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I am SUCH a Happy Geek!

Well, it's been a couple weeks and the group has finally gotten off the beach. They met a gruff but helpful centaur by name of Khauros who, unbeknownst to our Heroines, is the personal representative of Artemis on Earth. He led them to his herd's pasture where they could light a small fire, cook rations, dry off and get some sleep. At this point the characters are still struggling with initiating things and have to be gently prodded along, but they're getting there. I had the incredibly won

Atalan: BTF#2 The Path to Where We Are

Alright, once I got my nieces on board with the idea of a game and they chose the genre they wanted to play in, I had to figure out the actual nuts and bolts of this project. My goals were three-fold: a] MAKE IT EASY TO LEARN b] MAKE IT LOGICAL c] MAKE IT FUN With those guideposts, and taking a few cues from previous experience as a gamer, I decided that I'd just put together pregenerated characters rather than have everyone grind through character generation in RQG. The


Nochet, 1616ST, Fire season. “My… My lady…. What can I do for your pleasure ?” “That’s not for me, scribe, but for my mistress… I want to know everything about… about… What’s his name, Mirava? “Aendel, my lady.” “What an absurd name, isn’t it Mirava? So tell me what you know about this student, scribe.” “For sure, ma lady, may I ask the reasons for your request?” “That is not your business, scribe. Do what I order, don’t think.” “Yes, yes, madame, of course. Pl

Atalan:BTF #1

Well, Post Number One, or 'How We Got Here' So with the COVID lockdown, my wife has been working from home in our apartment. Due to space constraints, her home office setup is in the living room while I occupy a bedroom set up as a library /computer /junk room most of the day. I've been pretty bored, especially since I quit Facebook in the wake of Election Assault on the Capitol. I've been trying to pay more attention to my family during the crisis, and slew of birthday presents had me aski

Nídgedál ond Sméaung

A Parting of Body and Soul and the Search for the Lost. Dunstan did not feel well after the night’s sleep. Hereweard had told him his soul had been stolen but Dunstan said he could not accept this was true.  He had interpreted the constant growling noises he was making as anger at all the people who had annoyed his family and the injustices that had been visited upon them. His list of people that he intended to make pay was increasing and now included the Bretwalda Aelle, the Atheling Cissa

The Players

just a short description of the pcs   Hrothgar Mountain Toe: a Warrior(light Cavalry) of the clan his parents and all but one of his brothers is dead was at the battle of pennel fordand the sacking of the city of wonders  Gorlo the smith: a bronze smith who comes from a line of crafty men


Ironwall in Runequest


Here and now "I was placed in a little cell, with only one chair, one table, a closed book, and a poor black candle. They told me I had to find the truth. When they closed the door, a draught blew out the light. Fortunately, I managed to remember where the furniture was and sat down. Opening the book was probably a mistake, a kind of test, something like “see beyond the evidence” exercise, so I just thought and didn’t move. I tried to figure out what was the truth, what could be the an

Sé Bléteaþ ond þæs Gesalde

The Blood Sacrifice and Those who were Sold   There was peace along the Tamyse valley. The war had been short but bloody and destructive. For the survivors there would be a struggle to get enough food and shelter for the coming winter. Food was in short supply all over Cerdic’s Kingdom. The wars had destroyed the growing crops and killed or displaced livestock. Even for those that had silver to spend, the cost of food was high. The Atheling Stuf had told Wulfhere to start re-forti

Wise advice

Here and now “When they announced to me the loss of my mother, I didn’t cry. I saw them… tired, wounded. I heard the yelling and the pleas of the fighters. I smelt their blood filling the air.  There were shit and piss too, of course, but that is the fragrance of any war, isn’t it? I asked for a sword and a shield. I asked for revenge. I asked for murder. But the warriors refused. They said I was too young. Too young? As I moved toward them, my rightful ire against their enemies in m

Kingship and Kinship.

Here and now “What do you want to know? My name? Which one? You already know all of them. My friends and my family call me Aendel, so let’s use that. Where to start? The beginning? My mother, Jareen Londrosdottr, gave birth to me during the fourth year of Dangmet’s reign, the wWild day of the Truth week, during the great Umath season. My clan was the Taraling. Here, my kin count lots of kings, such as Leika my lovely cousin, Kangharl the shameful, unfortunate Kallay

Séo Beadu þæs Tamyse

The Battle for the Thames  In the first year of Cerdic's reign the Yule feast was held at his new capital of Wincen Cæster on the banks of the Itchen. Looking back over the year Cerdic was pleased with how things stood. He had taken land from the Dumnonians and had captured Venta, renaming it Wincen Cæster. The siege and battle had been costly in men but those that had survived had been richly rewarded with silver and lands.  Cerdic had made a treaty with Octa having killed enough of h

Sé Beaducwealm þæs Béaggiefa ond Sé Westseaxacyning

The Death of a Ring-giver and the West Saxon King In the morning there was more news that Ealdorman Cœlfrith had arrived with a strong Warband. The Hrothgarsons thought it best that they did not go abroad and stayed in Rowena's Hall. They created a small hiding place in the undercroft by stacking sacks of grain and flour so that it would take a lot of effort if anyone was searching for them. They discussed the situation with Rowena and Wulfhere told her the history that they had with Cœlfri


