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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. This particular snippet of lore has been around for a long time. RQII, Sartar KoH and HeroQuest Glorantha said much the same: However it's in Greg's notes that we learn that there are 12 of them, then later in some of his campaign writings in the 80s we learn that they are the first gods that separate from Chaos - self-conceived within the womb of Chaos. Their children were the quarterlords - the elements. It's of western origin, but known by everyone on the norther continent. Yes.
  2. This may be of interest to fans of the strip over at http://www.princeofsartar.com/ https://www.ebay.com/itm/132924610293?_trksid=p2471758.m4703
  3. Doesn’t sound broken to me, sounds more like a gaming style / balance / minimaxer problem, but I run very combat light games. A Humakti would be useful in any game, but if you are going to play your character as a one trick pony isn’t it going to be problematic. Alternatively just up the opponents, tough adventurers are going to attract tough adversaries. As the lesser characters are slaughtered, the mighty survive (and then the adventure is over). Runequest does have a combat engine, but it’s not the main aspect of adventuring is it.
  4. Welcome, great to have knew people on board. I played in the Quickstart and with an experienced GM and players it took about 2-3 hours. So I would say an afternoon. Depending on what happens it might take longer or shorter. It's going to be longer for you as you've got to get your head's around the rules. I would also suggest that you have a go at running some combat on your own first, Just one character versus another or against on of the denizens of the game. Combat is the time eater in RQG. As has already been mention the Complete Griselda is still available, but also some short stories in the the form of "Chapbooks" https://www.chaosium.com/search.php?search_query=griselda&Search= https://www.chaosium.com/a-day-at-the-races/ The Sables are holding races, and everyone in Loud Lilina's and elsewhere is anxious to get inside information to help with bets. But will Olaf the Storyteller and his friends be able to work out what is going on, let alone make any money? And more important, will Avidius Tiro, whom Griselda once helped to con (see the story Serious Money) get away with bringing pressure to bear on her to get secret information from her Sable friends? This KRAKEN Chapbook contains a rarely published Griselda story by Oliver Dickinson. The stories about the heroine Griselda take place in Glorantha and are set in and around the city of Pavis and the Big Rubble. 26 pages. is a nice one. Oliver Dickinson tells a good story. Good luck with your game.
  5. There's a conceptual difference between the Godlearners and the Lunars. The Godlearners were sorcerers with an established and evolving schema of the known universe. They used their powers to establish a grand unified theory to incorporate everything, which was not only flawed, but they were blind to their own shortcomings. The Lunars have a syncretic religion that has proved it can exist within the bounds of compromise (castle blue) It's headed by a goddesses made from fragments of older broken gods, which is a clever trick. The Goddess wants to heal the world, but her methods are flawed due to her synthesised nature. However the Doom Guardians have been activated and will arrive soon. Argrath is clearly her end.
  6. You're confusing Duck Gulch with Duck valley, there ain't no Duck Gulch.
  7. It comes from Greg's master map of the Wastes. A huge map with loads of stuff written on it, some is obvious, some is enigmatic. It's all in the Guide now. Use it as a story hook. The red box is mine from when I indexed the map. The red line is a path to the Blue Sable Altar.
  8. They have very different functions. A boomerang is a hunting weapon designed to break the legs of small animals, if you miss, it returns (I’ve practiced a lot with boomerangs they are nasty). War boomangs are different and don’t have to return, they are heavier as well. The spin gives them a better range, but ultimately they are thrown clubs. Blowpipes are a delivery system for some kind of poison, it doesn't have to kill the target, as causing it to go berserk, or spooked is just as good. Spooking the herd guards mounts is a good distraction. Most Praxians raid by capturing the animals alive, normally riding off with them at speed or hiding them. Contrary to popular belief, only khans are not allowed to ride other herd beasts. Most clan herds have other herd animals in them, except for captured Herd men, who always go straight into the pot, except if needed for a dowry (due to their dietary requirements). Raiding is rarely charge in and fight. Most of it is stealth based. Except if you are doing a diversionary tactic, but everyone knows that trick, and the herd guard is skilled at stopping this. Some times are better for raiding others herds. For some tribes, Rutting season is particularly dangerous as the milk herd (and mother’s with young) is normally separated form the main herd, making an easier target. This is normally when clans come together to spread the guarding out as they are slower to move with young. Likewise tribes with bachelor herds are a popular target as they are kept separate. Tribes that have lone bulls, would seem to be a good target, but driving off an old bull is always difficult, the meat’s not so good and often young boys are the guards (11-16) and it’s really not a good idea to harm them. Killing herd beasts is avoided, as that’s a waste (except in camp), likewise killing other Praxians is avoided, although injury isn’t. War is rare as it serves no one.
