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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. It's actually many years... - Unless you CHA is really low 😛 Even if your CHA is an average 11, that means 22 RPs total... How long does it take to go up 22 points of POW??? 6 seasons, if you're super lucky, you'll manage 2 points each season - so, that's at least 2 years. Obviously, the chances of that are quite low. (depending on starting POW... if it's average, then you've got about a 50% chance at getting a 33% increase of 2 points (and 33% of getting nothing)). Four years would be an realistic absolute minimum... and assumes no other need for that POW... (and, again, that's with only 11 CHA, and 11 POW).
  2. How do GMs here treat other player/character agency in DIs? The above example from the book mentions transporting other characters... what if a character doesn't want to be whisked away? Similarly, what if one has the geas to not accept magical healing?
  3. Hey, lucky you're not waiting for an FPS type video game to play the setting in. It was announced a couple of years back, and there has literally been zero further (useful) information about it since... let alone an actual date. Even the makers of the game aren't willing to acknowledge that they have the rights to it (again, let alone any updates as to its development). This usually means it's dead in the water....
  4. You keep saying this like it's true. It's not. It's demonstrably, verifiably false. Mongoose had Heroquesting rules in publication within about a year of getting the rights... A full chapter, in fact (granted, 25 pages, most of which are example HQs for the various cults...). Now, I don't recognise any of the names in MRQ1's authors etc list (other than Greg, of course), and so I have no idea how much time they had actually devoted to doing HQs previously in a RQ or similar setting and system, but it seems to me that for a group such as these to publish workable HQ rules within a year (or so...) of getting the license should mean that someone who was an active RQ player should be able to do the same - after 40-odd years of playing. I do understand some tweaks needing to be made, but I'd have thought that after all of these years, we're not back to trying to re-invent a wheel...
  5. Technically, Ernalda doesn't have any gender restrictions. And, to become a Priestess, one only needs to have given birth to a healthy child - which in such a magical world as Glorantha, there's many ways that could happen!
  6. Hmmm... ok. I'm sure I've read about it in a more RQ (or similar) context.. .maybe a third party publication? Mongoose has a variant of it.
  7. Hi people. I seem to recall reading somewhere of a system of magic where spirits are bound (into charms? Fetishes?? or something), and then the spirit can then manifest a power or ability on the person - eg, grow claws, fly, nightvision, etc. Does anyone recall this? If so, where? (NB - this may not be an RQ thing, but I think it is...)
  8. I presume they'd have to just cut their arm off again... (yes, this goes for both the Humakti and the Yelmalion ðŸĪŠ)
  9. Or under a geas to not accept any magical healing.... Which could be a great way to take the Humakti out of the fight (if you're aware of such a geas).
  10. Just as a point of order, that would exclude spears, maces, axes and arrows.... I'd adjust it to "only use curved swords".
  11. That's the spirit! (I can do that too.... 😄 )
  12. Only 1 - Odayla. You get all common Rune spells from him. Anything else would be considered non-standard.
  13. Ummm - I actually did make that thread... it's where a number of those other posts were. (so, I don't really see the point in having this as a separate one) I also made the thread that this one came from (Sorcerer occupation).
  14. Would you consider a non-Humakti doing sword exercies or training as pious? I wouldn't. A non Issaries Goldentongue haggling for a better price? Etc... it's not in the action, but in the mindset. So, for the Humakti, it's not the sword exercises, but the mental connection they feel while doing it. As discussed above, what is considered pious is very subjective.
  15. That doesn't even make sense! the first L is pointless... (edit - ok, not 'pointless', but it could have been done better - CiCALF
  16. Well, not exactly. Personally, I don't really care much about the RQ3 definition, as (I'm not playing RQ3). I care much more about what it's going to mean in RQG. You do mention something which I think is vital to the definition - "imbued with some of the essence of the sorcerer and in mind link with them". Allied spirits certainly don't don't have that attribute, and I'd question whether a Fetch does (certainly similar properties, but I'm not sure it's the same).
  17. I'm confused. What exactly are you referring to on p250? If it's merely binding a spirit into an object, I wouldn't call that a "familiar" - that's merely a bound spirit. Oh, ok. I've only noticed it mentioned on here just recently... and I've been on the site for a couple of years,a nd it's the first time I can recall it being mentioned. As for the 90s... well, unfortunately I wasn't in the loop back then 😞 Brisbane wasn't really at the forefront of the RPG world.
  18. I disagree with this "organ" thing that seems to have become a very recent trend to accept (and jump on bandwagon). Fetches, allied spirits, and familiars (and I'm quite happy with the way you perceived it previously) I see as completely different entities, and none of them preclude the option of having any other. I think that, although Mindlink may not be part of the current spell line-up, that doesn't mean the concept can't (or doesn't) exist any more. IFF I was to accept this 'part of your soul' interpretation, then I'd also have to be considering what a 'soul' is. And it's already been said that different cultures have different views... including that Gloranthans have multiple parts to a 'soul', each having different significance. And, thus, each part of that 'soul' could make a different connection - one part could be the fetch, another makes a link to an allied spirit, and another to a familiar. And, attempts to limit this by calls to this 'soul organ' thing is merely an attempt at 'balance'... and we know what RQ thinks of that!
  19. I'm watching the min-series (10 episodes) of an Italian production called Romulus , set in the 8th C BCE. There's no 'real' magic, but it's presented as the people would think there is. In the 4th episode, a character wants to follow the path of Mars. However, there are no skill rolls made. Instead, it's endurance. And the right reason. And commitment to the ideals of the god, again tested through endurance. (I'll spoiler it below) So, do you require your PCs to have to have more than just the passed 5 cult skill rolls to be accepted? How about making PCs work for Initiation? So, for a cult like Babeester Gor, some more extreme rites that they must pass. Con rolls at x1 or x2? Multiple tests? (I know that for a non-troll, attempting to join KL (and I presume ZZ), can mean death if you fail) While I'm sure there are those players who think they can play a Babs who isn't a psychopath, and thus shouldn't have to play a character like that, they do have to hang around them as a matter of course. Maran Gor requires males to be eunuchs... I'd call for a Con roll, as well as some other roll to ensure the priestess doesn't slip. And if they do - no heals! (Obviously, different people come to RQ with different intentions, and may not want to go down that path. After all, it's supposed to be 'fun'.)
  20. Odayla??? Make him a Lhankor Mhy... high Insight (Human), plus the various mind affecting spells.....
  21. Related, but askew from the main point. I'm watching the mini-series Romulus, an Italian production of 8th C BCE Italy (oddly enough!), where there's no actual magic, but has all the ideas of people believing it. In episode 4, there's a type of initiation ceremony that I think should be fairly similar to what I think a god of Death would expect from their initiates, and to make it more than merely "can you use a sword?" Obviously Iron Age, but still with other metals common (apparently, including modern steel... yeah, there's a few issues with anachronistic stuff). The series uses the names of Mars and Jupiter, etc although I'm not sure if that's a literal translation or not. I won't give it away, so I'll just spoiler tag it for those who are interested. So, I think I'll start a thread on the topic.
  22. Then we shouldn't forget Humakt and Sever Spirit! Or Yelm's Sunspear... Whoever's Shooting Star...
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