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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. thanks @jajagappa and @Shiningbrow i didn't think about the bestairy ! there is indeed all I need 🙂
  2. I would like to create, following the rqg process an adventurer (human) initiate of ZZ. As I can't buy the rqg darkness cult book for some time, have got few questions: - is it possible to have the Cult Starting Skills ? - is there any specific restriction to join the cult (when your parents are or when you have no relative) ? (at least for a human) . In my FR "dieux de glorantha" or FR "Trolls", you need 75+ in any mace/hammer/... and a POW+STR test to become initiate. Which is hard to modelize with the creation process.
  3. don't see any restriction p274. Just read p275 to have the answer 🙂
  4. bah, for me the word is not so important what i understand is there is "One way of the warrior" shared everywhere in dragon pass. that's the important point. Of course I can build sect or any community following other values or even individuals, (ambush is fine for sect X, not accept a duel with a clearly weaker opponent for community Z), but the majority shares the same definition (list of values / good actions / wrong actions) by the way it seems to me that an humakti has no issue to fight against a weak opponent, if this opponent wants to fight. I would not call it honor (in my referential)
  5. that was my idea too However, the "canon" is that honor is the shared system of warriors values at least in the dragon pass. So that's not a question of race ( few trolls are maybe "honorable", however that's not the main value in troll society so we don't care) Not a question of cult : same honor between Orlanth and Humakt, but more important for Humakt cult than for Orlanth cult (that is important, but having just the minimum is not an issue) so the key word "Honor" is clear in the rule book (of course you may decide to change it for your game, just keep in mind that is not the official rule 🙂 ) but, writting this post I imagine something else, beside the honor passion : "(sub)cult XXX values " passion "homeland XXX values" passion then you can have what you want. That may answer my issue that a honor is not only, in my modern irl definition, just a question of warrior. A scribe may have a honor system where fighting means nothing (always tell the truth, never make mistake, pay attention to the script quality - graph, grammar, content, material -, etc...) in another hand, some would use "loyalty homeland", "devotion god" to express that. After all the god can be seen as what you should do to be "better" in another other hand (not chaotic feature, don't burn me, Orlanth has more than three 😛 ) you can too use the rune : your example about the truth is clear : that could be seen as your % in truth rune. so you/we have a large range of options after all creating more passions considering (remembering ?) the runes are like passion too using other "classic passion" like devotion and then your pcs would be compatible with other games, as you don't change the honor's meaning (but of course i don't see any issue to do what you propose, I'm just sharing another perspective 🙂 )
  6. for sure 🙂 however who owns the land ? who bless the crops in such farmer country ? who welcome the #### and give so much joy, and heir to build the future ? there are two perspectives: Orlanth rex is the cult which ultimately decides everything or Orlanth rex is the protector of the law, the one able to organize peace between clans, the one which decides about war and other "men" business. But even if, for a stranger the one in the Hall who seems strong and powerful , the one who tells all the decisions is the "king" (I mean Leika is the king too, that is not a gender/sex question here of the individual), the true power is behind the throne. And for some business, the "husband" will not challenge his "queen" if it is not very very important. Is the life of one guy so important to create an internal struggle, with maybe big consequences ? After all there is no smoke without fire *. And in all case if the guy was a good guy, now is in Orlanth all, without any issue, drinking, singing, dancing. Of course it depends on the victim, it depends on the Orlanth hierarchy, but people are weak, and if they can avoid internal issue, peace at royal home is better... Weakness and injustice create better sagas. After all a society praising wergild (somewhere innocent people must pay for other) is not a just society, so everything may be "acceptable", that is call reason of state clan I follow the second perspective, maybe it is not the canon, maybe it is, maybe both are non canonical because there is no canon here. I don't know * How I dislike this sentence ! and of course what I propose is not what I like irl, but what it may happen, but yeah I have a dark glorantha, even if there is hope in darkness
  7. Not sure that calling air for a earth business is the most appropriate thing to not create more issue. I would say that the storm voice would propose our guy to discuss with Ernalda priestess and let Orlanth temple away from this issue now I m not sure a lot of people would try anything. Even if they believe the poor victim is innocent, how many would try to defy a temple, with sacred warriors.. the risk is enormous ernalda cultists will not bless the fields bab’z warriors will be angry probably tears will give more compensation for the bloodline than call for revenge for the brother But that could create a true tragedy, this kind of situation creates hero, cursed hero as I like them!
