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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. Sorry sir, no idea about the Marsh 🙂 but if you are looking for a "little" artifact (weapon +1, dead crystal or even living one, ...), I think you are free to put it anywhere. I say this freedom even if i m often "blocked" by my fear to not follow some background / myth. But I have no idea what big prize and what heroquest you can find there. Note that for me, as a player, I would prefer to get some heroic ability than an item (characteristic, characteristic maximum, new skill, heroic spell, shaman ability-like etc...) the best for me would be some new feature (like what chaos gift could provide but without chaos taint) like new wings, at will beast transformation, ability to see in the dark or in water, things like that. Of course it depends on the danger. As a player too, I would "offer" any item to my cult, or my leader, or ... and expect some favors in return.
  2. not sure : I agree that [background] people would call sorcery (or magic) what they don't understand or can explain by their own "knowledge" However from a design perspective, sorcery and sorcerers use magic points. And I have no evidence (maybe there are I don't know) that the Pedalcopter requires magic points. Maybe some physical energy (no mp, just fatigue) is enough to move it. After all a lot of gloranthan are able to move on the ground without any mp. You don't need to be a [design] sorcerer to walk Windchilds, even if they don't speak french (or especially if they don't) are able to fly without any mp. You don't need to be a [design] sorcerer to fly So there are two options : Leornardo is a sorcerer and the proof is his Pedalcopter requires MP (or he is using spirits ? 😛 or a storm worshipper ? 😛 but I would choose the sorcerer way imo) Leornardo is a scholar who discovered some physical laws, and is able to create flying machine using his body (or anyone's) to move this engine
  3. i base all my point about the sun county book (FR but I think it is the same), where Belvani get back a crystal from hill of gold and has only the right to use it for some time before he has to give it "back" to his cult. But that's not "any rando", that's something/one important to you, to your devotion or loyalty, to your reputation, your progress in the society. Exactly the same that, if you succeed any raid, you have to give your plunder to your clan, and the ring decides who get what. In all cases you proved your value, but except if you are lone or the big boss, you are part of something more important than you. Note that I was exactly with your perspective when I read the sun county text years ago (or about the plunder "distribution") but I now consider that is more because I was influenced by my irl perspective of property. And as I have no notion of what was property in other civilizations to tell me what to apply, I just use the books inspiration 🙂
  4. mmm for sure but I was thinking about item and... well.. I would never say (in front of them) that I consider this guys and... lady (yes stormbringer is a madame mmm i think) as... item
  5. I would say that a large part of what you bring back would be claimed by 1) the community supporting you 2) the most appropriate cult (even if not supporting you) 3) the (tribe or clan, kingdom if more centralized) leaders (even if not supporting you) 4) the bloodline of the "bringer" 5) then the family of course it depends on the power of the item (more powerful it is, more claimed it would be) , if a ceremonial item was "given" by some party and what are the ties between the heroquestors and the different "claimers" Pretty sure that the family will consider that the bringer is the temporal owner but the item should stay in the family (from where are the heirloom !) but upper and upper in the hierarchy of the claimer, the bringer would have less and less opportunity to own it and will be rewarded in other ways (land, weapon, teaching, position opportunity, etc..) However with or without bargain the bringer may obtain the use of the item for a while but that's for players who are in a social game (at least partially), if players are more in a pure adventure game (any loot is my loot) who get the item get the ownership so mgf
  6. that s the big question. I always understood that telmori were cursed not because they were hunshen but because they followed Nysalor (of course this cursed apply the transformation because as hunshen they were able to tranform but the hunshen nature did not trigger the curse)
  7. imo it is not really modern leadership (and yes modern leadership uses cha) the point here is if you are broo, tusk riders or scorpion people you will follow your « leader » only if you think he (she for scorpion) is stronger than anyone else you know (you included) I play all these good guys decision with the fear mechanism : i fear my boss more than the danger in front of me then I obey my boss i fear the danger more than my boss then I flee the danger i think I m stronger than my boss and there is no other danger or competitor in my opinion then I challenge my boss to become the new boss nothing about leadership there (so no cha) i agree than pow could be used but more to simulate if the no-boss is courageous enough to decide to challenge the boss but not because the boss (after all he will not challenge if he doesn’t think able to win) more because the others (ok I will win but probably will be wounded… I fear -again- that another one will take the opportunity to defeat me)
  8. Don’t remember if it is rqg or not. But it is for sure in previous rule. However I don’t conclude like you the cha is not +10 if between tusk riders: it is -10 with others species (mmm 0 ?!) the base cha tells you what is your magic limits and some others abilities the -10 is a global penalty to social interaction with other… and who wants to have social interaction with tusk riders ? imo the design tells us that tusk riders are not good for magic by themselves but thanks to their cults / ancestors / what you want… have an ability to be powerful by other ways (as you described )
  9. i dont see the same. There are more fire in the spells we have but in my opinion, it is just because it is easier to "understand" or to imagine when use the spell with fire rune. but we may have their equivalent the obvious enhance INT STR call light wind conflagration blast (replace heat effect by knock back effect) create image / odor (already designed) create wall of flames shield of wind disappear ? not enough imagination finger of fire lightning moonfire thunderstorm (replace lunar cycle issue by cloud cover requested) so I have only one "issue" with the fire spells in the book but pretty sure others (or I later) may find something and I used but that the same with earth, darkness, water. of course some spells may be efficient or not depending on the location (a cave, the sky, deep ocean ...)
