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Everything posted by Qizilbashwoman

  1. truly? i thought the whole point was it was natural, hsunchen hate magic users
  2. @jajagappa "can be shamans" for example in re Eiritha, here means "a shaman of Eiritha", right? as opposed to "can be a shaman called by a spirit while also an Eirithan initiate"? Sorry if dumb, just slightly confused hooman. It means as an Eirithan, without any other external input, you can pursue shamanism, not that She respects you got a shamanic side on you Sort of relatedly, can you be a shaman without a god? Just... a shaman. Only spirits. Throw some MP at Eiritha on her holy days like the rest of the rubes but not an initiate to any divinity? what Orlanthi has ever heard of Ourania? If they had, Gamara is more obvious a choice: a female sun, even if she's a pony and down with the weirdos in Ralios. (I sort of wonder if your average Darjiini has. They know Yelorna...)
  3. There's towns in the Levant that still speak (modern) Aramaics, and there are large communities in Europe, particularly Scandinavia. The Syriacs are Aramaic languages. Aramaic languages, Classical and Modern, are spoken by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Classical Syriac is used in many Churches for services and the oldest New Testaments are in Greek and Syriac; several kinds of Aramaic are used by Jews (much much much more than Hebrew, which was a dead language when Rabbinical Judaism formed). I've used Aramaic for my home games for DH because uh I know Aramaic and Aramaic was literally the Koine for the Mediterranean and Persianate lands before Greek ousted it thanks to Alexander. It makes the shift to New Pelorian as Classical Syriac painless, because Classical Syriac has a shedload of Greek loanwords and grammar shifts that makes it like ... 1/5 alien, and also neither were associated with a specific people. I've also used Yiddish for Kerofinela, because I'm learning it, it sounds like a hybrid of Norwegian and Standard German with a rolled Italian r, and it's fun. I'm not a Jew (I'm Muslim) so I'm 100% never gonna publish anything with that in it - it's within the boundaries of personal space and understanding that I'm comfortable playing with my friends, who are Jewish and amused. But I would never use it in a book. I might play a game at home where the elves speak Tagalog because my friends and I are trying to learn Tagalog but I'm not going to publish it. And I'm certainly not going to have them act like Pilipinos. There are several Mandaean-speaking communities, actually, although they are small.
  4. Oh man don't forget to update your models to include feathers, it's my favorite part about dinosaurs. I included a pot that looks like it has dinos on it for bononus fun
  5. @PhilHibbs *primly* we call them hsunchen now, Phil. The w-word is a slur. Gotta appreciate that he's armed with a small sharpened tree and a stone ax but in the illo he's got a forged sword.
  6. what, you think the guardsmen don't have Hate: these murderous Sartarites? and a lot of armor?
  7. ok but that's been out of print since 1993, that's
  9. that's... yeah, absolutely do not do that. look, we've got gini for weregild. that's fine. it's an invented word. but if you start using real people's languages - that's literally Orientalism. it's racist as hell. you can't just colonise living languages for your role-playing game. that's a terrible idea. On top of which: there are a billion Hindustani speakers in the world, do you think people aren't going to notice? (Also, the Hindustani terms for these things are largely Persianate loans.) Chaosium products are available around the globe in many languages. You need to get some perspective and remember this is the terms used for the generic. As I pointed out, we know local cultures have their own terms; this is for cross-cultural comparison, because Alkoth doesn't have cottars, the Weeders don't have Thanes, and Orlanthings don't have Sixths or Fifths. bleah, PIE is terrible, I pee on your camel's elbow
  10. I always found those rebellions really misguided and unfortunate, because the OOO wasn't building palaces with them, he was building armies and infrastructure and keeping the many races at the table. An early UN to prevent wasteful warfare is nothing to mock. He kept a lot of people alive through the Darkness!