  8. I like your post however some questions : As I understand, sorcery is "neutral" : it uses the runes to do thing. Are things good or evil is not due to sorcery "system" ; like sword or feather, that's jus how to use it , what you want. So what means purify then ? In the same way sorcerers can create the effects they wish, if they are smart and prepared enough. As LM resources are exceptional, I don't understand why the LM sorcerers did not create spells they did not found. In my opinion, the reason is there are three levels of sorecery spells from a LM perspective : - the spells that any LM sorcerers "should" know to do a good LM job (those we have, and that could be called Torvald fragments.) Not because Torvald didn't know more, just because he thought it was not necessary to LM students. I see it like any irl school program, decision makers define what the school will teach, of course it is a selection. Sometimes a new government (or any dedicated entity, in our case cult, or local temple) will change the program, focus on new thing, or change the proportion of this subject and this subject. - the spells that any LM sorcerers "may" know if they think this spell will be usefull for themselves. They have to find a teacher or to create it. Probably a large number of spells are known by different LM masters, or somewhere described in some books in one of their library-temple however that is a personal path, not "supported" by the cult (= "at school") even if accepted. - the forbidden spells (if they are). Those who are against LM's way (against great compromise) like what we think at first when we think "god learner" (steal divine power) "vampire" (steal life power) "chaos" (corrupt xxx) or things like that. Maybe Torvald (or LM cult) had access and purge it, Maybe he had not, who knows
  9. there are different answers levels: A), the list of actions and people before me give a lot of good ideas B), how to gain the "check" there are two ways to get the check : 1) just because you did something. For example "you succeed a quest about honor . I imagine for example a revenge quest, a temple/loyalty quest or any "oath" quest. I would give +10 / +20 honour depending on the quest, for those who want and only if they succeed "with" honor (so it means you must have honor tests during the scenario. However, that is not for an action, or just a scene but a full scenario 2) honor is a passion, if you use honor to augment your skill roll, you may gain a check. C) and of course you may lose honor (or any passion). What I do there is to tell your player : what you want to do is against your passion, are you sure you want to continue ? If yes, roll the passion - If you succeed the honor roll, you do what you want and lose 10% (or 20 or ... depending on the action) - If a special, same thing, but you lose maybe 20% or 30% (and if there is any roll to succeed the decided action , then penalty) - If a critic, psychologic issue, the player, in addition of previous impacts, should imagine a oath or something the pc should have... Ok the action is done but the pc has to "punish" herself - If you failed the passion, you don't see any issue with your honor. However there is an impact, as per raw
  10. Ernalda is a very large cult, there are the family part, but not only I have not enough lore to give a lot of examples but those who are "intended" to follow Ernalda the mother should have of course bless pregnancy. Now, those who will be/try to become the queen may follow other ways Or those focused on plants. same idea in the same time 🙂 that's not the way of rqg and its background but I would prefer that a "big" god has 5-10 majors subcults*. medium god = 2-4 majors subcults, little god 0-2 subcults What I call major subcult = temple dedicated to the subcult, with its own ecosystem and hierarchy. And probably with rules explaining that it is not so easy to join several sucults, some proof to give that you really follow several ways, just not one pow, more oath, more roleplay, more "quest" to validate it. For example being initiate of both adventurous and thunderous should be a hard process for a pc. Not to prevent it, but to transform the "I want a new spell" in a great story, with big challenges (of course same if you want to be initiates of different cults). Cults are probably, in my humble opinion, the main factor of differentiation with other rpg ( remember me how many pages for the different cult books ?) Initiation is a very good material for adventure (just see how "six seasons in sartar" is a great idea, I would say a "standard"). that's too bad the rules don't tell a lot about it, and a lot will see it as "roll three dices and that's done"
  11. in addition there is not a big issue you need to find the dedicated temple ONLY when you want to learn a spell. Not to "refuel" your runespell, any temple is fine for that. So that's not a big sacrifice to say "during this season, I want to learn XXX so I will move to ZZZ between the adventures" Players don't learn spell every "season" I agree that changing [one use spell for initiate] to [one shared runepool reusable for spells] is a big impact for the game design of course, but too for the background logic. And show some issues for some of us 🙂 Now, it is not very important if you don't focus on this background economy
