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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. I think that there are so many legend about trolls screaming out in pain once hit by some humakti ancestor / local hero that everyone know that death metal is deadly In my opininon a non warrior would believe that iron hurts anyone more than bronze. Maybe some experienced warrior would know that is more dangerous for trolls / elves / etc ... than human. But in all cases, those who wear iron are deadly (or fool thieves customers) so what is dangerous ? is it the warrior ? is it the metal ? 😛 now what does it mean to know legend and know reality about iron. Of course no one would say hey this sword makes double dammage again trolls. We just have to manage with belief and knowledge, proofs and legends.
  2. I hope it doesn’t ! imagine a shaman with some healers: +10 - 20 - more pow per season to the fetch ? in all cases I would play that anything you decide to sacrifice cannot be restored Too easy I do a big sacrifice… wait a minute can I get back my sacrifice and keep its benefit ?
  3. maybe there are enough LM scribes for that. Maybe as a citizen, you must go in these delivery area and not another one to eat (and the manager knows who you are). and you have too all these loyalties, oaths and others (and the judgement of the gods, after all everyone is at least lay member - or about - of Orlanth / Yelm / Moon / any local leader god) but yes the outlaws, travelers and strangers should have some way to eat I believe. Maybe the same for those who want / need to eat more than one ration.
  4. That would mean you (the pc) depends on your « worshippers » (well we don’t have the rule, My answer is based on what I understood from the white bull campaign ) so it depends a lot on the gm and the campaign. The ability is for you, at will, without « fuel »from others
  5. that is true but... this is not how the rules work too 🙂 and my answer was about your proposal, not about the rules. (Note that I m not saying your proposal is dumb or whatever, I just try, with my poor english, to challenge positively it, no offense then !) that is what you disliked in the proposal 1)movement phase 2) fight phase. And it is not exactly what I understand with yes but in reality you can hit during its move, so that means you need to include move in the same "timeline" than hit (aka if we stay in rq round system, within SR model) your solution, as those I can have, solves some points but creates new ones. What about one opponent with move 10 and another with move 3, what about one able to attack SR2 SR7 SR 12 ? etc... so based on your initial question of charging : - if there was no engagement, as I said previously a round to let the charge movement. a round is not by RAW a constant time, so it is RAW a round to fight (aka longspear attacks first) so it is RAW - if there was already an engagement and a third party (longspear) charges one of them use the movement SR to determine which SR the attack will occur. The already engaged target may a) be surprised so unable to attack longspear (surprise is up to gm so it is RAW 😛 ) so no question of who is first, the only point is if the longspear's target attacks her engaged opponent before the charge's impact or not (so you need the SR of longspear's charge) as RAW b) see longspear charging, then (is it RAW ? not sure but very near I think) b.1 if longspear arrives before (SR) the target is able to attack, then longspear attacks first. b.2 if longspear arrives after or in the same time (SR) the target and longspear attack at the same time or if you want a simplier option (MGF rule so RAW 😛 ) for all b), decide that longspear will charge at SR0 of the next round and cannot be hit by any melee action before note that in my opinion, if you are charging you don't need to add your melee weapon to the impact's SR: you need more than one round to reach your target, so you have "the time" to prepare your weapon, the charge is an attack by itself. Of course I call charge an attack with a spear or thing like that, when the weapon and the mount are "one", not with a sword a hammer, etc (in that case the charge would be the mount percussion = bonus damage = riding skill roll, then, adding SR, a "standard" melee attack, on a mount)
  6. hard for me : SR 3 I am here, i hit her; SR5 she wants to hit me, hey I m not here, she can't impossible to hit a bowman if you don't include a minimum the movement in the round, the bowman has just (the one with best SR) to move out of range just after firing. That's why, I think they tried to split movement phase then combat phase in a previous version. I prefer the rqg system (and some previous rq version too, it is not new) merging movement and combat (well... I would prefer no round and action point, but it is another story) but yes that means some situations are not covered explicitly by the rules and GM with players have to decide how to answer them case by case.
  7. it is both order and kind of measure of time : you can hit one or two or three times in a round... and it is defined by your dex, your weapon (or spell) etc... but it is not a "true" action points system as every round is reinitialized (when there would not be "round" notion in a "true" action points system)
  8. I split the action in two : round 1 : Larry is charging (or takes his spear then charges): then Stevie has 7 SR ( 12 = 7+5 to take his spear ) to cast a spell or prepare himself for melee round or use a bow etc... Think about the +5 for Stevie if he is not already in the right posture round 2 : Larry and Stevie are in melee, I start the round with Larry MSR 6 then Stevie MSR 7 (or MSR 12 if he must take his sword -> the +5 for example drop the bow and take the sword)
  9. yep before @Jeff's post I followed the way of spirits but my understanding of Jeff misundertood me. I concluded that's curse is only spirit magic but ... I was wrong, except if healing is only spirit magic too 😕 so apologizes my misunderstood... the -only me- confusing words : however we don't have specific rules, but it is easy (for me) to imagine some spirit able to provide anything to their ... "patients"
  10. it is true that the rule book from Oriflamme (don't know the english version) did not describe enough glorantha. I had the same feeling : AD&D but with skills and no class so better than AD&D for me 😛 however comté du soleil, dorastor, les dieux de glorantha, genertela, etc.. changed totally my perspective, I entered in glorantha and I was prisoner there, for ever ... what is good with the rqg core rules book is it includes background (one of the good new things), not enough to understand the world, but enough to look for more
  11. yes I would understand that but Jeff put curses in the spirit magic part. That makes sense with the background, of course shaman can curse... but how ? !
