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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I (and others) disagree. The big "missing piece" (other than Cults) is Heroquesting rules. You know, the thing that's been talked about for more than 40 years. I really only read this forum, and the Glorantha forum. I read regularly the call (demand) for HQ rules. I don't think I've ever read anyone demanding an RQ Campaign book (express support for - sure. But not complain because they don't have one).
  2. Coming from anyone else I'd say no, TGL. You, however, are the right person to ask that question. 😄 Edited Friday at 03:21 PM by Darius West How about swapping Yelm in the Solar tradition, with the hateful burning enemy thing in the Troll tradition? 😁
  3. Only a Genus Locii is bound to a particular place. This includes the category of "Guardian Spirits"... Bestiary entry:- "Because they are already effectively bound to the area they guard, guardian spirits cannot be bound. They must be destroyed in Spirit Combat or avoided." (p171) However, it makes sense that there's a way to go around this if it's by cultists of the deity. If the spirits aren't specifically Guardian Spirits, then it's up to you how to decide what to do (as per @Squaredeal Sten and @soltakss)
  4. Yes. You can cast spirit commanding spells on bound spirits in the possession of others, and take them out. You could then command said spirit to inhabit another binding or crystal. Bindings are rarely individual spirit specific, but are just attuned to particular types of spirits, of which you then command a spirit into. There is zero inherent compulsion for a spirit to re-inhabit a binding once it's been freed/released/commanded from it.
  5. "Initiate Membership Requirements: Standard. An initiate must spend a year alone in the wilds." Slightly off-putting...
  6. (NB - unedited post) I'm confused......
  7. Or... Start off with a Great Troll.... (or, if you're playing Orlanthi symathizers, Minotaur).
  8. Except... all Initiates must have a beard, and they can only marry within the cult. (the latter is not much different to Yelmalio's "Never love any but Earth cult worshipers.") Meaning - what's the difference between a geas and a cult restriction?
  9. Other than what has already been said, I would also add that many geasa (and some gifts) will be homeland specific and relevant. As mentioned above, Hawk-riders will replace horse with hawk. Must never be sober. Never tell the truth. Never bathe or use perfumes. Must fall off a wall in front of on-lookers at least once per day.
  10. Except.... Consider what it takes to actually do that. Any PC worth their salt wants their POW at around 18 to give a 90% chance to cast Spirit Magic, and to have a good (75%+) chance to affect or resist spells. Sure, you could go a bit lower, but 15 should really be a minimum. That means for mere Initiates, only a 30% chance to succeed in a POW-gain roll (no, Rune Lords don't get the +20%!). 5 times per year... so, on average (rounding up), two successful POW gains, and an average of 1 point each - so +2 POW per year... Not going to get even close to max (for the RL - 18) CHA worth of Rune spells for a good 6+ years for just one cult.. and that's not including things like sacrificing POW to the clan wyter, or taking into account the occasional DI. or enchantments. God-Talkers and Priests have to maintian a POW of 18, but do get +20%, so at best a 35% chance of getting that extra POW - so, close enough to the RL to be the same. RE: Shaman with two fetches... Other than the free extra CHA (versus the purchased ones), I don't see the point.... If you think taking over a decade (while suffering regular spell failures and failing resistance rolls (yeah, ok, the RL does have an extra 30% or so resistance)) is so OP it needs to be errated out, then we have quite different ideas of what it means to be OP.
  11. I've just done some reading of the various Yinkin write-ups, with only one of them anything like 'extensive'... ie, more than a couple of paragraphs. That's in Hero Wars Storm Tribe... And, only a relatively small part is dedicated to hunting. Sure, a lot of it is hunting, but there's also the seduction side which doesn't even get a mention in any other write-up... (which is why it has Charisma). So I wonder what GaGoG will have for him. It's certainly missing a few things according to this version, and some Rune spells for stealth would be good (not necessarily human versions of hunting though). I even take back the idea of having Sureshot - that's a human thing, not a cat thing, although Chameleon (or similar) still makes sense. But again, one can't really expect every cult to have every single spell and ability laid out like a shopping list, and it makes perfect sense to develop them yourself (with or without relevant myths).
  12. Don't you mean, your com-pewter... ðŸĪŠ
  13. Ummm, have to point out... if you're using the "we don't have a myth for that spell" logic, then very few cults would have any Rune spells - purely because there are no canonical myths for them...
  14. Except it seems to do the exact opposite of what most hunters want.. I expected it to create a link so that the hunter would never lose the prey... but no, the hunters can never catch the prey... No-brainer, but a Yes-POWer ðŸĪŠ As for spells, what about Hurling - each RP multiplies your throwing range by x5. (doesn't work on bows though..) Chameleon?
  15. Well, I'm much more disappointed in myself, as I was specifically looking for the rule for it!
  16. Crap. Apologies. I did think there was something, but I didn't find it. (ie, I somehow skipped that line when reading). Yeah, I'd change that...
  17. I wouldn't give Darkwalk. And I'm not sure about Summon Elemental either, but at least it fits better. The myth of the Darkwalk doesn't fit with Yinkin. Shield does, as Orlanth often protected his younger brother. Just because a spell is useful doesn't mean that everyone should have access to it. Otherwise, everyone would have Resurrect. The bigger question here is - why don't they get Sureshot? (and, I'd let Vinga initiates have it too, cos it's part of her mythology). Silence is a no-brainer, and surprising they don't have it automatically. Not that it really matters, as they can buy it from Foundchild.
  18. I'd do similar - but allow them to Sac more POW for more RPs, and they can buy more spirit magic spells.
  19. I think you guys are mis-reading the DI rules. You don't 'lose' RPs the same way you 'spend' them on your Rune spells. You lose them forever as a sacrifice, just as the POW loss is permanent. So, is going up 1 CHA worth maybe 10 POW/RPs? Edit - Ok, I was completely wrong...
  20. Of course it will! That's because, when it finally does come out, it'll be like every other 'book', and be beamed directly into your mind with full 4D effects that you can project outside through your cybernetic eye for others to see as well....
  21. I find the numbers there quite arbitrary. Why two "great events'? Why four 'special items or abilities'? And everyone is unique... and every item is unique. As to the first one, that could be interpreted as to mean anytime you fail a roll at an important junction while on a HQ - especially if it's a Fumble. Also, going by definition, that would mean that many, many GodLearners would fall into the Hero category... how do we feel about that being true? They were infamous for raiding, pillaging, and changing Heroquests, and we'd expect that the best of them had done this many times, and would easily qualify for all 4 of those items listed.
  22. So, obviously coming from the other thread... What are the necessary and sufficient conditions (traits/qualities) for categorising a Gloranthan entity as one of the above? Are there any dis-barring traits to any of the above, This isn't about who, but about how/why.
  23. I think I'll bow out of this thread now (but start a new one), as I'm getting too frustrated with the lack of willingness to define terms, while having confident opinions expressed without much supporting reason. (And by the reactions that I get when I keep asking for these, I'm not the only one.)
  24. Go tell that to the Malkioni...
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