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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The system already allows for this. You are allowed one augment of any kind for a roll. So your find herbs skill could be used with treat disease. Likewise with spirit combat, however spirit compares levels of successes, so resistance isn't really covered, except in absorbing damage. There may well be herbs and other substances that protect against the damage of spirit combat but likely being unmagical I would suggest a Maximum of two or three points. Magical protection is much more effective. Darkness comes from Mallia's source, she is associated with Death, Darkness and with the broos, chaos.
  2. David Scott


    It's missing except for the Vough in the Bestiary who use long heavy whips. The rules are there including special notes as they can entangle I can't find a RQ2 reference other that trollkin wielding whips that do 1D4 damage in troll pack. RQ3 has them also: 1D4 damage, SR0, min strength 9. Range 5m, 6 hp, base 10% I'd suggest using the RQ3 stats above and the special info from the bestiary until clarified.
  3. I disagree. I see making a small local cult no different from me 40 years ago making my own traveller careers, building fantasy towns in the middle of nowhere and playing outrageous plots with no basis in reality. It's a game, make it your own. That's why local/hero cults are not problematic, you just do your small area. However at 14 I would certainly have written a cult to rule the world. I didn't though as we only had Orlanth and that was enough...
  4. Page 284 covers it pretty much on temple size. A local cult can certainly have a minor temple. At a minimum of 150 members you can easily have 3 special rune magics and some common (or all) rune spells. Spread that between a few clans and you are sorted. Orlanth the Reanimator, has a single shrine with one rune spell: Reanimator, 2 points, touch, nonstackable, temporal. Allows a fallen comrade to be brought back on to the battlefield for another go. Acts like heal body for 15 mins, spell removes all injuries. Body dies again after 15min. May be stacked with extension for extra cruelty.
  5. Yes, there is no balance. No, just go ahead and have go. I got my player to make up all the details, I tweaked a few minor details so it worked better.
  6. Spot on. I've had a good look at this for the Prax book All are basically spirit based and all but plague can be treated with appropriate magics or skills - all basically remove the spirit and send it on, avoiding it going into someone else. If you method succeeds, it's gone and disposed off, if it fails the disease may jump bodies / get more powerful / split into two / etc. Disease spirits are attracted to waste, put in places by baddies or actively aimed at someone. The point is they can jump and when they find a home to feed from they stay until the victims dies and they can move on. They can manifest at places holy to Mallia and Thed. The Axis mundi of their shaman attracted them as per the spell. Other diseases exist and are normally just the ones above renamed. Most are common diseases. Food poisoning is normally boggle trot. It doesn't work like our world (microbiology degree hat on) there are no bacteria producing toxins that poison you. A broo would plant or shed loads of boggle trot spirits in a kitchen and move on. I see the common diseases being small looking spirits moving in groups, the mortal spirits being human sized and more singular. Plague is what ever you need in your story.
  7. Lots. It depends on what region and culture you are playing in. One of the main problems we see with home-brew cults is that they get very complicated and end up rivalling the major gods. You cant go wrong making local hero cult with a few rune or sorcery spells. One of my players created a small lunar sorcery school that made skeletons and zombies and killed things. The cult template exists in RQG, just use that as a guide for form and structure. Take care to mould it to the culture, area you are in or it maybe unplayable. Hero cults of Orlanth the reanimator (bring them back to die gloriously again), a Lhankor Mhy necromancy grimoire, would all be fine for me.
  8. May Ask what your source for this is as Griffin Mountain states that Votank's mother is Hearth Woman and is father is Foundchild. Don't see how, as they were at in their own encampment Erou at the Dawn.
  9. Griffin Mountain specifically says and in the encounter tables section under Herd Beasts, it says There is no mention of wild boar being hunted anywhere. IMO pigs are only in the citadels and there are no wild boar in Balazar although YGMV.
  10. Pavis (the big rubble) also has sewers, the dwarfs built from the Faceless Statue's bowelstones. They also made them into plumbing, and sewers. The dwarfs also built the Great Drain under new Pavis for Dorosar. See Pavis GTA.