  12. an other option is to choose what fight will be played with attack dodge parades rolls and what fight will be played with the battle skill roll or with some "wargame light rules". you may propose your players for this or this step to determine how they prepare the defense of the boat (so more rp, maybe with some carpentry, orate, ... rolls ... or not) then add if needed (is there any pc with a good battle skill ?) some bonus depending on their choices. maybe play the first fight as a fight then discuss with the players if they want to play the other fights in the same way (in case of there will be other fights... who knows ?) and if they feel it boring, coincidentally, Argrath noticed them during the first fight and asked them some organization tasks : 1) lead the groups (if they were good) = wargame light rules; 2) support the groups (if they are too wounded for example) = battle skill to survive + heal and other activities; 3) explore and do some weird tasks in the boat's hold (if they were too ridiculous for example) = what you need to play it In all cases the boat will probably succeed to escape, with or without the pcs, thanks to Argrath and the giants magic, the main point is to determine if pcs will survive
  13. If I understand well : as a GM you want your pcs to stay few days in a CA temple but not too much (and what Scotty proposed seems to much to you) In that case, I would propose that : - pc will be healed by CA magic after the time you GM need - but there is no opportunity before because the present healers don't have yet enough RP (they keep them for emergency, the already spent a lot, see the other sick npcs in a more critical condition, etc...) - of course the priests will welcome the wounded and they will heal them as soon as possible - but they have to prioritize - so they will take care the pcs (they stay in the temple) as well as possible, until their turn comes that let you the time to set an adventure in the temple or just to show that characteristic losses is not a little business and that pcs must be cautious
  14. there are the words and there are interpretations. My view is more in that case that this kind of bonus covers one action in fact a roll doesn't mean a lot of things by itself. a GM may ask one roll or several rolls to determine the success. for example, there is a race, and pcs have to run. option 1) the race by itself is not very important for the story, for the players. For example it is just a challenge between young men and that's all. Ok let's roll 1 time to determine the winner. option 2) the race is very important. the winner will mary the ernalda new initiate and will become a thane for one year.... GM may want to create an atmosphere of stress, a challenge where players will want to see each of their rolls as an option to change the fate of their character. so let's roll every 10 meters (for example) now the gm decides that those who trained physically last season would have a 10% bonus for this race. Should we apply this 10% only for the first roll ? so for me it is the same with the bad man. The action is a critical challenge between 2 opponents, with more than one output (how many taboos, abilities,...). And it is important for the player. If it is important for a player, create suspense and surprises (good or bad) so there are a lot of options to determine it (opposition, fight, one skill roll, ...). The rules propose a spirit combat with several rounds. For me it is like the race : there are 50 meters to run, each 10 meters determines if it is a taboo or a new ability. but the apprentice was prepared for the race, no for the first 10 meters. Of course my answer is not RAW but it is my interpretation of RAW
  15. I like the idea of geas however, your specific one is very hard to be a good Orlanthi: How hard will be to seduce women (except vingan, no reason to speak stormspeech) so yes 10% to hope being understood. Poor adventurer not able to follow the full path of Orlanth 🙂 In the other hand, 90% (or more) to no be understood by a yelmite, so probably a fight. Orlanth way is not for you, follow Valind now ! but yes geas... of course !
  16. so it is not spirit as game mechanic entity, more as background "a being representing (maybe created by) a nature aspect" ? Am I right ? or I miss something ?