  11. Well, yes. It's not common in Kerofinela or Sartar, which is like... 90% of the setting, though, so you know, let me have a minute to be startled that Kethaelan Orlanthings have inherited debt slavery. It's sort of against the entire Orlanthi ethic laid out in the books that a child would inherit slavery; that's Pure Horse, DH, Lunar, Praxian stuff. (Kerofinelan) Orlanthi rebel. They're not, like, idealised - they got half-free people galore - but the children of slaves (taken in war or w/e) are usually adopted into a clan, not kept as slaves themselves.
  12. Did you ever consider the broo who managed to implant a unicorn? Like, how the f did that happen? Musta been Yelornan-related. I did once wonder if his three bodies represented his three runes: perhaps Harmony for the Unicorn. I don't know the others: W for the creepy man-shape, and chaos for the broo with the arm.
  13. yeah i mean that's the thing with local terms: there's no unloaded term because societies may define several kinds of unfree, and also the Orlanthing terms are yoinked from English.
  14. Thanks! I was curious about this for a while now sort of offhandedly. Debt slavery, though: is that truly unfree? Your children inherit the debt? That's ... direly un-Orlanthi. there's no ethical consumption under capitalism those who didn't really understand this principle or thought it was socialist nonsense got it the slow and methodical way step by step by watching The Good Place.
  15. They call him a child of stickpickers, as well. Why does he get sent to Prax? A 14yo solos four hardened borderlands guardsmen?
  16. The only thing I wish Chaosium would do is hire a linguist. There's such beautiful opportunity in Stafford's work...
  17. A chara, I know Esrolia has city-states, but that's... a lot of unfree people in Esrolia! I'm a little surprised it paces DH. Where do they get them? Are they enlo? Bought from Vadeli? I don't remember Esrolia doing a lot of conquest wars.
  18. They're abstract terms; you fill in the terms used locally. DH and Yelmalions call them ergeshi or sixths, halfs, and so forth. Kerofinelans call them Slaves (and don't usually have them), cottars/stickpickers, and so forth. It's blank names on purpose because you don't use them in-game.
  19. but the broo were a preexisting species that fell to Chaos when Ragnaglar did, and turned into, uh, implantation monsters. What's remarkable about the three Broo is that one of them doesn't look like a broo (the one known as Ralzakark, rather than "Ralzakark with an arm" or "the Unicorn Emperor").
  20. they're slaves, and the field-slavery kind: their children are born into slavery. and they are also a specific ethnic group: the kitori, the human group who lived with the Only Old One when he was the protector of the interspecies alliance (the First and Second Councils). The OOO gifted them with Darkness, although it's unclear exactly how it works, the Yelmalions have declared they are slaves until they are Darkness no more (i.e. forever). they also have serfs and other kinds of slaves as well. Like, if you could pick a more obvious target for being an asshole, it's to specifically target and ban the religion of the Hero who saved and protected non-DH humanity before the Dawn and then went on to create and maintain the World Council of Friends, then continue to protect them until Belintar murdered him. Remind me why Orlanthings would side with the people who literally enslaved the protectors of the first Theyalans, and who continued to protect Esrolia and other Orlanthing regions until Belintar?
  21. ogres would never be that creepy, how dare you. they'll eat you but they won't stalk minors sexually bro are you sure? that's kind of the point of illumination - you are freed from cult requirements, which is how I read the Cacodemon effect. for me the real question is if you still generate the Cacodemon effect. (Can I add that I really hate the word Cacodemon and would really prefer if it were just "Bad God", which is what it means in Greek?)
  22. yeah but now they can choose, which makes ogrish life a lot easier
  23. oh that's my bad, I misread it as a response to me! my brain not so good. back to illuminated ogres... wouldn't they, uh, not care about ogrish things quite so much anymore? the entire point of illumination is to transcend the limitations of the runes - you can break cult vows, and so forth. Sure you can hide your Chaos rune to prevent getting mercked by Storm Bulls or whatever, but you might not be particularly motivated to skulk in taverns with your kinfolk and eat travelers so much anymore, either. We've seen a broo get illuminated and make ... a move to become the Red Emperor. Another removed (!) its Chaos rune and became a Water god. And those are just broo.
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