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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Heya true believers! I'm working on a campaign right now that will be introducing my version of psionics into MW. I wrote this book called the Mentalists And I was wondering if anyone had time to look through it? Advice on changes? Horrible game breaking mistakes? Thanks for any advice!
  2. I erase spam as I see it but don't have access to ALL threads... The boss is pretty good about spotting these and ripping them out about once a week.
  3. Yeah. This idea is really intriguing me. Probably be my next project. Gonna take quite a while to finish mega dungeon though. I've found some pretty clever ways to bring PCs to various other parts of the mountain that have nothing to do really with the Ark itself. Side-treks, if you will...different reasons to explore different areas. My levels for the Ark are being fleshed out nicely, though I'll admit having areas so large as to hold so many creatures is becoming repetitive and somewhat boring. Looking for ways to spice up the action a bit. Try to incorporate mysteries and tactics. Think I'm doing a pretty good job of calling for LOTS of different skill rolls so as to include the various possible occupations. The Ark has a great eco-system in place due to so many lesser animals waking from hibernation, so it has at least a feel of plausibility. A problem I'm having is with humanoids like kobolds, goblins, orcs, lizard men, ect... Having some conflicts over territory and resources is fun, but I can't do the same thing for each species... That's just too many skirmishes. Too great of numbers against a handful of PCs... ANY suggestions on this point would be greatly appreciated!
  4. This was made for Magic World, but it may be of use to you with a little conversion..
  5. I understand why you do the characteristic sacrifice. All campaigns are different and you should balance it how you see fit, however... There are several spells that allow for creating undead, or even new creations, that call for using Magic Points to augment characteristics, and rules governing a spirit entering or possessing a body that contradict your house rule. Again, it's your campaign and you'll do as you see fit, and rightfully so. While I admire your methods, my players would see the necromancer doing the same thing with far less sacrifice and eventually raise the BS flag. Or worse still, try to have their spirit returned into an undead such as a Create Mummy spell. I do really like your placing a stigmata on a raised companion though. Since resurrection IS so rare in Magic World (do to a lack of spell /ritual, even for priests) I can totally see any such PC being feared as a demon or what-not. Also imagine if word gets out that a mage has discovered the secrets to raising loved ones from the grave! Such a service would be sought after by many, and also possibly seen as evil and the practitioner hunted.
  6. Might not be a bad idea for such a house rule...my other players have been calling the players mage "God". There's something I wanted to ask you (and anyone reading) about. My Mage player recently figured out that if he uses flesh transmutation to heal a comrad per Advanced Sorcery, could he not do so on a PC killed in action and then cast Spirit Sphere and Summoming Glyph to call the deceased spirit back. A round about resurrection spell that's missing from the sorcerer spell list. I've house ruled that such is possible if done before the spirit leaves for the afterlife AND their are no other spirits around that may possess the freshly healed corpse AND the mage must sacrafice point of POW to make it permanent. The mage is a fairly new character in the group so he really felt the POW sacrifice, but I'm worried about when the mage is more powerful. I don't want him to be a resurrection machine, and I don't want other players to be careless because of it either. This group is coming from playing Ad&d for the last 15 years where raising the dead is more common and I don't want to shock them with NO POSSIBILITY of bringing back their dear PCs. Kind of a pickle. My idea I've come up with is making the resurrected PC lose a permanent point of CON as a trade off. Think this is sufficient or am I (as always) overthinking it? Something else that's rattling around my brain is to do away with Sorcery all together and JUST use Deep Magic. Then, the PCs occupation would dictate what Sphere they start out with. A priest would start with either Spirit or Flesh, a Druid type might start with Flora or Fauna, a Sorcerer could choose between the Elements. I don't know. Having different magic systems in the campaign has been a lot of fun and I do LOVE variety...I'll probably leave it as is.
