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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. True. With Hero, barring the most powerful standard attacks, only killing attacks have a chance to kill a character, and in super settings, those are quite rare. Agreed. Same for me (except the comment about GURPS 3, because I've never played this one). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  2. My understanding is that you can try again the next day. But, as a GM, my ruling would be that it depends on the setting. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  3. Even if I am a big Champions fan, count me on this point. Count me also in this group. BRP has probably the best Role playing skill system I have ever used. Hero has definitely not. This is purely a genre question. Spiderman is able too punch through a Safe door, and should thus be able to punch through the body of any goon he meets. I am not sure he has ever killed one. Same for Batman (or worse Superman). Completely agree here (except that for me, non lethality is in-genre for most super hero settings. Punisher and Wolverine are exceptions, not the rule (and Wolverine is killing, but is still 4 colors). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  4. I've put my hand on Champions: New Millenium as soon as it has been available in France (about 1 year delay with US one), after a discussion with Mike Pondsmith when he came in Geneva for a Con we organized at that time. The universe presented is nice. Less 4 collors than the standard Champions universe, but nice nonetheless. I am much less impressed by the system, It is lacking the possibilities of the Hero system, but is bringing too much complexity to the Interlock system. Those systems have been designed for modelling different kind of games and don't mix correctly. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  5. 2004 is 5th revised, but the elements cited are already present in 1st ed Champions. I agree for the last comment, except for the Super genre (MY prejudice). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  6. It completely depends on your goal. If you want a BRP Hero system able to reproduce all or almost all the aspects of the Super genre, you will have first to vastly expand the range of powers, add a complete non lethal combat system and reconsider the ratio of efficiency between the different power systems. Then, the creation system can (should) be modified to a point based one. This probably leads to a change in the experience system (to comply with the point system). Those are some of the points (alongside with the availability of supplements) that made me shift from Superworld to Champions some 25 years ago. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  7. Totally agree. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  8. As Champions/Hero has been published in 1981 (IIRC), I find amusing to see it listed in the 'modern generic systems'. Apart to that, I fully agree with this analysis. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  9. You've never read anything from the 'Dark Champions' line, don't you? I am NOT using it especially because of this feel. When I play a Super game, I do it for the Uebermensh feel, not to see almost ordinary men transformed in mindless killers by the access to a big armory. But if you look on a Punisher style, this is your game. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  10. A good point based creation system to look upon is the one from James Bond 007 (Victory Games). But Champions, the father of all Super Hero and grand father of all point based systems is a good choice. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  11. Nice. Too bad I can't play anymore both Interstates games. You should play Car Wars. Your version of the universe (very Mad Maxian) is closed to the 'Chassis and Crossbow' model, originally described in the Dueltrack supplement. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  12. Waouh!!!! I've been since long a fan of the UFO game, but your text is simply brilliant. I love it. Reading your post makes me wanting to reinstall it (once I will have finished my current run of Fallout 2). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  13. This comes from P51 of RQ III player book. There is no real damage and the victim recovers from stun with a CON x 1 roll during the bookkeeping phase of any subsequent round. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  14. Oh, true. I originally believed tha this small portion will increase as the original players matured, but I now tend to think it is decreasing. We always see the same figures to the non-D&D tables, as D&D tables see a continuous flow of new players. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  15. I like it and will propose it to my GM. By the way, we currently allow POW checks for any win, wether active or passive. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  16. Hello, Once I can get a hand on it (that is once my flgs in Geneva gets it), we plan to: - try to convert our current RQIII campaign to it. - probably try to adapt the current CoC campaigns. Super games will probably stick to Champions. For modern games, I don't know. I know we have a ringworld fan (both the books and the game), so we will perhaps see a resurgence. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  17. The one I have seen have a 10 to 12 feet haft (3.0 to 3.5 meters for us non imperial). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  18. I still don't have the new BRP (not available at my flgs), but with RQ3, the advantage of the gladius comes when you close distance. With RQ, the owner of the shortest weapon has a disadvantage (strikes last), but as soon as he can go to close combat, he has a big advantage as he still has 2 weapon actions whereas his opponent with the longer weapon has only 1 left. The long weapon guy can thus only parry, dodge or attack. This was the way the (post-Marius) roman legionaries were fighting: going close combat, protected by their scutum, giving fast stabbing strike with the gladius, as the back ranks were throwing plumbata on the enemies and pressing the line. An enemy with long weapons has trouble handling them when a rank of large shiled is pushing. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  19. "Megalos polemios" (μεγάλος πόλεμος), IIRC (my ancient greek is 20 years away, and thus a bit fuzzy), but "Bellum Magnum" is good (but should be "Igni Magnum Bellum"). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  20. Same for me. For example, for me, when I play CoC (quite rare), I find them a waste of time. On the opposite, for heroic fantasy (RQ) or hard science sci-fi, they seem to me most appropriate. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  21. As the french edition of SB (same thing for Hawkmoon, by the way) is using SAN, I can ensure it works perfectly. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  22. Here (I'm living in France, but playing in Switzerland), within the gaming group I'm part of, D&D is the most played game, but by far not the only one, and is nos dominant. But if I look in the stores, the matter is different, and D&D is more than half of what is available. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  23. Same for me. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  24. Quite good description, except thatn for RQIII, each manipulation is a skill that can be increased by experience, research or training, like most other skills. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  25. Nephilim was indeed a french game (by Multisim), translated in english by Chaosium. This is, as far as I know, the only foreign game using BRP that has been taken back by Chaosium. The game has been created during the White Wolf craze of conspiracy games, and uses the same kind of supernatural powers hidden amongst humans. It is in itself quite good. Runequestement votre, Kloster
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