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Everything posted by Qizilbashwoman

  1. The real question is if you're gonna have any Black Sun worship
  2. I definitely feel like the Ded Addi gods (one of her daughters, one of the Turoses) are the kind of equivalent of the W-rune: they are like a wyter, they embody authority, but not a permanent hierarchy. Addi and the early Pelorian ways always represent councils rather than kings, tyrants or other rulers; authority is temporary. Turos is no usurper; he too is responsive to human structures in his many forms, unlike Brightface and his brothers, and he has many names as council god of local settlements later on. When Brightface overthrows this system, the relationship between gods and humans changes. Remember the E says, "I also asked about Ket Enari, whose name must mean 'city mother' and is a popular title for gods throughout Peloria. I was told that she was not a real feder but a later addition. No cities existed in Provarian and Wendarian times." Ket Enari is not the name of a settlement/council god or wyter, but a real city god proper.
  3. God can you imagine if he did a Glorantha comic, I'd literally die His comic series about the dungeon dwellers is incredible and his emotional work in The Rabbi's Cat is subtle, graceful, and moving. Imagine if he finished Prince of Sartar, I'd diieeeee.
  4. Pelandan areas where Spolite sacrifices have been banned.
  5. yep, it's annoying, but it's got cites. addi might represent glorantha, but glorantha is the wholeness from whence all things descended. i think the staff is power and also phallic. a lot of the imagery appearing later in Turos is straight lifted off of Addi! it's hilarious. you've read about the ancient goddesses and now this dude is coming along with his phallic imagery and it's like he's using her strap-ons to pad his jeans.
  6. I'd vote Jernotix, as the kids today write it, who is oddly parallel to Natha's bifurcated form. Have Natha 'fulfil' the Jernotian Way when she took her seat on Mount Jernotius. Then it became the Nathan Way with its new bloody flower of truth.
  7. Esus is the mother of Bisos and Kereus with Kev Tavar. I know you've said the Guide once said she was even said to be Ernalda, but let's look at what evidence we have in the E, I've struggled a little bit with the identity of Bisos as having another mask in our Praxian friend Waha. Now there's two sons, and honestly I'm not sure about Kereus. Maybe Waha is another son, who knows. But in general, if Kev Tavar is Storm Bull - the Tawari being 'Of the Bull' - then this makes sense, and Esus as Eirithia, daughter of Alk-Ernalda, makes sense, thus oddly reinforcing the identity of Alk as Ernalda. I feel medium secure about that for the moment. I'm still not anywhere with Benbeng/Jena Benben and her six daughters; I've floated a few ideas but none really stick. And we still have two straight-up Ernaldas in the sequence, which seems like a lot of Ernaldas. Is there some other identity who could be mother of the moon phases, Karanda-Fa Elsor, called Dendara?
  8. except we know a significant portion of it is in fact patternable. it's just the monomyth with local names replacing the monomyth names afterwards. not all of it is neat - it's messy and trails off and isn't linear - but it is, in fact, not a random collection. it is in fact the monomyth.
  9. I really think a lot of the work is done by looking at the godspawn here like i was chewing about the six daughters of Jeda Benben and thinking real hard about whether the six daughters of Asrelia fit, because I'm on the struggle bus with this stuff
  10. JOANN SFAR IS A FAN OF GLORANTHA?!?!?!??! YESSSSSSSS Le chat du rabbin is one of my favorite books of all time and his dungeon stories rule
  11. origins, not role. we know what she does, we just don't have a solid role in any pantheon for her.
  12. Is it possible that Ulurda's masks are Orogeria and Eirithia? When her planet disappeared, maybe that's why She lives underground? The shift from hunter to mother of herds is honestly not that big. I'm only asking because Ulurda has no history and Orogeria has only weird unclear ones: Fa Elsor-Oria, who we all think is partially Ernalda. And Eirithia is Ernalda's daughter.
  13. we're all mad here You can't incarnate a goddess before she exists. Or I could be really fun and point out that Entekos appears long before Orlanth does and call Orlanth "Bro Entekos". I wonder if any of the spawn show up on the Storm Gods list in the theogony? Karanda, Karanda, Karanda. The first mother, the Feder hand-shaped from earth, Fa Elsor. She's giving me fits a little. Eiritha makes sense literally, as mother of herds, but elsewhere we see Fa Elsor is the Water Wife, who bears the children of the Poralistor. This is Ernaldan. Ernalda bears all the bébé by all the husbands. I just hate that she's in the list twice, as Alk and Karanda.