  10. or in other words, if the GM wants the resurection, the CA priestess has enough RP, if not, sorry she spent the last RP yesterday !
  11. I don't make any difference between NPC and PC (except I don't play the pc if I m GM, and I don't play other PC and NPC if I'm player 😛 ) I base my "play" on two points : - my personal opininon, death is trauma, even in glorantha, and death is tranformation, so loss and sometimes gain - there is a npc in, I believe, a previous publication (red cow ? ..) , who was an orlanthi chief and was resurrected. And he is described with some changes because his experience. (unfortunately, i don't remember who and where exactly, I tried a search but there is too many pages for my little brain ! ) but in all cases, it is my personal taste, I don't say canon or not, and depending on what your table like and what may bore them, a lot of opinions may diverge 🙂
  12. that's an option but I would not buy it 🙂 I would say Sartar the politician, his main purpose is to demonstrate that tribes may change their way of life, discuss and build something bigger than their addition. so "hey see my example there are other ways than violence, you can change for your best" Following your example I would say that turns assassins into termites is not allowed by CA : you don't heal them, you don't stop them, you impair them for their entire life.
  13. seems not, but they lost some "part" of themselves, so it may be part of memory but more probably passions, tastes (less tastes than before), etc... imagine they may have seen something different (better "oh the peaceful light !", or worst too cold, too high, too sunny too dark). I would not play any ressurected as someone happy to be here (maybe ok to finish some mission, but at the end, at least melancolia)
  14. that is a key point, the "reality" (img) is, if the dead lunars are not important, it is not important to punish the true murderers, the local lunar authority has just to find some scapegoats. No need of divination, no need of investigation, just enough to put a report, closed case.
  15. first point : who are the dead lunars (don't answer that's for you 🙂 ) second point : lunars are like others, they are human. that means they are not all the same, some are fanatics, some are lazy, some have different priorities, etc... third point : where (=who controlled the location) then if you mix the three points : maybe the dead lunars were poor farmers, or even barbarians or provincials, and the local governor is carmanian and want to not be disturbed, maybe the priest has other things to do than prey for divine answer for such ...ridiculous people... maybe the officer in charge of the security will have just hard words and doesn't care, because the governor is nothing for her... or maybe the deads are a very honorable unit, with some influent family heirs, etc... and then they must be found, killed, and for the example, their family, their clan... their tribe ? must pay... crucifixion, crimson bat... or anythin other said so, in fact, as a gm, use the opposition power you want without any isse, then, if you have to explain why they are or not researched, why their family is now enslaved, burnt or removed by chaos, or live without any issue... find an answer or not (Red moon moves in mysterious way)
  16. of course it is, but maybe gymnastic/danse has the "middle" bar in the bottom, athletic may be the third rotated or don't know. the point you raise is very interesting : that's the question ! What does trade better than harmony and change ? What does gymnastique better than harmony and movement ? and if you find (I don't, but there is no reason I'm right 🙂 ) if this "better" thing, not covered better by an other rune ? note that I consider any rune (harmony...) as a lot of things, and it is not because one god (for example a dance god) has harmony that means his followers will be good in trade. A god may know parts of the power of a rune, and this part could be called "rune spell". So yes maybe you are "good" in a rune, but, if you don't know the secret power of creating and protecting a peaceful market (if you consider god as machine/resource, change the word if you consider gods as willing npc), you will not be able to organize this market and in another hand if you are able to ease someone with your harmonic danse, that could be because you understand the "other", so maybe, once you will learn the secret of trade, you will be good at it too !
