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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I wouldn't expect a rat who's on fire to have *ANY* agenda besides finding the nearest water to dive-into or roll-around-in, and *ZERO* willingness to return to the scene... YGWV.
  2. I know that the text of the new edition functions as an SRD for all legal purposes. But that's not the same as having a usable plaintext standalone SRD. Any word as to whether Chaosium is producing this (and if so, when?), or if anyone is producing it on their own ... and an ETA?
  3. I believe the "Demi-birds" were based (as many archetypal animals in & around Dragon Pass) on a fossil species. In this case one of the so-called "Terror Birds," the Phorusrhacidae (if it was any specific species, I don't know of it). Bigger than an ostrich, and with an absolutely massive head & beak. See:
  4. The "Artisanal" character-sheet released for RQG was a thing of beauty -- I loved it! But looked upon it with deep suspicions as to legibility in-play. My fears were borne out at the table, alas!
  5. Honestly, it feels like it's too soon to call it "dead." These things take time. Should the line be continued in an evolutionary way... expanding the 2e offerings, or tweaking the rules to a V2.1 or V2.5 or V3 revision? Should it be ported to BRP (likely borrowing from LotMS and/or Blood Tide)? Should it become a setting for QuestWorlds? Do these even have to be mutually-exclusive??!? I would expect all this to take rather more more than a month or two! In the end, Chaosium is going to be looking long and hard at the sales numbers, at lessons learned and at what they can reasonably project into the future. On the optimistic side, here: I presume they took a good hard look at JWP's numbers before stepping in to rescue that KS, and similarly presume they thought they could make a reasonable stab at it, then. No idea what their experience has been, since then. (n.b. I am not Chaosium; I do not have any inside info. I speculate, as fans do)
  6. @OriginalLadders you could also consider that the higher-level mastery (beyond what the basic rules permit) is equivalent to getting an extra development-point. That is, rather than being a collection of randomly-discrepant exceptions, it's a suite of curated, balanced exceptions... 😁
  7. I'd have the ship augment the characters. You want it to be the players' rolls, so they get augment'ed by the ship, not augment the ship's rolls (then it's also the ship augmenting the NPC's, for consistency). Unless you're moving to something like McCaffrey's Ship Who Sang 'verse (or other ship-as-PC setting), of course! I think crew-as-keyword works (with breakouts for particularly-skilled crew). I don't know the community rules well enough to comment, but intuitively that "should" be a good approach.
  8. Of course "demonic" is VERY much a culturally-relative thing. Some people will call Trolls "darkness demons;" and they wouldn't be wrong... even if they aren't entirely right, either.
  9. I think this is an excellent point. Take the canonical books as the truth, but don't necessarily presume that LM/IO/etc lore-masters are notably closer to that truth than family-lore known to longtime neighbors, and to people with ancient ties to draconic knowledge...
  10. It's always possible they got DMCA'ed by the IP owner(s). I doubt Chaosium sees it as worthwhile to actually defend it in court. And, given that BRPC is now Chaosium's official forum (and staff are active here): it's relevant that Chaosium produces media commercially, making individuals' "fair use" a harder defense to claim on this site. There's already an Alien RPG, so BRP'izing "Alien" is pretty explicitly using someone's already-licensed IP in a competing product; the fact that you are offering it "for free" doesn't let Chaosium (who actually does the hosting, and sells competing RPGs) offer it for free; similarly for other peoples' artwork (used without permission). I expect if you found some explicitly royalty-free artwork ("taken from the internet" does not suffice) -- or did it yourself; or commissioned an artist -- you could get away with stuff like 3 Musketeers, as the Dumas isn't (c)'ed; but not using images from any of the movies. n.b. - I Am Not A Lawer, do not rely upon me for legal advice, hire your own attorney.
  11. g33k


    I suspect it's something specific to the sounds, for a native speaker; and possibly some different cultural referents & touchstones to the USAian sensibilities.
  12. When you cite Norway & the Aleutians here, are you talking about the physical landscape? Or something more human-centric?
