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RuneQuest Rules Q&A


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If want to report mistakes or ask questions about our RuneQuest Glorantha products, this is the thread. Question and Answers where appropriate will end up here as official corrections. Although centred around RuneQuest, corrections and questions about the Guide to Glorantha (GtG) and the Glorantha Sourcebook (GS) are welcome too. The current product line is:

First and foremost, it cannot be stressed enough that the rules are guidelines for the gamemaster and must occasionally need to be interpreted when a question arises. No set of rules can accommodate every permutation and interaction between the various sub-systems, nor should they.

When there’s an potential conflict or unclear area, it is the gamemaster’s job to adjudicate, revising later if necessary. When in doubt, make a decision and move on.

The play is the thing, not getting it “right”.

Please post your entries in the form of a single simple, direct question, with book and page references.

Please take any arguments, complaints or discussion to another thread. 

Before you post, please make sure that you have:

  • the most up-to-date version of the book and/or PDF.
  • checked the book and rules fully.
  • Checked the RuneQuest Glorantha Corrections and Q&A
  • Please be aware that, Sorcery is presented to allow Lhankor Mhy adventurers to be created. Future supplements will detail sorcerers from other cultures and provide more details of the sorcery system.

New answers in this thread are moved to the Q&A when a full page is reached.

When in doubt, make a decision and move on.

See Jason Durall talking about when it's important to lean into or away from TTRPG system rules (YouTube)  

Edited by Scotty
updated 8 June 2024
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  • 1 month later...
16 hours ago, Dragon said:

Not positive if this is the correct place to note an error, as it is not the Red Book of Magic itself, but the Rune Spell Reference additional download.

Yes this is the place, I've added the Rune Spell Reference to the initial post.

16 hours ago, Dragon said:

In the Rune Spell Reference, the spell Arrow Trance is listed in Fire/Sky spells correctly. It is erroneously missing from Plant Spells, and is erroneously included in Truth Spells.

I mentioned it in another thread, and the author agreed. He stated that I would have to notify you as he had turned over the source materials to Chaosium control. I just wasn't sure where.

I find the Reference quite handy, and appreciate the work that went into it. Thank you.

Thanks for spotting this. We will correct it asap.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/26/2022 at 3:54 PM, Steve said:

Core Rulebook p.23

In the intro text, last paragraph, it refers to the GM Screen Pack having a quick adventurer generation system. I don't think that's the case, is it? Perhaps the GM book?

Yes, but the final name has not been announced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starter Set, Blank Folio

Craft has a tick box, but the two lines underneath for filling in two different Craft skills do not. Remove tick box, and place two on the lines underneath it.

Same with Speak Other Language, a single check box doesn't work for two separate skills.

Also, Cult Lore should not have a tick box. Customs (Local) should.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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  • Scotty changed the title to RuneQuest Rules Q&A
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  • 1 month later...
12 hours ago, The Lonely Khan said:

Is there cannon that The Spike and The Block is adamant or truestone? Adamant makes no sense, as the Storm Bull followers protect and gather the fallen pieces of The Block after it bounced over The Plains to strike and pin Wakboth. And those pieces are truestone. 

The words are used interchangeably (see Mythology (PDF), pages 23, 44, 47, 49). Only the Dwarfs or a sage can likely tell the difference. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

On page 314 of the RQG core rulebook:


"Rune magic spells always take effect at strike rank 1"

But on page 194:


"If more than 1 magic point is used to boost a Rune magic spell, or otherwise increase its effects, 1 strike rank is added for each additional magical point after the first."

I believe page 194 is correct, so it may be worth adding a clarification to page 314 to the effect that:

"Rune magic spells always take effect at strike rank 1, unless more than 1 magic point is used to boost the spell; see page 194 for further details".

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An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Scotty,

A clarification from the Well of Daliath is incorrect: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-19-between-adventures/#ib-toc-anchor-24 

Copying only the erroneous passages (in Red) from the Well of Daliath:


Please note that generating the roll for characteristic increase does not mention species maximum.