  14. I've done a fekkin 180 on the early E, so let me know what you think. PLEASE let me know what you think. This is a rabbinical quorum. Bring your inner imam. Tell me I've got it backwards and why. I feel getting some of these pieces in the first chapter are key to getting some other bits sorted. Also, in review, who the eff is Entekos, she's basically a female Orlanth if you read this Benbeng “Bell” [Gata?] Alk "Green, the color; she is the power of all that out there, on this side” [Ernalda] Beseda “Plenty” [Oria=Esrola] Addi “Stick” [Entekos] Karanda whose name means "The Striped One” [Eiritha] Why is Benbeng Gata? The text now says: Jeda Benben is the Hearth god and she both makes and keeps the fire burning there. She is the god who dances with bells. She delights in the chimes of metal, but comes to the sounds of the clay bells. Her daughters were many and include: Eth Elo Da Tanno She is our Grandmother, whose children are the Light and Dark. [“First Light and Dark”, no idea.] Kap Eth Sur Eria She is the Umbilical Grandmother, who flows to us through our blood kin. [Asrelia?] Tanno Aya She is the one who sees in the dark. No secrets are kept from her. [“Seer in the Dark” Ty Kora Tek] Alk Eria She is the one without fault, who is perfect, who all strive for but no one attains. She grows all around us. [Alk] Bisel Eria She is the source of all Beauty, of pleasure. [Pleasure/Beauty Woman] Nenan An arrow-head shaped dart. [?] Why is Alk Ernalda? The daughters of Alk included Aron Baka [Aldrya] Est Bratha "our enfolding Mother, who shields us from harm.” [Babeester Gor] Orogeria Esus Why is Beseda-Besadesa-Besed Eria Oria (Esrola)? The text tells us. The footnote says, "the life force which gives us abundance so we do not fear about starving and have time to play." Why is Addi/Bara En Deddi Entekos It's the literal entire point of the book. Her daughters are: Dum "Drum" Hertha Voga “Sky Flyer” (the [first?] shaman!) Deddi "Council" Firadelsi "Forest" Ded Addi "She who holds the Council Staff" Nansha & Naquasha Why is Karanda Eiritha? This one is a guess, but: "Her daughters were all of the important Mothers of old times. They are named Bus Enari "Cow Mother," Verg Enari "Sow Mother," Ertel Enari "Bear Mother," Kes Enari "Apron Mother," Mem Enari "Nursing Mother," Ses Enari "River Mother," and Vorgetala." Who is Vorgetala, the erased god?
  15. Pasola, in case you missed the name https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasola
  16. what's worse, that or the fact that a text that is explicitly about how Entekos is Dendara constantly divides them into separate divinities appearing at the same time as distinct beings also, who is Natha in the Monomyth, I haven't dragged myself far enough out of the East to figure that out.
  17. that font needs to be available on this Forum...
  18. Bisos is a bad fit for Urox, but is an equally bad fit for Waha the Tracker. He doesn't have any history with hsunchen, although there's no specific reason he wouldn't work well with them given the tribal situation of Prax, but he also has no known-to-us footprint outside of Prax with some bleed into Kerofinela. I guess the Bison Riders could have brought his worship? His hatred of the Zora Fel and its worshippers seems on point. Learning that the Entekosiad was originally written using the Monomyth names which were then retroconned into local words just makes this work more frustrating lmao. I'm still swinging and missing on most of this stuff.
  19. That's some excellent, evocative, and image-rich art, and as a scholar of religion I appreciate the details greatly!
  20. Oh! I was talking about clothing and dress and armour and the like, not mythology at all when I mentioned "like IEs". I meant I'd like them to read a lot less like Celt-Vikings. Your points are interesting and I'll come back to them when I have time to digest them. (Busy day.) it is from Common Germanic *etunaz, English ettin, meaning "eater"
  21. My bad, I thought this was Saird. Well yes, that's Rider territory, which turned into the Jenarongs.
  22. the tocharians were buddhist and we have no evidence of any pre-buddhist religious practices except for pre-oasis settlement steppes burials including marijuana and ephedra: no imagery or real sense of a caste system Oh? That's one of the words that doesn't seem weird, I use that word in real life. I agree with king, it's wrong. chief is not good either, i'd prefer chieftain to chief. but actually I'd prefer "leader". I'd like Orlanth to be less "we're German tribes" and more "we are akin to Bronze-Age tribes like the IE tribes".
  23. no i meant you wrote Ragnaglar, not Ralzakark but good for Janelosp
  24. uh... this is like a large portion of Eurasia, from Tibet to Hungary. The ability to ignore dynastic demigod kings was a large motivator for maintaining transhumance away from early empires. I'm reading an entire book about qazaqlyq, which is "the tendency to go freebooter" - an old Turkic term for when people just up and left to raid and then settled in a new place. The Kazakhs and the Cossacks both got their name from the early Turkic word qazaq.
  25. we're discussing specifically why Saird has Yelornan non-Unicorn Riders as cavalry. because it makes everyone's head hurt.
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