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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. I follow others, "demon" is some "not friendly otherworld entity" and may have a lot of shapes, elements and powers. If I had to manage a sorcerer like that I would : - create a race of demons "the darkest river-claws are some children of Styx" with powers I want - create the spell [ summon(darkest river-claws) ] = - let the sorcerer invoke the good size depending on the opponents ( 3d6 ? 4d6 ?...) to have the challenge's level you want. If it is a climax, a smart sorcerer would have time and opportunity to summon an entity stronger than rules allow pc. the sorcerer may have some apprentices (maybe killed by the demon before it was dominated, ) or some friends (a hook for another scenario, later... "you killed my friend !!! "). There is always an explanation. and at the end, decide if it is good for the story to give them name and even spell (is there some book to learn the spell or killing the sorcerer brings of losing the knowledge ?)
  2. my point is not to fit exactly with the background there but if you consider that your player can see her character being a sorcerer after 7 years (in game) you have only one acceptable choice : propose your table to not play these 7 years. I'm not able to say a player "in 7 years (= 35 adventures ?) you will be able to cast one spell, now let's play the next season..." ๐Ÿ˜› so i try to simulate the "waste of time to study" with one year (aka 5 adventures ?)
  3. I see a difference : when the aeolian wizards start (adventuring) they know the runes/techniques AND some spells > 30% those are the standard wizards you may create an adventurer knowing only the theory (runes and techniques) without any practical spells (well without a reasonable chance of success) but this one would certainly not be acclaimed wizard but in all cases before allowing the first technique , I would request maybe one year to learn ยซ philosophy ยป (any cult knowledge + read/write) of course finding something in some more magical plane (hero / logic / etcโ€ฆ) may ยซ enlighten ยป the pc (not as a illuminate just oh I understand now)
  4. a difference with me : In my opinion Odayla is not a hunter god, he is a god who hunts, of course, but that is no its "definition" phase 1) young boy, he was teached by his mother how to live and, as son of Lady of the wilds, he provides useful material to survive outside. I think that is his best talents. So there are hunters who follow his path ( without any technology by the way, mum has not after all). For the same reason / right, he partipates to the great hunt. But that doesn't mean he is mainly a hunter. is it the same for war gods ? then why a war god expects some of his followers to no wear armor on random location ? is it for efficency ? no the gods are the gods, they acts as they acts (capacities, passions, value, nature) and they provide "magic" they have. But again, that doesn't mean their followers must do exactly what their gods do, must use exactly what their god used. A bear hunter can use bow, just does not ask the god to provide bow magic, and manage to improve it (if they want) with other people : phase 2) After all Odayla is Orlanth son, and when, adult or strong boy, he went back to his father's community, he was able to discuss with people not like him, and able to learn from them (raid, bow, spear, sword, anything provided by the "air tribe"). No reason his worshippers are not able to do it. They are the wild near / in the civilization, they may merge both, but their "first" power is wildness, they are bear with human face or human with bear skin. We may even seen it as Orlanth was the hunter, Lady of the wild the hunted - in a bear shape - and when they "meet" the result was one being Odayla their son. After all a wise person said :
  5. this point is for me very important to "judge" a cult we should not focus on what provide the cult but more on what provide the culd and its circles / communities / ... we should even not focus on what is the "title" of the god Odayla and yinkin worshippers may be hunters but that is not for that if they follow their gods. That because they have affinities with their way of (wild) life. They are attracted by less civilization than others. And of course among them we may find "professional" hunters. But we may find bandit too, lovers (for the cat), thieves, or just wild survivors. And all of them need to know how to survive alone sometimes, to not be found by wives / husbands / milice / owners... So yes all have sometimes to hunt, but they are not all hunters. But let's focus on our hunters.. And for those who want to use bow (as said I think a lot use bow as secondary weapon, when you are able to ambush from a tree or to challenge a bear with hands, some don't need to waste too much time with bow *). They walk in the wild, they meet the other people who are in the wild too... Of course they discuss, of course they exchange services, helps, news... How many of them will say... "ah sorry I'm a bowman, but I will not ask my friend the shaman to teach me how to shoot multiple arrows. I like her but you know.... no... never" in a wild circle there is no difference to learn spirit magic from your cult or from some friends outside the cult. You make a deal and you get it ** And maybe this bear-guy, who at the end finally love to hunt will join Foundchild in addition to his survival way to be inititated to what provides to hunter * but that's the same with spear (bladesharp..) or other weapons. ** and that's the same in other places, maybe your cult doesn't provide what you need, but there are guilds or individuals, associated or friendly cults, or any "other" community. And you can have business with them, if it is not forbidden, it is allowed.
