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Everything posted by Orlanthatemyhamster

  1. How does it assist in divination? I'm not really expecting an answer from you on this, it's a weird question and a bit niche, after all for the major culture RQ deals with, the sky is a enemy. As Alex puts it so well, it's very regular. Dates and times would be written down and once done it's done. People keep saying it's very useful but are vague on specifics. Pages and pages written on it and no actual concrete uses. The Star Seers Are a long way from the sea, navigation seems a bit redundant. I can see why it has been written about, but its in game uses seem marginal.
  2. What does it do for ordinary people? Does it do anything for anyone, except keep a few more Buserians in jobs? Is it like Astrology in real life but true? If not why is so much effort put into it? Who has access to the information, can anyone go see a Star Seer?
  3. Very few people are going to worship Satire as their primary god, all of the permanent residents of a city are going to worship the City God as, if not their primary god, a big secondary. People may celebrate Satire once a year, but that that's about it.
  4. This wasn't the point I was actually remarking on but I will address it as well. Int is a terrible stat for role-playing. Terrible. Vague and nebulous. You could argue strongly that idea generation is only a part of it. And that someone with low int could still generate good ideas, just be bad at all the other aspects of it. Do you say to one of your players you can't play someone above int 14 because that's what you are? How do you role play someone with high int? Say 20? Do you give them ideas their char would have thought of? That's not RPing, or do you make them roll for the same, that's not role-playing either, but rollplaying. Playing a low int char is difficult, but if you make people play char with int they can RP continuously, then you will never have very high or low chars. Defeating the object of having it as a stat at all. The subject I meant was the improvement roll modeling and changes to it. Also gaining a tick when you succeed at a skill isn't learning from success, it's a chance to learn from failure, which is what the actual improvement roll is, you fail the skill roll, you improve you skill.
  5. Who are the Chaosium staff on here? Please. It would be useful to know for semi official posts or even official ones.
  6. I think you are emphasising realism over fun far too much. RQ etc isn't the real world, it's a game. And I say this as someone who really values realism.
  7. I use the normal system plus an experience point system, not as potent as the WHFR System but as a supplement its great. Ironic that I've never read WHFRing. Great minds think alike, fools never etc.
  8. Trolls. Always going one worse.
  9. Oh yeah, he's the Bear Walker shoe in, isn't he. Weird to have a hunting god without the Death Rune. I suppose he just hugs his prey to sleep?
  10. Beg pardon, A god of music. God of bagpipes, is that like being the best living Sci Fi writer in Australia? I'm sure inventers of pleasant musical noises will play a part.
  11. Doesn't he have have the Death Rune? And I don't mean dying in your bed asleep type rune...
  12. Richard S said, "He's a god of poets and musicians." Huh? He's obviously the god of Bad poets, but musicians? I've not heard that. Or maybe I wouldn't want to... 😉
  13. I don't think Kolat should be in there, he's the link between the wind spirits and the physical wind. He's no less violent than his brothers. Just because you are connected to the spirit world doesn't mean you aren't violent.
  14. Great! 😀🙂 All Sartar adjacent, or general topics. Thanks for the clarification Jeff. I know people are working on stuff further afield, but thought/knew these were probably further down the line.
  15. I didn't say they weren't for use elsewhere, eventually. But anywhere not Sartaritish is a long way off, looking at the vaguely official timeline of products.
  16. I think I was trying to say the same thing. 🙂
  17. The reason I not seeing it being there is that its not a rune that is prevalent in Dragon Pass, and the core book is almost explicitly about Sartar with other places added in to give flavour. It is also a vast simplification of how the world and the runes are.
  18. Bit of a blow out then? 😉 Thanks for the info.
  19. The Pamaltan runespells are in TBRBoS, I suspect.
  20. If I get my ass in gear [they always seem to get stuck in neutral] you just might get your wish. Later [much] this year? But don't hold your breath [geddit?].
  21. During the Greater Darkness, what forms does chaos take in DH and the surrounding area? Kazkurtum? I really have no idea on this one. Most of the established Chaos gods seem Sartar specific, though I don't want to get too hung up on that, I'm more interested in any DH gods that aren't expanded on. Thanks for your thoughts.
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