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Everything posted by Chaot

  1. Ya know, have you looked at the Ship Rules? There's some stuff there that could fold into constructs nicely. There was also golem information published in the Bronze Grimoire, but it's been a while since I've read that section.
  2. I had to do a little reading about the setting, as I'm not familiar with it. Keep in mind the following suggestions are kind of shots in the dark. My question would be, what do you want to emulate. For ads/disads you may want to just crib from GURPS. It's pretty easy to adapt GURPS stuff. The monograph Rubble and Ruin has some ads/disads combined with cybernetics and psi. It may be worth looking into. Referencing the Gold Book, I'd say you want to look at Mutations, Psionics and Equipment/Super Powers. I've got some ideas on how I might run the purchasing of new designer bodies but it would take a little bit of work to put it all together and pull it off. If you're interested I'll post a synopsis but it may be a bit far off of what you're looking to do.
  3. Stormbringer is distilled awesome. It's Moorcock translated through Metal album cover art. I find it to be a great deal of fun, but I would only use it for one shots or a strung together series of one shots. Like Nick, I far prefer how Elric!/SB5 holds together and use it as my BRP default. Interesting. I think there's a lot of room to expand in this area.
  4. I missed this thread first time around but I have three suggestions to add to the list. The first is Loz's excellent system from Unknown East. It's kind of similar to my memories of the system in Ars Magica. It's very flexible and I've had good experiences with it. The second is to borrow the Maelstrom system. It's composed of 5 levels of ritual magic. A first level spell would be something that could easily be chalked up to chance. A foe trips at an inopportune time. The sun hits someone's eyes wrong at a crucial moment. etc. Fifth level spells are spells that make the impossible possible. A fellow named Questbird put this system to good use in his Lankhmar game. I took it from him and added some descriptive qualifiers. The rules work the same but an Elementalist uses different descriptions and effects than an Hedge Wizard than a Diviner then a High Sorcerer. Thirdly, one of the supplements for Nephilim had a ritual freeform magic system. Unfortunately, I don't have any practical experience with it but the rules seem sound.
  5. Durn. I'm going to put one together then. I'll post the results here. I guess I'm off to look for fonts now.
  6. Normally I'd just have the players write out their own sheet or mark up an Elric! sheet but this will be for a pbp game. Some of the players aren't very solid on the rules either. I figured a good character sheet could be very beneficial. I also figured that if anyone could save me some work making my own, it would be the good people on this forum. If I end up making one myself I'll be sure to post it here. Thanks all!
  7. There's also a lot of energy about MRQ going on over there right now. I bet that's feeding into it too. Not that I'm complaining. It warms the cockles of my cold black heart to see that poll.
  8. That was... interesting...
  9. With all this talk of BRP musicals I'd be remiss if I didn't mention A Shoggoth on the Roof.
  10. Spirit/Battle magic from the older RQ3 is close to the Sorcery system. Some of the Call of Cthulhu spells could be easily used in the Sorcery system as well. For Magic, the Classic Fantasy monograph is a wonderful resource.
  11. Absolutely. I've wanted to get in to Harn for the longest time. The buy in is too steep.
  12. Hurry man! I want this book for my Freeport game.
  13. Chaot


    If you could only get the author to sign it...
  14. I'm really looking forward to this book. Quick additional question, if I may. Is there a specific setting attached to the book?
  15. While you're on Jason, can I ask you a general question about how you handle interplanetary travel?
  16. Man, someone should drop a line and ask them to get drivethru a fresh pdf. It's their freaking flagship book next to CoC. Anyway, I'm excited about my order. I put it through as the sale was ending. I was on limited funds, so I had to keep it short. I finally bought Miskatonic University. I'd been looking at that for years now. I picked up Rubble and Ruin, because I need some good old fashion apocalypse right now (and I'm really interested in seeing how the subsystems turned out). Dragon Lines is there as it fills a gap not addressed sincce Land of Ninja. And finally Witchcraft, *singing* Wicked witchcraft, and although I know it's strictly taboo... *singing* Not much to add. Just looking forward to some good reading.
  17. Nice! Poor little Mutations section needs some love. I'm glad this is included in Interplanetary. I'm very much looking forward to this book.
  18. grrr... I saw this up on the front page and got excited.
  19. I would talk to your players before you do this. I would also keep your prologue to a session, maybe two. Make it fast passed, fun and intense as you want, but get it over quickly. The problem here is you're kind of using bait and switch. That rarely comes off well, despite the best intentions.
  20. I have to admit, this topic kind of fascinates me. I started thinking about it after the Character Sheet Rant thread. Back in the stone age I remember using the xerox, scissors and glue stick at the local library to create custom character sheets. I remember writing things up in ASCII. I remember rolling my eyes at packaged character sheets for sale. Largely, character sheets have been a guideline in my games for the player to scribble down the pertinent information. It's largely still how I work. At the beginning of a game, the player is presented with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Their given a guide on what information needs to be recorded. Unless there's something very specific designed for, character sheets are usually a growth out of the generation session and are usually unique to the character/player. I guess I never realized that people put so much stock or time into character sheets.
  21. Ah, I guess I should add that I've had players use Excel before a couple of times, but there's rarely a laptop present at our games.
  22. Mostly, my players and I just use pencil and paper. No preprinted sheets. When I do make custom sheets it's either in Publisher or Photoshop. I used to use Wordperfect long ago. As to fonts. I used to have the Elric! font. That was fun for Young Kingdom games. I dearly wish that it hadn't passed in a hard drive crash.
  23. Hey, a fellow New Yorker. Welcome to the boards. Congratulations on picking up the game. Elric!/SB5 is easily my favorite iteration of BRP. Now that Gods of Law is easily available it may be time for me to dust off my notes for a high powered Champions of Law game.
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