  9. Mirrors occur in many forms in mythology, normally they are actual physical things rather than powers themselves, but they can be things that reflect, like water. Some of the magic of mirrors is that they show the true self / form of those reflected in them and as such can drive monsters off. Have a look a Melong mirrors in Bon / Tibetan Buddhism as an example. Her mirror could also not be the form you expect, perhaps polished bronze from the bones of a dead god, or even a small polished shield providing a reflection of magic thrown at her. This particular passage for me would prey on the demon’s soul showing it something about itself that it would not expect to be. In RQG I’d suggest those that who own one can get +20% in spirit dance, so can escape spirit encounters even without the skill. Id suggest that it’s a making secret of a particular chalana arroy hero and costs a point of POW to enchant.
  10. The solution is easy: Get a copy of Vassal (http://www.vassalengine.org/index.php), it's free (Mac, Windows, Linux, or compile yourself). Get the Nomad Gods module: http://www.vassalengine.org/wiki/Module:Nomad_Gods Buy a PDF copy of the rules: https://www.chaosium.com/nomad-gods-rule-booklet-pdf/ (pretty cheap IMO) You now have the original source of these tribes and can see how they interact. Find a friend to play with. versus = ?
  11. Not in RuneQuest Glorantha. You get a cultural modifier to your elemental runes base on your tribe, see page 45.
  12. The original poster was asking a question of RuneQuest in this RuneQuest forum. I fail to see how bringing a different game system with a different understanding of the runes is helpful to them. Can we keep this on RuneQuest otherwise new players are going to become confused.
  13. This still applies to the Prax book: Ostriches are visually and behaviourally based on the North African Ostrich (Struthio camelus camelus). Stats are on page 155 of the RQG bestiary. Generally speaking I apply the standard 20% loading to all ridden praxian herd beasts, except Ostriches and bolo lizards. They'd only be able to carry children using that formula. Instead I use 40%. They are much more able to carry riders due to their different parentage.
  14. The Adventurer chapter doesn't mention NPCs, neither does the whole Core book. Perhaps in the upcoming Gamemaster book. We don't have guidelines for NPCs yet. SIZ in RQG is specifically mass, Page 51: Page 52 Impala riders are clearly small but heavily muscled people. Personally I don't have a problem with this as it says suggested. SIZ and height are clearly not a fixed correlation.
  15. In our world birth size of the baby is determined by the woman's genes, although there are clearly borderline cases where mother and baby survive without surgery. In my Glorantha its not a problem.
  16. No, @Jason Durall has already covered this:
  17. Seeing as this is just about creating player characters and you get to choose your runes, a 6' 4" pygmy is a great character. So how does this work in a game? there is a back door in Praxian culture for those who literally don't fit in. Pygmy tribes are going to have the problem of the occasional large child who will never be ride their tribal mounts. Likewise being small is a problem is a tribe with large herd beasts. They get adopted by another tribe usually by the mediation of the Paps, less normally left with an oasis group and then enslaved, unusually sold off or enslaved to another tribe / outsider. But this is going to be rare stuff, the stuff of stories. Another alternative is that they are adopted by the Unicorn tribe, who accept those that don't fit or follow praxian social norms. As an aside, I roll average dice for NPCs or just use average stats. The Adventurers section in RQG is just that - for creating adventurers, not everything that applies to Adventurers applies to NPCs.
  18. The answer lies in real world shamanism and religion. Many cultures have a three world spirit world or at least acknowledge the existence of them even if they don’t access them. Shamanism has simplistically the Middle world, which is the spirit world of our world that overlays it. Confusingly it’s named the other way round in Glorantha where the real world is the middle world and the spirit world overlays that. Spirits of the middle world are nature spirits, those that don’t know they are dead (ghosts), and the spirit presence of all the things in the world. Then there is the upper world, a spirit world called so as the means of accessing it is up. Some real world cultures the upper world does actually contain the sky, sun, moon and planets, even space. But may be somewhere else entirely. The spirits of the upper world are often sources of knowledge and teachers. The lower world works the same way, is accessed by going down, but doesn’t have to be inside in the ground, but in some cultures is. The spirits of the lower world are a source of power. Now transpose that outline to some religions. Heaven, is by some equated to the upper world, the lower world is the underworld or hell. when you die in Glorantha your spirit/soul travels the path of the dead, ends up at the court of judgement and Daka Fal sends you to the right afterlife. Many assume that the courts of judgement are in the underworld, but I don’t think it’s ever been said where. There’s an explanation of this is the upcoming gods of Glorantha book. The dead are in their own god’s afterlife. Subjectively it may be called a heaven or hell. Trolls spirits will go to the appropriate underworld, some would call it Hell. The spirits of yelm cultists will go to the sky world, lunar dead to the spirit world or the moon. Normally you get to stay in your afterlife until you get reborn. It’s quite a straightforward structure if you are aware of earthly equivalents.
