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Everything posted by Orlanthatemyhamster

  1. @Ironwall Yes, his/it is the period just before Time was created when things were at their Darkest. So just before the Great Compromise et al. @jajagappa Thanks for these, do you have the PDFs? If not you are amazing! Good anyway. 🙂 Yes, the answer was there [in the three Staffords] all the time, I just needed to do a thorough index search. Thanks once again.
  2. Kazkurtum was/is a part of Yelm, his Other? So is it everything bad about centralisation and hierarchy? The cult of Stalin and Mao? Beyond socialism and communism. Or the caste system of India at its worst? Both?
  3. Notice I didn't say 'Who'. I believe it is as much a concept. Death taken to its ultimate, annihilation? A lack of all Virtue? Is it 'worshipped' by Dara Happans? Worshipped to keep it away [what is that word?!] ?
  4. Of course he is, he's one of the god Glorantha cannot exist without!
  5. That's Canada... And I said 'usually'. Try walking up to a random person on the street and say, "hey you little freak, tell me the time." And see where it gets you.
  6. Even to Disneyland? What if it was only an extra 20 Mins drive?
  7. It's when the damage goes through the large iron shield, through the iron plate, through the arm, through the iron plate again and still does double HP damage to the chest that you need to worry... Oh, almost forgot about prot and shield 4.
  8. I started it no end of times, and am enjoying it now, but only after tearing it apart and putting it mentally back together. I think a lot of the SL needs to be read before you can read it. If that makes sense. You have to already understand it, before you can read it.
  9. It looks like a person with no skin, I would have guessed it was from native Australia culture, but no more than that.
  10. Just to point out, 'little freak' is usually an insult in English.
  11. I think you are getting confused with the Spice Girls.
  12. You seem to dislike the system at a fundamental level, why play it? Use a system more to your taste. D&D is a good system.
  13. So it's like one of those paintball games where you switch sides after being killed? Try to think like a worshiper, why would you worship something like that? Get rid of the great hunt bit and it makes perfect sense. You could say someone who keeps cows and eats them is a hunter.
  14. Could you copy and past that here, please? Some of us aren't on Facecrook.
  15. If people don't worship the founders enough then the city falls apart, this is obviously less important in a town and less so in a village. God knows how Noshit/Notyet works then, if founders are merely subcult in stature?
  16. So he's what they hunt on the 'Great Hunt' then?
  17. Yes, let's ignore two important parts of the skills and stats system. Why not?
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