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Everything posted by Jarulf

  1. Depends on if they know any Swedish. Some do, most (?) don't. But Simon's point was that the languages are related (to drag this somewhat :focus: )
  2. /delurk Depends on the Norwegian >:-> But yes, Danes, Swedes and Norwegians can usually understand each other. A particular dialect may take some getting used to but on whole it's true. /relurk
  3. These are all things I for one would like to see. I've wanted to play a merchant type character for a long time, so these bits sound very interesting. If you combined it with the Status rules in BRP you have a nice mix for a rags to riches style campaign.
  4. Great news! I haven't seen it yet but from what I've read here and elsewhere I think I have a pretty clear idea of what to expect. This will no doubt be my weapon of choice for a long time (until you write second ed...). Jason, thank you. I realize you obviously want the game to sell well, but thanks for putting up with all our questions and comments. I also realize you have loads of other projects but I hope you keep popping in here now and then to answer a question or two or just to say hello. And the cover is much better, I think I like it
  5. I can see that with the main BRP book near store shelves, you feel you've had enough of core rules for a while. But I'd be very surprised if a magic book doesn't appear from someone, sometime. This forum is full of writers it seems, one can hope one of them caves and writes it. :focus:
  6. I knew there had to be one :thumb:
  7. I knew that had to be one :thumb:
  8. Emo-vampires -- noooo Seriously, perhaps if you ripped out the mythos stuff and presented it as a straight spy game a la Le Caré and added some notes about incorporating the CoC Mythos? Maybe superheroes too for those that like 'em.
  9. Sounds like a great addition to the growing list of interesting BRP books. I don't keep very up to date with the hobby as such, but it seems there's a definite trend of back to basics roleplaying, humourous or not. All those 1st Ed (A)D&D games, even a The Fantasy Trip look-alike. (Some people must have gotten fed up with angsty vampires. Now that is ripe for a spoof game.) I know SJG are doing something similar with their GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy series. Something like this for BRP would be great fun. :thumb:
  10. Hm, who's got the tar and feathers? >:-> And why haven't we got a tar and feathers smilie (if such a thing can be imagined)?
  11. Haven't got EZ, but will certainly get 1st ed when funds permit. The most recent Chaosium game I have is RQ3 so I expect there will be lots of useful stuff in there for me. I'm less sure about the various supplements, but will definitely get some of them.
  12. Now I really want to play! Please don't do that again to me ;-( Should hope so. I had to barter away the gold and ivory necklace my mother left me for those bulls, and she wanted my future wife to have that necklace. But those corrupt priests would take no less to perform long ritual instead of the short one they always cheat people with. It's a fair bit to digest at first, especially all the dos and don'ts. Its easy enough to start a game just to see how the site works (you don't have to advertise for players) and play around a bit.
  13. One of the best places to find Play by Board (aka Play by Post) games is RolePlay onLine! Welcome to RPoL. And if you do decide to run something, either PBEM or PbB, I'd sacrifice several white bulls in your honour to join
  14. An American flag perhaps? :innocent::focus:
  15. The Union Jack link might be a clue there >:->
  16. I only found it yesterday (thank you link page!) and haven't given it a proper look yet. It looks more like an NPC creator from my first brief look. You can add new races, so I presume it can do monsters too. Perhaps not the really weird though. Get it (and a CoC sibling) here; Software für Unterricht und Freizeit
  17. Nice with a bit of sprucing up of the old place A few comments though, the top of the shelf with the bottles is repeated below the picture and the parchment background, while attractive is a mite too dark for easy reading. In short, pretty much was has been said before. Firefox, 19" screen 1280x1024.
  18. Looks pretty useful, and it runs on Linux as well (under Wine). If they made one for BRP I'd probably be interested. Are there any other useful tools out there? I've got the BRP character Generator but haven't played much with it yet.
  19. Huh, I had no idea they planned to do that. There are rumours of a MMORPG (of course) but an RPG sounds nice. At least for the background. When I first played it I was struck by how close it was to RQ, and even if it does have levels a conversion shouldn't be too hard. In fact, it made me wonder why RQ/BRP still have attributes in the 3-21 range (or whatever) and not percentiles like the rest of the system. Habit, tradition and no real point for the change I suppose, but it just struck me. I knew he got into computer games, but I didn't know he was with Bethesda. And I did wonder about the Puzzle Canal OT: Anyway, I'm actually going to play in what looks to be a bi-annual game with my almost ten year old nephew (and possibly his younger brother) in a couple of days. It's some sort of simplified (i.e mostly improvised as in "Sure you can try that, you have - uh 50% in that skill. jot that down will ya") RQ3.:focus:
  20. I don't play computer games much, but I recently installed windows again to play some Morrowind. A BRP conversion of that setting, Tamriel, could be fun.
  21. It's even cooler than a ringworld. :-) Dyson sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  22. Briefly delurking here Rust, Puck I think you two have a great beginnings of a "Known Space" type setting going there. If you could agree on some shared general background others could get in on the fun and add their own sci-fi worlds. relurking
  23. A couple of things in addition to what Atgxtg suggested come to mind, all probably pretty obvious. Being friendly, approachable and visible on various on-line forums (as in RL of course...). Running games at conventions and on-line. We've mentioned it a few times and I agree with Atgxtg that a BRP Lite is likely to be very useful, especially for on-line games.
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