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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. Mere exposure to and observstion of Chaos would not, but since the original question was about Lunars, then yes I would expect their Chaos and Moon rune alignments to increase as they become better Lunars. When it/ they go(es) beyond 90% the GM should be requiring rolls against it and the Adventurer would be less and less under the Player's control. This is the same mechanic as for other alignments. It's in the RQiG book. Whether the GM interprets that as insanity is an individual choice. I suppose a little gibbering and a lot of obsession would help some stories. Catatonia not so much, unless the purpose is to remove an over powered character from play. Perhaps make a random roll to choose somethig from the psychological association's diagnostic manual? https://www.yourbookstop.com/product/diagnostic-and-statistical-manual-of-mental-disorders-text-revision-dsm-5-tr-5th-edition-dsm-5-tr/?gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTns3k5ck_n_A6cKvd5TzaBzcxdxkljrqMB2rcMI_uvrz5ZWbTRg-RHRoCizoQAvD_BwE But at $50 for a used copy.... I would rather spend my money on Chaosium's books. Your budget may vary.
  2. As I understand CoC, achieving 100% insanity. disables the character. But the Gloranthan stuff we have been shown doesn't work that way: The high ranking Lunars are functional despite uncounted exposures to Chaos. Indeed they accumulate more magic (and more ruthlessness), with no sign of being disabled. Perhaps Illumination protects them from being disabled and only the non illuminates are at risk. But Glorantha seems to indicate a different mechanic associated with exposure to Chaos. The Storm Bulls seek it out and get more fanatical against it, only getting more skilled at fighting it.
  3. All good thoughts. And all are oriented toward building an elvish family history table. Or to the clan history defining question sequence used on Heroquest. Thae opportunity to do that fir this elf has passed because the Elf played the first session last night. (But I did provide a magic item to further her mission. in lieu of a human's heirloom.) However your advice is still useful snd sppreciated. I might work on an elvish family history table and/or Q&A sequencr for the future. I encourage you to do that yourself too since you outline a good approach to it and have very flexible ideas.
  4. This elf left the woods to make contact with other elf woods. So she is on a mission - not a rootless elf. The elven hope is thst this will further the great reforestation plan. So that background is already covered. This elf is not exactly from Tarndisi's Grove, but from the other scattered and less secure woods near the Quivin Mountains. She will join up with the other adventurers in Boldhome, as we start a trader campaign.
  5. I said OK to a player running a Green Elf Adventurer. Now this brought us to a discussion o family history. It seems to me that most or all of the RQiG family history will not be applicable to elves. Why? First of all, because almost all elves live very separated from the society and events of the other major races. The Saratarite vs. Lunar war events will not matter much to the forests. The elves will have a history of conflict with the Uz, most of which is irrelevant to he RQiG pages 29-45 events. The Lunars' Moonburn will have been traumatic - but the Dorastor forests that burned will not have many elvish survivors so they are not relevant to rolling up a new elf.. Second, because elves are very long-lived. A 31 year old elf in the 1625 ST time frame will have parents who are 50 to 200 years old, and grandparents who live now or lived 100-400 years ago. it seems to me that hatreds and loyalties for eves will be pretty long lived and stable. So the question is not whether your elf hates and fears Uz. They ALL hate and fear Uz. This is a racial dislike, not an individual issue. Similarly, family heirlooms will be rare and improbable. That newly generated 21 year old elf won't inherit grandpa's magic thing, because grandpa is probably still alive and using it himself. Your thoughts?