  19. The NPC calculations for the prax book are currently Impala & Ostrich riders (primary rune Fire, secondary & tertiary is any) STR 3D6 = average is 10.5 so 10-11 (possibly + 1 if Air secondary) SIZ 2D6+6 = average is 13 then -2 = 11 (possibly + 1 if Darkness secondary) INT 2D6+6 = average is 13 then +2 = 15 Impala cultural weapons, Self or Composite bow (depending on STR), darts, shortsword (no requirements) Ostrich cultural weapons, 1 Handed spear (lance), War boomerang, shortsword (no requirements) Bolo riders (primary rune Earth, secondary & tertiary is any) STR 3D6 = average is 10.5 so 10-11 (possibly + 1 if Air secondary) SIZ 2D6+6 = average is 13 then -2 = 11 (possibly + 1 if Darkness secondary) CON 3D6 = average is 10.5 so 10-11 then +2 = 12-13 Bolo cultural weapons Bolas, darts, shortsword (no requirements) I cheated though and made a handy praxian calculator:
  20. For reference we are using the same for Ostrich and Bolo folk in RQG.
  21. Here's a quote from the upcoming Gods of Glorantha that neatly explains this: Daka Fal has both runes as he bridges this form gap. None from an adventurer point of view.
  22. As it says in Sartar KoH, the basic guide to chaos is [does it] use or openly show Chaos features, runes, spirits, charms and spells. I would add, is it one of the races of chaos as well. That's very straight forward. Nearly all lunars will look, act and behave without out triggering this reaction. If you are a lunar and member of the Red Goddess's cult then you will likely openly show chaos runes on your attire, basically just as any other cult member does. You're not going to detect as chaos unless you've done something that uses chaos, However Storm Bulls will react to the presence of the chaos rune. Exactly. The pain of chaos is going give them a problem around the Red Goddess Temple. It's likely a few have attempted together in and died in the process, but it's likely to be one of the more heavily guarded buildings in New Pavis for a number of reasons.I suspect that the presence of Krasht gives them a bigger problem and more headaches. We know there are 20 initiates of the Red Goddess in Pavis, and at least a few of them will have a taint. Pavis GtA says I see this as a cycle: Storm Bulls gather at the temple for a hoy day, ritual gets out of hand, go on the rampage, get killed, expelled, jailed, temple shuts down for a long time, chaos eventually appears nearby, storm bulls reappears, temple reopens, chaos is dealt with, repeat. Look at what happened in Boldhome to the storm Bull temple there with Orgwaha. The camp at the Block is a holy place for the Storm Bulls and as such was protected from Lunars interference by the Armistice of Prax 1610-1625. The end of your scenario if it happened is - as they are looting the block, a horde of dragonsnails and their broo riders rises out of the marsh and kills them. The real end of the Lunar chaos in Pavis happens in 1625 at the end of the siege of Pavis. Storm Khan Orgwaha Blue Llama has much to payback and prove against the Lunars after the Boldhome setup. Argrath knows this and has him at his side, it's him and his followers that rid the city of it's chaos temple and followers. They burn the Red Goddess temple down and kill any one associated with. I think it's these Storm Bulls that cause the most damage and killing in the aftermath of the siege. Argrath allows it as it serves a greater purpose.
  23. Pavis GTA, page 410 provides the guidelines for this: and then Sartar: KoH, page 177 I would suggest that only cultists whose god has the chaos rune actually detect chaotic. So the only real problem is the Red Goddess as she alone has the chaos rune. If she has a shrine in the Yara aranis temple then that's the trigger.
  24. There is a whole chapter on the The Sky in the Guide to Glorantha. It opens with: I would assume that the darkness is similar to earth, so depends on a number of factors: Weather, landscape, moon phase, etc. Have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lux for some examples. I'd like to think that the Gloranthan equivalent of Airglow is caused by air spirits in the middle air. It's possible to have starlight bright enough to cast your shadow in areas of our world with no light pollution and clear air. So it's likely that the other Gloranthan planets would do the same, such as those mentioned above. The darkest is likely to be in Shadows Dance, on a Black Moon, overcast with heavy cloud. Where as on a full moon in the northern wastes under a clear sky in the summer, it's likely to be brightest.
  25. No Gringle's Pawn shop hasn't been converted, but the original RQ2 version is easily usable with RQG. The Rainbow Mounds is also being updated for future publication. If you want the original, there is the classic version is available in PDF: https://www.chaosium.com/apple-lane-pdf/ The new version moves the timeline forward with the original occupants: eg. Brightflower, daughter of Bulster the Brewer, was 13 in the original, she's now 34 and has taken over from her parents:
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