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PK Games

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Everything posted by PK Games

  1. That would be the work of one of my chief artists, Robert Schoolcraft. I use guru.com to find up can coming industry artists who are willing to work fairly cheap.
  2. Ordered Dark Continent. Kenya is staring at me as is Cthulhu Rising. Im really in the mood for Pulp.
  3. I ordered a few things, mainly maps and the cool starkweather patch (wonder if anyone will notice it on my uniform LOL) but some of the books I want (Im looking at you Cthulhu Rising) I want in book form, so Im waiting. Also waiting for Morocco and Pulp Cthulhu.
  4. I suppose Im the most qualified to respod to that question, since I am the author of both books. The Monograph should be viewed as a Berlin '61 2nd Edition. It is revied and updated to fit as a supplement to Call of Cthulhu set in the Cold War. The skills, spells and monsters have been revised to fit with CoC. It also includes guidelines for using the setting with the new BRP rules including SAN rules for various spells and abilities present in BRP and BRP 0 Edition. It includes a new chapter on Super Spies and Super Heroes, to allow the setting to be used in conjunction with those kind of games. The Kototh mythos and background has been revised to fit into the Cthulhuverse with Kototh modified to be a servant of Cthulhu and not a substitute Cthulhu. But I will be flat out honest, other then a few modifications, a few new additions and a much better layout, they are very very similar books. I do recommend purchasing the new version, as it incorporates data and work from the three original GORE Berlin '61 works into one document, but also because it supports Chaosium. Whether the book sells or not, I still get my money. But I am very interested in helping BRP and Chaosium flourish in 2008. Anyway, thanks for the interest in Berlin '61.
  5. Talking Dinosaurs? Hmmmm looks like I may have a new idea for a Berlin '61 Adventure.
  6. I have found that many girls prefer pen and paper rpgers over online video game ones. CAUSE WE LEAVE THE HOUSE!!! Where Im stationed we have about 10 gamers in all, all but me are addicted to WOW. So when it comes time that the girls in my unit want to go to the lake or out to lunch or the park or even kayaking all they here is "Ive got a raid, cant go, bye" from them and me saying "well I have a game session, Sunday evening, but seeing as how it is Friday, Im gold." And considering that we only have about 15 males in the barracks (the rest are married or high enough ranking to live off post), that gives me a edge up. Plus they see me read and on a post filled with infantrymen (no offense) that is a unique site.
  7. Well my current group has no other GMs and only I own any games so I started them on simpler games and then when I decided I wanted to run something, I decided I was doing the work before, during and after the sessions, so it should be a system/setting I find interesting enough to return to every week.
  8. Thats an interesting way to do things. I tend to run the philosophy of "Im running the game, I choose the system!"
  9. The Max Edu should be equal to the critter's INT+3. Just like humans in CoC. But I agree, only creatures with cultures/education to learn should have education as a stat. Most animals in the wild survive on instinct, which I see as a combination if INT/POW.
  10. Put me down for that. Finally, Deadlands with a usable system and sounds like a better setting. Ive always like historical (horror or otherwise) settings that didnt diverge form real history too much.
  11. Fihish up Berlin '61 Monograph and then perhaps look into doing BRP Rifts. Or not. I do have a nasty DarkHeresy Addiction,
  12. Nope. I dont do Gen Con. I prefer Origins.
  13. Got mine today as well. Now I have to go through and sytematically update the new Berlin '61 PDF. Couldnt they have waited another week? :thumb:
  14. Kabul? Camp Phoenix? Dont enjoy the Green Bean too much. Seriously, take care. Only spent a few days in Kabul, but it was long enough to see a riot. Kind of just like College.
  15. Thats pretty crappy. If I was in a playing group that one of the members was the lead writer on a new game I think Id be more flexible in what we play and not be insulting like that. I never even played straight 3E (played other D20 games, but not straight D&D3E). No intention of playing 4E at all.
  16. I am an old school D&D guy, started with AD&D 1E, got my own copies of D&D basic and expert sets (because my parents didnt knwo the difference that christmas, they just knew I liked D&D and wound up getting me D&D expert set, AD&D Legends and Lore and a Grey Hawk box set, none of which were not all really that compatible, but me and my friends didnt seem to care. Just try to find The Isle of Dread on the Greyhawk maps.) I though 2E was just about perfect. Late in high school i discovered palladium games and Marvel heroes. In college I discovered the whole CoC world, amongst other games like DC Heros and Warhammer Fantasy. Now I would rate the games as follows. 1. DC Heroes/Blood of Heroes 2. Dark Heresy/Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 3. BRP games, especially CoC 4. D6 system (not legends though) 5. MERP 6. AD&D 1E and 2E 7. Old School BXCMI rules for D&D 8. SLA Industries 9. Cyberpunk 10. Conspiracy X As you can see Im not fond of level systems, as MERP and all Variations of D&D are up there for nostalgic reasons. What I really like in RPGs is sourcebooks. Each game listed up there (other then Dark Heresy, but that is a new game) have lots of sourcebooks or variations of the game that work well together. And yet Palladium still doesnt make the list. Hmmm. Rifts, great initial setting, crappy system should have ended after 4 or 5 book. So I too am looking forward to Chaos and Catacombs to see two of my favorite games merged into one set of rules and to see what I can steal from it for ideas.
  17. What monograph was that and how long ago? From what I understand they are trying to use the newer monographs to help promote and keep BRP floating.
  18. I think the "&" sums up lots of fondness for early games. Even modern games emulate the "&" (Mutants & Masterminds anyone). In the early era you had Legends and Lore as a AD&D supplement (rename for Deities and Demigods) and later you had Powers and Perils. There are more, I just cant recall them after so many years. Using the BRP system you might want to throw a bone to RQ. Perhaps Runes & Dragons or Dungeons & Quests.
  19. Yeah I told Dustin I would remove the GORE version of B61 from Lulu after I submitted the material to him. He said that was ok. Since I own the intellectual property for B61 itis mine to do with as I please. Same as it is their choice to make it a monograph or not. Legally there i no contract saying I cant also release it as a GORE supplement at the same time. I wil however not do that as Id rather not disrespect Chaosium. It may return as a GORE supplement at a later date however.
  20. Very Interesting. I was just wondering about this myself earlier today. And here is a contest. Hmmmm. No Lovecraftian!!!!! :mad: I guess, technically, B61 isn't Lovecraftian. Sort of.
  21. You ever find yourself saying "Hmmm I miss being deployed?" or am I just going insane?
  22. Well fortunately my curretn "War is Hell!" syndrom is training others to go to War while I drink fine German beer and chase European girls on the weekend.
  23. They would like it by end of June. I am trying to accomodate that request, but honestly only give it a 50% chance. Real world military mission is getting in way.
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