  6. Since the thread started in the Six Seasons context, In The Vale the adulthood initiation is also an initiation to the Black Stag. So they will end up with 1 Rune Point from Black Stag. But immediately after that they get their cult initiation, so that is when I gave mine their cult skills and spirit magic too. ... and the Playing Inexperienced Adventurers box on p.25 of RQiG just says skip their Step 7 personal Skill bonuses. So the way I did it - which is just my way, not compulsory for anyone else - At the start, Session Zero, i gave my Six Seasons players two pages of Notes on Character Generation, and part of this says:: You are all going to start as inexperienced, meaning age 16 not age 21. The year of our first campaign events is 1618-19, not 1625. When and if your characters get to 1625 we will then merge into the current RQG timeline, and I expect that everyone will be experienced with 25 seasons of “cult and occupational “ skill checks plus whatever you get from adventures. And cults to initiate in will be chosen after the youth adventures. No Eurmali, no Chaos cults. ..... steps... 6. Cult; Don’t do this. You are not yet adult, cults don’t take children. Children are not taught magic. 7. Personal skill bonuses: Don’t do this, this will be achieved in your 5 years of growing up before age 21. And I also gave everyone a blank skills calculations spreadsheet, because at the later steps they will get more skill%, so it's important to have at hand a record of when and how they got their char gen skill %. And then of course we played through the initiation chapter. == Anyway, I do see that giving them all their starting 5 points of spirit magic and 3 points of major-cu;t rune magic may seem a little overpowered for starting youth characters. I looked ahead at their future challenges and didn't want them to die before the six seasons ended, so I gave those to them. But an alternate way of doing these things would be to dribble them out in the next three seasons or so. They are very likely to need their Black Stag rune spell(s) by the end of the sixth season.
  7. In their homes, or immediately adjacent to their homes. Enough to live on until the next harvest. Incidentally i have my doubts about whether the grain tithe applies to carrots, cabbages, other garden vegetables, many of which do not have a specific harvest date but are picked during a several-months-long ripening period. The administrative burden involved in collecting a tithe on household production of tomatoes or okra would be impossible. Here are some images of traditional granaries: : https://www.shutterstock.com/search/the-ancient-granary https://www.shutterstock.com/search/traditional-granary?cr=c&ds_ag=FF%3DDSA+-+All+Pages_AU%3DProspecting&ds_agid=58700003504592959&ds_cid=71700000027388020&ds_eid=700000001400310&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvJarBhA1EiwAGgZl0IcDBsPVBUyQTmrke3qxDdG5j4Sm2bWJRW2V0DauxTAvOSTWAzfTExoC_60QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&kw=&pl=PPC_GOO_US_DSA-590706984705&utm_campaign=CO%3DUS_LG%3DEN_BU%3DIMG_AD%3DDSA_TS%3Dlggeneric_RG%3DAMER_AB%3DACQ_CH%3DSEM_OG%3DCONV_PB%3DGoogle&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=GOOGLE
  8. The same 1% to 3% makes sense for tolls at city gates too. And highway tolls - well, if they are imposed at several locations that can kill trade altogether, unless they are low. I mean a clack or two per beast of burden. if they are higher and frequent then long distance trade will get eaten up by tolls charged by every clan and village. IMG that is what happened when the Prince of Sartar's authority collapsed: Deer Folk and bandits and clans all tapped the traders, and the restoration of princely authority involved making the clans stop it and also regulating city gate tolls. So- Argrath as quest-giver to my players' characters... but only after the Issaries player came to a boil as tolls on the Heortland Road ate up his business. (It only took one game session of that to get him royally pisseed off, so he lobbied Argrath...) . With effort and authority from Argratn, the Adventurers restored trade into the Holy Country as well as within Sartar.
  9. No, the agricultural tithe (20% of the harvest, and presumably of the increase in herds too) has no provision for calculating cost of production, and is not collected in money, so it is not even a gross receipts tax. if it were collected when grain is marketed it would be a gross receipts tax. But that would miss taking a percentage of the farmers' own consumption. More important, it bears no resemblance to the real world income tax you may pay now.. It is simple, collected when the harvest is harvested, requires no record keeping, allows no deductions. And it is on one specific type if gross receipts, too: it obviously does not apply to merchants, crafters, and other non ag occupations. It is not a tax on incomes in general, it is a tax on the harvest and only the harvest. This is not to say that the farmers are not being tapped for the grain that makes the world go round. But 'income tax' has a specific meaning for the rest of us, no matter what meaning you may assign it when talking to yourself.