  11. I've just had a good search through my Glorantha collection. Hippos are pretty much missing from Glorantha except as the hippo hsunchen Pamaltela and the golden age foes. The two major Gloranthan Bestiaries are lacking them (although they do appear in the Gateway Bestiary). No encounter tables have them either. Greg's notes lack them as well. Celestial River Hippo is pretty much unique and will clearly be the subject of a great HeroQuest returning them back to Genertela for the Hero Wars. I can see Waha's brother who was turned into a dog leading the quest to create the Hippo tribe in Prax, a sanctuary for canine misfits who long for their own sturdy mount (other mad hippo rider art is available). https://gillieandmarc.com/shop/paintings/he-opened-his-eyes-and-it-was-a-starry-starry-night/ in case you want a copy (later he meets rabbit woman, the goddess of praxian rabbits who thinks he's really cool on his hippo and they marry. https://gillieandmarc.com/shop/public-sculpture/hippo-wild-ride/)
  12. Likely Sartar Rising 3, Gathering Thunder, page 61 with pic. Likely called Celestial River Hippo, the other mention of Hippo god is in GRoY, where it's called Hippo God. The only likely difference is in Pamaltela where it's likely called Olmakau or in the style of Basmol/basmoli, Sofal/sofali likely Olmaka (Olmakau is the Massai word for hippo)
  13. This is pretty much how the Peaceful Cut works. It’s near universal, in its gross form you don’t need a different version for each animal type, but in detail/background colour each animal has a different song that is sung/hummed/intoned as the ritual part (which aids efficiency). The sources are many, but the Storm / Earth Pantheon has Ernalda’s Daughter Eiritha (who is Uralda) who’s husband is Waha the butcher. In this respect he’s pretty universal. In Prax Waha actually learns the Peaceful Cut from Foundchild, although this isn’t universally known and learns the songs from the Protectresses. Food Song works pretty much the same way, but has a different emphasis.
  14. It’s exactly as the rules are written on page 415. You’re not rolling against skill plus bonus, just skill, the bonus is added to the roll. In your example you roll D100 and add the bonus to it, then compare it to the 60% skill. IMO excluding the bonus for the skill on the sheet makes experience rolls easier to do.
  15. I totally agree with @PhilHibbs, exclude, I’d like to add spirit and rune magic that alter bonuses, Strength, Odayla rune magic for example.
  16. So to summarise: Horse armour - Yes Insect armour - no High Llama armour -Yes Have we missed any pictures?
  17. Don't forget your High Llama armour: from the Guide https://www.deviantart.com/merlkir/art/GtG-07-Nomads-of-Prax-446564420 For RQG https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kVYk0 and here's a link that contains Gene Days' original from Nomad Gods in 1977, with super single plate
  18. Of course they get the benefit, otherwise it defeats the point of the enchantment. You could never have a spirit armour enchantment you could use when discorperate ( unless you tattoo your soul).
  19. Tattoos are likely, a spirit rune tattoo would be nice. Objects always worn would be sensible, rings, necklace, bangle, earrings, “charm” bracelet, etc. I wouldn’t go with a cloak, that could get lost or stolen. Traditionally people have worn small (tiny) pouches around their necks containing charmed objects. That would also work for me.
  20. Sword and steward, and you’ll do fine. Although others will say different skills hopefully. In my games a lot of the emphasis is on getting a wife. Preferably one with good Churgury.
  21. Using runes as Foci are covered on page 254. And certainly the tools they are going to use the magic on. Death rune for Bladesharp on your sword, Fire rune for Fireblade, etc.
  22. See above, in RQG Peaceful cut is also known as butchery. Other editions may differ.
  23. I use Apple's Pages a lot, I used it for mocking up the character sheets for Pavis and HQG. However for cross compatibility, windows users can only use the web version. It's great for PDFs unless you want distributable source. It does lack the fine control of illustrator, but handles everything else.
  24. This has been a theme in the industry for a long time. Forty years ago the first few issues of White Dwarf wasted (IMO) many pages on the Monstermark system. The last big game I played that had a section on this was Exalted 2ed which had a "Hazard" Level for encounters, this was dropped in third edition (phew). I don't know anyone who ever used any system designed to do what you ask. I'm interested if anyone ever has. I have used the TF calculator in RQ2 as you have, and to honest as a basic comparison it works okay. But you still have to do the maths. Lots of people above have mentioned what they do and here's my take, I've used all of these recently running RQG, they work quickly on the fly: Hand to hand (includes magical enhancement) Wargaming can offer us some good generalisations from CRTs ("Monsters:Players"): 1:4 monsters run, 1:3 pushover (monsters run),1:2 easy 1:1 okay. 2:1 tough, 3:1 deadly, 4:1 dead. Also I don't use individuals as the measure of an opponent, I use number of attacks. As @jajagappa says an opponent with multiple attacks is much more deadly, each attack moves the monster up the scale. Magic usually balances out so I always ignore it. Warriors are also more deadly than non combatant types. They generally have more armour and better skills. That moves them up the scale or the adversary down the scale. Size, bigger opponents have more HP & DB, moves them up the scale. Proactive chaos features also move monster one step up the scale Missile combat Deadly, if one side has none. otherwise as above. --- In encounters in my recent game I balanced this way when fighting warriors: Sorcerer of the Shadow Path (Death magic) 2 opponents (although later he could take on three) Merchant - half an opponent (often dropped) Warrior1 - one opponent Centaur warrior (2 attacks, big), 3 opponents Archer - one opponent Warrior2 - one opponent (3 NPC guards who fought their own single opponent but no dice rolled) total opponents: 8:6, just over 1:1, gave a combat that didn't last too long and gave them all a good change of succeeding, but getting injured. There was always scope to bring on reinforcements or have an attacker die prematurely. In the end it likely comes down to experience in running the game (what ever it is)
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