Example: A minotaur with STR (3D6+12) of 22 (Air affinity bonus not included). It would be (Maximum = 30+ minimum = 15 = 45)-22 = 23 x 5 = 115, so roll 95% or less.

As a GM you are free to change it to species maximum.

The entry finished with this statement (highlighted by me) and copy the minotaur example again. While it is correct the section on characteristic increase in RQG p.418 DO NOT mention species maximum (choosing instead to re-explain how it works for humans), it is implicitly the intent as clearly stated by two other sources:

GM's Pack Handout cha4028_cp_rq_players_pack_1.01, page 32 (Characteristic Training)


Characteristic Training
If you have the time during the season to train, you may start a two-season session of training or research of either STR, CON, 
DEX, or CHA, instead of regular training or research (page 418). Training is automatic, research requires a successful roll of [species 
MAX – current characteristic] ×5%
. Both award 1D3–1 to that characteristic.

and Weapons and Equipment page 116 (Improving a Characteristic Through Research, second paragraph)


The method for improvement is that described in Other Characteristic Increase (RuneQuest, page 418), where the adventurer’s current characteristic rating is subtracted from the species maximum, and the difference multiplied by ×5. 
The player must then try to roll that number or less on D100. Success improves the characteristic by 1D3–1. 

The following 2 examples from the Well of Daliath are also in error:


A duck with CON (2D6+6) of 12 (Earth affinity bonus not included). It would be (Maximum = 18+ minimum = 8 = 26)-12 = 14 x 5 = roll 70% or less.

Should be "A duck with CON (2D6+6) of 12 (Earth affinity bonus not included). It would be (Maximum = 18+ minimum = 3 = 21)-12 = 9 x 5 = roll 45% or less."


A minotaur with STR (3D6+12) of 22 (Air affinity bonus not included). It would be (Maximum = 30+ minimum = 15 = 45)-22 = 23 x 5 = 115, so roll 95% or less.

Should be "A minotaur with STR (3D6+12) of 22 (Air affinity bonus not included). It would be (Maximum = 30+ minimum = 4 = 34)-22 = 12 x 5 = 60% or less.


Edited by DreadDomain
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Please include the text location when noting typos.

On 9/14/2024 at 3:07 AM, Alex said:

RQB, p146, "who was forced (or volunteered) for the ghastly job of devouring".  Preposition/parenthesis issue, should be "forced to do (or volunteered for)" or some such.

Hyena (page 148)


Nomad legend says that Hyena was a great spirit who was forced (or volunteered) for) the ghastly job of devouring the body of Genert, after that deity was slain by Chaos.

On 9/14/2024 at 3:07 AM, Alex said:

RQB, p162, "the old solitary boar", extraneous "the".

Wild Boars (page 162)


Boar are quite pugnacious, and the old solitary boars are very dangerous.


On 9/14/2024 at 3:07 AM, Alex said:

Tangentially relatedly, another broken should-point-to-here-and-yet-does-not link:  



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@Oracle said:



p.183, Second Edition, left column, 5th paragraph, last sentence (as well as p.178, First Edition (print version), right column, third last paragraph, last sentence):


He said, “I am Tlight."

I'm pretty sure, this should be 'He said, “I am Twilight.”'
But this needs a confirmation as p.178, First Edition (PDF version) says:


He said, “I am Daylight.”


The correct text from Jeff is I am Twilight

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4 hours ago, ROOTless said:

CoR: Lunar Cults.

Commune With (Planet) and Discern (Constellation) use the following phrase:

"Each * is associated with one or more Runes.
For each point of Strength, the caster gains +5% in all usages
of that Rune or Runes for the duration of the spell."

Does this apply to using these runes in Sorcery, or only to actually rolling the relevant rune(s)?

It applies to all uses including sorcery. Re-read the example at the bottom of page 82.