  10. Other taxes.... Tolls upon entering cities. Amounts vary with your game. Perhaps tolls on roads: a more polite variant of highway robbery. This is usually suppressed on Sartar royal roads when you have a strong Prince, but elsewhere and elsewhen??? Import duties at ports, amount depending on the port, IMG. Market fees if you are selling. That is canon, see Cults of Prax. But amounts are not canon. Ground rent if you have a house in a city. Land is essentially leased, as I understand it. This is essentially equivalent to a property tax. The 20% tithe on agriculture is the big " tax", and in a mostly agricultural society that raises almost 20% of Gross National Product, which is definitely not a post Bronze Age concept. There is no income tax, because it is not practical in a mostly illiterate society. Again, not a Bronze Age idea. However for grins I made an Orlanthi Form 1040, and will attach it. Mostly for players who quibble over tithes, though also to amuse myself. Your cult tithes apply to non ag income, at least for initiates and above. But this is not a "tax". It is not enforced by a king who might be deceived, only by your gods who are aware of everything their initiates do (see Divination) (see Spirits of Retribution). As I understand it (YGMV), kings and Lunar governors may collect a tax as a percentage of property. Probably with your clan as the collector, subject to royal displeasure. However people and clans may attempt to hide property from tax collectors. But that is not a normal thing in time of peace for non subject peoples. It is a historical background thing, not in the RQiG rulebook. You can use it to oppress your players, as used in [spoiler] Six Seasons. Orlanthi form 1040 draft 1.pdf
  11. slight correction: You MAY detect as Chaotic. Because the Storm Bull skill of sensing Chaos is subject to failure, even to fumble.
  12. Probably not. I went to what appears to be tbe original Caladralnd write up. ( ) It characterizes the position as more like a president. The Guide seems to be where that became "king". Evidently established because Belintar wanted someone in that Sixth to deal with. I can't see Belintar settling for someone who would periodically be sacrificed.
  13. Just got it, so congratulations on publishing it in PDF. I look forward to seeing this, too, in hard copy.
  14. Congratulations for getting the Nochet Adventures Guide https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/460904/Nochet-Adventurers-Guide-RuneQues supplement out in PDF. I look forward to seeing it, too, in hard copy. It is the kind of thing that really needs to be in hard copy. I am tempted to print out my PDF, but all those pages will suck my printer dry.
  15. From the little I know, Lunar loyalty at the highest level is to the Red Goddess. The Red Emperor in question seems to have been a mistake who endangered the Goddess's rule and expansion. In clear minded Illuminated fashion, she (Jar-Eel as the Goddess's avatar anyway) decided he had to go.
  16. Delecti is a survivor. . As a vampire he just wants to keep on keeping on. I like Andrew L Montgomery's suggestion that he may switch sides or be neutral in the Hero Wars. It is one of these loose ends that you may use in your campaign.
  17. If you add the weight of armor. a saddle,multiple weapons. some food, maybe a little loot.... you get an even harder problem matching rider and mount SIZ. Yet it seems to me that a quest for realism should account for those things too. After all there is a reason jockeys are small people. There is a reason most RW cavalry was not heavily armored in ancient times. There is a reason larger horse breeds and knights in full plate armor occurred together. As others have pointed out in this and other threads, *RQ's encumbrance rule is written for two legged Adventurers and just doesn't work for four legged mounts or pack animals. * SIZ characteristic is a quick game mechanic, and combines weight and height. Thus a giraffe and a rhinoceros might have similar SIZ stats. But in the Real World the rhino is stronger. SIZ becomes less useful if you use it beyond its original applications in the rules. *SIZ is also not linear but apparently logarithmic. Demonstrated by the table of examples in the rules. But I suspect most players can't define "logarithm" and many have never used logs. Few will. tolerate a rule that requires threm, it is not fun gaming stuff. So I suggest a mount encumbrance table, not a formula. Write it to fit RW examples. Including elephants at the high end. But let's admit we have no RW experience with the carrying capacities of demibirds. rhinoceros, sable antelopes, dinosaurs. or giant insects.
  18. There is no canon comment that I can find on pre-Gods-War temple counts for any of the gods. I suppose YGMV. but... Lightbringers page 127 says when Umath "provided the world" with his children (pre Gods War) Storm Bull contained "mindless v9olence, raw strength, ..." That is often not an appealing package, so it should be understandable that folks with more Man rune that Beast rune woud not emphasize his worship. In the Golden Age, a less forbidding emphasis when he married (or at least bred with) Eiritha in Genert's Garden, but on the male side the appeal is with "his sons" according to what is written.. The fight against Chaos was Storm Bull's big opportunity to be loved. To sum it up, before the Chaos fighting there is / was little reason to expect Storm Bull to be a popular object of worship. And even afterward, his chaos fighting specialty is very nice to have around, but too much of the mindless violence is not good for day to day tribal life, which requires cooperation. It is far better for most men to worship Waha,
  19. That might indeed be interesting. I think such a playable piece might be built around a journey during which the traveler party encounters all the levels of hospitality from the cup of water and opportunity to sleep in a grove near the village or stead, to being hosted in a relative's house, the chief's hall, several houses, an inn, and the tribal manor at Boldhome or another city. With the reasons why each situation is appropriate. What to do with a large group's animals will be an occasion for inventiveness. I imagine that a caravan or large pilgrim group will have many more animals than can be accommodated in the back of someone's longhouse. In that case if there is no inn, the village will have to do... what? It seems to me that criteria for appropriate hosting would have several dimensions: The guest(s) reputation, social rank, number of guests and their animals, who the host is and their resources, the physical location (ranging from a shepherd' s camp to an isolated stead, a village, an inn, city gate, the tribal manor, chief's hall).