  6. you don't understand ๐Ÿ˜› Yelmalio, by luck, intelligence and skills, survived when the other gods were dead but one day, the other gods came back from Hell and here is the issue and the explanation Yelmalio, the only one, of course seduced a lot of wives, of course as there was no competitor, and life (and lust) must go on. but they came back... on his left, he saw Lodril, what can he do to compete with big oak spear ?! on his right, he saw Orlanth, what can he do to compete with a poet warrior king ?! ... confine his wives so you understand what provide Yelmalio to his worshippers .. ability to keep their wives at home (command hawk, the day, when they work outside to alert them if their wives are suspect), survey them the night (catseye) to follow them if they did something. And sunbright to show the fault to all and obtain a rightful judgement you have even the magic anti-competitor like cloud clear against Orlanth... Yelmalio was a very powerful war god... but too jalous now, he is focused on other affairs
  7. chalana arroy ๐Ÿ˜› sleep helps health after all (and what about the spell !) of course joking but I have no idea. In addition of your question : What is the purpose of a dream deity ? or rather what is the purpose of the cult of a dream deity ? I mean your god (any one) is able to communicate with dreams. Your ancestors too. What could provide a dream god that your god (poetry, war, business, knowledge..) is not able to offer ?
  8. thinking about that, I would say that a big shield should reduce the attack% of weapon. probably a % depending weapon size (imagine the moves you must do to hit with your dagger if you have in front of you 80% of the body covered by a shield...) or more detailed: if the opponent don't care what to hit (shield, fighter ...) no penalty but if she wants to hit the body to wound / kill yes more movement are needed so penalties. Of course depending of the weapon, maul, spear... the shield should get more or less damage (can a spear break a shield ?) however, just an idea i would probably never follow: adding too much rules (and maybe 2-3 matrix to modelize everything) to have in mind during a fight is not my taste
  9. if I were facing such issue, I would not reduce the hp. The manipulation penalty is enough But I don't think we have any rule about it.
  10. with all the doubt I have about my own memory I think the market is considered as a temporary temple (when the spell ends there is no more temple) it is more the result of the spell (sacred place for Issaries, under his protection - same than in a temple - ) than the place to worship the god (however I think, not sure, that you are able to worship the god too but the main point is the protection.)
  11. Arrow transe is in my opinion a war spell not a hunt spell so it seems to me normal to not see it in any hunter god (and you donโ€™t need to be in transe during 15 minutes to kill a beast) foundchill is, for me, THE human hunter god. the others, odayla included (is it the hunter or the bear ? ) are all beast or would say bestial gods so use spears un close combat and @Godlearnerpoint is important too : I m not sure that a bow (not modern one) is the most efficient weapon to hunt a boar or a bear
  12. If I remember Jeff ( = canon ? I suppose ^^) answered in this topic of course our glorantha may vary but if i remember (again, how bad is my memory) answer was no real link / gate between the two cults (one doesn't protect from the other's reprisals )
  13. Humakt is Death 100% agreed Death is a sword... not for me : Sword is Death Yes true, 100% Sword is the rune of death yes 100% agreed, sword is a humakt cult weapon yes for sure. But is sword the only "media" of death, no. Death is multi form. Humakt is carried and spread by Humakt but Humakt is carried and spread by other gods, with other weapons. So my answer is not binary sword white, not sword black, but sword white, not sword grey
  14. as a gm in a standard situation (aka in a community where swords are available) I would accept if the pc fails a devotion roll (so of course -10 mini in devotion passion) because as @g33k and @Joerg said death is primary sword. but ZZ get the death and use maul, and other death providers use other weapons than swords. so I would let the Death bless the weapon. However, if in addition to this weird action, the pc is a bad humakti (not full honor, etc...) for sure the god will one day show him the true nature of a god (support, bless, curse and ignore) And what about the cult ? will the swords of humakt consider the pc as a good initiate ? will the other initiates respect him/her ? no : -10% loyalty temple (or if like me, you don't consider passion as bijection loyalty the temple ==> the pc -10%)
  15. a lot of things are called heroquest even... mundane heroquest, something i dislike a lot so to be not lost in glorantha, I have my own definitions : doing "like" your god but in mundane world is just -what I read as "mundane heroquest"- ... a kind of adventure. it may give some help from the other worlds but like an inspiration (rune, devotion passion ...) nothing more participating in a worship ceremony open the gate to the hero/god world and participants witness more than acts. that is not the purpose of the ceremony but it may transform it as a "true" heroquest if it is disturbed (fumble during the worship, outsiders action, etc...) forcing participants (or a part) to act. the initiation ritual is a part of it but as the purpose is to explore (yourself) and act. There is always something not planned, so adventure in other world so i would use the same system that any heroquest, maybe a very gentle, easy heroquest, something with few chance to become a "hero" but you experiment the divine, it is important and at the end the "full heroquest" , when some... heroes.. are sent (by their community, by themselves, because others or by accident... ) in the other worlds and have to explore, challenge the gods and other entities to obtain something (even come back home) then for me heroquesting is "you are in the other world and must act, often risking your life or your soul" just my to cents , i have not your answer @svensson but your question is very relevant !
