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Unicorn Riders tribe


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What do they eat? I'm guessing not the Unicorns.

Do they "borrow" herdbeasts from other tribes? Cattle or sheep? Wouldn't that make them even more unpopular with the other tribes?

Is there any other information on their tribe existing or planned? Beyond what was in the Pavis & Big Rubble and Cult Compendium books?


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30 minutes ago, brionl said:

What do they eat? I'm guessing not the Unicorns.

Do they "borrow" herdbeasts from other tribes? Cattle or sheep? Wouldn't that make them even more unpopular with the other tribes?

Is there any other information on their tribe existing or planned? Beyond what was in the Pavis & Big Rubble and Cult Compendium books?

Indeed, definitely not the unicorns, IIRC it's only the five Great Tribes that do 'ride and herd the same animal' thing.  They don't always even ride unicorns -- demand will typically exceed supply.

Mostly yeah, 'borrowed' beasts from others.  Cattle included -- the Pol Joni being the usual 'donor' of these.  The tribes raid and war with each other all the time, but not generally on a 'just in time' basis.  In fact, very often tribes will have mix-and-match herds including the totem beasts of other tribes, which they'll maintain for as long as suits.  Eventually they might trade them, or of course, eat them.  Yelornans also periodically gain adult women from other tribes, and depending on the circumstances they might come with some animals, tying into the not only riding unicorns thing again.

So it'd be not usual to encounter a group of unicorn-riders herding mostly (let's say) bisons, with some smattering of other animals.

I assume the in-the-works Prax Book will give us more detail on them.  In the meantime, basically think culturally Praxian, in a similar minor-tribe mode as the likes of the rhino riders, except with a very different take on gender, and with a heavy dose of Sky mythology.

Hope some of that helps.

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Unicorns are all intelligent creatures according to the Bestiary, so I think they're full members of the Unicorn Women tribe and not herd-beasts, and the Unicorn Women raid for other herd-beasts and keep herds of their own.

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 "And I am pretty tired of all this fuss about rfevealign that many worshippers of a minor goddess might be lesbians." -Greg Stafford, April 11, 2007

"I just read an article in The Economist by a guy who was riding around with the Sartar rebels, I mean Taliban," -Greg Stafford, January 7th, 2010

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2 hours ago, Ladygolem said:

I mean, everyone in Prax is always raiding each other for herdbeasts to eat anyway, it doesn't set them apart all that much from their neighbours.

I'm assuming also that the Unicorn Riders aren't part of Waha's covenant, so they can eat and herd whatever they want.


Well, the main book says the minor tribes use Peaceful Cut. So not entirely outside the covenant either.



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10 hours ago, brionl said:

What do they eat? I'm guessing not the Unicorns.

They herd just like other Praxian tribes, having a permanent mixed herd depending on raiding and breeding.

You might find these threads useful:


https://basicroleplaying.org/search/?&q=unicorn&page=2&quick=1&author=David Scott&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy


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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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11 hours ago, brionl said:

What do they eat? I'm guessing not the Unicorns.

Do they "borrow" herdbeasts from other tribes? Cattle or sheep? Wouldn't that make them even more unpopular with the other tribes?

Is there any other information on their tribe existing or planned? Beyond what was in the Pavis & Big Rubble and Cult Compendium books?


In my Glorantha most of the tribes prefer not to eat their own herd beasts in order to keep their numbers as high as possible and insure that they have the best possible stock from which to choose and train their mounts.  This means that the most populous of the herd beasts is the preferred meat animal for all the tribes, namely the impala.  While there are a few other herds of Prax beasts that run wild in the wastes, there are more feral impalas than any other type, and more impala riders too.  Impalas also produce wonderful cheeses due to the extremely high quality of impala milk, but then so do Unicorns, despite them being all males.

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On 1/16/2022 at 4:29 PM, brionl said:


Do they "borrow" herdbeasts from other tribes? ...

ALL of the Tribes "borrow" from one anothers' herds; raiding is one of the most-popular Praxian activities.
This gives them all meat that isn't their own herdbeast, to help keep their own herd numbers up.


On 1/16/2022 at 4:29 PM, brionl said:

... Cattle or sheep? ...

IMG, maintaining non-Covenant herds in Prax is *dramatically* less viable (even for skilled Praxian hernndsmen).
Not utterly impossible, but much harder; and in a hard year, such herds will suffer tremendous losses.

Praxians *will* raid those herds, of course!  But generally, they slaughter them sooner than later, eating richly for a bit & preserving the rest.

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2 hours ago, Joerg said:

Do unicorns ever get raided from the unicorn riders?

Aren't unicorns just as sentient -- as "smart" -- as humans?
I presume that would make it extraordinarily difficult to conduct the usual sort of "raid" ...

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