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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. As a GM I would say this is not in keeping with the spirit of the game. however if you want to let you players waste their resources with an overly costly and complex item: Cost of enchanting an elemental binding: 3 POW plus another point of POW for a target condition (release the elemental) 2 Rune points for Control spirit so it returns to the binding or it's one use. Fire Elementals attack by engulfing (RGB page 181) so The the elemental is medium or large it would at least engulf target and attacker or Firearrow (which I'd allow on a thrown spear) as it consumes it for only 2mps and 3D6 damage. Okay doesn't impale, but it's way cheaper. Overall, as this is on a spear, ranges are short, what ever they release has a chance to affect them unless they have the right control spell. Much better to stand back and send the spirit to the target.
  2. While completely true (I forgot), there are no distractions with a single adventure šŸ™‚
  3. There is a free introductory scenario on Glorantha.com: Return to Apple Lane https://www.glorantha.com/docs/return-to-apple-lane/ or https://www.glorantha.com/docs/return-to-apple-lane/apple-lane/
  4. What have you purchased, rather than straight off recommending you buy something.
  5. I did think of suggesting that with Wrath and the Hawthorn Bough (Death and Fertility respectively), but thought that kind of rune bonus too powerful. I don't think we've seen an example of this in the rules yet. Perhaps @Jeff might comment on this kind of object bonus.
  6. The hands are not magic items, they need returning. The Hawthorn Bough could have a permanent 2pt mobile sanctify when in the Underworld only. 4pt spirit block matrix 16mp storage to power the spirit block 16mps
  7. Wrath has the permanent Rune spell Release Undead active on it: normally 2 rune points. when hit points reach 0 spirit released, special, location destroyed, crit, auto release. (see tales19). Geas: Never ignore the call for aid against undead. I'd give it a bladesharp 4 matrix as well Unwieldable by any but a humakti. Other than that it's a two-handed enchanted iron sword. Needs attuning.
  8. They work, they are chaos magics. As David said with heads: With the magic stealing magics, the RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary says: These are still magics so can still be stolen. All can be used under MGF: RuneQuest Glorantha page 6 : Maximum Game Fun As for need dragon consciousness etc, these chaos worshippers may not need any of this, they are by definition mad.
  9. No, but have you ever played an RPG Phil šŸ™‚
  10. Looking at the description on page 124 of RQG, i personally wouldnā€™t call it life stealing. The dead place is magically dead and as a result whatā€™s there suffers. As it says using magic there would likely start to restore the place. I canā€™t see the flood restoring this magical deficit. I think whatā€™s more likely with the flood is how the area will affect sea life there. A cool idea would be to have it become a lake.
  11. I remember a conversation with Greg when someone said they had a trickster in their group. He was asked how best to deal with them. His simple reply was ā€œkill themā€. Itā€™s stayed with me ever since.
  12. I donā€™t think so without some Adventurer intervention. This was a great god time act and so I donā€™t believe it can be easily undone. The lifeforce is now part of Storm Bull. If he were to die there it might be restored, but getting to that point is a huge adventure. That said if you think the flood can restore the dead place then go do it. YGMV.
  13. The assembly gantry is swung back, all workers brace for impact, terminator dwarves are returned to stasis pods. The lead dwarves reverse the containment valves, the dinosaur powered capstans slowly turn the flow forcing the flood into the breech. The maelstrom gorges on the flow, sucking harder than the flood pushes. The organic material recovery filters strain as herd beasts start to clog them. Chaos monsters add to this and a chaos aquaslime starts to regulate the flow. Ultimately this is what saves Prax from loosing its top layer of earth. Prax drains faster than surrounding areas and is pretty much dry after a year. The aquaslime plug is moved onto the break, forming a gel that the plug sits on and seals. The mostali flood plan succeeds in plugging this ancient crack, the world machine repair is progressing. By sacred time of 1654, the dwarf's complex had been repurposed and packed. The great city sphere was hitched onto its dinosaur dray and begin the slow move up from the depths. In spring* it had penetrated the deep basements of Cliffhome on the way to the Greatway. It was here that the Dwarves were instrumental in evicting Cragspider and the Black Dragon with the aid of Unstanos. The trolls had never dealt with this kind of highly trained force, however few of the terminators survived contact with the Dragon. * it's implied that the city spent many years moving, so it's uncertain which spring it is.
