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Brian Duguid

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Everything posted by Brian Duguid

  1. But hey! Luckily there is unofficial material available, a three-page write-up within The Children of Hykim. This is basically the model that I took: that the Galanini are the surviving remnants of a female-led horse culture that was never "broken" by Hyalor, and hence never subjected to the patriarchal solar worship of the many other horse peoples.
  2. Note that Aram ya-Udram himself was noted as a boar-rider, not as a boar-person. The "pure" Mraloti consider themselves to be boar in human form, as with most Hsunchen. Depending on the source you read, they have a god-ancestor called either Mralot or Mralota (the forthcoming Cults book(s) has been stated as featuring Mralota). One branch of the pre-Dawn Mraloti had become the Entruli, who seem to have been a more civilised lot compared to their "pure" Hsunchen kin. Aram ya-Udram aided the Vathmai to bring their Lightbringer culture to the Entruli, and to then unite them against common foes, such as the Pralori. Unless the Tusk Riders acknowledge themselves to have a boar soul descended from Mralota (and that seems very unlikely), then they are other. There are "degenerate" Mraloti living in Maniria who I believe have taken up some form of agriculture, as well as "pure" tribes. I'd expect them to recognise each other as kin, because they both presumably still recognise descent from Mralota. It's also worth noting that there are people in Ramalia who worship Zorak Zoran, and I do wonder whether that relates in any way to the Aram ya-Udram's involvement with a "darkness demon".
  3. Yes, the boar Hsunchen are the Mraloti. Aram ya-Udram's relationship to them is unclear, but he'll surely have met them when he invaded their lands with Vathmai early in the Dawn Age.
  4. Some more British fanzines that reportedly had RQ material, probably no space to list these but maybe to keep an eye out for: Dead Elf #2, 1985: "a new RQ cult for Ankylosaurus riders" - source, review in Demon's Drawl #10. Wolvesbane #2, 1985: "Chaos Chickens in Runequest" - source, review in Demon's Drawl #12. Runestone #6, 1985: "a large RQ scenario for Bill's excellent Norsequest idea" - source, review in Demon's Drawl #12. Obscurity Inc #5, 1985: "articles on RQ3 and Elfquest are strict rules discussion and alteration" - source, review in Demon's Drawl #12. Protoplasm #4, 1985: "this issue includes a scenario for undersea Runquest" - source, review in Demon's Drawl #13. Green Goblin #1, no date: "contains ... an RQ cult" - source, review in Imazine #11. Grimlord, no issue number or date: "includes a long cult for Runequest (set, from the Conan books, proving that even in RQ it is possible to produce a sword'n'sorcery mish-mash if you put your mind to it" - source, review in Imazine #11. One that definitely had a short Runequest article: Dear Whoever (no number, but #4 in a larger series), January 1988: Article "Let's Talk Primitive" (by me) on RQ magic, which drew a response from Greg Stafford himself in the letters page of the next issue, in June 1988.
  5. @Rick Meints has some of them. There's a website here that shows the covers and contents: https://misershoard.com/index.html
  6. Counter Chaos is probably in every Kyger Litor write-up ever published. So should be easy to find!
  7. Chalana Arroy's son, Arroin, is known as Eron to the Aldryami. Arroin has previously been described as a non-magical healer - but Eron may not be.
  8. I'm sure @eknarfer won't mind if I share here what he said on the 13th Age Discord group:
  9. Essentially: I form my mouth into the shape for "h", but the audio may not always pick that up because it sounds much like a soft breathing sound when followed by the "s" sound (or any non-vowel sound).
