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French Desperate WindChild

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Everything posted by French Desperate WindChild

  1. you exactly saying what I mean. Just reading/writing latin (theyalan ) signs cannot be enough to understand french and english and german and spanish .... (esrolan, tarshite, stormspeech, sartarite, "elasa concepts" ...) except if signs represent "idea" and not "sound" just with our discussion here, I think that I understand 60 - 80 % of your last post, and I even not sure (50-60%) that my own posts are what I want to say and not the opposite (that the reason I try several ways to explain). I would be happy if I were touched by LM (except the bearded wife rule #!@?* requirement).. Or I will choose Issaries (don't say me there are some kind of #!@?^ requirement here) Edit "seur" could be understood : that the same sound (with imagination, if you accept an english domination on letters, but I think it is impossible for a lot of french berserkers : here is a very hard breach of the "impossible n'est pas français" requirement)
  2. I didn't read this topic before today, like @lordabdul Just to say, without any anger, that I used one time the pregen to better understand the creation process. I didn't find any issue between the example and the rule (I don't remember wich one), after analysis. There is no problem to play pregen as is. But it could be usefull to fix/advert in a new release (of course after god and godess, sorcery, blablabla.. even prince of sartar comic 😛 ) just when "new player/gm" use pregen stat to understand the rules
  3. Danke @Joerg My goal is to find consistency between lore and rule pelorian languages seem ok If (I m not challenging you, see my "If" as algorithmic if) cat and dog scratchings are alphabetical or syllabic, there is then an issue : the actual rules decide that reading skill is enough to determine the capacity to understand books written in "cousin but foreign" language. So following rules I can read a german(tarshite) book with my 80% latin alphabet reading when I m juste able to speak french (Esrolian). My actual level in German : kartofeln, Wurst, Wasser und Fraulein ? wollen Sie mit mir schlafen ? (that just french touch of course for the miss) Here we have a lack of consistency. it can be explained by - magic / god / sign power but wich one ? wich myth ? - house rule (I m near deciding to add Speaking skill is the limit of Reading skill, like Reading skill is the limit of sorcery spell skill) - the rules are good because it's simple, stop discuss (but why sorcery limit then ? the population profile are the same : scholar / noble ) - something else And your remark on the third is hard for consistency lore vs rule. It is not in the rules : " Adventurers learn all three scripts as part of the Read/Write Theyalan skill. " Again I don't challenge the lore, and I just want to identify if I have a lack of knowledge about gloranthan lore I have a lack of knowledge about real world linguistic (I knew the split between chinese languages but not the use of one shared script, so my topic is already a success, thanks) there is a lack of consistency between RQ:G rules and Glorantha Lore (that I can manage, or "WE" if I am not alone to fix my attention here more than other rules topics)
  4. I agree with you but I would say " In my head, I see spirits and elementals the same way. They're uncommon by any means, the same way cougars and owls are uncommon too." Meeting a tree in a wood is common, meeting a bear is uncommon.
  5. Based on previous answer I would say : pelorian languages are like european languages : same alphabet (or not) but too differents words so you can sound Firespeach by reading Darahappan (skill) but not understand (so firespeach read skill is the ONE to determine if you understand or not the book) thelayan languages are like chinese languages (for speaking): if you read the signs, you understand them but are not able to sound it in another language than yours. And they are three forms but don't care if you learn read theyalan you learn all of them. The issue in this case (probably never happen but...) Let say you have 20% in firespeach speaking and 90% in firespeach reading. Are you able to write very well (using the same table than the speach skill) or to write like me (20% english speaking, 90% roman alphabet) ? For Auld wirmish it is so magical than.. it is a different skill and that's all 😛
  6. And before the journey, doesn't the spirit stay near the body for a moment ? A moment usefull for the attacking one ?
  7. Exactly what I mean, but I speak only languages based on Roman Alphabet so... the next answer sounds different and could be adapted to glorantha (or at least Theyalan, pelorian read write are based on language) Does that mean that I cannot learn how to sound each symbol without understanding what I pronounce ?
  8. My first question was : "Is there a stormspeech read/write skill (like firespeach) or do we use "THE" theyalan script skill ?" I didn't find the answer (so your help would be appreciated) but I found more questions in the fog I m convince that when a character succeeds a read/write roll, she succeeds to identify each letter/sign/... even words, sentences etc... But does she understand the sense ? Does she succeed a speak roll ? Does read/write skill be limited by the book's language ? (You can have 100% in rw theyalan, but the esrolian book will be read at 35% because you have 35% in Esrolian speach) not so simple to answer (that is why I post) Auld Wyrmish --> "clever" humans devised a written form to bypass the physical limitation of speaking. Why learn something you cannot undersand (25% max speaking) ? IRL --> I can read a lot of european books, but I cannot understand them unless I learned to speak their language.
