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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. There are also borderline cases such as Mallia, who has the Chaos rune when worshipped by Broos, but when propitiated doesn't. See Cults of Terror and Cults of Glorantha Gen Con Preview:
  2. The fetch is the part of them present in spirit world. If you look at a comparison of how this works in real world shamanism: Real world shamanism RuneQuest Shamanism Learn to journey to the spirit world. Learn to discorporate Meet a tutelary spirit Take great spirit as a sponsor Learn cultural spirit geography Learn cultural spirit geography Initiation - usually a form of dismemberment by something known to you, your spirit self broken into pieces and reassembled. initiation - split your soul into a Fetch, meet bad man. Learn not to get lost and return from the spirit world. Learn spirit dance We have the issue that in RQ a spell is needed, where RW shaman learn this a first skill. In RQ the initiation ceremony is them doing it without the spell. This is part of the shaman agreeing you are ready. No. The rules are clear that it's one magic skill. Yes, but it can be extended. See Extended Discorporation page 375. Bear in mind that this is an initiation ceremony stage managed by the Horned man and the student's mentor. The rules are different.
  3. I'm basing this on real world shamanism where the preparation is at this kind of length. I have no problem with it being focused on Spirit Dance, it's the first roll of sequence. I would even suggest that the ritual preparation only ends at the first roll with the questions being the final part of the ritual, where the student has learnt a known cultural call and response. If it was the next roll they had to make, I see no problem. This is an initiation ceremony, not a spell casting. Using magic skills as the focus of ritual practice is very different in my mind Real world shaman's assistants may remain that for their whole lives, with no intent of becoming a shaman. I would suggest that an apprenticeship would normally be at least two years even for adventurers. Even then they should be adding their Step 7, Personal Skill Bonuses to their spirit dance. Ultimately it will depend on how preparation you have done for your adventurers for this event and how you want it to run it.
  4. Here you can also augment. Loyalty (mentor), (clan), (tribe), Orate would all be valid. You could also use one of the shamanic skills. The key here is that the Discorporation is automatic. They have learned to do it and that's part of the worthiness test. They no longer need spells or drugs, the problem is that now to return they must use their Spirit Dance skill. Spirit Dance is the critical initiation skill Yes. Generally speaking, I advise starting with a POW of at least 15. I use this for NPCs, who take on average 5 years of apprenticeship before taking the test. The critical skill is Spirit Dance as this what gets you a powerful Fetch. You can do it after a year, and with a ritual bonus get your skill up to 105% (30+75). But what you really want is a special or critical. After 5 years apprenticeship you can have with a ritual bonus 150%, that a 30% chance of a special, etc. The sweet spot for me would be a POW of 20, giving half to the fetch, with a 150% spirit dance roll hoping to get a crit or special. (note that there may be errors in this table) Starting values include those bonuses for Assistant shaman. POW +1 per year Increase chance Average extra POW increase per year Magic Category Bonus Spirit Combat (50%) Spirit Dance (10%) Spirit Lore (20%) Spirit Travel (10%) (21-POW) x5% out of 6 seasonal rolls Based on 15-16 CHA Training @ 15%/yr Training @ 15%/yr Training @ 15%/yr Training @ 15%/yr Year 0 15 30% 2 (30% of 6 = 1.8) 5% 55% 15% 25% 15% Year 1 16 25% 2 (25% of 6 = 1.5) 5% 60% 30% 40% 30% Year 2 17 20% 1 (20% of 6 = 1.2) 10% 75% 50% 60% 50% Year 3 18 15% 1 (15% of 6 = 0.9) 10% Exp. 65% 75% 65% Year 4 19 10% 1 (10% of 6 = 0.6) 10% Exp. 75% 80% 75% Year 5 20 5% 0 (5% of 6 = 0.3) 10% Exp. Exp. 95% Exp. So it's possible with a starting POW of 15 to reach 18 in one year, followed by 20 in the second year, but spirit Dance will only be 50%. I'd suggest ritual practices be done before the ritual starts, preparation of a 4 weeks to season would be normal. With the ritual bonus applying to either the Spirit Dance or Spirit Combat roll. There's no limit now as to how long they can stay Discorporate. The info is pretty clear on page 246: This where the other player guarding the ritual get bored and you have a surprise broo attack. "How much longer is this going to take...", "Are they nearly there yet..."