  7. All good stuff. Don't lose interest now! Some of the things my player who runs a mage has discovered is, yes, both the flesh and spirit spheres rock for effecting individuals. And IMO most of the spirit spells will call for the important POW:POW resistance. As far as glyphs go I love the Transmutation glyph. Again, potent against individuals. A nice flesh to Stone spell might not be permanent but smashing an immobilized statue to pieces can still ruin a critters day. In tune with your area effect comment above using Earth Sphere with Transmutation glyph can turn a fairly large area under advancing troops to deep mud. And if the spells duration expires before they get out then their stuck in solid earth with their heads sticking out. Grab your Driver and practice your long game. Yes turning the air in an area to fire can have some nice effects to a group of bad guys (or a building) as well. Transmutation is definitely my favorite glyph. But it's also all I've really played with so far. Anyone have outstanding uses for others?
  8. Pretty interesting. I like how you incorporated the Fey sorta temporarily. I've been toying with how I want to represent the Fey in my campaign. It's been a long time since they withdrew from the Reaches. I'm kinda leaning toward the mysterious White Walkers in Westros Game of Thrones. Working on a couple more areas myself, including Tindale, so I'm definitely interested how others view the Southern Reaches and it's lore. Hope to see more from you soon!
  9. Buffalo might be a tad evil...
  10. Version 2.0


    Check out version 2.0 Below! This is a Character Generator using the NBOS Character Sheet Designer. Almost everything in this is automated to make generating a full blown character as easy as possible, with step by step directions. The included files are ONLY for editing certain aspects to the program such as Races, Occupations, Sorcery Spells, Armor, Weapons, ect... You will need to follow this link to download the Download actual Magic World Character Sheet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kh983za685934j4/New Magic World Sheet.csd?dl=0 You will also need to Download the small NBOS program Character Sheet Designer found here: http://www.nbos.com/nox/index.php?action=1001&id=240 I placed all these files in my MyDocuments\NBOS\CharacterSheet and they work well. This sheet and the DOC files are pretty easy to edit and House Rule/ Homebrew how you like, once you get used to the program. Feel free to post questions here, if I can help. experience.txt
  11. Son of a gun. Yes. My search skills suck. RPTools, a tool I've been using a long time now, has a Tracker that is completely editable and does what I need. THanks for help guys!
  12. Are you looking under APPS? I've been searching Google.. perhaps my search skills are lacking!
  13. Ah. I'd really like a program that keeps track for me. I'd also like to NOT have to make my own.
  14. Yeah, on P.37 under DEFINING THE DEMON it reads "Each MP spent in the summoning gives 1d8 to a specific characteristic. " So the chart Point Sacrifice for demons chart means each 1d8 costs -1 MP. Not a contradiction just have to read it properly. Which I did not. I'd assume Green is correct about the 4 being average. 4 OR 1d8 STR, not 4 PER 1d8 STR..?
  15. I know they've released an encounter generator...does this also do combat tracking?
  16. Thank you Mr. Green! Your work on this is a big reason I'm looking forward to CC!
  17. I don't have the book in front of me but it seems there's a formula box or example in this area that also contradicts this but makes more sense MP wise...
  18. Anyone know of a good combat tracker that's BRP compatible or at least editable to be so? It appears to be a D&D World out there still...
  19. Inspiration! Neat idea, Muminalver! That makes so much sense as many gods have several aspects. Each aspect COULD have different rewards for allegiance and Apotheosis.
  20. Chugging along on Mega-Dungeon. I was thinking I might make a full fledged Monograph for next project. Maybe. Part of the idea for my Mega-Dungeon is allowing the PCs to start a base camp that turns into a small village and eventually a town. Depending on how it plays out, they could be running a full sized city, perhaps starting a small kingdom of their own. This is where the monograph comes into play. I would like to make a set of rules/guidlines dealing with starting and maintaining a fledgling kingdom. A book that spells out in detail population, wages, peasant and nobility moral, taxes, imports/exports, construction of buildings/walls/keeps/castles, area agriculture /hunting, natural resources like mines...and whatever else I come up with. I don't know...think there's a market here for this? Might just do it out of love, like my other projects.
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