  12. it depends on perspective 🙂 my personal one is far from this "honor" that's why I asked, I m too far of this logic if you want to know mine barbaric face (but of course that means not in glorantha, I want to follow the official background, but I need to understand it well. And it is not irl too, at least until we are in a civilized and centralized society, don't call the police 😛 ) :
  13. thanks @Akhôrahil for your time very interesting and helpful
  14. I agree, the what I don't understand is exactly this point : if someone jumps from a cliff and die, who does pay the wergild ? noone of course ... or the cliff nymph ? no if someone goes in another clan house, and with stupidy make voluntary fire and dies, is there a wergild? now if someone, with the same stupidity, triggers a duel and its death, well someone has to pay. I understand (maybe more "know" is better than "understand") the mechanic, but I don't understand how people conclude that this system is appropriate. Is it just to give opportunity of feud as @hipsterinspace ? I have clearly not the same honor than these guys ^^
  15. this point is for me very weird (Not the statement, it is, but the morale reason) It means that Hasshole, from clan A, decides to provoke another guy, "Innocent the third" from clan B. Insults, spits, scramble, threats, ... And as Innocent kept calm, Hasshole "orders" a duel... So what could do Innocent to stay honorable ? Ask clan A for a wergild as offense was made ? Go to his own ring to "cry" ? Refuse the duel even if he knows he is better warrior than Hasshole ? Who will not laugh ? (from an orlanthi pespective) so there is a duel... and of course Hasshole ends up in a hole... Now clan A claims for wergild ? But why ? Even if there is a loss, the only responsible is the lost ! Responsability is Orlanth's value. Innoncent is innocent right ? that is what I don't understand, why wergild is allowed in that case Would clan B would claim for wergild too because clan A's guy offensed it, its guy, etc ... And at the end that is just a negociation ? Even if their is, from my irl perspective, I admit, only one bad guy in this case ?
  16. of course you changed my pdf ! You are part of the conspirency !
  17. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/belintar-the-patron/ That seems to be a visage, does'nt it ? But who ? Nice article by the way.
  18. I agree with you, there is no reason to not bless everyone... if it were so easy (aka imo where we have a disagreement is the rune pool - pc & exceptional npc vs anyone - ) but in another way, as RQG describes that the characteristics depend on the homeland... -example Bisons-. If it were so easy, the RQG should say that, in Sartar, Esrolia, Old Tarsh, characters have a +1 in a characteristic of player's choice. That's not the case 🙂 so the issue is in my opinion that you are wrong (with all my respect, I m not sure of the "strength" of my words) to consider rqg creation rule as unnamed npc (= population) --> there is no legit question between before and after great winter, if you consider creation rules are only dedicated to "hero" and potential "associates" --> there is no creation rule issue (aka my +1 charac in any ernaldan location), if you consider creation rules are only dedicated to "hero" and potential "associates" for me the original issue we share and try to manage (in different ways) is that initiate status allows now (rqg) reusable magic and that any adult is initiate. the impact then is very important. (but only for those who ask themselves a lot of questions, I m pretty sure a lot of gm and players don't care !) The issue is how the rules + background answer to the game design choices : players must be able to cast rune spells again and again. That is the most important point. The answer was to say initiate have rune pool and can cast again and again. Is it the best answer ? Yes because it is simple, and enough for most players and gm. A better "mathematic" answer may be : "considering a new intermediate status for pc and powerfull people: - a standard initiate is as before, sacrificing pow to cast one use spell - pc, exceptional initiates, priests, rune lords, etc... sacrifice pow for rune pool, and use rune pool again and again to cast spell, as raw " that's solve everything: most ernaldan cannot use bless pregnancy every hour (yes it is a provocation 😛 ), just very happy few. But that provides another issue (how to explain this status ? how can i get it ? etc..) so a lot of words for anyone when only few people need them