Phoronestes, would also gain +25% when casting Rune Magic containing the Truth Rune such as Analyze Magic, Clairvoyance, Knowledge, Translate, and Truespeak and any Common Rune magic, if they choose to use it with their Truth Rune. Likewise, any Runic inspiration or other runic effects using the Truth Rune. Note that at high levels, the adventurer will act more as an archetype oof that Rune.

Any sensible sorcerer would be sure to extend this spell for long as possible (weeks and seasons at least).

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13 hours ago, Axel said:

COR: Lunar Way p. 125 Scarlet Scimitar.

The description says " When a scimitar is first presented to its owner to be, one point of POW must be permanently sacrificed to attune the weapon.

"These special weapons take 30 points of damage and function in all ways as a Rune metal weapon except that it is useable without magical penalty by anyone. Holders of the kopis may cast a Truesword spell on it once per week (not on the day of the Dark Moon), and upon command, the kopis will glow a very bright red, lighting up an area 50 meters in diameter. The scimitar can hold an allied spirit."

1. What magical penalties apply to users of other Rune metal weapons?

1a. Do they apply to unattuned wielders of a Scarlet Scimitar?

Correction, Scarlet Scimitar, page 125.

These special weapons take 30 points of damage and function in all ways as a Rune metal weapon except that it is useable without magical penalty by anyone

13 hours ago, Axel said:

2. Does "Holders of the kopis" mean anybody holding the kopis can cast Truesword or does it mean the attuned person?

The attuned person is the holder.

13 hours ago, Axel said:

2a. Does the same answer apply to making the kopis glow bright red?


13 hours ago, Axel said:

3. Does the allied spirit have to be allied to the attuned user?


13 hours ago, Axel said:

3a. If the sword becomes attuned to somebody else, does the allied spirit get kicked out?

It cannot be re-attuned unless the current holder is dead. If they had an allied spirit, it then leaves.

53 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

Supplemental: what rune metal is it actually made from, or is it a special moon rune metal or alloy that isn't described in the usual set?

Likely silver (maybe with other cool stuff like refined Lunes, etc).

  • See Plunder, page 44 for the original entry.
Edited by Scotty
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13 hours ago, Irek said:

Could you clarify your response to the question of whether Humakt initiates begin (or can begin) the game with Bladesharp-4?  The current response says no, but cites language from the Lightbringers book that does not really clarify anything. It says that Humakt initiates receive bladesharp-4 for free after one year, but do not begin the game with it. 

Note that free of cost doesn't mean it's in addition to the five points of starting spirit magic. It will take up four of the five points of starting spirit magic (as will fireblade). Note that in the Initiates of Humakt box in Lightbringers, page 109, it is listed as Bladesharp (var.) not Bladesharp 4.

13 hours ago, Irek said:

However, it would stand to reason that a standard, 21-year-old, starting character, would have been initiated more than one year prior to entering play. Are we meant to understand that the character does not begin with Bladesharp-4 but can acquire it at any time, or they can acquire it after one year of game time, or they can begin play with it if they were initiated more than one year prior (which seems almost surely to have been the case), or something else. 

Note that my players quickly realised that Bladesharp 4 costs 500L to buy in game, so getting any of the other 50L/point variable spells at 4 would save them 500L by getting Bladesharp 4 for free later.

13 hours ago, Irek said:

Beginning with Bladesharp-4 in addition to other spirit magic means Humakti will begin with almost as much spirit magic as a shaman's apprentice, which doesn't seem right.

see above. 

13 hours ago, Irek said:

However, the rules as written don't make the situation explicit (unlike, for example, the fact that Ernalda initiates get Ignite for free in addition to other spirit magic.) Ruling that a Humakti doesn't begin with 5 points of other cult spirit magic plus 4 points of Bladesharp is likely to cause bad feelings in my game, so I would like to have firm backing from the rules corrections if I make that decision. 

Note that with Ignite, in the Initiates of Ernalda box, in Earth Goddesses, page 26, it specifically states that it doesn't count against their 5 points of starting cult spirit magic, and that this equivalent text is not in the Initiates of Humakt box.

The Q&A will be amended to clarify this.

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