  13. g33k


    8 novels (published 1955-1999) by Beverly Cleary; well-beloved by several generations of children. Before that, a 1928 movie based on an 1885 novel, both causing significant spikes in popularity of the name. All this is USA data, tho.
  14. Given that we have @Jason D himself in-thread -- and he didn't actually say where in the process a "new printing" is -- I think I'd hold off on ordering 'til he loops back here (if size of typeface is an issue for you).
  15. There is also the classic "abducted by a suitor" -- both genders of mortals have folkloric antecedents for such shenanigans. This brings up the conundrum for the PC's -- was the "victim" actually willing, not a victim at all? Or they weren't originally willing, but (Beauty & the Beast style) genuinely became so? Maybe they now appear willing... but if so, are they under a glamour?
  16. I presume you're looking at the new ORC-licensed games...? Have you settled on a BRP:UGE or M:I foundation? Or even using the ORC license to blend them? Or...?
  17. Wow, that is quite the list!!! 🤯 😁 Aside from non "edition" books (such as the coloring book, or the "Beginning Readers" series) is everything that's NOT a 7e book marked as-such, e.g. "CHA23142 Dark Ages 2nd Edition" is presumably for CoC2e "CHA23165-H Cthulhu Dark Ages (3rd Edition)" is presumably for CoC3e Is that correct? (Confusingly, tho, I think that "Harlem Unbound (2nd Edition)" is NOT for CoC2e, but the 2e of a CoC7e rulebook (the 1e of HU having been a produced by Darker Hue under license))
  18. I have found -- mostly as a player -- that too long a pre-roll is highly-vulnerable to jostles and other accidental disruptions of the dice. I dislike -- both as player and GM -- to have the dice be showing anything other than as-rolled. YMMobviouslyV!
  19. IIRC, there was also a cyberpunk/BRP hack produced by @Raleel ... ? Dunno if it was explicitly SR, tho...
  20. My experience is that the in-order dice really help some players; so I just ask/advise everyone to do it that way, and model doing it. Some players don't do it to their own detriment (and the table's); and some don't but can read the dice at a glance in any random order they fall. But enough of them do it -- and benefit the table -- that I find the practice worth preserving since I first met it in... 1980/1981 (can't quite be sure). Sometimes it feels kind of controlling and anal-retentive (to be trying to prescribe "how to roll dice" to my players) but I try to get over that by reminding myself how fast-flowing RQ combat can really be ...
  21. Default / generic / LOTR-style dwarves are programmed Scottish, but most Gloranthan dwarfs are programmed otherwise...
  22. *cough*cough*BRP*cough*cough* As Chaosium's narrative (and universal) game system, perhaps? 🤡 ("storyteller" being a specific other game-system from another publisher; "narrative" seems to be the preferred term for engines like HW/HQ/QW & Fate &c)
  23. Wow... this is an extraordinary value!
  24. Are you referring to this: https://www.chaosium.com/brp-system-reference-document/ ??? Honestly, as of mid-early 2023, I would refer you to: https://www.chaosium.com/basic-roleplaying-universal-game-engine-pdf/ This uses the (IMO far superior) ORC license. The problem with the earlier SRD was IMO two-fold: first, it was so minimal as to require a lot of extra work by creators to achieve a useful chassis for their RPG; it simply left out too much. Second, Chaosium was (at the time) being very protective of their IP's. It's sensible not to undercut their own "bread and butter" make-a-living products, but IMHO they went overboard. In particular, I think you're right to worry about the term "substantially similar" -- notwithstanding the (AFAIK not well-tested in court) assertion that "rules cannot be copyrighted" the BRP-OGL referenced above relies upon contract law rather than copyright law: you will be in violation of the license if you produce a rule or setting "substantially similar" to one of those Chaosium protected in their license. You can violate that contract without violating (c).
  25. Huh. I think I was unaware of the pre-BDBoM books. Would you be open to re-issuing the BDBoM (with new art, an OGL release up-front, and maybe a very-few deletions of whatever entries are most-likely to draw ire (and fire)? I bet folks would be willing to pay for that... Which would fund some art! 🙂
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