  14. Thereā€™s an error in the third map, according to Gregā€™s notes, the Wastes donā€™t get flooded. However if you want it in your game Iā€™d say the Wicked Writher escapes and roams the waters as a giant water elemental, not trapped anymore. Or some other cool story.
  15. Give it a name and the standard starting value of 13, It could be listed as a flaw. It can be bought off with experience to reduce it or at the GMs whim. Eg. Corruption 13 -- Alternatively breakout the corruption from the magic keyword, so that the corruption increases as magical power does as well as with it's own bonus. This is harder traduce as is linked directly to the magic. Magic 1M corruption +1 -- To avoid mutating roll every (time interval) perhaps season and fail. For increasing it, decide on the mechanism, add point every, use, and/or time interval.
  16. Maybe of interest Subject: Carse to Karse Konversion https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/HenkDaily/v941009p1 There are more posts - search here - https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/
  17. Rather than novels, I favour the epic poem of the Bronze age. I like the idea of the epic Gilgamesh (and other sumerian poems) on clay tablets. I've seen an excellent live story telling by a UK storyteller Ben Haggerty (clip here: http://benhaggarty.com) and it's really the medium for this. Likewise the Iliad and Odyssey. In Glorantha some will be written down, likely in short form, but told in a more expanded way. Having seen the excellent exhibition at the British Museum, I see the great LM libraries akin to the Library of Ashurbanipal: In amongst them will be stories and poems, but I don't think novels as we know them.
  18. Shannon also has indexes for many Glorantha magazines: http://www.erzo.org/shannon/gaming/indices/glorantha-index.phtml and other independents that contain RQ material: http://www.erzo.org/shannon/gaming/indices/
  19. From shannon's site: http://www.erzo.org/shannon/gaming/indices/totrm.html I realise it's all RQ3 though.
  20. As all this stuff is new to you and old to a lot of us here's a brief run down: Here's the ToC: Shannon's index provides more detail on the content here: http://www.erzo.org/shannon/gaming/indices/wyrms-footnotes.txt
  21. I have copies of Wyrm's Footprints and Tales of the Reaching Moon for sale (and other Gloranthan stuff) - PM me.
  22. Have a look through here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hcupKD4qfHFX2oqSHfK-7f3NsO1y0vhBH7jK7atC8dY/edit?usp=sharing It's by @Hyperlexic, many magazines are listed. There are still copies of Wyrm's footprints around, with the best articles.
  23. Using smoke to send prayers to the gods has long been part of human history. What is burnt clearly varies as well. Iā€™m not sure what we call books actually exist in Glorantha, but certainly all kinds of Bronze Age media exist, some may be vellum or plant fibre ā€œpagesā€ with a protective cover, some might be loose bound leaves in boxes, like some sutras. Book burning likely takes a different form for knowledge sages. Kindling made to look like a rolled scroll case, small clay tablets that are inscribed and when burnt become blank. Magic writings on slips of ā€œpaperā€ burnt for magic. We know that there are factions within the cult, Completionists might be the ones that burn only simulated media, Ivalists, will be burning second age documents like thereā€™s no tomorrow. See Sartar KoH page 163:
  24. They are the Founders of four of the clans The sables Founders are not of Storm bull but the Twinstars The Ostriches and Bolos have a different origin, they are children of Ernalda not Eiritha and not related to Storm Bull at all. Cattle are the children of Eiritha and Storm Bull, who aren't part of the Covenant, except with the Pol-joni. The Pol-joni founder is different too as it's the Pure Horse Founder.
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