  17. If as it is in rqg, the Runes are those which drive / lead glorantha organization (the other being only "symbols" to describe notions), Law does not, in my opinion, make any sense as a Rune. Law is all the Runes, or the Runes are the Law of universe. Chaos as a"power" (not power as the power runes of sorcery, just power as a Rune) is a little bit different, as it is anti-Law. So we need it as mechanics to say this one is partially chaotic, this one not. in another view communication is, still in my opinion, a lot of different things..; you may communicate with respect you may communicate with your strength, to show who is the boss , or with violence to obtain what the Other owns and doesn't want to give you (sometimes ... ) so what could add communication trade as power ? for me, nothing = + respect the other and "fair" transfer information (communication) and goods (trade) PS that doesn't mean the "glyph" -law or trade- does not make sense or does not symbolize a god to gloranthan, or even gods, just that is not a "Power" ruling a part of the word
  18. yep and that why i asked (not for the trolls, I m on the same line than you) but for others : when you put so many "human" (or not) gods and goddesses I was a little bit disturbed as the only hell-s I "know" (so few) is the greek one, where you can meet your ancestors or anyone you know. I know you are ruthless and I will never try to upset you, your honor, for sure 😛 however does that mean that hells are "before" Styx ? (no I m not lost, I repeat !, and I have money to buy my ticket ) Or what you mean by "cross the Styx" is the capacity to be judged by Daka Fal, who is able to send you anywhere (even in one of these hells), but if you try to escape his judgement, at some point, you will "fall" randomly or not in one of these hells ?
  19. In my opinion they will not meet him but the mask he wears (or someone else wears) so will they be able to recognize who is behind the mask ? still in my understanding (or my glorantha perhaps… probably…. Of course ?! ) if as all good initiates they believe they are now more their gods and less themselves there is a few chance to recognize him (if it is délecti) if they have built another perspective of what the heroplan / heroquest is and then know they are themselves and not their gods, they may have a better chance to see behind the « picture » Again that is just my idea/glorantha and I may change when I will read the rqg rules
  20. I imagine that dead trolls souls may be met here but what about others ? Humans, merfolks, elves… in fact except darkness creatures and « heroquestors / gods » who will you meet ? Are all (part of) souls sent to some hell ? Or just bad people (Daka Fal’s judgement) ? Or … ?
  21. Styx is able to defeat any god i would be surprised to see even a god learner doing anything with her
  22. and a big one. I think the only solution is to be disguised / hidden (magicaly or not) or things like that to avoid a lot of options Murders should exist in glorantha and some should not be considered as "suicid mission" so there are some workaround to avoid the so powerful we (as irl people) see with the spirits or the spells
  23. in my opinion, any "permantly" spell could provide from a gift of a deity (with geas / auths of course). I consider any deity could provide it, of course the spell must have some relationship for the god, but I don't consider that the spell must be proposed by the cult. For example I could propose a truesword for a a great orlanthi hero, not because Orlanth provide trusesword spell or because any subcult or anything else but just because Orlanth is a war god and uses a sword. In another hand there are two categories of deity there ... those who propose gift and geas as any [initiate / Rune lord / Runepriest ] by default (aka in the rules) those who don't (aka no gift in the rules) so I have in mind a kind of matrix : first dimension : does the god propose standard gifts or not G / NG second dimension : is the gift at the same level of a standard level (what yelmalio or humakt propose for example) or higher L / HL and here the result : G+L => even if not in the rules list, accessible by the same process (every year, etc...) G + HL => high devotion (like Solanthos story I just discovered today) or heroquest NG + L => high devotion or heroquest NG + HL => ( high devotion AND heroquest ) or very hard heroquest Note that heroquest could be some mundane activity but very very hard and important to the god, enough to let the God "open" the gate by itself and create a "very local heroplan" just the time to transform the weapon (or anything) into a gifted one
  24. the shaman know where : in front of them as they are investigating the victims bodies (or murdering), and they know them, for the same reason !
  25. the big issue, at least if you play with a GM like me : the summoner of a malia's spirit IS the ennemy Markets or Wards will target, even before the spirit is here. in the same way I don't - as a gm in "my" glorantha - see any community where a lot of people would enjoy to sacrifice pow for one baby. Or for a very specific campaign when ONE of the pc is the future hero of the prophecy but the others are then only normal guys (or a little bit more than normal) to serve and protect the "Hero". the issue then is would other players accept to have characters with -50 characteristics ^^ ? I already decided to not roll anything during the creation process, so having an unbalanced team would be only for one specific campaign and not a long one I thought the max of enhance INT was around 35-40 ? don't remember who did the calculation ( @Joerg maybe ?), of course for human people with the race max (21)... After what is able an heroquestor to obtain is another question but I don't know how we get the result (if it is Joerg, I just trusted him ^^ , I m a bit lazy ) so don't know if it is possible to get the 95 INT (or why it is impossible)
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