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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. I'm against using WBRM features because they are only on some people's table, not everyone's! And so, if you use features that people don't have a reference for, then it's meaningless. (eg, I have no idea what the !! is supposed to mean... nor do I know what the significance of the numbers in the corners represent). So, because this is the general Glorantha thread, and not the WBRM thread, I suggest keeping references to that game to a minimum, or to explain them clearer. Until we get a full, working definition of both words (and for 'hero' ... with and without a capital H), it's a moot point.... (I think this is the 3rd time I've written this idea....)
  2. Any changes to cultural skills? If there is, and you have a list, I'd appreciate seeing those as well.
  3. Apologies for pedanticism... most non-nomadic herders won't be riding anything. cos you don't need to for your sheep, goats or pigs. And most cowherds can't afford a good horse, as the price of one is near to a full year's income. Compare that to a trained dog (or alynx, if you're lucky enough to befriend one).
  4. Except, some have the Geas - Never flog a dead horse to death....
  5. Yes, I read that. It's not a definition of Hero/Superhero. It has only 1 distinguishing feature suggested between them - and somehow, I doubt that's sufficient. Certainly, no-one has really argued (effectively) for that being sufficient. (also, anyone watching The Boys?)
  6. (emphasis added)... But - that's the whole point - what is the qualification for calling someone a "superhero"? Versus anything else? Is there actually some part of the definition which precludes demigods or deities? (and can we not simply use WBRM statistics for this??)
  7. Oh, certainly! I was just putting the initial thought out there to see how it floats.
  8. I think they definitely should. Taking an arrow from a 15 pound bow is vastly different to being hit in the chest with a 150 pound bow... (well, ok, the arrow fired from one... just hitting someone with a bow doesn't do that much..)
  9. The funny thing about archery, compared to other weapons, is that it's a bit harder to sometimes hit harder, sometimes hit softer. Because the draw is almost always (bar either speed archery, or over-drawing) being taken from the cheek/chin, the DB should be a flat single number - not a range of numbers. Thoughts???
  10. True-ish. I think, more to the point, the GM needs to be somewhat flexible when it comes to occupations (and, sometimes, homeland) skills, so that they can be moved around a bit. One other obvious thing I'd be flexible on is the Hyaloring Triarty in Sartar - they ride (and raise) horses much more than other Sartarites, so should they be stuck at the 5% that the rest are at? (probably not as high as Praxians and Grazelanders - but certainly more than the rest of their Orlanthi bretheren).
  11. How's about, instead of just saying "no", you offer some reasoning or justification for it?🙄
  12. Actually, I might disagree with parts of this. I think the temple is going to pay that ransom automatically, along with the ransom of the Lord, Priest or whomever has the allied spirit. When the clan who has the prisoners says to the clan that they came from that they have said prisoners, then the temple will just automatically gather all the loot together - there won't really be any negotiations (unless there's feuding, or some other special reason to negotiate - eg, blood was spilled, people injured or killed, etc). After mass battles, it can get pretty complex. But say if it was Balmyr & Greydogs? Same pantheon - but if there's bad blood between them...??? (So, I'm saying, it might not be as simple as having the same pantheon, and the clan is more or less devoted to that pantheon).
  13. When you ransom back a person, do they come with all their gear as well? Honestly, I would think not automatically. And so, if an allied spirit is held within an object - or animal - then I don't think they'd automatically come back for free. Besides which, it's only sacrilege if it's your god that your offending. I'm fairly sure an Orlanthi wouldn't care less if they offend Yelm or Yelmalio... Also, I suspect an Orlanthi would consider it fine to hold an allied spirit of a Wind Lord who was caught (say) in a cattle raid... because, it should be seen as shameful, and might even call into question having the allied spirit in the first place...
  14. My main thought about this is that if your POW is currently at 20, a shaman (or apprentice) only has a 5% chance of getting that final point, per season. Which is obviously unlikely. However, if there's a guaranteed point, then it's somewhat significant.
  15. Well, I was trying to keep the term 'familiar' to only refer to sorcery, as at least in RQ3 the process for getting one was quite different to either fetches or allied spirits. I wasn't including 'awakened beast', as it doesn't seem to have the Mindlink (sharing of MPs and spells), whereas the others (including sorcerous familiars) can/do. Where's all this from? Especially the spells...
  16. Without having a standard definition which we all agree with, this thread is meaningless. I could, literally, plug in any name from RQG, and be quite right in asserting that they are a "Super-hero" - by having my own definition. Jeff believes he's right when he says categorically yes or no - but again, without having a definitive meaning of the terms, it has as much relevance as any names I suggest (eg, Josephus the stickpicker - born 1610, died 1625 - never left the woods in his life). However, once definitions are set, then identifying those who fit the characteristics becomes a lot easier... (not perfect, because people may disagree with those definitions)
  17. And can you have more than 1 of those? Coming from a thread discussion, where it's been suggested that you can't have more than one of those (part of "Gloranthan cosmology"). I disagree, as I see those 3 things as very different entities. A fetch is an actual part of yourself - a part that is on the spirit plane, and can be awakened (so, you're awakening the real 'spirit' part of yourself - even though that doesn't make sense when you have the ability to discorporate 😕). An allied spirit is exactly that - a spirit sent by your deity (or greater spirit) to help you on your ways. It's effectively a permanent Mindlink (not that this spell exists anymore). And, lastly, a familar - a being (either spirit or mundane world creature) that you give bits of yourself in order to create a bond, again similar to a permanent Mindlink. But, as far as RQ3 was concerned, you could have more than 1 familiar (but you lose the connections). So, if you can't have more than 1 (without great heroics), then why not? And how are they different (if they are), or how are they essentially the same thing (if they are)? (And I really hate the "just because" or "It's too OP")
  18. p353 "The assistant shaman also receives 1 free spell point of spirit magic per season and an automatic 1-point increase in POW at the end of every year"
  19. I'm thinking more about high POW shamans. Part of this discussion has been about increasing a Fetch's POW when you're near your limits. A guaranteed +1 POW that the student gets, but the full shaman doesn't. Odd. (note that Gid Talkers also get +20%. And I'd expect the students to be battling spirits every season as well, and other things to guarantee a POW gain roll)
  20. Yes, that ability. Perhaps I'm not interpreting it the way it's intended... either way, yes, the fetch is vulnerable if it starts casting spells. And... a low POW fetch doing that being hit by a magical damaging attack is going to kill that shaman very quickly! (although, a low POW fetch shouldn't really be doing all that much anyway...)
  21. Would you care to C&P for those of us without access to FB?
  22. That sounds like a hold-over from RQ2 days. There's no real reason why you can't have both.. the Fetch is an awakened part of your own self. An Allied spirit is a spirit sent from the deity/great spirit to accompany you and has a special (POWered) bond, such that you can commune with it. And a familiar is a creature which you've given part of yourself to in order to make a spiritual connection. IMG, one could have all 3 with no issues at all (well, maybe the occasional (or regular) argument between them all).
  23. You need to purchase that as a shamanic ability... and yes, as you highlighted, your fetch then becomes vulnerable to being destroyed... I'd allow it to stack (or, at least, there's a different ability that would stack with it that you'd need to pay for). I'd expect most shamans would leave their personal POW at around 16-19 (unless they have a higher Max POW). It's sort of amusing that Assistant Shamans get an automatic +1POW per year, but the full shaman doesn't.
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