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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. What might be something Orta might want from the Great Wheel, down in the bowels of Nochet?
  2. Expanding on trade from Heortland/Backford with Nochet, activity at the LM Temple there, does anyone have ideas for the PC's being employed indirectly to conduct scouting missions and or minor raids against the Ditali. Let's say the Lunars are sending a mission to see Greymane and the Esrolian Queendom wished to thwart this relationship somehow, where would something like this take place? These would be Heortling weapon thanes and the years would be from 1600-1605. It would be a lead into the PC's taking part in the Building Wall Battle, fighting against the Lunars. In times of need, the Grandmothers regularly employ other mercenaries. In addition to the types mentioned are Heortling weapon thanes, trolls from the Shadow Plateau or even Rokari knights. (GtG)
  3. I assume Gonn Orta worked there for a while when he was young.
  4. We'll be really happy if you do a cross section of Notchet with details of the cityscape, troll caves, sewers, etc. even the Great Wheel House down deep! What software is used to generate this? SketchUp?
  5. Great LM research opportunity and if it involves the Dark Warrens even better.Any Dar Warren's maps out there or just combine Sanctuary, Pavis and other tunnels to make up something? Esrolia book has some old maps which could lead to subterranean excavations assisted by dwarves... Thank you Jaja!
  6. https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Wheel_House I tried to find it on the huge and beautiful map of Nochet but gave up after a bit... It seems like there is a lot of potential for plot links, LM research on giants and Nochet history. Any info is appreciated!
  7. Is there a link? I like Naimless. I'd love to see the old sheets, I have some from the 80's as well, we thought we were slick using 3 hole punched plastic sleeves, stored them in a binder (still have it) and grease markers so we could mark experience checks and make changes without rewriting the sheets all the time. Brings a smile to my face...
  8. So who actually knows, would have been at the table? There were 20 PC's/NPC's at the THE GREAT RAID UPON THE TEMPLE OF THE WOODEN SWORD and others like Redbird, Asborn etc. noted in the House Campaign, is anyone still around who was part of that group. Just curious...
  9. Yes, I am old and like to put post it notes, bookmarks, etc. in a book with a cover! If we buy the book now we'll need to buy again as no one can afford giving free books away? To Mr. Mohrfield point, if the new version is POD we could get the PDF now and wait for the book when the new version come out? I am excited to see this either way! Thank you Mr. Class.
  10. This was posted by Lordabdul: https://godlearners.com/journal-of-runic-studies-1/ The Dendera temple complex in Egypt could have looked like this during its heyday in the Ptolemaic period. This should give you permission to make your Gloranthan holy sites BIG!
  11. So it is Gertrude, thanks again Jaja! Not Oakfed!
  12. Hindelics, troll initiate, KIA Bokaz, troll initiate, KIA, former ZZ Zaret, troll initiate, KIA 2 human initiates and a few lay Members were also killed when the temple was founded....
  13. So what was Naimless' actual name, assuming the PC's meet her in Londros before she is an Initiate of Humakt? Gertrude? Did anyone in the House Campaign actually know or did Naimless start as an initiate and part of her character was to have no name when she was created? Also is anyone able to confirm that she is seven or there about's years older than Londra?
  14. You need a heat metal 10 whatever to get there. Maybe in a matrix? Plus it takes time to heat up whatever is the object, deadly yes but the caster could be killed in one blow long before the damage is applied? Does the 1 minute or round per intensity still apply?
  15. I think the iron would melt?! At 8 points bronze melts per the Cult Compendium... I am guessing. Also d6 intensity is not likely instant damage at d6 each point it takes a minute to reach each point of intensity or so I am guessing for the battle/spirit magic to increase? If bronze melts at 1675 and that is at 8 points, each point is about 209 degrees? Iron is 2800 so at 13 you'd be at just under that and so the iron would be soft and be untempered and you might even lose enchantments?! But if it works the person in say plate mail would likely turn into a very scorched bratwurst! I do recall a boss fight from when I was a kid where this guy threw globs of molten metal at you. he must have had an innate resist heat and heat meta to have been able to do that What fun!
  16. Assuming the Stormwalk Mountains are mostly rock they'd likely have a quarry close by (even on site possibly integrated into the complex) but not sure about lime or sandstone. Marble might be easier to find locally as well? Nice thread, will be looking forward to what you come up with in the end. I another thread there was talk about thwarting the building efforts or waylaying the special objet d'art enroute to the temple... maybe attic stock and multiple shipments need to be ready just in case, LOL supply chain issues in fantasy settings as well!
  17. Just by chance was reading through TotRM 08, strangely enough the broo in question should have had a d4 damage bonus but it wasn't included in the stats. I suppose if we ever run this this horror they will get 3d6+d4+6:
  18. But which character walks around with a dull-blade 4 or more? No PC's we've had as they are always offensive, besides dispel magic, spirit block or maybe castback.
  19. He looks old to me and is a perfect continual antagonist.
  20. As envisioned and as actualized with oculus at the top of the partially recessed coffered dome. They did keep the original gate design however:
  21. So now we need to tie in that grease-ball Halcyon and his nefarious schemes...
  22. (Please delete from Rune Quest Forum) We all know that Euclid the Bar of Megara and his trusted companion Gottfried W. Leibniz, known as Wille Cranium VX were the developers of the Mostali Comutational Theory. This was their attempt to generate a plan to repair the World Machine. They have been known to travel far and wide assisting dwarven enclaves as needed with advanced learning. They have also been know to go as far as to engage Lhankor Mhy sages at the most rudimentary levels over long periods of time, lifetimes for sages in fact but have failed in enlightening the Lhankor Mhy followers no matter the effort put forth by both parties. With this thread we'll try to understand their attempts to disseminate their advanced learning with the hopes that it might assist with repair of the World Machine by all Gloranthan races. If there are bits of history you have discovered involving them please post here. The oldest know illustration of Euclid follows. We are trying to recover an image of Cranium VX for reference purposes. There current whereabouts in Glorantha are unknown but they were noted to have been in Sog City and Pavis when they were originally built, even though this is vehemently denied by the local historians.
  23. Bizzare but interesting. How does anyone now know how many antlers where used for right or left handed persons? Also on the dark side maybe there were more left handed persons but they were killed or banished?
  24. Cast more powerful dull blade, say 4 points and it's a big turn, -20% to hit -4 damage versus 3d6.
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