  17. No you don’t understand what I « remember » ( I may be wrong) in these societies the zzabur cast is an exception: there is no mobility between the other castes (a farmer will never become a soldier or a noble) but the zzaburi (adult) visit the other castes and test their children (6 yo if I remember) If they consider them good candidates they take them and teach them. if they pass the different tests they become zzaburi ( i imagine a kind of dalaï lama process) Not because their blood but because their capacities . that is what I remember Without doing something like that I m not sure that zzaburi may renew their efficient population. now do zzaburi have sex and even children ? I m not sure or it may depends on the sect but in all cases if they want to have a critical mass of good sorcerers and preserve a good ratio between castes they must a) find a process to get enough zzaburi b) find a process to « remove » those born in the caste (if there are) but not able to play their role
  18. I have no good title so... so let see my "use case" Jojo is heroquesting for his Orlanth initiation. Then he meet the second son to hear his "lesson". but Jojo wants to learn more, for a long "time". For example he wants to learn perfectly stormspeech (90%), language he doesn't know or so few before... or anything that the second son masters and accepts to share. as a GM what will you do ? - Jojo thinks he learnt the stormspeech but in reality he get +1d6% (or 0) - Jojo really learnt the stormspeech and obtain 90% - Jojo is "ejected" from the god plane because it is not the template of the quest - something else ? would you apply some dice rolls / resistance / etc... ? and what impact in mundane world, is his quest longer than others ? because, at the end of the day, if there is not something limiting the quester, we may imagine that a character may start the quest with few skills (not an adult) and finish it with all the skills (and maybe some other stats) required to become a priest or a runelord ?
  19. don't remember where / who (so is it "canon"... I don't know )said that the zzaburi are choosen among the other castes if they meet some requirement (INT, etc...) then I suppose if their children don't meet they "go back" to their original cast: Grandfather was a dronar, you are a dronar
  20. well I don't know if "fault" is the right word (not because i m better in english than you huhu , but more because there is some "morale" judgement in my understanding of this word 🙂 ) however I agree, and I manage it differently passions is (in my house rule) what you feel, what hurts you (malus to evaluate your dice success), what moves you (bonus) it doesn't describe anything about the "other" so loyalty is how much you are loyal, and that's all And there is not loyalty score from the clan or any community to you in my game. As a player you don't know what is the % that clearwine will support you or not. As a gm, I don't need to have a score. The answer of the clan should be managed by : - what the pc did, - what are the relationships, ties, favors, ... between the pc and a lot of actors who may influence the clan decision - what is the impact to the clan - what is the impact for all these actors who may influence the clan decision - what is the impact on the campaign - and of course what is the impact on the entertainment of the table (gm + players) could it be modelized by a % ? in my opinion, no. so there is no bidirection in this way however I can understand than some players would be more confortable to know some score. But it means to me that anything then is considered by the player as a resource (how many silver ? how many weapons ? how many loyalty ... ?) And that's not my perspective, there are resources and there are free will... people have free will, gods too (img) etc...
  21. sadly, I can only put ⭐, so helpful, as I believed that the creation character process defined a max 100%, but no, it is only the step 7. So yes, for myself memory, we can start at more than 100% but in all cases, the most important for me in your answer is what I quote. from a roleplay perspective it seems for me very important to have a lot of oaths, taboos, passions, etc.. even if, from a gameplay perspective, it "reduces" the freedom of players. so thanks for this great answer ! 💙💙💙
  22. another option (in fact all the posts tell the same story from different perspective) An ambitious, smart and beautiful concubine wanted to take the empress's place. Unsuccessful, she decided to seduce a young, hot temper, new god to get her revenge by humiliating Yelm. The young guy, not yet very wise, failed 3 times, and after being manipulated by her, was tricked by a fool without any friend, who gave him a weapon... and you know the consequenses for the world but now... Ernalda is the great queen, spouse of Orlanth, but not only Eurmal is protected by Orlanth, and continue to trick anyone Orlanth, king of the world, is smarter than previously but doesn't know who is the best trickster, his wife or his clown Yelm is still emperor, but with no true power, manipulated by the moon, and is playing with chaos (or played by chaos) to overthrow Orlanth leadership but something never changes... Dendara is at home waiting for her husband (or looking to a young, hot temper new god, who knows...)
  23. of course sir 🙂 but i like to understand in any post (mine or other's) if what is said is from the books and canonical (so for me the only satyr source I know in rqg is rqg bestiary) or some personal consideration in all cases no problem to share them, I may "incorporate" some other's non canon perspective if it fits with my glorantha and sometime "reject" some canon rule or background. there are a lot of interesting options, but for people like me, knowing the source is important !
  24. that is something interesting but , in my opinion, not really / enough explored in the spirit magic. Up to gm maybe, but some spell examples would be interesting. A curse is not for a single target during 2 minutes . it may be for more So how can we modelize it, from a rqg rules perspective ? What is the cost to give beard to the other clan's babies ? How can I render infertile the land / herd / bloodline ? etc... and how to clear them ? We have a large list of spells to an adventurer as a single person exploring the world (alone or in a group) but few(nothing ?) about curse in spirit magic Or is it part of the summon / command spirit magic ? by the way I like the concept to separate rules systems (rune magic, spirit magic and sorcery; maybe draconic for non dragon's kin ? don't know) and the "background" perspective (summoning spirit or lunar magic is something different than casting a spell for a gloranthan ) And there is heroquest too in the list, I believe (I would say it is magic too, right ?)
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