Protection 6 gives 12 AP, on top of the 8pt Iron plate (plus 1pt leather underneath) to take you to 20 or so, plus a 4-5pt Shield. To get to 220%, you'd have to start at (220-60 is 180, and I don't know what other ways they're stacking... Bear's Strength? Strength? something for Dex enhancement?) Or, of course, Sword Trance could be from an enchantment... @Martin Dick How am I going? @icebrand TBH, I'm surprised you're even sticking with RQG. I would have thought you'd be playing 13th Age instead, which seems to suit your ideals much better, but still in a version of Glorantha.
  17. One thing Yelmalio could definitely use then, is a good strong anti-magic spell or buff. In a world of magic, those mundane phalanxes are somewhat vulnerable to AoE spells, or the quick movement of other higher magic types (eg, flight, teleport, mobility for flanking)
  18. I wouldn't call it "pointless" - just "niche". Just as scouts are required in an army, so too are a few capable horse archers - or at least, archers who get on a horse to flank or harry. Perhaps in an army that dominates with pike formations, you'd only need a handful, to a dozen or score - not really all that many. And so, it's made available to that very limited bunch. Sure, unlikely to be a PC thing - but then the question is - are the only cults (and sub-cults, skills, abilities, Rune Spells) that are published always designed for the PCs in mind?
  19. Well, yeah, but the point of the thread** was about what cults are good without consideration of rune spells. But, to respond directly to your Etyries - basically any spirit worshipping/shaman cult can do the same... (granted, since there's no limit to the point value of the traded spells, this is pretty powerful - if you can find someone willing to trade that X+8 spirit point variable spell away... I think the spirit cult wins out on that point. (**That, and to sort of satirise the other similar threads that have been blocked already).
  20. Humakt starts to look a bit pale now, not having any Associate Cults to buy their spirit magic from (RAW). Granted, they do have a fairly nice list of available spells, and good skills (for combat). However, I'd presume most Orlanthi would be happy to have them buy spells off them (and probably at a reduced rate - but not down to half price).
  21. I'd just give the character the additional point anyway. 5 points of spirit magic is 5 points of spirit magic. Perhaps the line is only there for those who want to pay for a couple of other spells at character creation?
  22. As a Rune spell - yes. Not as a skill or ability.
  23. ...when you rune out of Rune Points? Yes, this thread is inspired by the other couple that have both been locked down, and I didn't get the opportunity to make this sort of comment/observation. The argument about the effectiveness of a cult seems to have mostly centred around how good your Rune spells are. So, what happens when you're out??? I'd suggest that, largely, they start to really even out... (well, except for sorcerous cults... and if you're a shaman...). Bypassing the literal subject, how do the cults compare. I think that cults like Humakt, Stormbull, Babeester Gor, Chalana Arroy have significance merely by having a reputation. Ie, whetehr you have RPs left or not, those first 3 are going to be the first targets in a combat situation. The Chalana's are always welcome in civilised places. Eurmalis are always treated badly (even if they haven't done anything... (obviously, yet)).
  24. And thus, a great new addition to the JC.
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