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My Crappy BRP Character Sheet

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Hey all

Just wanted to post the link to my homemade character sheet. Made in MSWord and pdfed. I wanted to try and add as much as possible with keeping space a consideration. I also wanted to make more room for additional skills, since that can be an issue. So those that make their own skills or have a lot of a type of skill can have the space necessary to put them all.

Comments and criticisms very welcome. :)


The status quo sucks.

- George Carlin

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I don't know... I like it. It has a bit of a medieval feel to it, but I like it. I think it works well.

I can also see how it wouldn't be a suitable fit for some settings or campaigns, but that may have more to do with specific needs for that game or particular interests of the GM and players.

Well done, sir.

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It's very clear with no huge areas of white space, which is what I like.

I wouldn't include tracks for Hit Points/Power Points/Fatigue/Sanity/Fate Points, personally, because I always think that a simple box with a score and a space for a tally or amended score works better for me.

Shields might be better included in the Weapons section.

The skills have a lot of blank values, which is OK for a very general sheet, but how many games have that many new skills? You could cut down on some of them and then put the Hit Locations and Weapons/Armour on the front sheet.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here. 

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I agree that it has more of a fantasy game look, but you could change the border (not that you need to) to something with a more modern look. I'm a fan of two page character sheets, but I like how you have pretty much everything covered with these four pages.

For whatever reason, I like seeing the character stats on the top left of the page though.

In conclusion: I give it an 8 out of 10, would read again. ;D

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Thanks for all the comments/criticisms. Admittedly, yeah, the character sheet was done for a fantasy style game, so the border was inspired by that. ;-D

Chorpa, if you do use it. Let me know how it works out for you and your players and give me any playtesting critiques. Would be glad to hear it. In the process of using it now in the game, so it might be updated depending on the reaction from people.

What I wanted to do is make a generic enough sheet to use for all types of campaign games.

One of the reasons that I put all the stats for combat and the like on the 2nd sheet is that I like all the combat stuff on one page, so there isn't a lot of going back and forth with the character sheet. Though, soltakss, I can see your point about how a box with a stat would be good as well, keeping it simple, without needing a lot of erasing and constant tracking. Maybe that can be for a sheet for players that are more familiar with the system without needing the visual aide?? :-/ I know I'm still really new to the system, so having all the bells and whistles on the sheet really help. ;D

Tedopon, Billy Badasses indeed. ;-D I wanted to have enough space to accommodate for all possibilities. If someone was going to play Billy the Ogre smashing up a town or something ('cause monster campaigns can be short and sweet fun), they would need the space for the extra HP. If someone did the CON+SIZ HP instead of the averages of the two, then they need the extra space too. I really just wanted to give the sheet enough room for all BRP goodness possibilities. Hmmm.... I should rename to the sheet to the Billy Badass BRP Character Sheet. ;D

The status quo sucks.

- George Carlin

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I wouldn't include tracks for Hit Points/Power Points/Fatigue/Sanity/Fate Points, personally, because I always think that a simple box with a score and a space for a tally or amended score works better for me.

Seconded. Repeated erasing can bore a hole in the character sheet. As a player I prefer to keep track of running totals with tokens or counters, and write the tally only at the end of play.

In one game I played in the GM had made a "big board" tracking HP and other conditions of all the PCs. Perhaps it makes sense to leave expendable resources off character sheets entirely; players track HP and the like with tokens, and the GM tracks totals between sessions. But that's outside the scope of this thread.


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Thanks a lot Chaot. Much appeciated.

Usually, when I print out character sheets, I use card shock or cover stock. Makes them more durable for erasures and messy players (myself notorious for spilling tea on my stuff).

Here is the word file for those that want the base to make changes:


The status quo sucks.

- George Carlin

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Nothing crappy about it. Includes all the options I'd like. Hit locations and Sanity points!

I don't suppose you could make the word documents available too so that us tinkerers can amend some the the skills to suit?



Likes to sneak around


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