  16. and even if it is not "because" but an "illustration" ๐Ÿ˜‰ gloranthan can be initiate in two ways : 1) because they prove their capacities (test, ..) 2) because their parents (or one of their) are already initiates I'm pretty sure that being initiate because dad or mom is not a proof of devotion (I don't say 100% are not devoted, just a part who is here for social reason ) and in my opinion, if you are not devoted, you must have loyalty temple in this case, as they accept you because you, not because the god welcome you -in all case the gid doesn't reject you, let the god a little part of the decision ๐Ÿ˜› ) . That confirms the rules in some way
  17. for sure, and that's a part of the profundity of the background but I think you don't understand my point the question is only " What are the world rules in glorantha from a irl perspective = not a gloranthan perspective" it is not "how did real people build this faboulous world" or more challenger "why did they change this and not that" i mean the game world is called Glorantha, not Earth, the gods are called Orlanth, Yelm, not irl names I always think about glorantha as a creation with its own "laws", of course a part of these laws are based or influenced by irl "laws". But a part are "forks" or even pure "creation" and who I am to say "this must be because irl I know it is like this" (well i don't know a lot irl ...) for example, I have no issue if bison has 5d6 in glorantha and should have 6d8 because irl "it is 6d8" I have no issue to see a duck or a baboon speaking human languages even if if I know that irl, morphology doesn't allow any structured words so yes i take the illustration "it works in glorantha like it works irl", but not the demonstration "it works in glorantha because it works irl". I "suffer" to read and write english for glorantha lore, not for earth ! ๐Ÿ˜›
  18. i dont consider real word for this question with glorantha we have a chance... there are some people we can ask in our world and who are able to say what is the glorantha truth ๐Ÿ™‚ (or to say "that is not cover by the background, do what you want, official books will never answer") In this post I m not the npc or the pc, I m myself, the one behind his computer but I agree , when I play a gloranthan worshipper, of course "Others are simply wrong." .
  19. roll both if one succeed more (special versus normal, or normal versus failure) than other, this is the active passion if both succeed in the same level, player decides the active passion if both fail, there is no active passion yes under fear, you may want to destroy the source of your fear (at least "fanatism effect"), to stay unable to move, or to flee. however I play "fear passion in rqg" as the flee option by simplicity
  20. this kind of sentence, which was what I understood before, is the source of my misunderstanding *. ๐Ÿ™‚ Jeff's answer is a little bit different, and very much confortable to me What I understand is you mundane people can have any myth you want, you even may fit your experience with the myth you know when you do your heroquest / ceremony / worship. however, it is only personal or community experience. It is a "projection" from the mundane world. Not what the gods did * note that my english is maybe the source of my misunderstanding ^^ (but I understood the same from the french material yep fully agree thanks for the text ๐Ÿ™‚ you should, but if you can do two versions I would change your shrine into a little temple ! one with your heroquest rules and one with the official heroquest rules (oups when we will have it ๐Ÿ˜› )
  21. I don't see it as an issue Being in a cult doesn't mean that you must be strong in all the cult's runes You may have a big death rune and being in a life cult. some associated cults may have a totally different activity than your own cult. but they provide your cult some opportunities to use weird powers. That doesn't mean your cult use these powers as a standard. So in my glorantha, characters (pc or npc) who are able and learn some "opposite / weird " spells (aka fear if oslira) are considered as weird too " I m pretty sure you will find them, far from the village, in this little half-submerged cave. Decades ago some bandits ravaged our village of fishers. The old Rorita saw them killing her lovely husband and her sons. Now, we fear her and her daughters. Oh they protect the village, they worship the river, as us, but they swore to hunt and destroy any scavenger they may find. And believe me , if, like me, you had heard the scream of the mercenaries who wanted to play with her daugthers... two years ago... you would certainly not try to meet them."
  22. there are so many reasons to see this situation, "true devotion", "senior priest's bloodline conflict", "senior priest competion", "senior priest's wife/husband love" that's why I like to imagine npc even in the top cult hierarchy as sometimes "holy and devoted" and sometimes "devoted to their own ambition (or other passion)".
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