  5. I'd imagine it's a rare but not unknown occurrence (story hook). Probably started happening after the Moon rise, with the (low) frequency increasing the nearer the lunars got. In Lunar occupied lands, with Seven Mothers converts or just lay members around, It likely happened a few times. I can imagine Jar-eel busting into a few initiation rituals or other Lunar HeroQuesters doing so as a disruptive force. Likely as a particular opponent manifests as a Moon enemy instead of a chaos one (same thing). In that context no, but there's always a black sheep in the family somewhere. I'd only use it as as story hook that the adventurers were part of. It's a term we've used in my group to explain why you have the have the moon rune but aren't a Lunar. Same with characters with high Darkness runes who aren't trolls, it's part of your make-up, but isn't connected (awakened) to a cult. One player called it an unawakened affinity. Which is a mouthful, but does sum it up.
  6. Vasana doesn't have an awakened Moon rune. It's not connected to a moon rune cult, she's not awakened it with a point of POW. Just as in HQG, the moon is a know rune that comprises the building blocks of the world. It's fine amongst the Orlanthi, providing you don't use it actively (as in joining a moon cult).
  7. It's worth reading a bit more about household god/essess. For Ernalda it's likely that they are representations of Ernalda's abilities, and could act as minor protective spirits in their demesne (so Istena wards off the vinegar fly, Sharla prevents the thread from catching), and as it says not everyone has them all. You would likely find their idols in specific places around the house or carved into items: Kesta, in niche in the kitchen. Istena by the spring (likely carved on a rock), well or watching over the beer and wine Sharla carved on a distaff or spindle Berlintha, is likely a sewing basket Mahome, is the hearth fire (all Ernaldans can learn Ignite for free) Arnna, is the carving on the key or a humming bird carving on the box Jera, is a bundle of herbs hanging somewhere or a small caving holding fresh herbs. (representing First Aid and Plant Lore) Roitina, is likely a styised carving of a dancer or Ernalda herself (representing Dance) Beseta and Besanga, are as noted usually depicted as red and grey mares, so perhaps found in the stable or as small carvings (representing Insight (human)) The high priestess of Ernalda likely has them as jewellery or worked in to her clothing. So Beseta and Besanga could be threaded images on an apron. Using them for magical support in the context of an Ernalda ritual makes sense, but beyond Ernalda I would find it difficult to imagine their power beyond as individual goddesses. While Mahome is often a separate goddess, I'm not sure what she would bring to the table for mythic support in a situation where you would be avoiding the use of the seven lighbringers or the thunder brothers. I'm interested in your approach to this.
  8. If you want to see the most important references if you are writing for RQG, see here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/references-for-glorantha-2021/ If you are asking how much of the background material can I use in my game - it depends on the when you set your game and what material could you incorporate. For example I'm sure using the sacred time HeroQuests in a RQG game would work fine, likewise the info on the gods is handy.
  9. Nick's rule of thumb is pretty much what is used a guideline for MD HQG products - 50% of a given clan are adults and 1% are rune levels, including where appropriate, shaman and sorcerers. The answer is likely, however it will depend on what cults are important to the clan. Nick's breakdown is spot on.
  10. Roitina, Thunder Rebels, page 32:
  11. For some reason the Ogre, Broo texts and a few others were missing from the archive, I've corrected this: Broo – What the Broo Shaman Says Broo – What the Sword Broo Says Ogre – Eat Your Enemy in Secret Ogre – What My Father Taught Me The updated zipped file is at the end of the list: What the Priests Say and What my Father told Me
  12. Thanks @Ubblak for your very insightful reminder. At cons there used to be three (seven?) questions that Greg wouldn't answer. I remember what is the secret of the God Learners. Does anyone remember any others? (To be clear I'm not asking for the answers, just the questions).
