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Just Bought Elder Godlike, what do I need


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While ORE and BRP have very different core systems, I feel they tend to both work well for similar power levels and tone. BRP with Godlike powers seems like something that should work. Having Alan Goodall, of Arc Dream, write it is also a good sign. The only reason I'm going to wait to hear more before ordering is because I'm overwhelmed with things I want at the moment, and I don't have an immediate need for a supers rule set. 

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This looks very interesting

 I see the pdf is out already, so I'm wondering when the print copy will be available. It's not what I'm after at the moment, but I know that I'll want to grab the pdf + print copy at some stage

Edited by Mankcam

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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I think it's very nice. The powers system includes rules for how to make super attributes and gadgets. Instead of having a list of powers you explain what you want and it has a point cost - they show you how to build stuff like Invisibility. I'm on the fence about this it seams a bit hand wavy

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1 hour ago, Archivist said:

...I'm on the fence about this it seams a bit hand wavy

Its Supers, it is almost always hand wavy, otherwise you have a more severely restricted range of powers or talents. Its part of the same reason that BRP (and rules heavy systems) tend to be less suited to Supers than HQ (and rules light/hand wavy systems).

Superworld WAS a good supers system, for characters in the Batman/Green Arrow range thru say X-Men. Go beyond that and serious cracks and bends in the system formed.

I think I'm going to pick up Elder Godlike though just to see what they have done differently!


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7 hours ago, rsanford said:

How does it fit into the CoC setting? I only played CoC once but the setting was pretty far removed from what I think of as supers...

I'm guessing it doesn't... that it's a mash-up setting. Kinda like some of the old Superworld adventures that had mythos creatures in them.

I'm generally against the impulse to turn CoC into an action-adventure game... but adding horror elements to a low-powered superhero game, I'm all for that.

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2 hours ago, Archivist said:

Yes, it's Godlike rules + CoC, mostly Godlike, since it assumes that you're hacking Godlike into your CoC rules (it also has Savage Worlds rules) and not vice versa. So it has all of the stuff for creating the sorts of Talents from Godlike

So wait, is it ORE-based or BRP-based? Or some third sort of thing?

Edited by Simlasa
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