  20. What do you think of this? It is my understanding that " noble" means either that the person: 1) Has a job / place in the community that involves them not doing manual labor (which would be governing, priesthood, or a salaried military position) and also having a high income awarded by the community (typically the five hides of land which RQiG makes a standard, but a temple may just support a Rune Lord or a high priest), or 2) Being a family member and resident of a noble' s household. Our references for this are the character generation mechanics and the year end income mechanics in RQiG. So it is game mechanics as well as Gloranthan background. And as Jeff has recently written that it is primarily a game mechanic. It seems to me to be useful to distinguish noble status from noble standard of living. A successful merchant or leading crafter may achieve a noble standard of living but not be a noble. At the same time his social status may be equivalent to a noble. There are going to be high nobles and low nobles. The clan chieftain is lower than the Prince of Sartar, for instance. There are going to be edge cases and ambiguities. * What are you if you are a thane with four hides of land instead of five? * What are you if you are the Issaries market priest at clan level? IMHO the answer might be different from being THE Issaries market priest in Nochet. * What are you if you are a Chalana Arroy priest / priestess walking a circuit of many villages, who enjoys a noble SOL partly because you are every chieftain's guest, but also because Rune magic cures and resurrections oblige the patient to give as generously as he can afford? It also seems to me that when the clan chief's son or daughter goes adventuring or caravan guarding, they give up that noble status and Standard Of Living until they return home. Though they may be treated with noble social status by those who know them, or clan chiefs who know their father. I would even change their character sheet and their SOL in the year end calculations, while they are away from home.
  21. I believe g33k is right. Make it easy for people! Don't require knowing or guessing some specific abbreviation iike "LFG" for search, and don't insist on only favoring one specific channel like Roll20 or Discord.. In this case redundancy is good. As for the most recent "other' way to do this, I have posted my observations here And please make it easy to find from / on the Chaosium web site. That is where the most new players will start looking. Don't make specific search skills a barrier, don't make persistence a barrier.
  22. if no one distinguihes himself or at least has enough political pull to occupy a landed office, then a descent to carl status but not to cottar. If Daddy can generate enough surplus during his lifetime to give each son a plow and oxen, then the Earth temple will find the son some land. The temple's interest is in getting all the land plowed and sown. Most of the non-Adventurer carl population (therefore most of the clan's households) are in this situation, hereditary farmers. The temple and the Ring have no interest in pushing the carl families down to cottar status, and clan politics will work against doing that. The high taxes of the Lunar occupation might push things that way, but post-Dragonrise, no.
  23. Possibly because your available times and days matched, and/or because their questions about being late, etc. matched. Their algorithm gives closest matches, not perfect matches. I do see the same thing in my results. Nevertheless I suspect that the reason I don't get matches with more people from my part of Texas who play RuneQuest, is that few RQ players have signed up. That the other folks are the closest matches, mostly tells me few of us RQ players are in their system yet. And too many people checked off 'will play anything", which means you have to ignore them manually, or just invite them to your game and see if they get back to you. If you modify the matching criteria (which you can do, see the pulldown menu in upper right part of their screen) you are less likely to see the folks from South Africa. But you will still see them if they say they will play at your days and times, because RPGMatch seems (so far) to be pretty oriented to internet play. Even though one of the choices is tabletop / in-person.
  24. If it was originally a Voralan tool then remember that they would not need it to give them contact with the group mind. They already had it all their lives. So why waste the POW to enchant it? Fungus infections sound about right, and amusing too in a practical jokey way.
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