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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. Ah, I was looking at Spirit Dance, which actually doesn't appear to have ever had that explicit restriction.
  2. I was going to reply "It isn't, I don't see any such restriction", but David's reply tipped me off that that sentence has been removed in the second printing. I believe that Spirit Dance should have been set at 05% rather than 00%. I can't see how avoiding a spirit on the spirit plane is literally impossible with no chance whatsoever of it happening by dumb luck in the absence of training.
  3. And you prepare the way with a Lie spell. "Nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan!"
  4. Swallow. Lots and lots of points of Swallow. Hey, it might work! Only one way to find out!
  5. The uncles go away and prepare the pits. Nobody deliberately prepared a Sex Pit. That would be crazy! Yet… when the bad kid came to be initiated, there was a Sex Pit there and he ended up in it. That’s how hero quests work. Strange things happen, enemies invade or are drawn in, the map is not the territory. This is of course assuming that the Sex Pit is always bad. I’m not entirely sold on that idea. Maybe the myth that we have of Ragnaglar coming out broken is not the only myth of that ilk. Other myths may exist where a young god encounters a potentially traumatic sexual test and doesn’t go down a dark path. To be honest its kind of surprising that a fairly healthy society like the Orlanthi have such a stark “Sex is bad, it sends you mad” cornerstone in their mythology. So surprising that it can’t be true.
  6. Interesting, I would also be ok with that, but it might not enjoy widespread popularity. Clearly the "PDF first" system works great for selfish old me, but it is interesting to see the business side of it. I can't imagine that "simultaneous release" will result in a drop in sales so I guess we've seen the end of those days. The key is getting the internal proofreading process good enough. Clearly some of the past releases needed more at the point of pdf release, but that's not a criticism as it was a deliberate choice to release early. The Starter Set also had issues though. I feel bad about that as I was part of that process, focusing mainly on stat blocks, and I missed Nathem's bison-sized cat stats! What's the saying, "no-one mentions the bison in the room"? 🤣
  7. No. "In appealing for divine intervention, the adventurer must first permanently sacrifice 1 Rune point and then the player must state in a precise way what their adventurer wishes the divine intervention to achieve. " Permanently means permanently.
  8. After rearranging the calendar into seasons of seven weeks each, the culmination of the Lunar plan is the New Sun Stop that extends the year by another seven weeks, giving Glorantha the perfect 7 × 7 × 7 year.
  9. Just borrow ("liberate") one week from each season, add them to Sacred Time, and you have six seasons of seven weeks each.
  10. We "know" that smoking Hazia can cause discorporation. Is it easy and automatic? I don't think so, there may be a meditative side to it, mantras and chants and breathing exercises and dance moves that help. So if you want to go on a group discorporation adventure, the shaman guiding the others through achieving an out-of-body experience could be the way to go. Then you just need a ge mechanic - the shaman could use his Spirit Dance skill to augment the base-chance-plus-cat-mod of the other adventurers.
  11. Your Glorantha varying is fine... but that's a big change. It's very well established that the god has no say whatsoever. To me, that kind of thing is handled by a huge honour penalty (plus whatever mundane social consequences are appropriate). You don't get more "helpless unarmed noncombatant" than a baby.
  12. Yes, the "all 13s and 17s" thing is a problem with points-buy. That's why I like the dice swapping, you might be able to get a couple of optimal break point stats but it's not guaranteed.
  13. If you have enough D6, then how about this: Roll dice in order and line them up under the characteristics, i.e. the first three go under STR, etc. Roll X extra dice, decide among the group what X is. I suggest at least 7. Choose two dice to swap over, Y times. Again, pick Y according to taste. Needs some playtesting to decide what X and Y are, and whether or not a sum total threshold should also be applied. Eh, can't delete the box below on my mobile...
  14. Seems quite generous, and the munchkins (dontcha just hate 'em) would see that as a great way to get a bigger variety of spells than any other cult - if you could do that with Yinkin or Odayla for example!
  15. We always ran with the house rule that Healing spirit magic could only be cast once per wound. Otherwise there’s virtually no advantage to knowing larger versions of the spell apart from the 6 points to reattach a limb. And casting speed. The down side is “bookkeeping” but it’s usually not hard to remember. Once per location, unless the player knows they took more than one hit there.
  16. I am not familiar (🤪) with that thread, I’ll have to check it out. Yes, and I split this off because of the drift.
  17. Yes exactly. If you want to talk about what will appear in RQG then make another thread.
  18. Just to be clear, the intent of this thread was to discuss the specific RQ3 game term definition of "familiar", a creature imbued with some of the essence of the sorcerer and in mind link with them, and potentially an analogue to the fetch and allied spirit.
  19. I haven't really thought through the Malkioni familiars thing. Temple wyters aren't the same as allied spirits, and you might have several wizards at one temple. So maybe the "familiar" stand-in is an intermediate entity between the wizard and the congregational wyter. Is there any existing material on the role of the wyter in Malkioni cosmology? Do they have wyters?
  20. Given that it was a comment by Greg at a convention in the '90s, it's not very recent. The "recent" side of it is that it's not official Gloranthan cosmology nowadays.
  21. I think most Western cultures will associate piety with Christian piety, which ostensibly carries all those things with it, and that will doubtless make its way into many dictionaries. A pious worshipper of an evil god might not show mercy and pity!
  22. I always thought that it was fairly easy for a Humakti to jump ship to YT, almost like it's a secret subcult.
  23. Sandy: father of the "Quad Damage" power-up in Quake. Building up a ton of tiny bonuses is great for a computer game like Diablo, but sucks for P&P RPGs.
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