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Everything posted by Orlanthatemyhamster

  1. Clouds are in the Air and that's where rain falls from. Heler isn't a martial deity and even needs rescuing. Is there a reference for him invading the Sky, please?
  2. Could we have an update to the contents of the book, pretty please? It's a lot of pages to go through to get a better idea of the list of contents than the 3 year oldish initial post? Not complaining, just want more info. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Who is that, Dagda[SP?] Some marriages aren't made in Heaven. Or are...
  4. That seems pretty martial, similar requirements to Orlanth and Babs and more than Storm Bull!
  5. I also saw her as the relief when Yelmโ€™s gaze was too much for mortals to bear, so clouds to give shade. A god of [small] mercy.
  6. I thought he was dead/devolved into his sons, so not really an entity as such anymore? In the words of Shargash "Umath's dead baby, Umath's dead."
  7. I never expected so literal a reply! It was a joke about the price of forbidden knowledge, but I am really glad of the info! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Thanks very much. She's described as the still air, Wind, Air and Storm are the same rune I always thought, from stillness right through to 300mph. I'm not ignoring the Lunars, I'm just not concentrating on her as an aspect of the moon. She predates Umath as far as I can see [but Godtime, ayyy? So who knows?]. Do you have references for this? As I would be really interested in reading more of it! Thanks again.
  9. I am interested in her as a non-Red Moon deity, I'm not really interested in the idea that she is a face of Orlanth, though connections with Molani [SP?] or good, as I am much more interested in her as the goddess of sweet air, the summer breeze. I have a good grounding in her in the Entekosiad, which actually only has a little about her. But any secrets you may have gleaned from that or elsewhere, would be most welcome and I'll willingly pay the price of that knowledge... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. I always thought that the position of Kargg's Son was made to be an outlet for more advanced males. Mythically, literally.
  11. Isn't it because male Trolls find it hard to make priestess?
  12. It's a PCism just like much of Sartar, that post modern utopia. *Politically Correct or Player Character, take your pick.
  13. That runner does look like a hippy chimp. I like the Headhanger as a Bagogi offspring, it doesn't feel any more or less Gloranthan than many other creatures, I mean Shadow cats are associated with a Wind God, What?
  14. I would definitely prefer the Boggles.
  15. The delay in the sale of the the Starter Set is not due to Brexit, but Boggles.
  16. What was the stuff you had to exclude? Vivamort made me do this.
  17. They are a bit like the Italians who remember the time under Mussolini with fondness, 'well, public transport was well run and they were polite AND smartly dressed' etc, or Londoners' selective memory about the 'Blitz'.
  18. 'as custom and tribute demanded' Tribute never seems to me to be a positive thing, demanded is rarely positive too. Semantics perhaps. People usually only go to war when the they feel unfairly treated. Equal exchange doesn't seem like a really good reason to me, but they did and it wasn't. The fans of Glorantha, runequest et al have always been excessively fond of trolls and it is evident everywhere, I don't think Gregg was immune to this Uzophilia either. Personally I've never been enamoured with eating my children or someone else's for that matter.
  19. Yes, you give me your money and I tolerate you and don't eat your children. Hence the Tax War. ZZies fights Chaos and look how loathsome they are.
  20. A certain someone though it was a cool sound?
  21. Argarth is Wakboth. No. Wait! I think I'm in the wrong thread. Sorry.
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