  19. I agree with @JRE In my opinion : anywhere in the dragon pass (prax included) where you find a great library/temple, you will have some sorcery students/teachers. In lower cult sites the most common would be juste guys dedicated to the social and business local activities (law speakers, scribes for diplomacy, story and inventory, translators etc...) The spells LM proposes are focused on research, so I consider little places have not enough to "support" researchers, they focus on their priorities. When they need new knowledge, they send their LM to the big temple to get the answer. Are dragon pass LM sorcerers accepted anywhere in Orlanthi land ? I don't know. I don't know, for example, if in "wild" orlanthi (like east Ralios) the local LM accepts sorcery. But it is a cult concern. For the Orlanthi people, those who are not "initiated", those who don't know how the cult works, is it possible to identify if this effect is from a spirit spell or from a sorcery spell ? At least in my game no. Ok , you feel the presence of a god so divine spell can be detected, but will you know what this guy muttering to himself and fiddling his beard is doing ? Then, if you don't know the spell, if it is done by an accepted, trusted but weird guy (LM is trusted of course, as it is those who defend the truth... But how weird they are, they even know how to read and write ! ), you don't care what it is, that's just LM secrets, and you are happy if it works
  20. one thought among others : remember that we are gm/players used to manipulate figures, models (at least the rules of rpg), able to optimize decisons, without any devotion for any of gloranthan divinity (well... I think 🙂 ) I m not sure that a gloranthan will follow our process or even understand such optimization (no offense, we know things that ancestors did not, and they knew things we are totally unable to do without years of unusual training) or maybe gloranthan are.... very weird ?!
  21. I agree ! And there is another, probably the main reason in my opinion : players are from XXth and XXIth centuries. Even if some (few, very few I hope for chaosium if they want a lot of customers), know (a lot of) things about bronze age, none had any real experience of bronze age daily interactions (and probably depending on where in bronze ages, interactions are not the same) So for me, what the background describes is more important than what was really made in bronze age in a specific irl location .
  22. Nope I don’t say curse= chaos there are , at least img, curse without chaos The telmori curse is associated with chaos because they followed nysalor
  23. hello From my perspective runequest can be played with strong social activities (such as be in a clan, do thing for a clan, etc..) and / or be played as lone adventurers. For example one character may be a clan X member in Y tribe of Z kingdom, but now is a mercenary elsewhere, has not to follow order from his clan (has they are far from there, etc..) It is up to the gm to adapt who will ask something to the players. It is true than in rqg, there are, by default, the passions, then loyalty to clan /tribe / family. However, you can play without or play with, but if you never meet someone from the clan that's not an issue. And who decides who you meet if not the gm ? In fact it is more an opportunity: after 10 (in game) years of mercenaries/adventures/ conan like group, one pc meet someone of her clan who explained her the clan has big difficulties with (what you want). It can be seen as another hook to introduce a scenario. the only point to focus is to select the scenario: there are scenarios based on one clan life, social/politics about it etc.. but that's the scenario. Not the world, not the rules. Your friend is "free" to introduce clan or not.
  24. bah why sadly ? i m pretty sure the father of the niece of the "female" of your grand grande uncle had to eat some bear flesh because he failed to sleep during a hard winter... Your character is cursed and must find a way to clean at least herself but better all your family (or your clan)... maybe some bear spirits cannot be joined, or are hostile how happy it is !
  25. Imo it depends what do you call werebear ? is it a Rathori = A hunshen ? if yes no reason to be cursed because the bear. It is just normal of course the pc may be cursed but as any pc for personal reason (great uncle did something wrong you are cursed or you did something wrong ten years ago you are cursed. Or the omen were bad 20 years ago, your clan think you are cursed, so you think so but there is no evidence of the curse) but if it is not a rathori, what it is ? Something « natural » like the fox women ? Then you (gm) has to create something, it is not only bearskin it is something else, more « wild » with benefit and issues (is it a curse ? Your choice) Something weird, a « true »human able to transform (sartarite esrolian lunar etc…) of course it is a curse… or not. In all cases I would say that Rathor and other bears spirits have to decide what to do with this weird human. Will they accept him as a rathori (sending some hunshen to try to adopt him) will they consider it as is (ok it is weird but don’t care)!will they be angry (it is an abomination hunt him ! Then the curse) so if rathori it is just normal if it is not rathori it is up to you 😝
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