  10. I think @Lordabdul was pronouncing it like the "hs" in Chinese more usually written "x" in pinyin, roughly as per https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/pronunciation/The_"j"_"q"_and_"x"_sounds. I pronounce it as it's written: h-sun-chen. But allowing the initial "h" to be partially or fully elided. Further options (there are many!):
  11. Not quite answering your question just yet, but Guide to Glorantha page 283 hints that a small number of Damali deer-folk are found "amongst the Pralori", so they could exist here as well. The Children of Hykim offers character generation rules for the Mraloti, Pralori, Caroni and Damali, and also for the opossum folk, who exist canonically but whose homeland is not canonically known. For the broader question, I think what matters is Homelands in terms of their function under the rule system. They are only functionally relevant to character generation, and to certain aspects of that topic: cultural stereotype; suggested occupations; religion / cult; local modifiers to skills / Runes; base passions; family history. Your split looks pretty reasonable on that front, although it may obscure some differences within each culture area. In Ramalia, you have both the Malkioni set of the ruling class, and the "oppressed populace". The latter worship Mralot and Zorak Zoran (? from memory), but are not proper Mraloti, so far as I can see. But differences like that are an issue anywhere, any possibly better dealt with through the occupations. City dwellers in Sartar may have quite different characteristics from the rural populace - but largely seen in the rules through through occupation and cult choice (scribe vs farmer, etc).
  12. Two quick updates on this book: First, @Lordabdul and @Joerg's God Learners Podcast has a new episode available today featuring, er, me, discussing all things Hsunchen: And second, I'm in the final stages of preparing the Print on Demand edition of the book. Hopefully I'll be ordering the proof copy in the next few days, and assuming that is glitch-free, it will then go straight on sale. There will be several new pages of content, a refresh of some of the internal art, and a brilliant wraparound cover by Kristi Jones that I'm sharing here as a preview ...
  13. Have a look at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/409460/Somewhere-in-Glorantha?affiliate_id=1107865, which gives random location tables for all of Glorantha. The author, Mark Prier, put it together as part of a wider project to develop a set of charts etc for solo RQ play. It may therefore be worth getting in touch with him to see how far he has progressed with that.
  14. I think this might be what you want: https://rqwiki.chaosium.com/glorantha/ If that's too long, then just tell them to stop reading when they've had enough, or direct them to the pages you think are most helpful.
  15. Am I misreading Well of Daliath in this regard? Here it says DI requires a permanent loss of a Rune Point, as per the rulebook: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-13-rune-cults/#ib-toc-anchor-1 Here it says no Rune Point is required (it refers to page 273, but it's page 272 in my copy): https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-chapter-13-rune-cults/#ib-toc-anchor-8 @David Scott?
  16. I don't get why only cults with a strong martial (or hunting) element get Rune Lords full stop. It just seems odd to me that martial activities are privileged in this way, over, say Gustbran. I would appreciate hearing a clearer rationale for that.
  17. 1988, RQ3, the Glorantha/Genertela "orange box" set. Weirdly, Balazar was one such blank land.
  18. This one is also here for those without FB: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-cults-of-living-heroes-and-gods/
  19. I reckon there is one group of Arkati meeting across the street. And another group meeting upstairs in the Kafl Leaf Inn next door. And yet another in the house on the other side. Each keeping an eye out on Arkat's Rest for any visiting foes, and completely unaware of each other.
  20. In The Children of Hykim, I define the Black Arkati / Arkati Shadow Warriors as:
  21. There's some useful information on the Arkati in Safelster in the Guide to Glorantha, although it's not clear to me whether any of that is relevant to Dragon Pass. Spoiler below for a recently published scenario from Chaosium:
  22. It'll sell like hot cakes, but perhaps mostly to old grognards or to people who feel they missed out on being old grognards. I think it might sell like even hotter cakes if the page on DTRPG is "brightened up" a bit to say more about what the book contains; maybe get "Pavis" in the title; and be a bit clearer about what it is (massive refresh of out-of-print material); and how it relates to the core Pavis and Big Rubble books from RQ2. But after all this discussion it's great to finally see it on sale!
  23. It's live now! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/413853/City-on-the-Edge-of-Forever?affiliate_id=1107865
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