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Everything posted by Orlanthatemyhamster

  1. How did a Sun goddess become so important to the Orlanthi and why did she fade?
  2. Yelmalio Creates soldiers, Humakt Creates suicide bombers, Zorak Zoran Creates monsters [think of them as the worst GIs in Viet Nam] Orlanth Creates shirkers, always going AWOL to get their end away.
  3. I felt a great disturbance in the garden, as if millions of bowls of petunias suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
  4. The Gods couldn't play nice, so they have been put on the naughty step.
  5. Hardest game in the world, that. Thirty years man and boy.
  6. I don't think that should be in this 'dumbest idea' thread. ;)
  7. I thought, very much like chariot racing, there were different teams/owners. So it would be possible to rig, but not automatic by any means, no one wants to see a push over.
  8. I think Glorantha has been drifting to the 'nice' for quite a while, with nasty things like slavery and human sacrifice just not happening any more in lovely utopian Orlanthi society. We are meant to believe that the poor are only there through their own actions. Much like how the US and UK see them now. Because one stickpicker became a hero, every other one must have had the same chances. The Luck Rune just doesn't have a lookin nowadays. How do Thralls and the poor view gods that keep them as such? Also, I thought that sacrifices in Tarsh were to ensure a good harvest, not to stop random earthquakes being done to their own people by a worshipped god? Very much puts her on a par with Malia.
  9. Personally I always thought that while gladiatorial games were unsavory, it wasn't actually human sacrifice. In that, in a sacrifice, a person was chosen and that person died no matter what. One had at least a chance of surviving in a gladiatorial fight.
  10. They need to go to The Hollow to get their junk cut off? Surely there are easier ways? But maybe it's never easy to lose your junk...
  11. Maran Gor. Chop his own essentials off, they will accept him then as a rune level, or die laughing.
  12. You could reduce the whole of combat down to a single die roll if you like, or even no rolls at all if you want. Lots of 'games' out there do that. Others have said about the clever way you can roll more than one dice at a time, and even in advance! You only have to imagine it and other things and it can be done.
  13. I'm thinking about buying a paper copy of this, but I've heard about people getting a pre Gen-Con proof edition with references missing etc. Is there a way to tell the difference before I buy, please anyone?
  14. The Dwarven representatives that are traded with, don't seem to have beards [as yet casteless?], and often break into what can only be loosely be called, 'song'. They have earned the nicknames of Stinky, Spotty, Scary, Snotty and Groggy, as their names are almost unpronounceable, '[high pitched screech]EEE. [almost inaudible rummble]Mab. [said as fast as possible undulating]Untun'.
  15. I think you are the only person who loved Bland World as a name, and most people don't want to/have time to create a world from effectively zero. So you are in a very small minority. Both the books and the world feel very dated, Elric feels very of it's time. If you distil it down, the Eternal Champion has some great ideas and great characters, but the world[s] feel a bit flimsy compared to a lot of top notch fiction, fantasy has moved on, for the better?
  16. The pigs are owned by one Somer H Jimson. "Still good, just a little airborne!"
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