  13. One note, the GW map is printed slightly smaller than the Chaosium one. This means it doesn't match up with the Dagori Inkarth map in Trollpak (if you haven't tried, they join up).
  14. Given it's Great Sister, I'd suggest generally her gardens in Graclodont, or specifically the gardens of the Sisterhood of New Consciousness, or for otherworldlyness, Mernita.
  15. There's chocolate in the Lunar Empire: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/deneskerva-the-great-sister/
  16. Although vortices are in the spirit world. Though if you want to have them manifest in the Middle World that would be cool.
  17. The Paraxian Hidden Greens have their own spirit world associated with them. It comes and goes with the Hidden Green. I'd image the same for Hidden Castles.
  18. Yes. Yes The Eternal Battle and Hidden Greens are two that spring to mind. There are likely some Orlanth/Air ones that are in the middle air and drift like clouds, or water ones that swirl and drift in rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. Perhaps Beast rune vortices that are a pack of spirit animals or a sky one that an every moving flock of birds.
  19. Not sure where this comes from. Alchemy exists in RQ1.
  20. Borderlands & Beyond (currently in half price sale), page 217 in Plunder: oddly the Issaries Staves aren't one of these (in the sidebar), but come from Greg Stafford's house campaign.
  21. An alchemist is effectively a Merchant, just with specialist goods. Don't forget that the incomes for adventurers is setup with a deficit, so they need another income (adventuring), see Adventurer Income in the Q&A, so an NPC alchemist would have an income of roughly 175L per year. As it's a selling business, we have the Issaries model to follow of 10% of goods = income (Merchant Income, page 425), So to achieve that income, they'd need 1750L of stock, and as per the box, any stored goods are replenished. They're NPCs so no income roll is needed (otherwise it's going to get complicated). If you want a richer alchemist, just increase their income. Guilds are based around cults, so most will be Lhankor Mhy cultists working out of a temple. As the cost of making potions is effectively zero for raw materials, some for mortars, pestles, amphorae, etc, and assuming it's them and their family collecting materials, and the occasional hunter / local / adventurer selling them stuff (weasel toe, musk glands, weird striped flowers). The real cost is time. Let's assume that most selling is on market days and there's one a week. That leaves six days a week finding and making stuff. For NPCs it's not important to know how long everything takes. They just need to make on average 4.5L per market day, unless of course a bunch of rich adventurers comes along... So what is for sale and what are the costs of goods? Cosmetics: see The Market in RQG Dyes and Mordants: see The Market in RQG Non-magical potions: 1L per POT. I use an availability of POT D12-1, the next one is D10-1, D8-1, D6-1, D4-1, with the first zero stopping the progress. The players always get excited about the roll as I get them to do it. For antidotes 2D10-2. These things never keep for more than a season. healing items that just increase the weekly healing rate 5C per point per week (so a +2 healing rate increase would be 1L) I rarely limit what the players are after for MGF, unless I need the alchemist to get them to do a dangerous job for an ingredient. Likewise I think 1750L of stock should cover most common stuff.
  22. The general story is that simply left Dorastor and lived on a farm for 50 years, with his Archons running the proto-empire. See GtG 374.
  23. You have the Guide to Glorantha, Glorantha Sourcebook, and King of Sartar (on sale too!) and read this (from the horse's mouth): https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/references-for-glorantha-2021/
  24. Giant locusts (grasshoppers) description and stats are covered in Trollpak (Classic) in the eight page Industrial Insects section (page 104)
  25. Some of you are no doubt following the latest of the British Museum's Curated Corner. In the latest round, it's best bovine object, which got me thinking about bovine imagery in Glorantha, considering Eirtha, Bisos, BusEnari, BustiBisos, Storm Bull, etc. Post your bovine object, and where it would be found. Most likes wins.
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