  9. As I said, I make a difference between weapon and shield. I m not sure of course but, as the rule is sometimes with "shield" and sometimes with "weapon" I conclude the system is different. And it seems normal (I m not an IRL specialist) : a shield should resist better than a sword
  10. what I understand from the text : a Broadsword Criticals and does 18 Points of Damage and is parried by a Small Shield with 8 HPs. the shield blocks 8 HPs of damage, leaving 10 HPs to hit a character location, And the shield recieves for it self twice: in a "normal attack" 1 hp, ==> 2 hp Which is different for a parrying weapon (sword...) but It could be different
  11. of course it is clearly understandable (and understood) when I say I miss Prince of Sartar comic, I m not criticizing*, just saiying it is a good work and I hope it will continue (BUT after full description of god/goddess/heroquesting/sorcery /... in RQG) * = giving bad words - not sure of the word to use
  12. Big Mamma versus Bruce Lee, who has the best HP ? My advise for your sanity : go discuss with a god talker of the subcult Eurmal the psy
  13. Storm Bull doesn't seem to be honorable, just violent. At least in the rule, no honor as favorite passion. From my perspective, Storm Bull expects his followers to destroy chaos, nothing else. Destroy the big cacodemon, destroy the little baby, don't care, Chaos is Chaos. And killing a friend/healer because the cultist was under berserk stance, well it is just an accident, maybe a usefull sacrifice to destroy Chaos.
  14. My opinion on this (but I don't have any lore, so I would appreciate information) : Time (aka after Great Compromise) may be : gods musn't interfere "Now" Time of Mortal (as in Tolkien Time of the Elves, Time of the Men... - with my words, I never read Tolkien in the text) Since GP Mortal will die of old age (if not killed before) Then before Time it was... time And then what is Heroquesting ? I would say a kind of Time travel : you go before, you may change things (like GL), you may obtain things for your "Now". During the process you can be "You" or "The Other" (the god or I any actor of this Past Event) or a mix between "You" and "The Other" Then it could explain something I read (but I don't remember where, not in an official book at least) that Belintar is a Time Traveler too. Pharaon is a mix between Belintar and his "Body" That means people may travel in past by Heroquesting not before Great Compromise but before their "Now". Why nobody did it ? We don't know if they did, that is not because something is possible that someone did it. Gloranthan are worshippers, they may be blind for science. After thousands of year the technical progress are "ridiculous" (in my opininion) just because they don't need progress or science, their gods / cults are enough
  15. I would say that if your fetch emerges when you are initiate, the cult may use divination to define if yes or not the god accepts you like "that", if you are his "champion" (then your way in the cult could be faster) or just an accepted weirdos (then your way in the cult could be lower). And nothing says that shaman societies will accept you if you are initiate of this god who refuses other shamans as initiate
  16. you can also use a kind of "average" strike rank. SR 13 = 6 SR 14 = 4/8 SR 15 = 3/6/9
  17. in Dorastor, the Ituvanu (oriflam version, but I believe it's the same in english version) are described munchkin expert. These telmori shaman invoke spirits (not only disease) to raise there POW ("augmenter leur POU" in the text) every Fire and Earth seasons. Somethimes they invoke too powerful spirits to succeed. One Ituvanu may survive 5-10 years So from my perspective, yes, a shaman player can raise his pow day after day by this way. But the GM can raise the chance to invoke a harder spirit. After all, if the shaman disturbs too much the Force, there is no reason to not meet a Sith master.
  18. I stopped my interpretation to "know what has happened" but after re re reading, yes there is a kind of limitation "Secondly, initiates and Rune Masters are extensions of the deity, and can tell the deity many things through prayer. Thus, a deity will know what has happened to its Rune Masters and, to a lesser extent, its initiates. The god does not know what a Rune Master or initiate is thinking and cannot deduce motivations. A deity cannot invade anyone’s mind; though it knows when a worshiper has lost faith. Other knowledge given to a god by a worshiper must be volunteered through prayer"
  19. My only conclusion is that a spirit spell lasts long enough to win a battle And I will not answer because I followed this comic (and it was a very nice inspiration source) I m now sad, I was forgetting that I miss the end of the story before your post. You just destroyed my day @Bill the barbarian 😛
  20. RPG is definitively for young people !
  21. I would say 1627 not 2027, but great thing, thanks by the way, if you add the main events since 1580 (~ grizzly peak) it would be perfect. A question (for all) is the season for each event. For example, to start a new campaign, I would like to know the boldhome campain season ? Is there a source somewhere for this kind of things ?
  22. At least, honor passion lost for the humakti. They must not kill from my opinion (but they did)
  23. Yes sure, my words were only about "time line" Gods know what their initiates (and "linked areas") know
  24. Agree too, but in my vision (before the answers) I would say that "a nomad barbarian may discover how esrolian farm and learn something by discussing, blablabla" Of course a large part of praxians don't care. I believe that a lot of players playing a praxian warrior will not pick up farm skill even if it is allowed, but it could be an opportunity (OMG illumination ?)
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