Betrayal of one’s Lord They awoke the next day with sore heads. Uthric spent the morning vomiting and Duncan just felt sorry for himself. It was almost midday before they felt better and Dunstan swore that he would never touch alcohol again.  They had planned that they should go and speak with Rowena. She had not made any overtures towards them but neither had they sought her out. They arrived at her Hall which was magnificently decorated with rich tapestries and inlaid carvings of the Æsir

Fish Stories, Part 2

(Note: Bold text refers to a Trait, Ability, or Rune that a character in question has).  (Another note: we didn’t have another session this last weekend because I was sick and Androgenus’s player’s partner had a death in the family, so I’m posting the rest of our last session now--sorry for the delay!) DRAMATIS PERSONAE Iris, an Esrolian Earth Priestess in service to Takakia, the Goddess of Moss. She holds the Earth, Movement, and Spirit runes. Iris is the supposed leader of


ZedAlpha in Actual play

Fish Stories, Part 1

(Note: Bold text refers to a Trait, Ability, or Rune that a character in question has).  DRAMATIS PERSONAE Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They are attempting to explore the mysteries of Illumination without a teacher—without any type of teacher—and are beginning to wonder whether or not existence is worth all the trouble. They’re also being watched very closely by... Waddlestomp the Bloodybeaked, a Huey


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

The Weather Started Getting Rough, The Tiny Ship was Tossed

(Note: Bold text refers to a Trait, Ability, or Rune that a character in question has).    DRAMATIS PERSONAE Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They're out for blood vengeance against anyone who's ever victimized their family, their clan, and their homeland. in that order. Recently illuminated as part of a Heroquest that gave them temporary use of the Infinity Rune. Being hunted like a beagle puppy in an O


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

Not a Moment's Peace

(Note: Bold text refers to a Trait, Ability, or Rune that a character in question has).  DRAMATIS PERSONAE Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They're out for blood vengeance against anyone who's ever victimized their family, their clan, and their homeland. in that order. Recently illuminated as part of a Heroquest that gave them temporary use of the Infinity Rune. Now missing the Rune, and grappling with the fact


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

Harrek Must Die

So my PCs decided to kill Harrek the Berserk. Here's how it went.  (for context, see  and  First, before I recap this, here's the cast of PCs we're working with:  Androgenus, a genderfluid Esrolian Eurmali trickster with the Illuminated Illusion, Earth, and Luck runes. They're out for blood vengeance against anyone who's ever victimized their family, their clan, and their homeland. in that order. Recently illuminated as part of a Heroquest that gave them temporary use of t


ZedAlpha in Actual Play

Wiðerwinne innan Wealhcynn

A Very British Coup A dozen years ago Aelle marked the borders of his kingdom. He had sent a man called Tadda, a Kingsthane, north to make a settlement near the abandoned city of Calleva. Aelle had thought to use it as a base for expansion to the north and west but as often happens in uncertain times, he was distracted by other events closer to home and Taddenlæge was forgotten. Tadda was an astute man and one that sought compromise rather than conflict. He made alliances with the loca


Nozbat in An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Se Deáþscúfa

The Shadow of Death. The Hrothgarsons returned to home to find growing tensions across all three villages. The war had been won and the peace was now being fought over. In Glawmæd the native Britons were resentful of the occupying Saxon forces. Their population had been decimated and their Chieftain killed, admittedly by other Britons, but they were now ruled by a Saxon Thane. There was grumbling that Lucnot was not made Thane. Wulfhere, who was presently in charge until Cerdic decided othe


Nozbat in An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

RPG Imaginings Stream-Of-Consciousness Children of Fear Reflections

I added to these thoughts over a two-month long period from release of the PDF to this posting. RPG Imaginings Stream-Of-Consciousness Children of Fear Reflections Chapter 1: Reflections: 1) No work in Call of Cthulhu, to my knowledge, has devoted such thoughtful consideration to a common section as the "Involving the Investigators" section in this campaign. Great care has been taken to suggest potential character motivations for beginning the campaign and to designing investigato


klecser in Call of Cthulhu

Se ǣrende æt Kernow

Embassy to Kernow   Wulfhere knew Glawmaed was in trouble. Although the harvest had been gathered it had been destroyed in the war and many of the livestock had been killed. He had been put in charge of Glawmaed until Cerdic made a decision about who should be Thane. It was therefore Wulfhere's responsibility to find enough food for the villagers and the extra warriors, who were now guarding the village. The destruction in Glawmaed, Caedering and Caelctun meant that usually self-suff


Nozbat in An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Séo Hryding Benorþan

The Cleansing of the North Osberht's wound was healing slowly. It pleased him that he now managed to walk to his high seat most days without much pain. He sat with the Taethle and Brothers to hear of their travels to Anderida. He has interested in what had happened at Aelle's Assembly and had asked them several times to go over the story about things he wanted more details on. It was clear that some part of the story concerned him but he would not talk about it. Now that he was a Kings


Nozbat in An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

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